Community Notices

A spectacular collage of the happenings in Abbeyfeale church 2014. Take a minute to reflect on this picture. Please click on the picture to view it in a larger zoom :)

Ara Na Feile Christmas 2014

Ara Na Feile Active Retirement Group
We would like to wish all our members a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and Best Wishes and Good Health for 2015.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 14th January 2015 @ 2pm at the Adult Educational Centre and we look forward to meeting up after the Christmas break.

Annual Christmas Cycle / Walk 2014

Come along for our annual Christmas cycle/walk on 27 December 2014 @ 14:30
Starting @ the Railway bar trailhead Abbeyfeale Co.Limerick where ample parking is available.
Cyclist will do a return cycle to Templeglantine (20km) and walkers a return trip to Kilmorna (6km) with a return time for both groups estimated @ 16:15.
Also refreshments [...]

Mission Prayer

Mission Prayer
Loving Father we ask your blessing on us during our Parish Mission.
Slow us down and make us thoughtful.
Open our hearts through the Holy Spirit to your word and grace.
May this week be for us a week of Blessing and thanksgiving, of reconciliation and renewal
of healing and of peace.
May your love grow among us,
to live [...]

Community notes 27th Oct 2014

PROLOGUE:  “If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.” Lord Chesterfield.
RAMBLING HOUSE; Listowel Rambling House will take place in the Seanchaí Literary Centre on Thursday October 30 from 9.15 pm.  Admission free, tea/coffee served.
NIGHTMARE IN THE PARK:  On Halloween night Friday [...]

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