
Community notices

September 3rd, 2021

PROLOGUE:  Enjoy all you have while pursuing all you want.

GLÓRACH BINGO:  Glorious weather ensured a large turnout at the GAA grounds in Abbeyfeale last Sunday for our weekly drive-in Bingo.  The effervescent Tom Madigan took up the mantle once again of calling out the numbers, and any despondency felt by our Kerry contingent after the match on Saturday quickly receded over the course of a memorable afternoon.  Once again, thanks to all involved who have ensured the safe and smooth running of this event, and to our loyal patrons.  Familiar faces and newcomers all welcome at the usual starting time of 2 pm each Sunday.

PAT FEELEY ON LYRIC FM:  With obvious distractions for many Limerick people over the last few weeks, some may have missed the compilation of some of Pat Feeley’s memorable programmes that appeared on Lyric FM.  If you did, simply go to the RTE Lyric FM Player site; the three programmes broadcast can be accessed under ‘The Lyric Feature’.

WELCOME HOME FR. TIM AND SORRY FOR YOUR TROUBLE!:  Delighted to have Fr. Tim Galvin home from his Mission in South Sudan for a few months but how well Kerry had to lose to Tyrone at the weekend.  The Kilmanahan native will have to pray for Mayo on Saturday week at 5pm and use all his influence with the Man Above to get that curse called off.


The following free courses still have some spaces left: Sewing for Beginners, Beginners knitting, Payroll Manual & Computerised (Level 5), Bookkeeping manual and computerised (Level 5), Childcare Level 5, Healthcare Level 5, Sign Language, Winter window box gardening, making a podcast, Upcycling Furniture, Local history.

Please call the office on 06831198 for more information, Email: [email protected] or register at

ST PIO DEVOTIONS:  Devotions in Listowel every first Friday beginning with Evening Mass at 6.45pm.

BALLYHEIGUE PATTERN DAY:  This year Bishop Ray Browne will celebrate Mass in Our Lady’s Well and Grotto, Ballyheigue on Wednesday, August 8 at 12 noon, Mass will be streamed live on www. facebook page. In the interests of safety and fairness there will be no congregation present on the day. The Well and Grotto will remain closed for the duration of the Mass and will reopen at 1.30pm after which you are most welcome to come for private prayer.

INVITATION:  You are invited to attend Abbeyfeale Community Council AGM on Thursday, September 16 at Fr. Casey’s G.A.A. Clubhouse @7.30 p.m.  ACC has secured the investment of over six hundred thousand euro for our community in the past five years. Projects include The new Business Hub, walkways in Abbeyfeale Town Park, heritage signage, provision of defibrillators and many more. Abbeyfeale is about to undergo momentous changes with the implementation of the new traffic management plan, the development of the Greenway and the proposed Abbeyfeale bypass.

Have your voice heard now. Join the ACC – at the heart of Abbeyfeale. Stronger together!

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration in the main church every Friday, beginning after the 10.00am Mass – 6.00pm. Entrance through the front door of the church. Please note that when there is a Wedding Mass celebrated on a Friday, adoration will be from 4 to 6.00pm.

LIMERICK WOMEN’S MARATHON:  The Virtual Limerick Women’s Marathon will take place on September 25/26.

CHARITY Cycle on the Limerick Greenway on Saturday, September 11 in aid of Little Blue Heroes Foundation.

VEHICLE RUN:   Paudie Fitzmaurice Memorial Vehicle run, begins at the Mart in Castleisland at noon on Sunday, September 5.

TRAINING: Cycle Against Suicide are working to train and deploy a network of ‘Community Buddies’ into communities in Kerry and all across Ireland.    The Community Buddy programme is peer to peer support and is centred around a structured but supportive conversation in a safe and non-judgemental space.  It allows an individual to discuss how they are coping or not coping and working with the Buddy to discuss (and co-produce) ways of moving forward to overcome the challenges.  The training to become a Community Buddy is 2 full days or four evenings currently being delivered via zoom.  Full details are available at:

DIP IN THE NIP:  This unique fundraiser in aid of Recovery Haven will be held on Saturday, September 18 at a secret location.  Registration is vital through Evenbrite, tickets €40 plus booking fee.  Music, entertainment, raffle.  Contact Recovery Haven, Tralee on 066 7192122 for further details.

COURSE: Recovery Haven Kerry are starting a six-week course titled ‘Building Better

Caregivers’.  This course starts on Tuesday, September 14 and is an online

programme for those supporting a loved one with cancer.  If you are interested

in this course, please contact Reception on 066 7192122 for more details.

RADIO MARIA:  broadcasts Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Hour etc daily. It has many interesting programmes.. The easiest way to tune in is via the television, Saorview channel 210, (if you go forward one channel from RTE1 you get RTE2, if you go back one from RTE1 you get Radio Maria). There is also a mobile App. For info  visit

FOOD FAIR: Listowel Food Fair will be held from Thursday, November 4 until Monday, November 8 – Family & Children, Festivals, Food & Drink. Since its inception in 1995, the Listowel Food Fair has continued to develop successfully and is now an established event in the calendar of Kerry festivals.

ARTS FESTIVAL:  Ballybunion Arts Festival September 9 – 12 will host a diverse programme of Theatre, Poetry, Performance Art, Music, Visual Art & workshops for artists and audiences.  Kerry Writer in Residence Máire Holmes will host an Irish language poetry workshop on September11in Ballybunion Community Centre. More details (

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR ABBEYFEALE TOWN PARK:  A box for donations to help keep Abbeyfeale Town Park open has been affixed to the wall of the public toilets in the park.  A Go Fund Me page has also been set up.

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219. Priest on Call during the summer months Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133.  To book a |Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 0668 51915.

COMMUNITY RADIO:  WL102fm are relying on tickets sales for their weekly draw to keep them on air as this is the only fundraiser that they can hold at the minute.  Tickets are available in Kathleen’s Food Store, Convent St., Mikey’s stall in the Square, Moss the Farmers’ and also in the Siopa Nua.  Fr. Tony is very thankful to the volunteers who make it possible to broadcast Mass to the people of West Limerick every Sunday morning at 10am from Abbeyfeale.

BALLYBUNION STAGE SCHOOL:    If you want your children to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, put them on the stage, details from 087 1303 325.

ACCORD FACILITATORS NEEDED:    Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators. Those interested should have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church and the enthusiasm to be part a  team  supporting  couples  who  are  preparing  for  the  Sacrament  of Marriage. Contact Aisling on 01 5053112 or email [email protected]

PATRICK O’KEEFFE YOUNG MUSICIAN AWARD:   Applications are now open to all musicians in the 13 – 23 age bracket. Please note that any videos submitted by minors must be submitted by the child’s parent/guardian and the deadline is Sunday, September 12. Email applications to: [email protected]

STORYTELLING: Listowel International Storytelling Festival returns in-person to Listowel from Friday, September 17 – 19.    Now in its 3rd year the festival will feature a packed programme of events including storytelling sessions & workshops, story & history walks, music sessions and children’s storytelling. We are especially thrilled to have acclaimed storyteller Maria Gillen as our Artistic Director for the festival. Our full programme will be available soon, but follow our Social Media pages or visit for updates on special guests and events.

BALLYLONGFORD BLACKSMITHING FAIR:   A new event will take place in  Ballylongford on the weekend of  Saturday, September 25 and Sunday, September 26 next.  Blacksmithing displays in the Creamery and grounds from Forged in Ireland , hand forged and old wares for sale, food and refreshments on sale and roving musicians.  It will be a family friendly weekend with admission only €5 and under 16’s free.

NOTICE TO PUBLIC: As a result of the Coronavirus, the offices of West Limerick Resources remain closed to the general public.  Staff are available to respond to clients and community groups by email or phone in relation to West Limerick Resources work and projects. Please check our Website on or Facebook on for further updates or contact the main office landline 069 62222 with any queries and you will be directed to the appropriate staff member.

BUGGY BUDDIES: Join our 4-week ‘Walk and Talk’ programme.  A chance to get out and about with babies & toddlers, keep fit and have a chat with other parents, caregivers & expectant mothers.  Starts 11am, Tuesday, September 7, at the Demesne, Newcastle West.  Registration essential.  Contact Stefanie 087 398 2925.

DIGITAL MARKETING PROGRAMME: West Limerick Resources in partnership with West Limerick Tourism are delighted to be able to offer you/your business the opportunity to attend the West Limerick Digital Marketing Training Programme, starting Monday, September 6.  Do you struggle to see a return on your digital marketing activity?  Do you want to know how to streamline processes and get a better return for your time and money?  Register for this free initiative and you will: be able to create a robust integrated digital marketing strategy that will earn you a high return; know what channels are best for your business and be able to use them more effectively; get advice that is specific to your business and your business goals; be able to create digital campaigns using channels that best suit your business and your customers; discover what works by measuring and optimizing social media campaigns; make the businesses website visible to larger audience thanks to Search Engine; optimisation (SEO) techniques; learn by doing – this course is very practical and hands-on.  Please be advised this course is limited to 12 participants as it includes intensive training sessions for you with the trainer. Register today by emailing Elaine at [email protected]

NORTH KERRY, WEST LIMERICK: SMART VILLAGES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES: This initiative is jointly led by NEWKD and West Limerick Resources in association with KPMG Future Analytics and University College Dublin and addresses the unique challenges facing Ireland’s rural regions by unlocking innovative new solutions for the sustainable growth and development of rural communities within the North Kerry – West Limerick region. The project will involve a combination of detailed data analysis, extensive public consultation and capacity-training workshops will be used to co-produce an integrated development plan for the North Kerry – West Limerick region.  Over the course of the project, the team will seek to engage with communities across Causeway, Ballyduff, Ballybunion, Ballylongford, Tarbert, Duagh , Moyvane, Brosna, Knocknagoshel, Listowel, Ballydonoghue, Lixnaw, Finuge, Abbeyfeale, Turnafulla, Mountcollins, Templeglantine, Athea/Carrigkerry, Glin, Loughill/Ballyhahill, Ardagh and Shanagolden. The project will officially launch with an online event entitled “Co-Developing Smart Villages – Towards Stronger Rural Communities” which will take place over two morning sessions on Thursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1. A conference programme and registration page will be launched shortly.

LEADER OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: The LEADER Transition Programme is now open for applications for eligible community and enterprise projects.  Grant aid for capital works is currently available to all at a rate of 75% to a maximum €200,000 however funding is limited and will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. Funding is also available for eligible training and A&D projects.  Please note conventional retail, agriculture, childcare, healthcare and on-going running costs are among the areas ineligible for LEADER funding.  For more information or to discuss your ideas please contact one of our development officers:  Caitriona Scully (Tourism and Food Projects) – [email protected] Elaine Dillon (Community Projects) – [email protected] Suzanne Rowley (Enterprise Projects) – [email protected] Further information on all our activities and projects is available on or check out our Facebook page:

COMMUNITY ALERT:  There is not a day but the phone rings and it’s an automated message urging you to press button 1 or to divulge your PIN number for your bank account or your PPS number. Ignore everything, ring the Garda Station if you are concerned but whatever you do tell your business to no one on the phone. If you’re on Face Book don’t be telling people you’re going on holidays either.  If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger  people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

.HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community notices 13th July 2021

July 13th, 2021

PROLOGUE:  Addiction is giving up Everything for one thing, Recovery is giving up one thing for Everything.

UNVEILING OF PLAQUE:  Former Justice and Foreign Affairs Minister Gerard Collins was the keynote speaker on Sunday morning last at the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the Joy’s Corner Ambush which took place during the Irish War of Independence on June 5, 1921.  The plaque which was sculpted by well known Abbeyfeale stonemason Ruairi Dennison was unveiled jointly by Cllr. Liam Galvin and Cllr. Francis Foley.  The event was attended by public representatives and descendents of the men who carried out the ambush.

BE SUN SMART:  The forecast is for a warm spell and it can’t be emphasised enough that no one should leave the house without adequate sun protection which includes a sun hat, sunglasses, long sleeves and lashings of factor 50 sun screen.

CLASSIC MOVIEPLEX REOPENS:  The Listowel cinema has reopened after 6 months closure and looking forward to welcoming back all their customers.  There are two shows daily – 4.30pm and 8.15pm.  Bookings can be made online on and you can also just turn up but come early.  For further information call 068 22796.  It is an ideal venue to spend some time away from our rainy summer and supporting a local venture at the same time.  Use it or lose it.

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR ABBEYFEALE TOWN PARK:  A box for donations to help keep Abbeyfeale Town Park open has been affixed to the wall of the public toilets in the park.  A Go Fund Me page has also been set up.  The park which has proved to be such a godsend during the lockdown is struggling because the usual fundraising activities it depends on for support have had to be curtailed.  It is used daily by hundreds of people and takes a lot of upkeep so funds are urgently required.

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  Wellness Wednesday – a 30 minute programme on WL102fm and sponsored by the West Limerick Mental Health Association begins on July 14 from 11 -11.30am.

UPDATE ON GLÓRACH BINGO AT FR. CASEY’S:  Next Sunday’s bingo will start at 1.30pm on account of the Limerick/Tipperary match.  The committee who manage the Glorach have said;  “We have been encouraged by your support of our initiative and in association with our partners in the venture, Fr Casey’s GAA Club, whose grounds and facilities we use, and Abbeyfeale District Search & Rescue who provide stewarding for the event, want to state our great appreciation and thanks to you in providing much needed revenue for all three voluntary organisations.  And, as there are plans for further enhancements to the facility when funds permit, our need for continuing streams of revenue is greater than ever as is our need for your support and patronage.  We will continue to host Drive-In Bingo at the GAA grounds in Abbeyfeale every Sunday, until further notice, with a 2pm start.”

BARNAGH GARDENS: A big shout out to Olive and Maurice Sheehan and family who have re-opened Barnagh Gardens to act as a Greenway Hub.  This hub and the restaurant Platform 22 on the top of Barnagh  along the Limerick Greenway offers wonderful food and great views as well as coffee which is the real deal and a menu that showcases food locally sourced in West Limerick – food  such as Rigney’s Farm granola.  You will also find two playgrounds, a shop stocking outdoor clothing andSpindoctors from Mountmahon  with adult hybrid and electric bikes, children’s bikes as well as child seats. Book their bikes online at It’s a great facility for people walking the Greenway, parents with small children to entertain for a couple of hours and those who just want a short walk to the viewing point over several counties, the Barnagh Tunnel or the renovated Station House which can then be the excuse for coffee and cake!

GRAVEYARD CLEANING:  A clean up takes place every Tuesday evening weather permitting at Reilig Ide Naofa from 7-8pm. Families are encouraged to attend to their family graves it would help to keep the graveyards looking as well as they are. Thanks to all the volunteers who look after the three graveyards in the parish.

ST. ITA’S DAY CARE CENTRE: St Ita’s Day Care Centre, Abbeyfeale are now doing Meals on Wheels. If anyone is interested or would like further information please contact Jane/Norma at 068 51850.

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219. Priest on Call during the summer months Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030I. email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068ers -31133.   Mass Intentions:   Wednesday 10am Jim White, Killarney Road. Thursday 10am Special Intention (Operation). No Saturday morning Mass   6.30pm Nora & Patrick Quirke, Ballaugh.  Joe O’Connor Caherhayes and his daughter Michelle 2nd Anniversary.  Sunday 10am Daisy Fealey, Knockbrack 1st Anniversary.  Patrick O’Connor, Mountmahon . Hugh Collins, Dromtrasna Collins 2nd Anniversary.   12noon Nell & Francie Healy and deceased family members. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume here in the parish on Friday, July 23. Adoration will begin after the 10.00am Mass until 6.00pm each Friday. “A Holy Hour of adoration helps bring everlasting peace to your soul and in your family. It brings us personal peace and strength. It brings us a greater love for Jesus, for each other, and for the poor. Every holy hour deepens our union with Him and bears much fruit. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

WORLD DAY FOR GRANDPARENTS AND THE ELDERLY:   Throughout his papacy Pope Francis has reminded us to value the many gifts of our grandparents and elderly and, in recognition of their role, the Holy Father has now instituted an annual World Day into the Church calendar to be celebrated on the Sunday closest to the Feast of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus. The theme chosen for this inaugural year is ‘I am with you always’ (Mt 28:20), highlighting that promise of closeness that generations share with each other. Not only are our young people called to be present in the lives of older people, but so too grandparents and elders have a mission to encourage young people on their faith journey. The First World Day for Grandparents & the Elderly will be celebrated on Sunday, July 25.

CATHOLIC PRIMARY EDUCATION IN THE FUTURE: Following their Summer General Meeting, the Catholic Bishops affirmed their commitment to proactively engaging with the Department of Education in relation to the reconfiguration of patronage of primary schools.  The bishops are supportive of an educational landscape which reflects the reality of the increasingly diverse society in Ireland. A true plurality of patronage across the country should ensure parental choice whilst enabling patrons to be true to their own ethos and characteristic spirit. In a statement the bishops said, “Parents are the first and primary educators of their children. It follows that the State should be responsive to the rights of parents to have their philosophical and religious beliefs supported during their children’s education. One of the great strengths of faith-based primary schools has been their rootedness in local communities. ”The bishops said they would like to move as quickly as possible to a situation in which the State supports parents with the provision of schools whose ethos genuinely reflects what they want for their children. Going forward, the bishops wish to have a fruitful dialogue about the best way of ensuring that our school system reflects a diversity of provision, including provision for parents who want their children educated in a local school with a distinctive catholic ethos.

A MESSAGE FROM FR. TONY:  “Guidance on attending Mass; Since the parish church opened up in May to allow people attend Mass, the numbers attending have increased significantly, especially at weekends. This is good news and very encouraging.  However, we have to ensure that it is safe to do so for everybody. Because of the ongoing restrictions and the expected Delta wave we need to remind parishioners that we are limited in the number of people who can actually attend Mass within the church at any one time. We have a responsibility to follow seriously the guidance of the HSE for the opening of churches. We ask parishioners where possible, to attend Mass during the weekdays, where there is ample room at the moment for additional people to attend Mass, rather than Sunday morning  or Saturday evening. Once the maximum number of people allowed to be within church has been reached, a sign will be placed at the door informing people that the church is full. Parishioners then have the option of attending Mass in their cars and tuning into the church radio 107FM. Holy Communion will be brought to you at Communion time. Stewards are obliged to implement these rules and we ask you to follow the directions of the stewards at all times. Church doors and windows have to remain open at all times to ensure proper ventilation. We appreciate how important  it is for parishioners to be able to attend Mass and to  receive Holy Communion, but in order to be as safe as possible and to ensure that our churches remain open into the future, we all need to do our bit in complying with the requirements at this time.”

REEK SUNDAY: The annual Reek Sunday Pilgrimage on Croagh Patrick, will be going ahead this year in an extended format from Wednesday to Saturday, 1- 31 July. Pilgrims are asked to plan their climb well in advance, and to choose a weekday when Croagh Patrick is quieter. The Reek Pilgrimage normally takes place on the last Sunday in July.

KIRBY ENGINEERING ARE RECRUITING:  THE Limerick-based Kirby Group Engineering is to create 300 jobs as part of a significant expansion to meet demand for its services in Ireland and across Europe. The family-founded, privately owned company said the new jobs will include engineering, commercial, operations and administrative staff, with recruitment for many of these roles already underway.  Kirby has also announced a €2m plan to upgrade its company headquarters on the Raheen Business Park. The construction phase of this expansion is projected to take six months, with the facility expected to be fully operational by the end of 2021.  The company, which was set up in 1964, employs over 1,200 people with 200 new employees joining the company last year.  As part of its new recruitment drive, Kirby said it is looking for almost 100 people to be deployed across its Apprenticeship Scheme and Graduate Programme. (Limerick Post).

YOUTH 2000 SUMMER RETREATS: This year the summer retreats for Youth2000 are back. For the Munster Area there are three retreats happening this summer all during the same weekend from 13th-15th August and they take place in Limerick, Cork and Waterford. Places need to be booked through the Youth2000 office [email protected] or 00353 (0) 1 6753690.

WEEVER FISH:  You are advised to wear footwear on the beach in Ballybunion due to an influx of weever fish which have been known to induce allergic reactions and even anaphylactic shock.

ST. SWITHIN’S DAY:  The feast of St Swithin falls on July 15, for once the forecast is for high pressure and high temperatures so we could be in for 40 days of a good summer please God.

POETRY: Éigse Michael Hartnett begins on Thursday, September 30 in Newcastle West. Website:

ESB: runs a visitor experience in the power station at Ardnacrusha from  May to September each year, with visitor numbers of 10,000 annually.

SPRINGBOARD 2021: 12,000 courses are being provided, details from 1800 303 523.

SCHOLARSHIP available from Danaher McGrath Trust, details from local schools.

VACCINE ETHICS AND EQUITY: Those who have received their full vaccination are encouraged to donate the price of a vaccine to Unicef to enable a person in the Third World to have equal opportunity with those of us lucky enough to live in the First World.

RADIO MARIA: Radio Maria is an Irish Catholic Radio station that has grown in strength and popularity in recent years. It broadcasts Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Hour etc. daily. It has many interesting programmes. Many people tune in to pray with them. The easiest way to tune in is via the television, Saorview channel 210, (if you go forward one channel from RTE1 you get RTE2, if you go back one from RTE1 you get Radio Maria). There is also a mobile App. All details are on their website, RECOVERY HAVEN CANCER SUPPORT: If you or someone you know is in need of support contact 066 7192122.

LOUGH DERG 2021:  Lough Derg regrets that it will not be possible in 2021 to reopen Station Island for the Traditional 3 Day Pilgrimage or even for the autumn programme of Day Retreats. Lough Derg will again offer the opportunity to “Do Lough Derg from wherever you are” on  July 3-5. The outdoor Pilgrimage on the Lough Shore Pilgrim Path will also be available as the summer goes on. Further information from Lough Derg office (0353) 719861518 or

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  WLMHA have a Face Book page open to the public.  Log on and share for news of courses, help lines, inspirational words etc.

COMMUNITY RADIO:  WL102fm are relying on tickets sales for their weekly draw to keep them on air as this is the only fundraiser that they can hold at the minute.  Tickets are available in Kathleen’s Food Store, Convent St., Mikey’s stall in the Square, Moss the Farmers’ and also in the Siopa Nua.

COMMUNITY ALERT: An Garda Síochána are beginning a pilot scheme that will allow members of the public to view on-line photographs of property (lost and stolen) in Garda possession that has yet to be claimed by the owners of that property. Important details to note: Always report stolen property to An Garda Síochána.  Please make a note of your bike’s serial number, and keep it in a place where it can be easily retrieved if necessary. If you are going on holiday and your home is going to be vacant, be mindful of what you post on social media. Even if you have enabled strict privacy settings, your holiday plans could be shared with unscrupulous people: Don’t post status updates about your holidays while you’re still away. Don’t post pictures while you’re away. Respect other people’s privacy, don’t tag others while you and they are on holidays. Avoid posting your upcoming  travel plans, and consider turning off the location sharing setting of your phone’s camera app.  You can see how secure your home is by carrying out the Home Security Checklist Challenge available to download on the Garda Website.  Gardai in Westmeath have recently reported the following:  “There are recent reports to our stations in Westmeath of people being called, from a person purporting to be a Garda and saying they owe money for a criminal fine or that their name and personal details were used by a criminal.  The caller does have certain details of the person being called. They then state that a named Garda will ring from a Garda station number which they do. The scammers can call with what appears to be a valid Garda station number. They ask for your details over the phone and for payment of a fine.”  No Garda will look for payment over the phone.  Gardaí are urging the public to spread the word of fraud prevention as people continue to fall victim to scams on a daily basis. There was a report that someone lost €19,000 to a scam call so no wonder the calls keep on coming, it would take a long time for the rest of us to ‘earn’ that amount tax free.  When the phone rings and it’s a number you don’t recognise answer if you must but do not speak, your voice activates their recorded message and there’s a possibility they are able to record your voice in order to use it in future scams.  On receipt of these communications, the advice of An Garda Síochána is as follows:  Do not engage with the caller. Do not return the call.   Do not follow the automated instructions – Do not press 1 etc.  Never disclose personal or financial information.  Hang up and block the number if possible. Whilst the scammers may change their stories and methods, their goal is always the same – they want to access your sensitive information and get their hands on your money.   If you believe you may have fallen victim to this scam, contact your financial institution and report the matter to local Gardaí.  When you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation..  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

.HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. .

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community notices 7th July 2021

July 8th, 2021

PROLOGUE:  Normality is like a paved road, it’s comfortable to walk on but no flowers can grow.

DEATHS:  Sincere sympathy to Murie Sheehan, Knocknasna daughter of Jerry and Teresa on the death of her husband Anthony Reidy late of Ballyduff, Knocknagoshel son of Donie and Mary.  May he rest in peace.  We also offer sincere sympathy to Ellen Scanlon and family, Knockbrack on the death of her husband Michael whose funeral took place on Tuesday.

A MESSAGE FROM FR. TONY:  “Guidance on attending Mass; Since the parish church opened up in May to allow people attend Mass, the numbers attending have increased significantly, especially at weekends. This is good news and very encouraging.  However, we have to ensure that it is safe to do so for everybody. Because of the ongoing restrictions and the expected Delta wave we need to remind parishioners that we are limited in the number of people who can actually attend Mass within the church at any one time. We have a responsibility to follow seriously the guidance of the HSE for the opening of churches. We ask parishioners where possible, to attend Mass during the weekdays, where there is ample room at the moment for additional people to attend Mass, rather than Sunday morning  or Saturday evening. Once the maximum number of people allowed to be within church has been reached, a sign will be placed at the door informing people that the church is full. Parishioners then have the option of attending Mass in their cars and tuning into the church radio 107FM. Holy Communion will be brought to you at Communion time. Stewards are obliged to implement these rules and we ask you to follow the directions of the stewards at all times. Church doors and windows have to remain open at all times to ensure proper ventilation. We appreciate how important  it is for parishioners to be able to attend Mass and to  receive Holy Communion, but in order to be as safe as possible and to ensure that our churches remain open into the future, we all need to do our bit in complying with the requirements at this time.”

AUDITIONS FOR SIAMSA TÍRÉ:  Children aged between 7 and 12 who are interested in playing Irish music, singing traditional songs, or dancing reels, jigs, and hornpipes, might like to audition for Siamsa Tíre’s National Folk Training Academy.

BEST WISHES to Jimmy Deenihan, former Minister for the diaspora who despite losing his seat continues his work in the community and has just been elected the new chairperson of Munster Technological University based in Tralee.  The Technological University has €2,219,980 in funding to provide 837 places under the Government’s Springboard+ and Human Capital Initiatives for year 2021/2022.

REEK SUNDAY: The annual Reek Sunday Pilgrimage on Croagh Patrick, will be going ahead this year in an extended format from Wednesday to Saturday, 1- 31 July. Pilgrims are asked to plan their climb well in advance, and to choose a weekday when Croagh Patrick is quieter. The Reek Pilgrimage normally takes place on the last Sunday in July.

KIRBY ENGINEERING ARE RECRUITING:  THE Limerick-based Kirby Group Engineering is to create 300 jobs as part of a significant expansion to meet demand for its services in Ireland and across Europe. The family-founded, privately owned company said the new jobs will include engineering, commercial, operations and administrative staff, with recruitment for many of these roles already underway.  Kirby has also announced a €2m plan to upgrade its company headquarters on the Raheen Business Park. The construction phase of this expansion is projected to take six months, with the facility expected to be fully operational by the end of 2021.  The company, which was set up in 1964, employs over 1,200 people with 200 new employees joining the company last year.  As part of its new recruitment drive, Kirby said it is looking for almost 100 people to be deployed across its Apprenticeship Scheme and Graduate Programme. (Limerick Post).

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR ABBEYFEALE TOWN PARK:  A box for donations to help keep Abbeyfeale Town Park open has been affixed to the wall of the public toilets in the park.  A Go Fund Me page has also been set up.  The park which has proved to be such a godsend during the lockdown is struggling because the usual fundraising activities it depends on for support have had to be curtailed.  It is used daily by hundreds of people and takes a lot of upkeep so funds are urgently required.

LEARN CPR:  Go onto the Irish Heart Foundation website and learn how to do CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and maybe if someone collapses you’ll have the skills to save their life.

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  Wellness Wednesday – a 30 minute programme on WL102fm and sponsored by the West Limerick Mental Health Association begins on July 14 from 11 -11.30am.

CAR BOOT SALE:  At the Community Centre NCW next to Aldi and the GAA pitch on Saturday, July 10 from 8.30am – 1pm.  Admission €2.  Stall holders may book by calling 069 69584.  All proceeds to the Community Centre.

GLÓRACH BINGO AT FR. CASEY’S:   “We have been encouraged by your support of our initiative and in association with our partners in the venture, Fr Casey’s GAA Club, whose grounds and facilities we use, and Abbeyfeale District Search & Rescue who provide stewarding for the event, want to state our great appreciation and thanks to you in providing much needed revenue for all three voluntary organisations.  And, as there are plans for further enhancements to the facility when funds permit, our need for continuing streams of revenue is greater than ever as is our need for your support and patronage.  We will continue to host Drive-In Bingo at the GAA grounds in Abbeyfeale every Sunday, until further notice, with a 2pm start.

BARNAGH GARDENS: A big shout out to Olive and Maurice Sheehan and family who have re-opened Barnagh Gardens to act as a Greenway Hub.  This hub and the restaurant Platform 22 on the top of Barnagh  along the Limerick Greenway offers wonderful food and great views as well as coffee which is the real deal and a menu that showcases locally sourced in West Limerick – food  such as @rigneysfarm granola.  You will also find Spindoctors from Mountmahon there with adult hybrid and electric bikes, children’s bikes as well as child seats. Book their bikes online at
·  ·ELDERLY: Bishops have welcomed the introduction by Pope Francis of a new World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly which will be celebrated for the first time this year by the Universal Church on Sunday 25 July.  Mention of Pope Francis reminds me that the poor man is in hospital for  colon surgery at the moment and is making a good recovery.

ST. ITA’S DAY CARE CENTRE: St Ita’s Day Care Centre, Abbeyfeale are now doing Meals on Wheels. If anyone is interested or would like further information please contact Jane/Norma at 068 51850.

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219. Priest on Call during the summer months Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030I. email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133.   No Saturday morning Mass. Wednesday 10am William & Julia Madden. James & John Bennis . Saturday  6.30pm Jeremiah & Bridie Moriarty, The Hill Moss & Lily Colbert New Street. Marie & Michael O’Donnell, Kilconlea Upper.  Sunday 1 12noon Eamon Roche, Riverbrook New Street Month Mind.  Monday July 12 Martin Collins, Glenashrone 2nd Anniversary.   Statement from Bishop Brendan Leahy on deferring First Holy Communion and Confirmation:  In a letter addressing parents and children, teachers and priests, Bishop Leahy said it is with great regret that, following both the email from the Taoiseach’s department on Wednesday and last week’s recommendation from the HSE, it is necessary to defer First Holy Communion and Confirmation ceremonies until further notice. “Due to the uncertainty at the moment regarding the impact of the Delta variant, we have been strongly advised that no ceremonies should be rescheduled until public health advice allows,” Bishop Leahy wrote in the letter. “I deeply regret that we are in this position again of having to defer these special celebrations that you all had committed to and were so looking forward to. Your preparations still stand. “However, I appreciate this is a huge disappointment to all concerned and I would dearly wish if circumstances were different. It is not something we anticipated a number of weeks back when we were requested to defer until after the anticipated post July 5th lifting of restrictions. “But given that the Taoiseach’s request, based on public health advice, has come so quickly following last week’s recommendation from the HSE in the Mid-West, it is clear that there is really no choice but to take this on board.”Bishop Leahy acknowledged the huge inconvenience and disappointment this will be to families. “I also regret the timing and that families have only a matter of days to react ahead of the first scheduled ceremonies next week. While this is very difficult for people to take, we should not ignore warnings given about the substantial threat from the Delta variant and subsequent advice from the Taoiseach’s department relating to this. “If anything, this latest COVID-19 set-back is reminding us all again of our vulnerability. COVID has, indeed, reminded us of many things but, above all, our need to do whatever we can to protect the vulnerable in society. So, it is with a heavy heart that I ask you to accede to the Government’s strong advice to defer,” he concluded.

ESB: runs a visitor experience in the power station at Ardnacrusha from  May to September each year, with visitor numbers of 10,000 annually.

SPRINGBOARD 2021: 12,000 courses are being provided, details from 1800 303 523.

SCHOLARSHIP available from Danaher McGrath Trust, details from local schools.

VACCINE ETHICS AND EQUITY: Those who have received their full vaccination are encouraged to donate the price of a vaccine to Unicef to enable a person in the Third World to have equal opportunity with those of us lucky enough to live in the First World.

RADIO MARIA: Radio Maria is an Irish Catholic Radio station that has grown in strength and popularity in recent years. It broadcasts Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Hour etc. daily. It has many interesting programmes. Many people tune in to pray with them. The easiest way to tune in is via the television, Saorview channel 210, (if you go forward one channel from RTE1 you get RTE2, if you go back one from RTE1 you get Radio Maria). There is also a mobile App. All details are on their website,

DESMOND CASTLE, NCW:   Outdoor tours only. Self-guiding access to ground floor of castle. Limited access to castle banqueting hall.

RECOVERY HAVEN CANCER SUPPORT: If you or someone you know is in need of support contact 066 7192122.

LOUGH DERG 2021:  Lough Derg regrets that it will not be possible in 2021 to reopen Station Island for the Traditional 3 Day Pilgrimage or even for the autumn programme of Day Retreats. Lough Derg will again offer the opportunity to “Do Lough Derg from wherever you are” on  July 3-5. The outdoor Pilgrimage on the Lough Shore Pilgrim Path will also be available as the summer goes on. Further information from Lough Derg office (0353) 719861518 or

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  WLMHA have a Face Book page open to the public.  Log on and share for news of courses, help lines, inspirational words etc.

COMMUNITY RADIO:  WL102fm are relying on tickets sales for their weekly draw to keep them on air as this is the only fundraiser that they can hold at the minute.  Tickets are available in Kathleen’s Food Store, Convent St., Mikey’s stall in the Square, Moss the Farmers’ and also in the Siopa Nua.

COMMUNITY ALERT: If you are going on holiday and your home is going to be vacant, be mindful of what you post on social media. Even if you have enabled strict privacy settings, your holiday plans could be shared with unscrupulous people: Don’t post status updates about your holidays while you’re still away. Don’t post pictures while you’re away. Respect other people’s privacy, don’t tag others while you and they are on holidays. Avoid posting your upcoming  travel plans, and consider turning off the location sharing setting of your phone’s camera app.  You can see how secure your home is by carrying out the Home Security Checklist Challenge available to download on the Garda Website.  Gardai in Westmeath have recently reported the following:  “There are recent reports to our stations in Westmeath of people being called, from a person purporting to be a Garda and saying they owe money for a criminal fine or that their name and personal details were used by a criminal.  The caller does have certain details of the person being called. They then state that a named Garda will ring from a Garda station number which they do. The scammers can call with what appears to be a valid Garda station number. They ask for your details over the phone and for payment of a fine.”  No Garda will look for payment over the phone.  Gardaí are urging the public to spread the word of fraud prevention as people continue to fall victim to scams on a daily basis. There was a report that someone lost €19,000 to a scam call so no wonder the calls keep on coming, it would take a long time for the rest of us to ‘earn’ that amount tax free.  When the phone rings and it’s a number you don’t recognise answer if you must but do not speak, your voice activates their recorded message and there’s a possibility they are able to record your voice in order to use it in future scams.  On receipt of these communications, the advice of An Garda Síochána is as follows:  Do not engage with the caller. Do not return the call.   Do not follow the automated instructions – Do not press 1 etc.  Never disclose personal or financial information.  Hang up and block the number if possible. Whilst the scammers may change their stories and methods, their goal is always the same – they want to access your sensitive information and get their hands on your money.   If you believe you may have fallen victim to this scam, contact your financial institution and report the matter to local Gardaí.  When you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation..  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

.HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. .

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community notices 4th July 2021

July 2nd, 2021

PROLOGUE:  “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain”  Dolly Parton.

DEATHS:  We offer our sympathy to the family of Teresa Riordan, Banard whose funeral took place on Friday last, to the family of William ( Billy) O’Sullivan, Springmount whose funeral took place on Saturday, to the family of Sean Casey, Knocknasna/ England whose funeral will took place on Tuesday.  We also offer sincere sympathy to Cllr. John Sheahan on the unexpected death of his mother Anne Sheahan, Ballyguiltane, Glin whose funeral took place on Saturday. May they rest in peace.

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR ABBEYFEALE TOWN PARK:  A box for donations to help keep Abbeyfeale Town Park open has been affixed to the wall of the public toilets in the park.  A Go Fund Me page has also been set up.  The park which has proved to be such a godsend during the lockdown is struggling because the usual fundraising activities it depends on for support have had to be curtailed.  It is used daily by hundreds of people and takes a lot of upkeep so funds are urgently required.

LEARN CPR:  Go onto the Irish Heart Foundation website and learn how to do CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)  and maybe if someone collapses you’ll have the skills to save their life.

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  Wellness Wednesday – a 30 minute programme on WL102fm and sponsored by the West Limerick Mental Health Association begins on July 14 from 11 -11.30am.

CAR BOOT SALE:  At the Community Centre NCW next to Aldi and the GAA pitch on Saturday, July 10 from 8.30am – 1pm.  Admission €2.  Stall holders may book by calling 069 69584.  All proceeds to the Community Centre. NB  I had it down for Sunday in last week’s notes but  July 10 actually falls on a Saturday.

GLÓRACH, OUR COMMUNITY AND COVID:  Manager of our community theatre John Nelligan writes:  “Where better to start than to tap into the hopes and aspirations that were the foundations for many of President Kennedy’s speeches in dealing with the ramifications generated by Covid.   We accept the need to follow the guidelines, not because they are easy, which is something they’re not, and in so doing we embrace the challenge of making it safe for the citizenry of our Republic to return to as near a normal mode of living as will be possible in this 21st century. It used to be the case that on attaining the age of twenty one, it was deemed that one had come of age; how we should view our planet having come of age, in terms of centuries, is a matter for debate by “the great and the good” among us. That goal of a return to normality will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we, as a Nation, willingly accept and one that we are unwilling to postpone; and inasmuch as “time and tide wait for none”, neither will Covid put on hold its objective of infecting every man, woman and child on the Planet.  Let every virus know, whether it plans to plague us with great or minor ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support our country men and women, to assure the survival and success, of this, our young Republic. The green shoots of normality are beginning to appear, with the successful launch of many pilot events where the public were in attendance, albeit at much reduced capacity. In our own case we have been permitted to host Drive-In Bingo at the GAA Car Park, here in Abbeyfeale and because people are required to remain in their vehicles throughout, there is no upper limit on attendance. We have been encouraged by your support of our initiative and in association with our partners in the venture, Fr Casey’s GAA Club, whose grounds and facilities we use, and Abbeyfeale District Search & Rescue who provide stewarding for the event, want to state our great appreciation and thanks to you in providing much needed revenue for all three voluntary organisations.  In the intervening period, since March 9th of last year, when Glórach held its last event at the Theatre, we have taken the opportunity to carry out a much needed upgrade to the building and the facilities contained within. In short, €120,000 has been spent on improvements, mainly, but not just, insulation, lighting and sound – with €55,000 coming from a grant under The Leader Scheme and the balance of €65,000 being generated from a combination of accumulated funds and a bank loan. And, as there are plans for further enhancements to the facility when funds permit, our need for continuing streams of revenue is greater than ever as is our need for your support and patronage.  We will continue to host Drive-In Bingo at the GAA grounds in Abbeyfeale every Sunday, until further notice, with a 2pm start. And, in association with Fr Casey’s & ADSAR we hope to be the source of a little entertainment and light relief for the foreseeable future. So, having opened with a reference to President Kennedy, I will close with an acknowledgement to President Obama – “Is feidir Linn”.

ELDERLY: Bishops have welcomed the introduction by Pope Francis of a new World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly which will be celebrated for the first time this year by the Universal Church on Sunday 25 July.

ST. ITA’S DAY CARE CENTRE: St Ita’s Day Care Centre, Abbeyfeale are now doing Meals on Wheels. If anyone is interested or would like further information please contact Jane/Norma at 068 51850.

LETTER FROM FR. TONY:  “ The school year is coming to conclusion and we want to wish all the pupils and staff members of our parish schools a very happy and safe holiday. Due to the ongoing pandemic it has been another challenging year for everyone in our school communities. We acknowledge the great work done to ensure that our schools remained open during this difficult period. This could only have been achieved by the collaboration and goodwill of everyone involved. For our 6thclass children, it is the end of their time at primary school. It is a time for them both to look back and give thanks for all that they have learned, for the life-long friends they have made and for the care and guidance of their teachers. They look forward to new schools, new friends and new beginnings in September. We wish them every blessing and success in the years ahead. Thank you to all our teachers and staff member who worked tirelessly throughout the year to meet the needs of all the children entrusted to their care.Thank you to the parents who work with their children, and the school, to support the home-school connection that is vital for pupil success. Thank you to all those parents and guardians who volunteered to assist our schools in so many ways. Your involvement is invaluable. Thanks to all the members of the boards of management for their time, their interest and their management of our parish schools. Finally, we thank our children for always working to the best of their ability throughout the school year. We are confident that they will continue to build upon the knowledge and skills that they acquired this school year. Wishing all of you a wonderful summer filled with blessings and God’s grace. Be safe and enjoy the days ahead of rest and relaxation!!”

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219. Priest on Call during the summer months Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030I.   No Saturday morning Mass.  Priest on Call During the summer months Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030.  Mass Intentions:  Wednesday 10am Mary O’Riordan Purt Yard.  Sunday 10am John Michael Kennelly.  12noon Joe Thompson, Knocknasna. Mary & Tom Flynn.

Trocaire Boxes/ donations can still be handed in to the church during Mass times. Thank you for your very generous contribution so far. The amount sent to Trocaire on your behalf was €12, 490.   Following another update on the easing of Gov / HSE restrictions around Covid-19, the Church of the Assumption can now accept up to 130 people attending Masses only and up to 50 attending Weddings and Funerals. Stewards will direct you to hand-sanitising stations and then to your seat. Seats will be clearly marked. Stewards will also direct you to Holy Communion.  For those who wish to stay in their cars in the Church Car Park, Mass will be broadcast on 107fm.  For the time being we are suggesting that people come to Mass just once a week in order to allow everyone in the Parish the chance to attend Mass.  The two metre social distancing rule still applies. The seats will be clearly marked. Three individual people from different households to a seat. Families from the same household may sit together. The stewards will direct you to Holy Communion and at the end of Mass we are asking people to exit the church gradually and safely. Should the church be filled parishioners will be able to hear Mass in the car park through the Car Park Radio. Tune your car radio to 107FM. For Holy Communion we ask you to remain in your car and Holy Communion will be brought to you. The church will need to be cleaned thoroughly after each time that it is used. The cleaning of the building after each Mass is essential to maintain safety and prevent the spread of the virus. Please use sanitiser, available at entrances and exits to the church· Social Distancing must be adhered to at all times and please wear your mask for added safety.   The Church will be divided into ‘pods’ (of no more than 50 persons in each), giving us welcome extra capacity· Each Section has its own entrance / exit route with strictly no movements between ‘pods’,   It is the ‘law of the land’, so please do not exceed or ask for exception. The current Mass schedule will remain in place for the summer months.

Funerals:  Following Government advice and HSE guidelines regarding public gatherings all funeral are private to family only. In compliance with the current HSE guidelines the number attending a funeral Mass is currently limited to fifty people. People who come to pay their respects in the car park or the cemetery are reminded not to shake hands with the bereaved.

Priest on Call During the summer months Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030.  Postponement of the Celebration of Confirmation & First Holy Communion.  There is great disappointment in the parish this week following the decision to postpone the celebration of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Earlier this week the Department of Public Health Mid-West, Health Service Executive, strongly advised parishes to postpone the celebration of Confirmation and First Communion until September. The HSE indicated the reasons for this recommendation are: 1) the rate of infection is still high; 2) a lot of parents will not have been vaccinated; 3) a lot of queries asking for their recommendation. A spokesperson for the HSE told the Limerick Leader this week that “While we are confident that churches and places of worship have been generally safe environments within the parameters of Public Health guidelines, indoor gatherings and celebrations traditionally associated with Communions and Confirmations are considered high-risk settings for those who are unvaccinated,” There is also concern that the situation will become more serious still with the Delta variant and who knows what might happen next week regarding the easing of restrictions for July 5th. We will keep the situation under review and please God come September we will be in a much safer position to celebrate the sacraments. Meanwhile we encourage parents to continue to pray with their children and to bring them to Mass during the summer holidays. We acknowledge the huge amount of work done by teachers and parents in preparing the children for our ceremonies in July. This work will stand to the children when we do get to celebrate the sacraments in the autumn.

CYCLING; Seán Kelly has launched the four-day Tour across Munster,  the marathon journey will commence on August 5. Now in its 21st year, the event will raise funds for the Munster branches of Down Syndrome Ireland.

REEK SUNDAY: The annual Reek Sunday Pilgrimage on Croagh Patrick, will be going ahead this year in an extended format from Wednesday to Saturday, 1- 31 July. Pilgrims are asked to plan their climb well in advance, and to choose a weekday when Croagh Patrick is quieter. The Reek Pilgrimage normally takes place on the last Sunday in July.

ESB runs a visitor experience in the power station at Ardnacrusha from  May to September each year, with visitor numbers of 10,000 annually.

SPRINGBOARD 2021: 12,000 courses are being provided, details from 1800 303 523.

MUNSTER Technological University has €2,219,980 in funding to provide 837 places under the Government’s Springboard+ and Human Capital Initiatives for year 2021/2022.

SCHOLARSHIP available from Danaher McGrath Trust, details from  local  schools.

VACCINE ETHICS AND EQUITY: Those who have received their full vaccination are encouraged to donate the price of a vaccine to Unicef to enable a person in the Third World to have equal opportunity with those of us lucky enough to live in the First World.

Community notices 25th June 2021

June 25th, 2021

PROLOGUE:   “There’s no such thing as bad weather only inappropriate clothing.  Alfred Wainwright.

PADRE PIO:  June Devotions Castleisland on Tuesday, June 29 at 7.30pm. Witness will be given by Amanda Devine who is the senior Padre Pio Tour Guide, based in San Giovanni Rotondo. Amanda walks in the footprints of Padre Pio every day.

FLEADHFEST LUIMNIGH 2021:  It was premiered over the June Bank Holiday in three separate episodes, each about 50 minutes long.

On Friday the first episode was broadcast on the special Comhaltas channel on YouTube. Episode one featured a welcome address from the current Mayor of Limerick, Cllr. Michael Collins and material submitted by CCÉ Áth an tSléibhe (Athea), CCÉ Baile Dhá Thuile (Ballyhahill), CCÉ Ballyhoura (Kilfinane) and CCÉ Garraí Eoin (Garryowen).

For those that missed these programmes at the weekend, they will continue to be available on the Comhaltas YouTube channel at

ELDERLY: Bishops have welcomed the introduction by Pope Francis of a new World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly which will be celebrated for the first time this year by the Universal Church on Sunday 25 July.

LATIN: Mass will be offered on Sunday 27 June 2021 at 12.30pm at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass, Tralee, V92 DX62, by Fr. Martin Hegarty CC.

CAR BOOT SALE:  At the Community Centre NCW next to Aldi and the GAA pitch on Sunday, July 10 from 8.30am – 1pm.  Admission €2.  Stall holders may book by calling 069 69584.  All proceeds to the Community Centre.

RTÉ BROADCAST IN ST MARY’S CATHEDRAL:  This Thursday, June 24 Mass will be broadcast on RTÉ 1 at 10.30am.

GLÓRACH BINGO:  Drive-In Bingo is one of the few outdoor events that can take place without an upper limit on attendance.  People are asked to remain in their vehicles throughout the afternoon, with the clubhouse remaining closed other than for toilet access.  Although, on-line bingo had been a feature during lock-down, all present agreed that you can’t beat the Real McCoy for fun, frivolity and some folding cash for the lucky winners, of which there were aplenty given that a total €3,150 was paid out to those lucky enough to have their numbers called.

So, cancel all other engagements and turn up this Sunday, June 27 at 2pm to the GAA Car Park in Abbeyfeale to be in with a chance of winning some of the minimum prize money of €3,150.  You won’t get a better offer and IT COULD BE YOU!

ST. ITA’S DAY CARE CENTRE: St Ita’s Day Care Centre, Abbeyfeale are now doing Meals on Wheels. If anyone is interested or would like further information please contact Jane/Norma at 068 51850.

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219. Priest on Call during the summer months Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030I.   No Saturday morning Mass.  Intentions for next weekend 6.30pm Ann Cullinane, Killarney Road 1st Anniversary.  Sunday10am Richard Gleeson, Kilconlea Lower.  Gerard Cotter, New Street 1st. Anniversary.  12noon Denny Murphy, Glenashrone 50th Anniversary.  Brian McAleer.  David Leahy & Rebecca Leahy &Mick Collins and Maurice Griffin.   St Anthony’s Novena each Monday evening during the 7pm Mass. Confirmation and First Communion:   Both Sacraments will be celebrated here in the parish on the week of July 5 – 8. There will be two ceremonies each day and a rehearsal with the children and their parents each evening. As a result, the main church will be closed to all other parishioners from the evening of the July 4 – 9.  Parishioners are encouraged to join in the ceremonies through the Church Services TV Network or through the Church Radio on 107FM. The Church will reopen to all parishioners for 10.00a.m. Mass on Friday, July 9. The dates and times are as follows:  Monday July 5. Meenkilly/Knocknasna. Confirmation 12.00noon. First Communion 2.30p.m.Tuesday 6. Dromtrasna. Confirmation 12.00noon. First Communion 2.30p.m.Wednesday 7. Scoil Mháthar Dé. Confirmation 12.00noon. First Communion 2.30p.m. Thursday 8. St Mary’s Boys. Confirmation 12.00noon. First Communion 2.30p.m.  Should there be a funeral that week it will be held at 10am.

Trocaire Boxes/ donations can still be handed in to the church during Mass times. Thank you for your very generous contribution so far. The amount sent to Trocaire on your behalf was €12, 490.  CHY4 forms Revenue rebate scheme.  We are completing the 2020 Chy4 forms at the moment. Parishioners who received one and are thinking of signing would be greatly appreciated. Post it to Fr Tony.  Last year the parish received over €20,000 from the revenue through this system at no extra cost to the parish.  Sincere thanks to parishioners who continue to support the church through their weekly offerings. Your weekly contributions enable us to keep the parish functioning and we are grateful for that. As well as using the weekly envelopes, parishioners can also use the DONATE button on the parish website An increasing number of parishioners are opting to use this electronic donating system. It is a completely secure and confidential method of supporting the church.  Following another update on the easing of Gov / HSE restrictions around Covid-19, the Church of the Assumption can now accept up to 130 people attending Masses only and up to 50 attending Weddings and Funerals. Stewards will direct you to hand-sanitising stations and then to your seat. Seats will be clearly marked. Stewards will also direct you to Holy Communion.  For those who wish to stay in their cars in the Church Car Park, Mass will be broadcast on 107fm.  For the time being we are suggesting that people come to Mass just once a week in order to allow everyone in the Parish the chance to attend Mass.  The two metre social distancing rule still applies. The seats will be clearly marked. Three individual people from different households to a seat. Families from the same household may sit together. The stewards will direct you to Holy Communion and at the end of Mass we are asking people to exit the church gradually and safely. Should the church be filled parishioners will be able to hear Mass in the car park through the Car Park Radio. Tune your car radio to 107FM. For Holy Communion we ask you to remain in your car and Holy Communion will be brought to you. The church will need to be cleaned thoroughly after each time that it is used. The cleaning of the building after each Mass is essential to maintain safety and prevent the spread of the virus. Please use sanitiser, available at entrances and exits to the church· Social Distancing must be adhered to at all times and please wear your mask for added safety.   The Church will be divided into ‘pods’ (of no more than 50 persons in each), giving us welcome extra capacity· Each Section has its own entrance / exit route with strictly no movements between ‘pods’,   It is the ‘law of the land’, so please do not exceed or ask for exception. The current Mass schedule will remain in place for the summer months.

Funerals:  Following Government advice and HSE guidelines regarding public gatherings all funeral are private to family only. In compliance with the current HSE guidelines the number attending a funeral Mass is currently limited to fifty people. People who come to pay their respects in the car park or the cemetery are reminded not to shake hands with the bereaved.

VACCINE ETHICS AND EQUITY:Bishops have encouraged Catholics to support the programme of vaccination, not only for their own good, but for the protection of life and the health of those who are vulnerable. In renewing that message, bishops acknowledged the hard work that has been done in both jurisdictions in Ireland to implement the Covid-19 vaccination programme and offered their appreciation to all who have been involved in the process. It was also noted that many people have expressed their appreciation of the professionalism and courtesy that they have experienced at the vaccination centres.  Recognising the urgent need to address the huge shortfall of vaccine supply to developing countries, bishops welcomed commitments made by the G7 group of nations, during its meeting June 11-13, to make large quantities of COVID-19 vaccines available to developing countries and by the EU to support the expansion of vaccine production in Africa. While the quantity offered is in no way adequate, bishops stated that vaccine equity is a very serious moral test for the global community.

VIATORES CHRISTI: A faith-based development organisation have launched an online discussion forum.  Free for everyone to join and to become a volunteer.  To learn more visit

DESMOND CASTLE, NCW:   Outdoor tours only. Self-guiding access to ground floor of castle. Limited access to castle banqueting hall.

AUTISM ONLINE CONFERENCE 2021:– Thriving with Autism:  This online conference offers interventions, skills and strategies to support people on the autism spectrum.  Suitable for parents, families, caregivers, autistics, employers, educators, professionals, agencies, advocates and anyone with an interest in autism.  Visit

RURAL REGENERATION:  The purpose of the fund is to support job creation in rural areas, address de-population of rural communities and support improvements in our towns and villages with a population of less than 10,000, and outlying areas.
Please be advised that the third Call for Category 2 applications to the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund is now open which relates to project development and enabling initiatives. The deadline for applications is July 16.   For more information contact West Limerick Resources.

RECOVERY HAVEN CANCER SUPPORT: If you or someone you know is in need of support contact  066 7192122.

LOUGH DERG 2021: Lough Derg regrets that it will not be possible in 2021 to reopen Station Island for the Traditional 3 Day Pilgrimage or even for the autumn programme of Day Retreats. Lough Derg will again offer the opportunity to“ Do Lough Derg from wherever you are” on  July 3-5. The outdoor Pilgrimage on the Lough Shore Pilgrim Path will also be available as the summer goes on. Further information from Lough Derg office (0353) 719861518 or

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  WLMHA have a Face Book page open to the public.  Log on and share for news of courses, help lines, inspirational words etc.

COMMUNITY RADIO:  WL102fm are relying on tickets sales for their weekly draw to keep them on air as this is the only fundraiser that they can hold at the minute.  Tickets are available in Kathleen’s Food Store, Convent St., Mikey’s stall in the Square, Moss the Farmers’ and also in the Siopa Nua.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Fraud Prevention Advice – Automated Phone Calls concerning PPS Numbers.Gardaí are urging the public to spread the word of fraud prevention as people continue to fall victim to scams on a daily basis.  In recent days Gardaí have received reports  relating to automated scam phone calls. The recipient is called and advised via a recorded message that An Garda Síochána is investigating them in relation to suspicious activity linked to their PPS number. In order to rectify the situation the recipient is then advised to press a number to speak to someone further in relation to the matter.  These scam calls are mainly coming from numbers with the 087 prefix.  On receipt of these communications, the advice of An Garda Síochána is as follows:  Do not engage with the caller. Do not return the call.   Do not follow the automated instructions – Do not press 1 etc.  Never disclose personal or financial information.  Hang up and block the number if possibleWhilst the scammers may change their stories and methods, their goal is always the same – they want to access your sensitive information and get their hands on your money.   If you believe you may have fallen victim to this scam, contact your financial institution and report the matter to local Gardaí.  Last week marks the relaunch of the Bike Safe Programme, a Roads Safety initiative being run by An Garda Síochána that is specifically aimed at motorcyclists. It is an initiative conducted by many European Police Services to promote road safety, enable motorcyclists to become safer, more competent and confident riders and encourage progression to accredited post-test training.   The programme offers a workshop on topics such as hazard awareness and an on the road assessment ride accompanied by an Advanced Garda Motorcyclist. The workshops are open to all motorcyclists holding a full motorcycle driving licence and are free of charge. BikeSafe will be beneficial to experienced bikers and those returning to motorcycling after a few years’ absence but especially useful for those who have only recently passed their test.  BikeSafe will be run as a pilot scheme from June to September 2021 by Roads Policing Division, Dublin Castle. There will be limited places available to 100 participants over this time. It is envisaged should the pilot be successful that the initiative will be rolled out nationwide in 2022.  Further information and application forms are available online at Applications can be submitted by email to [email protected].  For more information on the Bike Safe Programme watch:

When you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation..  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

.HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. .

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

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