
Community notices 14th Oct 2021

October 15th, 2021

PROLOGUE:  Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture, will never be believed let alone understood by the masses.  Plato

DEATH:  Sincere sympathy to the family of the late Bridget Murphy, Hill Road whose death occurred recently.  May she rest in peace.

WELL DONE TO U17’S:   Congratulations to our U17 football team who overcame Mungret St. Paul to win the Co. Championship Semi Final. Trailing by a point at half time, 1-03 to 1-02, a super haul of 9 second half points were enough to secure a 5 point win. Galbally will be our opponents in the final following their success against Monaleen in this evening’s other Semi Final. Well Done to all the players and coaches.

LOCAL AUTHOR LAUNCHES NEW BOOK:  A new collection of short stories by Pat McLoughlin has just been released. The title of the book is ‘Just One More Thing’. Multi award winning writer, Donal Ryan, described the stories as “humane, empathetic and blessedly sincere; adding that the collection was a joy to read. The book is available at ‘An Siopa Milslean’ (Mary Flynn’s), Abbeyfeale or online at

COLLECTION: Bishops are asking parishes throughout Ireland to undertake a special Church collection on 6 and 7 November to invite the public to support Trócaire in its work to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in East Africa. Bishops also discussed that in the countries where Trócaire works, less than 5% of the population have been vaccinated for Covid and infection rates are up to 50%.  An additional 200 million people have fallen into poverty globally as a result of the Covid crisis.  Bishops highlighted that wealthier countries, while protecting their most vulnerable citizens, also have a moral responsibility to ensure that the populations of developing countries have equal, rapid and effective access to Covid vaccine coverage. For more on Trócaire’s East Africa appeal see

MENOPAUSE AND ME WEBINAR:  Health and Wellbeing Mid West Community Healthcare invites you to join us for our free webinar.  Speakers on the night: Dr. Cassie McVeigh, GP with a special interest in menopause, perimenopause and HRT.  Nodlaig Moore, Clinical Psychologist.  Charlene Hyland, Women’s Health Physiotherapist.   Members of the Health and Wellbeing Team and women sharing their lived experience of menopause.  This takes place on October 21 from 7-9pm.

GUITAR LESSONS:   with Margaret Carroll will return at the Library Athea shortly.   Enquiries to 087-9395273.

GLÓRACH NEWS:  Our drive-in bingo continues at Abbeyfeale GAA grounds every Sunday at 2pm, Very colourful bingo signage greets visitors to the town from all sides, but for those who might have missed the time on the posters, it’s 2 pm at the GAA grounds in Abbeyfeale every Sunday, whatever the weather.   The concert organised by the West Limerick Mental Health Association was sold out last Sunday night and the talk among the patrons was how comfortable the new heating system and the insulation left the Glórach Auditorium.  Plans to run more concerts and get the venue opened up are very welcome and everyone present at a wonderful night of music and song organised by Donal Murphy enjoyed themselves.

ABBEYFEALE YOUTH  CLUBS:  There have  been youth clubs up and running for the past 16 years, providing an essential service for hundreds of young people. The success of the club is down to the participation of the many parent volunteers who over the years have given their time to the club. Theyouth club is an essential service for our young parishioners, providing an opportunity for them to socialise together in a safe environment. The club leaders are currently planning the reopening of the club, but this can only happen with the support and participation of parent volunteers.  We are now seeking the help of parents of first year, second year and third year students in secondary school. In fact, the club will only reopen when there are sufficient parent volunteers in place. We are coming out of probably one of the most challenging times for young people in our lifetime. For the well-being of our teenagers it is essential that we get the clubs open, so that they can once again experience normal social interaction. We  are still appealing to the relevant parents to help us in this
important work. Do consider volunteering. If you would like further information please contact Noreen on 0872353306 or Fr Tony on 087-2600414. We would ask that grandparents bring the news of this appeal to their children and grandchildren. All Covi-19 requirements will be implemented by the clubs once they are open.

COVID-19: In Abbeyfeale we can accommodate up to 500 people for Mass. For marriage ceremonies the number of people allowed to attend is 100. In order to maintain safety, we suggest that no more than 6 people sit in any one seat. People living in the same household may sit together. Stewards will continue to direct people to seating and we ask you to follow the guidance of the church stewards, so that we don’t have a situation where people are all gathered together in one section of the church and other areas of the building are
empty. Those attending Mass are still required to wear face masks as we are in an enclosed area and all visitors to the church should continue to sanitize their hands.
Windows will remain open for ventilation purposes. As the autumn approaches and the temperatures drop, parishioners are urged to wrap up well. Some seats will remain
closed off to help maintain some distance between people attending Mass. Any person with COVID-19 symptoms should not attend Mass. You should self-isolate and contact your doctor for advice. Now that we have additional capacity we encourage more parishioners to attend Mass in the church.

HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE PETITION: The Season of Creation runs from September 1 (World Day of Prayer for Creation) to October 4 (the feast of St. Francis of Assisi). Amid numerous crises which have shaken our world, the theme this year is “Restoring Our Common Home”. During this season we are asked to join together to celebrate creation and protect our common home through prayer, reflection and action. After the Season of Creation there will be UN meeting on Climate Change in November of world leaders in Scotland (known as COP 26) and another UN Conference of world leaders on Biodiversity is scheduled to take place in China during Spring 2022.
In preparation for these UN meetings a petition known as the Healthy Planet, Healthy People Petition which has been endorsed by the Vatican Department for Integral
Human Development and is now available at for dioceses, parishes, and individuals to sign. It is envisaged that this petition with
signatures will be presented by Pope Francis to the Presidents of these upcoming UN conferences.

UNICEF:  “Get a Vaccine/Give a Vaccine.” It hoped to deliver 2 billion COVID-19 vaccines to the most vulnerable families, in the poorest countries, including Health workers and the most high-risk people on our planet. UNICEF is inviting us to sponsor a present of the Vaccine to those in the Third World. The vaccine is freely accessible to us, and we don’t even have to pay for it. So many in the poorest countries have no access to it. Already, in appreciation of how lucky we are in comparison to them, the cost of almost 2,000,000 vaccines for people in the Third World has been donated.
What a nice way to put into practice the message of the Gospel ; – Of loving one another as He loved us and expressing that love by showing kindness to those who are in
no position to pay us back. If you would like to be part of this there are a few ways;- You can send your donation by post to Freepost, UNICEF Ireland, 33 Lower Ormond
Quay, Dublin D01 R283. By Phone; (01) 878 3000; By Email; [email protected]

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration in the main church every Friday, after the 10.00am Mass – 6.00pm. Entrance through the front door of the church. Please note that when there is a Wedding Mass celebrated on a Friday, adoration will be from 4 to 6.00pm. Pope Paul VI: “Eucharistic adoration extends its influence far beyond the individual adorers, touching their homes and families and reaching out to the parish community and beyond”

DROMTRASNA CHALLENGE:   Saturday October 16 in Aid of Milford Hospice.
Take that step. Walk or Run. Details on facebook. Registration on line on Sunday October 10 at 12 noon.

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WEEKEND, 5th – 7th November 2021 Restore Communication, Renew Commitment and Rekindle Romance. This is an online experience (using Zoom), starting on Friday evening at 8pm and ending on Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm. Details

FILMS: The Kerry International film festival will open on Thursday 14th October with Death of a Ladies’ Man, starring Gabriel Byrne, and will close with the Irish Language feature Foscadh (Shelter), which recently won Best First Feature at the Galway Film Fleadh. There are 15 in-person physical events and 30 online screenings.

EXHIBITION: 17 from the ‘70s – Exhibition of Signed Black & White Photographs of some of North Kerry’s Best Loved Artists by Kieran Moloney, at Kerry Writers’ Museum. Exhibition ends Oct 14th

Photographs will be available to view on after exhibition.

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133. To book a |Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 0668 51915. Mass Intentions: Wednesday 10am Mai Flynn, Main Street 6th Anniversary.
Thursday 10am Helen O’Connor, Knockbrack Lower Knocknagoshel.
Friday 10am Paddy & Vera O’Connell, Purt. Intentions for next weekend:
Saturday 6.30pm Ray Stryker, Kilmanihan. Sunday 10am Teresa Fitzgerald, Dromtrasna.  Sr Anne O’Sullivan, The Hill. Tom & Mary Ann Moloney, The Hill.  Fr Bill Lane & Sr de Pazzi New Street.    Until Saturday, October 16 Funeral Masses held on Saturday mornings will have to be at 10.00am in order to facilitate the Masses for First Communion and Confirmation planned for those Saturdays. Confessions will be heard on Saturday evenings just before the Vigil Mass from 6.00pm to 6.25pm. We return to hearing Confessions in the Confession boxes. Some slight alterations have been made to the boxes to make them safer during the ongoing pandemic. We would ask that parishioners who want to go to Confession follow all safety guidelines by sanitizing their hands when entering the church, wearing a mask and follow the instructions which will be placed on the door of the confession boxes. If anyone would like to celebrate the sacrament outside of the confession box let Fr Tony know and he will make alternative arrangements for you.  October month of the Missions and of the Holy Rosary. During the month of October, we reflect and pray for the mission of the Church throughout the world. We pray for all our missionaries, priests,
religious, lay women and men who have dedicated their lives to spreading the ‘Good News’ of the Gospel around the world. The world is in crisis. In many poorer parishes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America it is overseas missionaries who are on the front line and who are
caring for some of the most vulnerable communities in the world. During this
month we pray for missionaries and we also support them through our
generous financial support. More details of how we can support the missions
will be published in the newsletter next weekend.  Readers List The new list is being organized at the moment. New readers are always welcome.
If interested in taking up this ministry telephone Fr Tony on 087/2600414
Lost property; Two pairs of glasses were left in the seats recently. And a ring with a pink stone. Contact the sacristy. 068/51915
ST JOHN’S THEATRE:  All shows starting at 8pm. Saturday, October 16- Arán Agus Im. Arán & Im is a theatrical performance in which Manchán Magan bakes sourdough bread and more. Details from- St John’s Theatre <[email protected]

CLOVERFIELD DAY CARE CENTRE: Are announcing that the weekly Whist Drives will resume on Tuesday, October 26 at 8.30pm.  All are welcome.

RACHEL’S VINEYARD: Rachel’s Vineyard Ireland reaches out to women and men have been wounded by abortion. It provides an opportunity to obtain healing for anyone who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. Their purpose is to allow the participating women and men an opportunity to explore the ways that abortion has impacted on their lives, to deal with the grief associated with their
losses, to give them reconciliation and peace and thus to reclaim the life-giving and loving aspects of their dignity and faith. If you would like to find out more about Rachel’s Vineyard or about the Healing Weekends, please call Bernadette: 087 859 2877
Email: [email protected] for more information see

LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  Please call 061 446786 and we would be happy to chat to you. We are available from Mon – Thurs 11am-4pm.  Email [email protected]
Protect Your Mental Health
1. CONNECT – Talk, listen, reach out and chat…
2. BE ACTIVE – Walk, cycle, run, garden…
3. TAKE NOTICE – Be mindful and live each day
4. KEEP LEARNING – Grow your mind…
5. GIVE – Volunteer & help someone else…
Call the Samaritans on Free phone: 116 123 Email: [email protected]
AWARE (Depression & Anxiety) Free phone: 1800 80 48 48 Mon – Sunday 10am – 10pm.

HEALTHY LIVING: Athea is promoting the My Mind Matters Initiative which runs from October 10th to October 30th. You are invited to download the MyLife App on your phone and give 30 mins five days a week for walking, running, cycling, yoga etc. and record this activity on the App. If participants collectively record 30,000 days of activity on the MyLife App, Irish Life will donate €10,000 to the Samaritans.

COMMUNITY ALERT: Gardai have issued a warning over bogus callers targeting people by offering to carry out odd jobs at their homes. Members of the force from the Laois and Offaly region issued the alert specifically related to fraudsters wearing hi-vis jackets. They questioned when hi-vis jackets became “invisibility cloaks” when it comes to criminal behaviour.  They warned homeowners, as well as business owners, about strangers offering to carry out trades or services. They said it “seldom works out well” when these people are hired on the basis of the price seeming competitive.Just because someone is wearing a hi-vis jacket, it doesn’t mean they are legitimate tradespeople or are genuine, gardai added. They said: “When did the Hi Viz Jacket become the invisibility cloak?   Only answer the phone if you recognise the number, according to my service provider they are copying numbers that answer and using them to make calls and it will be you footing the bill.  Click on no links either.  If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

JOB OPPORTUNITY:  CENSUS 2022:  A Census of Population will be held on April 3, 2022. The Central Statistics Office requires persons to fill various roles for the duration of the Census.]

.HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. .

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Prayer for Creation

September 24th, 2021

A prayer for the Earth (Martyn Goss, Diocese of Exeter, England)

God our Creator, maker and shaper of all that is, seen and unseen;

You are present in the breath and depth of the whole of creation,

and in the processes that make life possible.

Yet, we are distracted by the gods of the marketplace.

Our lives have become fractured and fragmented.

In our brokenness we disturb

the Earth’s capacity to hold us

Call us back from the brink.

Help us to choose love and not fear,

to change ourselves and not the planet,

to act justly for the sake of the vulnerable,

and to make a difference today for the life tomorrow.

We make this our prayer in your name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,


Community notices 24/09/2021

September 24th, 2021

PROLOGUE:  EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, NOBODY.  This is a story about people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.  There was an important job to be done and Everybody thought Somebody would do it.  Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it.  Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job.  Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody would not do it.  It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

LOCAL AUTHOR LAUNCHES NEW BOOK:  A new collection of short stories by Pat McLoughlin has just been released. The title of the book is ‘Just One More Thing’. Multi award winning writer, Donal Ryan, described the stories as “humane, empathetic and blessedly sincere; adding that the collection was a joy to read. The bod ok is available at ‘An Siopa Milslean’ (Mary Flynn’s), Abbeyfeale or online at  Like Pat’s previous three books all proceeds will be donated to local charities.

COFFEE MORNING:  Thursday, September 30 from 11-4pm at Mary Mc Arthurs house on the road from Dillane’s shop to Mountcollins V94 ND17 in aid of Recovery Haven.

DOG SHOW AT THE PARK:  Sunday, October 3 at 2pm in the Town Park.  12 classes – 12 winners all competing for Best in Show.  Raffle, coffee and goodies from Busy Bean.  Enquiries to 087 27463999.  This is a fundraiser for the Town Park.

COVID-19: In Abbeyfeale we can accommodate up to 500 people for Mass. For marriage ceremonies the number of people allowed to attend is 100. In order to maintain safety, we suggest that no more
than 6 people sit in any one seat. People living in the same household may sit together. Stewards will continue to direct people to seating and we ask you to follow the
guidance of the church stewards, so that we don’t have a situation where people are all gathered together in one section of the church and other areas of the building are
empty. Those attending Mass are still required to wear face masks as we are in an enclosed area and all visitors to the church should continue to sanitize their hands.
Windows will remain open for ventilation purposes. As the autumn approaches and the temperatures drop, parishioners are urged to wrap up well. Some seats will remain
closed off to help maintain some distance between people attending Mass. Any person with COVID-19 symptoms should not attend Mass. You should self-isolate and contact your doctor for advice. Now that we have additional capacity we encourage more parishioners to attend Mass in the church.

MICHEAL HARTNETT POET:   Thank you to James Harnett Undertaker for this very informative piece;  “ On September 18th 2021 we celebrated what would have been the 80th birthday of our late, great poet Michael Hartnett.   Michael Hartnett(1941-1999) is an award winning poet from County Limerick.  Although his parents’ name was Harnett, he was registered in error as Hartnett on his birth certificate. In later life he declined to change this as his legal name was closer to the Irish Ó hAirtnéide.  Michael grew up in a poverty stricken street in Newcastle West Co. Limerick. The eldest of a large family, he has one sister Mary and four brothers William, Denis, Gerard and John.(Two siblings also died as infants). Times were difficult for the Hartnett family, they did however receive some fortune when they moved into a house, in the newly built local authority development Assumpta Park in the 1950s.  Michael spent a part of his childhood living with his native Irish speaking Grandmother Bridget Halpin in the Newcastle West townland of Camas.(She is the subject of Michael’s Poem “Death of an Irishwoman”) .                                                                                                                                 Bridget Halpin was originally from Cahirlane, Abbeyfeale and her family name was Roche. Members of the Roche family still live in Cahirlane. The house in Camas is now owned by Joe Dore, a first cousin of the late poet. Joe was traffic warden in Abbeyfeale for many years.

Bridget also was the first person to tell Michael that he had a poetic vocation. He was educated in the local national and secondary schools in Newcastle West. Hartnett emigrated to England the day after he finished his secondary education and went to work as a tea boy on a building site in London.  Hartnett had started writing by this time and his work came to the attention of the poet John Jordan, who was professor of English at University College Dublin. Jordan invited Hartnett to attend the university for a year. While back in Dublin, he co-edited the literary magazine Arena with James Liddy. He also worked as curator of Joyce’s tower at Sandycove for a time. He returned briefly to London, where he met Rosemary Grantley on 16 May 1965, and they were married on 4 April 1966. His first book, Anatomy of a Cliché, was published by Poetry Ireland in 1968 to critical acclaim and he returned permanently to Ireland that same year.

Back in Dublin, he worked as a night telephonist at the telephone exchange on Exchequer Street. He now entered a productive relationship with New Writers Press, run by Michael Smith and Trevor Joyce. They published his next three books. The first of these was a translation from the Irish, The Old Hag of Beare (1969), followed by Selected Poems (1970) and Tao (1972). This last book was a version of the Chinese Tao Te Ching. His Gypsy Ballads, a version of the Romancero Gitano of Federico Garcia Lorca (1973) was published by the Goldsmith Press.

In 1974 decided to leave Dublin to return to his rural roots and his relationship with the Irish language. He went to live in Templeglantine, just five miles from Newcastle West and worked for a time as a lecturer in creative writing at Thomond College of Education, Limerick.

In his 1975 book A Farewell to English he declared his intention to write only in Irish in the future, describing English as ‘the perfect language to sell pigs in’. A number of volumes in Irish followed: Adharca Broic (1978), An Phurgóid (1983) and Do Nuala: Foighne Chrainn (1984).”

LATIN MASS:   Will be offered on Sunday 26 September at 1 pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass, Tralee by Fr. Martin Hegarty CC.

BEGINNERS WEB DESIGN FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: West Limerick Resources in conjunction with Limerick Local Enterprise Office is offering a free introductory course to WordPress website design to local businesses.  Targeted at those with little or no experience, participants can learn how to create and manage their own simple website.  Course takes place online from 10am – 1pm on September 27 and October 4 & 11. To book a place email [email protected] or phone 069 66295

RACES ON THE SAND: Ballybunion race meeting is on Sunday 26th September beginning at 1.30pm.

BOOK-KEEPING BASICS FOR SMALL BUSINESS START UPS: West Limerick Resources in conjunction with Limerick Local Enterprise Office is offering a free book-keeping basics course to small local businesses. Participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to keep simple and accurate financial records.  Course takes place online over two sessions from 6.30pm – 8.30pm on Tuesday, September 28 and Thursday, September 30. To book a place email [email protected] or phone 087 7669952.

HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE PETITION: The Season of Creation runs from September 1 (World Day of Prayer for Creation) to October 4 (the feast of St. Francis of Assisi). Amid numerous crises which have shaken our world, the theme this year is “Restoring Our Common Home”. During this season we are asked to join together to celebrate creation and protect our common home through prayer, reflection and action. After the Season of Creation there will be UN meeting on Climate Change in November of world leaders in Scotland (known as COP 26) and another UN Conference of world leaders on Biodiversity is scheduled to take place in China during Spring 2022.
In preparation for these UN meetings a petition known as the Healthy Planet, Healthy People Petition which has been endorsed by the Vatican Department for Integral
Human Development and is now available at for dioceses, parishes, and individuals to sign. It is envisaged that this petition with
signatures will be presented by Pope Francis to the Presidents of these upcoming UN conferences.
MOVING On is an employment programme for women, Information morning online from 10.00-12.00 Wednesday, September 22,  contact: Lisa O Flaherty on 087 764 7446 [email protected]. For more information go to: or Instgram / Twitter @movingonkerry

GLÓRACH BINGO:  Drive in Bingo at the GAA Grounds on the Duagh Road every Sunday at 2pm.

WALKING THE BALLYHOURAS:  The 25th Ballyhoura Walking Festival takes place from Friday, October 8 -  Sunday, October 10 in Kilfinane .Further information available from: Ballyhoura Centre, Kilfinane / 063-91300 / [email protected]

UNICEF:  “Get a Vaccine/Give a Vaccine.” It hopes to deliver 2 billion COVID-19 vaccines to the most vulnerable families, in the poorest countries, including Health workers and the most high-risk people on our planet. UNICEF is inviting us to sponsor a present of the Vaccine to those in the Third World. The vaccine is freely accessible to us, and we don’t even have to pay for it. So many in the poorest countries have no access to it. Already, in appreciation of how lucky we are in comparison to them, the cost of almost 2,000,000 vaccines for people in the Third World has been donated.
What a nice way to put into practice the message of the Gospel ; – Of loving one another as He loved us and expressing that love by showing kindness to those who are in
no position to pay us back. If you would like to be part of this there are a few ways;- You can send your donation by post to Freepost, UNICEF Ireland, 33 Lower Ormond
Quay, Dublin D01 R283. By Phone; (01) 878 3000; By Email; [email protected]

ABBEYFEALE YOUTH CLUBS:  Appeal to Parents – Your Parish Youth Clubs needs You
Abbeyfeale Youth Club has been up and running for the past 16 years, providing an essential service for hundreds of young people. The success of the club is down to the participation of the many parent volunteers who over the years have given their time to the club. The
youth club is an essential service for our young parishioners, providing an opportunity for them to socialise together in a safe environment. The club leaders are currently planning the reopening of the club, but this can only happen with the support and participation of parent
volunteers.  We are now seeking the help of parents of first year, second year and
third year students in secondary school. In fact, the club will only reopen when there are sufficient parent volunteers in place. We are coming out of probably one of the most challenging times for young people in our lifetime. For the well-being of our teenagers it is essential that we get the clubs open, so that they can once again experience normal social interaction. This weekend we are appealing to the relevant parents to help us in this
important work. Do consider volunteering. If you would like further information please contact Noreen on 0872353306 or Fr Tony on 087-2600414. We would ask that grandparents bring the news of this appeal to their children and grandchildren. All Covi-19 requirements will be implemented by the clubs once they are open.

TRAILS MAINTENANCE TRAINING:  West Limerick Resources in conjunction with Sports Ireland is offering a three-day (9.30am-4.30pm approx.) trails maintenance course from Wednesday September 29th to Friday October 1st.  Training will consist of one day classroom based instruction followed by two days on site training and will cover a range of topics related to the development and maintenance of local walking tracks and trails. All training will take place in the vicinity of Ashford and is free of charge, but places are limited.  For more information or to register email Suzanne on [email protected]. Funded under the LEADER Programme.

PADRE PIO:   September Devotions Castleisland (3rd Tuesday) Tuesday 21st September at 7.30pm.   Witness by John Greene (formerly of Radio Kerry and Kerry today) Theme –” Tackling depression and how God works in mysterious ways”.  Watch live on

BLACKSMITHING Fair will be held at Ballylongford on the 25th and 26th of September, it will be a family friendly weekend. There will be blacksmithing displays in the Creamery and grounds from Forged in Ireland and guest Blacksmiths, vintage tractors, hand forged and old wares for sale, food and refreshments and roving musicians.

NORTH KERRY, WEST LIMERICK: SMART VILLAGES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES:  This initiative is jointly led by NEWKD and West Limerick Resources in association with KPMG Future Analytics and University College Dublin and addresses the unique challenges facing Ireland’s rural regions by unlocking innovative new solutions for the sustainable growth and development of rural communities within the North Kerry – West Limerick region. The project will involve a combination of detailed data analysis, extensive public consultation and capacity-training workshops will be used to co-produce an integrated development plan for the North Kerry – West Limerick region.  Over the course of the project, the team will seek to engage with communities across Causeway, Ballyduff, Ballybunion, Ballylongford, Tarbert, Duagh , Moyvane, Brosna, Knocknagoshel, Listowel, Ballydonoghue, Lixnaw, Finuge, Abbeyfeale, Turnafulla, Mountcollins, Templeglantine, Athea/Carrigkerry, Glin, Loughill/Ballyhahill, Ardagh and Shanagolden. The project will officially launch with an online event entitled “Co-Developing Smart Villages – Towards Stronger Rural Communities” which will take place over two morning sessions on Thursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration in the main church every Friday, beginning after the 10.00am Mass – 6.00pm. Entrance through the front door of the church. Please note that when there is a Wedding Mass celebrated on a Friday, adoration will be from 4 to 6.00pm. Pope Paul VI: “Eucharistic adoration extends its influence far beyond the individual adorers, touching their homes and families and reaching out to the parish community and beyond”

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133. To book a |Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 0668 51915. Mass Intentions: Thursday 10am Joseph O’Flaherty, Lyreacompane and
Mountmahon.  No Saturday morning Mass 6.30pm Noreen Daly, Ballybehy. Connie & Eilish & Bridget Harnett, Kilconlea Upper. Veronica Doyle, Glenashrone 1st Anniversary.
Terry Morrissey and his grandparents David and Nora and Nan Peggy Horan. Sunday 10am  Mass broadcast on WL102fm. 12noon Daniel Hartigan, NCW 1st Anniversary and his
parents Richard & Hannah late of Colbert Terrace.  On Saturday 25th of September we will celebrate First Communion for the pupils of Scoil Mháthair Dé and of St Mary’s Boys’ school. The first Mass will be at 12noon followed by the second
celebration at 2.00p.m. A rehearsal for parents of the children receiving their First
Holy Communion next weekend will be take place on this Thursday
and Friday evenings at 7.00p.m. Rehearsal Times:St Mary’s Boy’s School in the church on Thursday evening at 7.00pm.  Scoil Mháthair Dé in the church on Friday evening at 7.00p.m.
Tickets for both Masses will be distributed at these meetings. Funeral Masses on Saturday – Mid Sept to Mid Oct. From Saturday 25th of September to Saturday 16th of October Funeral
Masses held on Saturday mornings will have to be at 10.00am in order to facilitate the Masses for First Communion and Confirmation planned for those Saturdays.
COMMUNITY ALERT:  Only answer the phone if you recognise the number, according to my service provider they are copying numbers that answer and using them to make calls and it will be you footing the bill.  Click on no links either.  If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.


Sunday 26th September and Sunday 3rd October, with Mass outdoors, weather permitting.  The full route is a 12km loop, with a shorter 8km option.  Advance booking is essential.  For further information email [email protected] or telephone 0(0353) 71 9861518. Lough Derg Pilgrim Path, Pettigo, Co Donegal.  F94 N289

JOB OPPORTUNITY:  CENSUS 2022:  A Census of Population will be held on April 3, 2022. The Central Statistics Office requires persons to fill various roles for the duration of the Census.]

.HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. .

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community notices 16th Sept 2021

September 17th, 2021

PROLOGUE:  Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it’s dark.  Zen Proverb.

DEATH:  Sincere sympathy to the Moloney family on the recent death of Patsy Moloney, Bantry.  May he rest in peace.

CONGRATULATIONS:Ailish McCarthy and John Riordan who celebrated the sacrament of Marriage here in Abbeyfeale on Friday, September 10.   We wish them every happiness in
their married life together..

MASS FOR FR. JOE:  The 10am Mass on Friday will be celebrated for the late Fr. Joe
Foley, our beloved curate, who died recently.

LITTLE BLUE HEROS:  Congratulations to our community Garda Roger O’Donoghue who was one of a group of Gardai who cycled from Rathkeale to Abbeyfeale as part of a fundraiser for the Garda charity Little Blue Hero’s.  Abbeyfeale Community Alert were delighted to present Garda Superintendant Aileen Magnier with a cheque on their arrival in Abbeyfeale.

LOCAL AUTHOR LAUNCHES NEW BOOK:  A new collection of short stories by Pat McLoughlin has just been released. The title of the book is ‘Just One More Thing’. Multi award winning writer, Donal Ryan, described the stories as “humane, empathetic and blessedly sincere; adding that the collection was a joy to read. The book is available at ‘An Siopa Milslean’ (Mary Flynn’s), Abbeyfeale or online at  Like Pat’s previous three books all proceeds will be donated to local charities.

COVID-19: Change in Restrictions from Monday, September 6 religious ceremonies can take place using 50% of the place of worship’s normal capacity. Here in Abbeyfeale this means that we can accommodate up to 500 people for Mass. For marriage ceremonies the number of people allowed to attend is 100. In order to maintain safety, we suggest that no more
than 6 people sit in any one seat. People living in the same household may sit together. Stewards will continue to direct people to seating and we ask you to follow the
guidance of the church stewards, so that we don’t have a situation where people are all gathered together in one section of the church and other areas of the building are
empty. Those attending Mass are still required to wear face masks as we are in an enclosed area and all visitors to the church should continue to sanitize their hands.
Windows will remain open for ventilation purposes. As the autumn approaches and the temperatures drop, parishioners are urged to wrap up well. Some seats will remain
closed off to help maintain some distance between people attending Mass. Any person with COVID-19 symptoms should not attend Mass. You should self-isolate and contact your doctor for advice. Now that we have additional capacity we encourage more parishioners to attend Mass in the church.  Like Pat’s previous three books all proceeds will be donated to local charities.
HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE PETITION: The Season of Creation runs from September 1 (World Day of Prayer for Creation) to October 4 (the feast of St. Francis of Assisi). Amid numerous crises which have shaken our world, the theme this year is “Restoring Our Common Home”. During this season we are asked to join together to celebrate creation and protect our common home through prayer, reflection and action. After the Season of Creation there will be UN meeting on Climate Change in November of world leaders in Scotland (known as COP 26) and another UN Conference of world leaders on Biodiversity is scheduled to take place in China during Spring 2022.
In preparation for these UN meetings a petition known as the Healthy Planet, Healthy People Petition which has been endorsed by the Vatican Department for Integral
Human Development and is now available at for dioceses, parishes, and individuals to sign. It is envisaged that this petition with
signatures will be presented by Pope Francis to the Presidents of these upcoming UN conferences.

SYMPATHY TO FR. SHOJI:   Parishioners are saddened to hear of the death of Mary Tutti Varghese, mother of Fr Shoji Varghese. Mrs. Varghese died suddenly at her home in Kerala, India, last Sunday. Fr Shoji returned home this week to attend her funeral. We offer our prayerful sympathy to Fr Shoji and to his family. May she rest in peace.

GLÓRACH BINGO:  Great weather again last Sunday for our weekly drive in Bingo at the GAA grounds, with Mary Smith taking up the mantle of calling the numbers.  Thanks to all our patrons for their continued support, and we look forward to seeing you all next Sunday at the usual starting time of 2 pm.

GLÓRACH CONCERT:  For the first time since Daoirí Farrell played here in February 2020, live music made a comeback last Friday at the Glórach with Breaking Trad delivering a memorable gig as part of FealeFest.The venue looked resplendent after the renovations, and our socially distanced crowd (limited to just over 50) couldn’t get over how warm the auditorium was.  With a mixture of polkas, instrumentals and a mixture of a well known songs with their own unique twist, the trio of Niall Murphy, Donal Murphy and Mike Galvin gave a performance for the ages, joined towards the end of the evening by young local musicians including Keavagh O’Donnell, Caoimhe Murphy, Ella Murphy and the Flynn sisters Maria and Emma.  The concert can be viewed on the Glórach Youtube page, and will hopefully be the first of many as we move towards the longer nights of deep Autumn and Winter.  Thanks to all involved, and to the LCETB for their support in making this event possible.

WORKSHOP IN ST. ITA’S:  As part of FealeFest, a workshop was held in the courtyard of St Ita’s Hall on Saturday Afternoon, celebrating the culture and song of the Travelling community.  John Coffey described growing up in Abbeyfeale in the 1970s and ’80s, what a wonderful town he felt it was back then, and the various games played by the Traveller kids on the Clash Road at that time.  John set the scene for a diverse afternoon of entertainment with two fine songs, before the younger generation of the local Traveller community mixed it up with pop, rap and country.  Thanks again to the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board’s Local Creative Youth Partnership for delivering this event and the music workshops held at the Community Education Centre.  Here’s hoping this won’t be a one off event, but rather an annual feature on the Abbeyfeale social calendar.

UNICEF:  “Get a Vaccine/Give a Vaccine.” It hopes to deliver 2 billion COVID-19 vaccines to the most vulnerable families, in the poorest countries, including Health workers and the most high-risk people on our planet. UNICEF is inviting us to sponsor a present of the Vaccine to those in the Third  World. The vaccine is freely accessible to us, and we don’t even have to pay for it. So many in the poorest countries have no access to it. Already, in appreciation of how lucky we are in comparison to them, the cost of almost 2,000,000 vaccines for people in the Third World has been donated.
What a nice way to put into practice the message of the Gospel ; – Of loving one another as He loved us and expressing that love by showing kindness to those who are in
no position to pay us back. If you would like to be part of this there are a few ways;- You can send your donation by post to Freepost, UNICEF Ireland, 33 Lower Ormond
Quay, Dublin D01 R283. By Phone; (01) 878 3000; By Email; [email protected]

FURTHER EDUCATION & TRAINING CENTRE, MOUNTMAHON, ABBEYFEALE (THE OLD TECH):  The following free courses still have some spaces left: Sewing for Beginners, Beginners knitting, Payroll Manual & Computerised (Level 5), Bookkeeping manual and computerised (Level 5), Childcare Level 5, Healthcare Level 5, Sign Language, winter window box gardening, making a podcast, Upcycling Furniture, Local history.  Please call the office on 06831198 for more information, Email: [email protected] or register at

DIP IN THE NIP:  The fundraiser in aid of Recovery Haven will be held on September 18, details from Recovery Haven Tralee 066 7192122.

STORYTELLING: Listowel International Storytelling Festival returns in-person to Listowel from September 17th to 19th.  Now in its 3rd year the festival will feature a packed programme of events including storytelling sessions & workshops, story & history walks, music sessions and children’s storytelling. We are especially thrilled to have acclaimed storyteller Maria Gillen as our Artistic Director for the festival. Our full programme will be available soon, but follow our Social Media pages or visit for updates on special guests and events.

BEGINNERS WEB DESIGN FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: West Limerick Resources in conjunction with Limerick Local Enterprise Office is offering a free introductory course to WordPress website design to local businesses.  Targeted at those with little or no experience, participants can learn how to create and manage their own simple website.  Course takes place online from 10am-1pm on September 27 and October 4 & 11. To book a place email [email protected] or phone 069 66295

TRAILS MAINTENANCE TRAINING:  West Limerick Resources in conjunction with Sports Ireland is offering a three-day (9.30am-4.30pm approx.) trails maintenance course from Wednesday September 29th to Friday October 1st.  Training will consist of one day classroom based instruction followed by two days on site training and will cover a range of topics related to the development and maintenance of local walking tracks and trails. All training will take place in the vicinity of Ashford and is free of charge, but places are limited.  For more information or to register email Suzanne on [email protected]. Funded under the LEADER Programme.

PADRE PIO:   September Devotions Castleisland (3rd Tuesday) Tuesday 21st September at 7.30pm.   Witness by John Greene (formerly of Radio Kerry and Kerry today) Theme –  ” Tackling depression and how God works in mysterious ways”.  Watch live on

BLACKSMITHING Fair will be held at Ballylongford on the 25th and 26th of September, it will be a family friendly weekend.

NORTH KERRY, WEST LIMERICK: SMART VILLAGES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES:  This initiative is jointly led by NEWKD and West Limerick Resources in association with KPMG Future Analytics and University College Dublin and addresses the unique challenges facing Ireland’s rural regions by unlocking innovative new solutions for the sustainable growth and development of rural communities within the North Kerry – West Limerick region. The project will involve a combination of detailed data analysis, extensive public consultation and capacity-training workshops will be used to co-produce an integrated development plan for the North Kerry – West Limerick region.  Over the course of the project, the team will seek to engage with communities across Causeway, Ballyduff, Ballybunion, Ballylongford, Tarbert, Duagh , Moyvane, Brosna, Knocknagoshel, Listowel, Ballydonoghue, Lixnaw, Finuge, Abbeyfeale, Turnafulla, Mountcollins, Templeglantine, Athea/Carrigkerry, Glin, Loughill/Ballyhahill, Ardagh and Shanagolden. The project will officially launch with an online event entitled “Co-Developing Smart Villages – Towards Stronger Rural Communities” which will take place over two morning sessions on Thursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1.

INVITATION:  You are invited to attend Abbeyfeale Community Council AGM on Thursday, September 16 at Fr. Casey’s G.A.A. Clubhouse @7.30 p.m.  ACC has secured the investment of over six hundred thousand euro for our community in the past five years. Projects include The new Business Hub, walkways in Abbeyfeale Town Park, heritage signage, provision of defibrillators and many more. Abbeyfeale is about to undergo momentous changes with the implementation of the new traffic management plan, the development of the Greenway and the proposed Abbeyfeale bypass. Have your voice heard now. Join the ACC – at the heart of Abbeyfeale. Stronger together!will be launched shortly.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration in the main church every Friday, beginning after the 10.00am Mass – 6.00pm. Entrance through the front door of the church. Please note that when there is a Wedding Mass celebrated on a Friday, adoration will be from 4 to 6.00pm.

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133. To book a |Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 0668 51915. Mass Intentions:  Friday 10am  Fr. Joe Foley.  No Saturday morning Mass  Saturday 6.30pm Kieran Curtin, Monareulta, Ballybehy Month Mind.
If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.


Wednesday 15th, Saturday 18th & Sunday 26th September and Sunday 3rd October, with Mass outdoors, weather permitting.  The full route is a 12km loop, with a shorter 8km option.  Advance booking is essential.  For further information email [email protected] or telephone 0(0353) 71 9861518. Lough Derg Pilgrim Path, Pettigo, Co Donegal.  F94 N289

ANAM CARA would like to invite you to join us for an online Bereavement Information and Support Evening taking place Thursday, September 16 at 7pm. This event will give you an opportunity to hear a Bereavement professional talk about the difficult challenges and many milestones grieving a child of any age has on you and your family. If you would like to join us please register here or contact us on [email protected] or 085 288 8888.

JOB OPPORTUNITY:  CENSUS 2022:  A Census of Population will be held on April 3, 2022. The Central Statistics Office requires persons to fill various roles for the duration of the Census.]

.HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. .

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community Notices 9th Sept 2021

September 11th, 2021

PROLOGUE:  Empty pockets never held anyone back.  Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.  Norman Vincent Peale.

CONGRATULATIONS:  Wedding congratulations to Brid O’Rourke and Kieran McCarthy , Mark O’Brien and Shakira McCarthy, Collette Moloney and Shane Stack , Martina Copse and Eamonn Fitzgerald. Marion O’Keeffe and Daniel Angland.  They all celebrated the sacrament of Marriage here in Abbeyfeale over the summer. We wish them every happiness always.

WELL DONE: Leaving Cert student Katie Houlihan, The Hill, daughter of Kathleen and Pat has been chosen as No 8 for under 18’s Munster rugby.

TRIBUTE TO FR. JOE FOLEY:  I found this beautiful tribute to Fr. Joe Foley on the Bruff, Grange Meanus Parish Pastoral Council FB page.  As many readers of this page do not have access to FaceBook  I messaged the Pastoral Council and asked if I could copy it and use it in the column and thankfully they said yes. The piece is entitled; “God loves you and so does Fr Joe.  For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to pluck up what was planted. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance.” Ecclesiastes 3.

The weekend of August 22 was a bittersweet time for many with the news on Friday of the death of Fr Joe Foley at his home in Castletroy and subsequently the outstanding victory of Limerick in the All-Ireland Final on Sunday. Fr Joe’s last wish was that his passing would not interfere with people’s enjoyment of the Final and so his Funeral Mass was celebrated on Saturday evening with prayers said on Sunday morning before burial in Effin cemetery. This was typical of Fr Joe – always thinking ahead, always thinking of others.

Fr Joe was born in Effin on 7th July 1965 to Ann and Sonny Foley and, with his twin sister Kay, was the youngest of 5 children. He did his Leaving Certificate in Kilmallock in 1982 and completed a catering course which won him a scholarship to Galway to study a culinary degree. He worked as a chef in Ireland, London and the US. He had the privilege of cooking for George and Barbara Bush while in Manhattan before returning to Ireland in 1987 to work for the Kerry Group. He entered the Seminary in 1988 and spent a summer in Rome in 1990 where he met Pope John Paul 2. He studied Philosophy & Theology and was ordained in St John’s Cathedral in 1995.

Fr Joe was a mere 56 years of age when he was taken from us. His time came more quickly than expected. It came quietly and very peacefully in the end. In his homily, his great friend Canon Willie Fitzmaurice spoke movingly of the time when he knew that he was not going to be cured “He embraced this final lap of his life with a spirit of courage and determination that was inspiring”. Canon Willie also paid tribute to the graceful dignity & presence of Fr Joe’s mother, Ann and mentioned the special bond that he had with his twin, Kay. In a comparison with the calling of St Peter, “Fr Joe recognized his humility and limitations but placed his great trust in the power of God working through him to transmit his message of love”

In his priestly ministry, Fr Joe spent his first years in Our Lady of Lourdes Parish followed by nearly 17 years in Bruff, moving to Abbeyfeale in 2014. He had the difficult task of celebrating the funeral masses for a young child in each of the last two parishes. His compassionate and forthright nature was particularly evident on both occasions. He did not shy back from asking and answering the hard questions. Quoting from his homilies:

In Grange “This church has seen many sad and tragic funerals, but few can have been as profoundly sad and sorrowful as the funeral which sees us gathered here today. The death of a child in any circumstances is an occasion of great sorrow, but a death that is the result of a freak accident simply beggars our understanding. What kind of a God would allow a young healthy child to be snatched so cruelly from a loving and devoted family? Does he care? Is he there at all? To answer these questions all you have to do is look at the figure of crucified Christ and remember his words on the cross: ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me’?”

In Abbeyfeale: “The death of a child, in any circumstances, is an occasion of great sorrow. We are gathered here this morning to remember Zoe, to say our goodbyes to one who lived a brief, but beautiful life, a life which if today’s attendance tells us anything, touched many. For many the death of a child in such circumstances is almost unspeakable, but I urge people to speak of their sorrow and grief. If we shy away from such things, and remain in silence, then we do a great disservice to Zoe, to her memory and the impact she had on so many people around her. So speak about death, about loss and about the person that Zoe was”

At a packed farewell function for Fr Joe in Bruff in December 2013, Denis Barrett, (now sadly RIP) Chairman of the Presentation Committee said “The speech we make tonight is the one we really don’t want to make, these are the words we wish we didn’t have to say and the presentation of gifts that we wish could have waited a little longer. In the years that he has been here he has shared the joys and sorrows of many families – the joy of baptisms and wedding days, the pain of the death of many elderly and indeed of young people. The extent of his contribution to life in Bruff during his time here can easily be measured by the strength of the many bonds he forged throughout the parish. These bonds will not be easily broken”

Continuing Denis said “There is a feeling of sadness throughout the parish but that grief is really a measure of the great esteem in which Fr. Joe was held by the people of this parish over the past 16 years. However in the midst of the sadness there is also a feeling of acceptance and a very sincere wish that the new appointment being taken up by him will bring him joy, fulfilment and happiness”

Concluding he said “Let us, if we can, think back to when Fr. Joe first started here in Bruff and think of the freshness and the excitement of a new voice and a new approach and say to ourselves that Abbeyfeale will soon be experiencing that same excitement. On behalf of the Bruff Garda District. Superintendent Cunningham described Fr. Foley as “a fantastic priest who had an extraordinary way of dealing with the sick, accident victims and their relatives. He had healing powers”

One of Fr Joe’s favourite places to visit was Howards Bar in Bruff. He went there to relax, watch sports, enjoy the craic but this was also part of his ministry, a place where he reached out to others of all denominations and none. People sought him out if they had a problem, spiritual or otherwise. He was a larger than life person who knew and was known to thousands of people. He was one of those people in life whose company you could enjoy, be parted from, return and take up from where you left off knowing that he was not judgmental but forgiving – a gift that was exemplified by a recent conversation with a member of the family of a parent who was approaching the latter stages of life. This person was an exemplary member of the Church congregation but with extraordinary humility, did not think that he was properly prepared for the next life. This was affecting him greatly but after a conversation with Fr Joe and receiving Absolution, he was mightily relieved which was also a consolation for his wife and family.

Fr Joe was a joyful, faith-filled and dedicated priest. He never experienced depression or despair or if he did he hid it well. As the old country song would say, he walked on the “sunny side” of life. Every year he would go to Lourdes with the Diocesan Pilgrimage. He would encourage/coerce friends and relations to make the trip. In doing so, they were never disappointed as he would look after and entertain them. In putting together these few words, we wish to honor a man who, in the words of Pope Francis, never failed to call us to be saints. We have lost a confessor, a spiritual director, a preacher and a friend. But we have gained an intercessor, an advocate for us at the throne of grace. And we can never lose the example of fervor, holiness and humility he left for us.

However, it was in his care for people that Fr Joe excelled. On one occasion he jumped into the bitterly cold waters at Lough Gur to raise funds for a local man who was left paralysed after falling from a tree. He was especially sought out by people for christenings, weddings and funerals. He dealt with a lot of tragedies during his 25 years as a priest and reached out to many especially the sick and suffering. He consoled people by showing them that the light is better than darkness and hope is better than despair. He would have an intimate knowledge of this as he himself was on the brink of death in 2006.

His management and leadership skills were evident in the way he set up the Parish Lotto which not alone provided funds to reduce the parish debt but also many parish organisations were the beneficiaries of subsidies from the lotto. If there was no winner of the lotto, Fr Joe would announce at the top of his voice “Only one winner …… FR JOE” He was very popular and related well to parents, teachers and pupils in the schools in the parish.

He was greatly respected and appreciated in every place where he served, but more than that, he was loved. He will be missed, not only by his family to whom he was so close and so committed. He will be missed by his brother priests and all his parishioners in the 3 places where he served with such dedication and love. His dedication and generosity, his outgoing personality, his capacity for friendship, his sense of humour and his deep spirituality enabled him to reach out to people old and young, educated or not, rich or poor. May he now hear the words of Jesus: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.’

His family not only inspired his faith but they have also been a particular support to him in the lonely and difficult life of modern Catholic ministry. On behalf of all the people of Bruff, I offer deepest sympathy to his loving mother, Anne, twin sister, Kay, brothers Mike, Pat and John and their families, and to all Fr Joe’s relations and friends, parishioners past and present. May he rest in peace?

Where did our heading for this piece come from? People of Our Lady of Lourdes, Bruff and Abbeyfeale parishes will recognize it. Fr Joe used to sign off his homilies with “Remember, God loves you and so does Fr Joe” and we add “We love you too, Fr Joe” We give thanks to God for the wonderful gift that was Fr Joe.”

ABBEYFEALE CONGRATULATES NEW LEADER OF UK UNITE WORKERS UNION:  Sharon Graham, whose mother Joan emigrated to London from Purt,  has been appointed
General Secretary of the second largest Union in England.  Joan’s brother Michael lives in the home place in Port and her other brother Dan in Cahirhayes.  Sharon was a frequent visitor to Port as a child and Micheal’s wife Sheila was interviewed on BBC4 last Saturday evening telling about their young visitors exploits bringing home the turf. You can listen to the podcast of her story on;

GLÓRACH BINGO:  A great turn out once again for our drive-in Bingo at the Abbeyfeale GAA grounds, with almost perfect weather conditions in place.  Naturally enough, there were a good few enquiries as to when Bingo may be returning to the Glórach Theatre, but until the regulations permit us to operate at full capacity we will be remaining at present in the GAA grounds.  Look forward to seeing you all next Sunday, with the usual starting time of 2 pm.

BREAKING TRAD AT THE GLÓRACH:  One of the few silver linings for us at the Glórach Theatre during the Pandemic was the fact that we were able to get essential works done to the building when it was closed.  This Friday, September 10th, we begin to take tentative steps to reopening our wonderful community Theatre with a performance from the group Breaking Trad as part of Feale Fest.   Featuring our own Donal Murphy, multi-instrumentalist Mike Galvin and fiddle player Niall Murphy, the group make their Glórach Debut with a promise to banish the Covid blues that have beset the music world over the last eighteen months.  Tickets were limited for this event and are sold out but the video of the concert will be streamed free on the Glórach Youtube page on Saturday 11th.  A massive thanks to the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB) for their support for this concert, and to acknowledge the imaginative and creative workshops run under their auspices that will be taking place in Abbeyfeale as part of Feale Fest,

LEADERS NEEDED:  Youth Clubs need Parents/ guardians to commit to set
up this year Youth clubs.  Training provided. Contact Noreen 087/2353306 if willing to help.

BACK TO SCHOOL:  We wish all our children, young people and all school staff members every blessing for the coming school year.

Saturday, September 25 at 12noon Scoil Mháthair Dé.
Saturday, September 25 at 2.00p.m St Mary’s Boy’s School.
Saturday, October 2 at 12noon Meenkilly and Knocknasna schools.
Saturday, October 2 at 2.00p.m. Dromtrasna School.

Confirmation; Saturday, October 9 at 12noon Scoil Mháthair Dé.
Saturday,October 9 at 2.00p.m. St Mary’s Boys School.
Saturday, October 16 at 12noon Meenkilly and Knocknasna schools.
Saturday, October 16 at 2.00p.m. Dromtrasna School

FURTHER EDUCATION & TRAINING CENTRE, MOUNTMAHON, ABBEYFEALE (THE OLD TECH):  The following free courses still have some spaces left: Sewing for Beginners, Beginners knitting, Payroll Manual & Computerised (Level 5), Bookkeeping manual and computerised (Level 5), Childcare Level 5, Healthcare Level 5, Sign Language, winter window box gardening, making a podcast, Upcycling Furniture, Local history.  Please call the office on 06831198 for more information, Email: [email protected] or register at

BALLYHEIGUE PATTERN DAY: Wednesday, September 8, this year Bishop Ray Browne will celebrate Mass in Our Lady’s Well and Grotto, Ballyheigue at 12 noon.  Mass will be streamed live on www. facebook page. In the interests of safety and fairness there will be no congregation present on the day. The Well and Grotto will remain closed for the duration of the Mass and will reopen at 1.30pm after which you are most welcome to come for private prayer.

STAGE SCHOOL:  If you’d like to put your daughter on the stage contact 087 1303325 for details of the school in Ballybunion.

AUTISM CONFERENCE:  C ork Autism Online Conference 2021 – Thriving with Autism. Sunday, October 17. This online conference offers interventions, skills and strategies to support people on the autism spectrum. Suitable for Parents, Families, Caregivers, Autistics, Employers, Educators, Professionals, Agencies, Advocates and anyone with an interest in autism. Visit:

ACCORD FACILITATORS NEEDED:    Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators. Those interested should have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church and the enthusiasm to be part a  team  supporting  couples  who  are  preparing  for  the  Sacrament  of Marriage. Contact Aisling on 01 5053112 or email [email protected]

YOUNG MUSICIAN AWARD:  The Patrick O’Keeffe Traditional Music Festival applications for the inaugural ‘Patrick O’Keeffe Young Musician Award are open to all musicians in the 13 to 23 age bracket. Please note that any videos submitted by minors must be submitted by the child’s parent/guardian and the deadline is Sunday, September 12. Email applications to: [email protected]

DIP IN THE NIP:  The fundraiser in aid of Recovery Haven will be held on September 18, details from Recovery Haven Tralee 066 7192122.

STORYTELLING: Listowel International Storytelling Festival returns in-person to Listowel from September 17th to 19th.  Now in its 3rd year the festival will feature a packed programme of events including storytelling sessions & workshops, story & history walks, music sessions and children’s storytelling. We are especially thrilled to have acclaimed storyteller Maria Gillen as our Artistic Director for the festival. Our full programme will be available soon, but follow our Social Media pages or visit for updates on special guests and events.

PADRE PIO:   September Devotions Castleisland (3rd Tuesday) Tuesday 21st September at 7.30pm.   Witness by John Greene (formerly of Radio Kerry and Kerry today) Theme –  ” Tackling depression and how God works in mysterious ways”.  Watch live on

BLACKSMITHING Fair will be held at Ballylongford on the 25th and 26th of September, it will be a family friendly weekend.

LITTLE BLUE HEROS FUNDRAISER:  Cycle on the Limerick Greenway on Saturday, September 11 in aid of Little Blue Heroes Foundation.  The Garda fundraiser begins at 11am in Rathkeale and finishes in Abbeyfeale between 1 and 3pm.  There will be an Emergency Services Open Family Day at NCW Gaelscoil from 12-3pm (which will be sensory friendly from 11.30 -12).  Donations can be made online at: BlueForLittleBlue Heros.

NORTH KERRY, WEST LIMERICK: SMART VILLAGES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES:  This initiative is jointly led by NEWKD and West Limerick Resources in association with KPMG Future Analytics and University College Dublin and addresses the unique challenges facing Ireland’s rural regions by unlocking innovative new solutions for the sustainable growth and development of rural communities within the North Kerry – West Limerick region. The project will involve a combination of detailed data analysis, extensive public consultation and capacity-training workshops will be used to co-produce an integrated development plan for the North Kerry – West Limerick region.  Over the course of the project, the team will seek to engage with communities across Causeway, Ballyduff, Ballybunion, Ballylongford, Tarbert, Duagh , Moyvane, Brosna, Knocknagoshel, Listowel, Ballydonoghue, Lixnaw, Finuge, Abbeyfeale, Turnafulla, Mountcollins, Templeglantine, Athea/Carrigkerry, Glin, Loughill/Ballyhahill, Ardagh and Shanagolden. The project will officially launch with an online event entitled “Co-Developing Smart Villages – Towards Stronger Rural Communities” which will take place over two morning sessions on Thursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1. A conference programme and registration page will be launched shortly.

INVITATION:  You are invited to attend Abbeyfeale Community Council AGM on Thursday, September 16 at Fr. Casey’s G.A.A. Clubhouse @7.30 p.m.  ACC has secured the investment of over six hundred thousand euro for our community in the past five years. Projects include The new Business Hub, walkways in Abbeyfeale Town Park, heritage signage, provision of defibrillators and many more. Abbeyfeale is about to undergo momentous changes with the implementation of the new traffic management plan, the development of the Greenway and the proposed Abbeyfeale bypass.

Have your voice heard now. Join the ACC – at the heart of Abbeyfeale. Stronger together!

GLÓRACH DRIVE IN BINGO:  Every Sunday at 2pm in the grounds of Fr Casey’s.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration in the main church every Friday, beginning after the 10.00am Mass – 6.00pm. Entrance through the front door of the church. Please note that when there is a Wedding Mass celebrated on a Friday, adoration will be from 4 to 6.00pm.

LIMERICK WOMEN’S MARATHON:  The Virtual Limerick Women’s Marathon will take place on September 25/26.

TRAINING: Cycle Against Suicide are working to train and deploy a network of ‘Community Buddies’ into communities in Kerry and all across Ireland.    The Community Buddy programme is peer to peer support and is centred around a structured but supportive conversation in a safe and non-judgemental space.  It allows an individual to discuss how they are coping or not coping and working with the Buddy to discuss (and co-produce) ways of moving forward to overcome the challenges.  The training to become a Community Buddy is 2 full days or four evenings currently being delivered via zoom.  Full details are available at:

COURSE: Recovery Haven Kerry are starting a six-week course titled ‘Building Better Caregivers’.  This course starts on Tuesday, September 14 and is an online programme for those supporting a loved one with cancer.  If you are interested in this course, please contact Reception on 066 7192122 for more details.

RADIO MARIA:  broadcasts Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Hour etc daily. It has many interesting programmes.. The easiest way to tune in is via the television, Saorview channel 210, (if you go forward one channel from RTE1 you get RTE2, if you go back one from RTE1 you get Radio Maria). There is also a mobile App. For info  visit

ARTS FESTIVAL:  Ballybunion Arts Festival September 9 – 12 will host a diverse programme of Theatre, Poetry, Performance Art, Music, Visual Art & workshops for artists and audiences.  Kerry Writer in Residence Máire Holmes will host an Irish language poetry workshop on September11in Ballybunion Community Centre. More details (

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR ABBEYFEALE TOWN PARK:  A box for donations to help keep Abbeyfeale Town Park open has been affixed to the wall of the public toilets in the park.  A Go Fund Me page has also been set up.  The park which has proved to be such a godsend during the lockdown is struggling because the usual fundraising activities it depends on for support have had to be curtailed.  It is used daily by hundreds of people and takes a lot of upkeep so funds are urgently required.

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133. To book a |Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 0668 51915. Mass Intentions:  Wednesday 10am Tom Fitzgerald, Knocknasna. Thursday 10am Michael O’Sullivan, Colbert Terrace. Friday 10am Fr. Joe Foley RIP.  No Saturday morning Mass,Saturday 6.30pm Jack & Norrie Kelly, Knoknasna and daughters Mary B & Teresa.  Sunday10am Frank Collins Banard. 12noon Maurice O’Flaherty, Rathorna 3rd Anniversary.

JOB OPPORTUNITY:  CENSUS 2022:  A Census of Population will be held on April 3, 2022. The Central Statistics Office requires persons to fill various roles for the duration of the Census.]

COMMUNITY RADIO:  WL102fm are relying on tickets sales for their weekly draw to keep them on air as this is the only fundraiser that they can hold at the minute.  Tickets are available in Kathleen’s Food Store, Convent St., Mikey’s stall in the Square, Moss the Farmers’ and also in the Siopa Nua.

ANAM CARA would like to invite you to join us for an online Bereavement Information and Support Evening taking place Thursday, September 16 at 7pm. This event will give you an opportunity to hear a Bereavement professional talk about the difficult challenges and many milestones grieving a child of any age has on you and your family. If you would like to join us please register here or contact us on [email protected] or 085 288 8888.

COMMUNITY ALERT: Abbeyfeale Community Alert committee will be supporting the Little Blue Heros Fundraiser on the Greenway next Saturday with the Garda charity cycle leaving from Rathkeale at 11am and finishing in Abbeyfeale between 1 -3pm.   Last week tickets went on sale on line for the Listowel Races and my present husband  who has not missed attending the races since his father first took him in 1960  deputised me to buy a ticket for each day that they were available for.  We do not buy normally on line so this was the first time I was using the debit card to make a purchase online and within an hour of making a purchase I had got three phone calls from ‘mar ya’ the Bank to say that there had been fraudulent activity and that I should press button 1 for help.  Each time I dropped the phone and the following morning I started getting emails with the same message – we were going to be cleaned out of funds if I did not do something urgently – .   I am posting about scams on the Community Alert FB page and writing in these notes every week and yet I still got a fright so can fully understand how people do get caught out.  Anyway the moral of the story is do not engage with or reply to any unsolicited messages or calls and to quote the security advice from the banks :  “ We will never email you requesting your online details – call us on Freephone 1800946764 if you suspect someone has got access to your account.”

If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.


11th, Wednesday 15th, Saturday 18th & Sunday 26th September and Sunday 3rd October, with Mass outdoors, weather permitting.  The full route is a 12km loop, with a shorter 8km option.  Advance booking is essential.  For further information email [email protected] or telephone 0(0353) 71 9861518. Lough Derg Pilgrim Path, Pettigo, Co Donegal.  F94 N289

.HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. .

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

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