Reflection – Today’s Thought


The blessing we ask for this season,
aren’t the kind that come wrapped with a bow;
We’re asking for gifts from the heart,
Ones we need and never outgrow.
May we see in these bright decorations.
With their colours  and lights all aglow,
The beauty and wonder of life.
That God’s world  was created to show.
Let the peace and goodwill of this [...]


God has endowed human beings with the capacity to love. It is through love that we fulfill our destiny to act in the likeness of God. From this stems our duty to serve those who need our help to live in security, justice and freedom.

Pope John Paul II

We must understand that in order to love as Jesus does, we must offer to others the gift of ourselves. And it is only in the giving of ourselves through charity, service, and compassion that we can experience true joy.

Thought for the day

“Don’t forget to pray today because God did not forget to wake you up this morning”

Thought for the day

God’s grace within me and God’s strength behind me can over come any hurdle
ahead of me”

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