Community Notices

Community Notices Aug

SUBMISSIONS RE: FUTURE OF ABBEYFEALE TOWN PARK:  Just a reminder that if you have an interest in the future development of Abbeyfeale Town Park and you would like to have your say then submissions should be made to Gerardine O’Brien, Secretary to the Management Committee before August 15.  Submissions can be sent by post [...]

Community notices 2nd August 2016

PROLOGUE:  After winning a toy at the carnival a father called his five children together to determine who deserved to be given it. He asked them, “Who is the most obedient? Who never talks back to Mom?  Who does everything she says?’ Five small voices answered back, ‘Ok, Dad, you get the toy’.  Duagh church [...]

Community notices 27th July 2016

PROLOGUE:  Don’t let life discourage you, everyone who got where he is had to start where he was.  Richard L. Evans.
BON VOYAGE:  We wish all those who travelled to Cracow to meet the Pope a safe journey and pleasant memories of a once in a lifetime experience.

Community notices 13th July 2016

PROLOGUE: Do not fear life,  as you do not fear the stars or the evening breeze.  We are all here for a purpose and everything happens for a reason.  Lori Hard.
DEATHS:  We offer our sympathy to the family of Michael O’Donnell  whose funeral took place during the week. We also offer sincere sympathies to Mrs. [...]

Community notices 6th July 2016

PROLOGUE:  “The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun.  It’s the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.  Napoleon Hill (1883 – 1970).
DEATH:  Sincere sympathy [...]

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