Community Notices

SAGART Pilgrimage to LOURDES 22nd September 2015

SAGART Pilgrimage To Lourdes
Booking Details on the attached document.

Suicide Awareness

Spot the Signs of Suicide and Save a Life.
Read the attached document for details of the support services available from Pieta House
Spot The Signs – Save a Life

Parkinson’s Awareness Week

Parkinson’s Awareness Week will run from 6th to 11th April, 2015 and as part of this the Mid-West Branch of the Parkinson’s Association will hold a Fundraising Coffee Morning at Bobby Byrne’s Wolfe Tone Bar, O’Connell Avenue, Limerick, on Thursday 9th April next from 10.00am to 12 noon. This is part of our [...]

Migraine Association of Ireland

The Migraine Association of Ireland has arranged a ‘Migraine Information’ seminar to which you and your parishioners are invited.

It will take place in the Clarion Hotel, Limerick City on the evening of Thursday the 9th of April from 7 – 9 pm.

I would be very grateful if you would display the attached poster and draw your parishioners’ attention to it by displaying it, announcing the information at Masses, or perhaps putting it in your parish newsletter.

There is no cost for this event and everyone is welcome, light refreshments will be served on arrival. Should anyone wish to attend call us on 01 894 1280 or email us at [email protected] to register.

Marriage is important – Reflect before you change it’ – 10 March 2015

‘Marriage is important – Reflect before you change it’ – 10 March 2015
Within weeks the people of Ireland will be asked to vote in a referendum that will change the meaning of marriage in the Constitution of Ireland.
Marriage is of fundamental importance for children, mothers and fathers, and society – all of us need to [...]

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