
Community notices 26th May

May 26th, 2020

PROLOGUE:  The consideration that human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected will always continue to prompt me to promote the progress of the former, by inculcating the practice of the latter.”

George Washington

DEATHS:  Sincere sympathy is offered to the family of the late St. Laboure Sheehy Mercy Sisters, Tralee and formerly of Duagh and also to the wife and family of the late Micheal Horgan, Duagh.  May they rest in peace.

.FARMERS’ MARKET REOPENS:  The weekly market has returned to the small square from 9-1pm every Friday.  We look forward to your continued support.

FACE MASKS:  Kathleen Quinn has made face masks which were donated to local nursing homes.  She has a selection available for sale so contact her on 087 2802704.

LOCAL STORIES: Know your 5K is a new initiative from the Heritage Council and National Museum of Ireland. What people see in the vicinity of their own locality. Share insights about the hidden heritage found in peoples own homes, more information about Know Your 5K at

CHURCH OPENS ITS DOORS:  Abbeyfeale Blessed Sacrament Church is open every day of the week from 11am to 6pm.  Visitors should enter the Church through the door to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. on the left hand side of the building. The main church building remains closed to visitors until further notice.  We encourage parishioners to make short visits and to observe the required social distancing.

REEK SUNDAY: Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam has announced the cancellation of this year’s Reek Sunday pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick on account of Covid-19 health concerns. Archbishop Neary will celebrate the vigil Mass in Westport on Saturday 25 July at 6:30pm for the intentions of all who intended to make the pilgrimage. Prayer intentions can be emailed at any time to [email protected] or by post to Westport Parish, Co Mayo. This Mass will be live-streamed on the parish Facebook page ‘St Marys Church Westport’

TROCAIRE COLLECTION: This year’s Lenten Trocaire Collection will be taken up on Sunday, May 31. Parishioners will be able to drop in their contribution to Trocaire at the Blessed Sacrament Church from 2 – 6pm.  Where possible parishioners should use notes rather than coin and use an envelope rather than using the Trocaire Box.  If parishioners wish to give in their Weekly Offering Envelope or Easter Dues to the church, they can avail of this opportunity to do so. Parishioners also have the option of sending their donation directly to Trocaire.

CULTURE NIGHT 2020: The organisers of the annual culture night have been contacted by the national organisers to say that they “are working toward presenting a re-imagined version of the Culture night programme on Friday 18 September 2021 to build cultural experiences for on-line audiences showcasing their work through new channels”

FARMERS: Teagasc has set up a telephone helpline to assist farmers with questions concerning the current Covid -19 virus. It will offer advice on a range of issues that the farming community face, as they continue to do their essential work in maintaining the food supply around the farmyard. The number is 076 111 3533, it is open from 9-30am to 12-30pm, and from 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

MESSAGE FOR THOSE WHO ARE COCOONING; If you are living alone and need assistance or advice phone one of Abbeyfeale Community Council Helpline Numbers any day 9-5pm on 068 31169, 068 32080 or 087 7571144.  The Gardai are also available on 06830010 and they too will pick up medicines, messages etc.

ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT:  Gardai are asking people to wear High Viz jackets while walking even during the day as the roads are very busy now with farm machinery.  They are also telling people that a huge amount of robberies from cars have taken place since last January and to be sure and lock your car and of course leave nothing on view.  Community Alert is a community safety programme for rural areas with an emphasis on older and vulnerable people. It operates as a partnership between the community, An Garda Síochána and Muintir na Tíre. It works on the principle of shared responsibility for crime prevention and reduction.  Community Alert programmes aim to foster the process of community development, reduce opportunities for crimes to occur, unite communities in a spirit of neighbourliness and community service and to devise programmes to improve the quality of life for all in rural communities.  The disruption we are all facing in our lives at the moment can be difficult to cope with and can leave us feeling powerless, lonely, stressed and bored.  Our emotions and moods are up and down more than normal.  Dealing with all of this and being at home all the time, means many of us are drinking more than usual.   Here are some reasons you might like to cut back on your alcohol intake right now: We may reach for alcohol in times of stress or worry, but alcohol has a negative impact on mental health and can make stressful times feel even worse.When we drink too much, we can be less aware or diligent about following the physical distancing and hygiene advice which protects us from coronavirus.  Alcohol negatively affects the quality of our sleep, making it even harder to cope in stressful times.  Alcohol can make our immune system less effective, impacting its ability to fight off viruses.Taking a break or cutting down on alcohol has many health benefitsProblem drinking can cause mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, concentration problems, and personality changes and have negative effects on those we live with.  So set yourself a goal of drinking less today. Here are some tips to help you get there:   Don’t stockpile. This advice applies to alcohol as well as food. We’re more likely to reach for a drink more often if it’s available to us.  Work out ways to relax and treat yourself that don’t involve alcohol like reading, family board games or exercise.  Develop and maintain a familiar routine that involves regular sleep, mealtimes and exercise.  If you drink, stick to the low-risk weekly drinking guidelines.   Set rules around your drinking that will help such as not drinking before 10pm, not drinking on weekdays or not drinking in front of children.  If you need it, help is available:  If you find that you cannot stop drinking, contact the HSE Helpline for support on 1800 459 459 from Monday to Friday  between 9:30am and 5:30pm or email [email protected]   If violence arises in your home contact Women’s Aid on 1800 341 900.  When you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  If you fulfil the criteria for a panic button the installing company will drop the gear to your door and then let you set up the connection yourself with assistance over the phone from their staff.  I have been assured that it’s only a matter of connecting a cable and anyone can do it.   I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:  Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222.  Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  ALONE; has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary.  The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Hours may be extended to meet the demand.

CHURCH SERVICES:  Mass is being celebrated every day in the Church of the Assumption and broadcast on Tuesday to Friday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass will be at 11am.  Mass on Monday is at 7pm, Saturday the Vigil Mass will be 6.30pm and Sunday Masses are at 10am and 12 noon.    RTÉ will air Mass every weekday at 10.30am  on RTÉ News Now. West Limerick 102fm will broadcast Mass on Sunday morning from Abbeyfeale at 10am.   Radio Kerry will also broadcast Mass on Sunday mornings at 10am.. On Sunday mornings RTE 1 broadcast either Mass or Christian worship prayer at 11am . If you have Sky or one of the other TV packages, check out EWTN Catholic religious station for broadcast Masses and prayers. On the RTE Saorview channels, if you keep moving up through the tv channels you get to the radio channels coming through the TV, and on them there is Saroview channel 210 that broadcasts Radio Maria Ireland – a lovely station of Mass, Rosary, prayers and conversations on religious topics.

PROLOGUE:  The consideration that human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected will always continue to prompt me to promote the progress of the former, by inculcating the practice of the latter.”

George Washington

DEATHS:  Sincere sympathy is offered to the family of the late St. Laboure Sheehy Mercy Sisters, Tralee and formerly of Duagh and also to the wife and family of the late Micheal Horgan, Duagh.  May they rest in peace.

.FARMERS’ MARKET REOPENS:  The weekly market has returned to the small square from 9-1pm every Friday.  We look forward to your continued support.

FACE MASKS:  Kathleen Quinn has made face masks which were donated to local nursing homes.  She has a selection available for sale so contact her on 087 2802704.

LOCAL STORIES: Know your 5K is a new initiative from the Heritage Council and National Museum of Ireland. What people see in the vicinity of their own locality. Share insights about the hidden heritage found in peoples own homes, more information about Know Your 5K at

CHURCH OPENS ITS DOORS:  Abbeyfeale Blessed Sacrament Church is open every day of the week from 11am to 6pm.  Visitors should enter the Church through the door to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. on the left hand side of the building. The main church building remains closed to visitors until further notice.  We encourage parishioners to make short visits and to observe the required social distancing.

REEK SUNDAY: Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam has announced the cancellation of this year’s Reek Sunday pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick on account of Covid-19 health concerns. Archbishop Neary will celebrate the vigil Mass in Westport on Saturday 25 July at 6:30pm for the intentions of all who intended to make the pilgrimage. Prayer intentions can be emailed at any time to [email protected] or by post to Westport Parish, Co Mayo. This Mass will be live-streamed on the parish Facebook page ‘St Marys Church Westport’

TROCAIRE COLLECTION: This year’s Lenten Trocaire Collection will be taken up on Sunday, May 31. Parishioners will be able to drop in their contribution to Trocaire at the Blessed Sacrament Church from 2 – 6pm.  Where possible parishioners should use notes rather than coin and use an envelope rather than using the Trocaire Box.  If parishioners wish to give in their Weekly Offering Envelope or Easter Dues to the church, they can avail of this opportunity to do so. Parishioners also have the option of sending their donation directly to Trocaire.

CULTURE NIGHT 2020: The organisers of the annual culture night have been contacted by the national organisers to say that they “are working toward presenting a re-imagined version of the Culture night programme on Friday 18 September 2021 to build cultural experiences for on-line audiences showcasing their work through new channels”

FARMERS: Teagasc has set up a telephone helpline to assist farmers with questions concerning the current Covid -19 virus. It will offer advice on a range of issues that the farming community face, as they continue to do their essential work in maintaining the food supply around the farmyard. The number is 076 111 3533, it is open from 9-30am to 12-30pm, and from 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

MESSAGE FOR THOSE WHO ARE COCOONING; If you are living alone and need assistance or advice phone one of Abbeyfeale Community Council Helpline Numbers any day 9-5pm on 068 31169, 068 32080 or 087 7571144.  The Gardai are also available on 06830010 and they too will pick up medicines, messages etc.

ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT:  Gardai are asking people to wear High Viz jackets while walking even during the day as the roads are very busy now with farm machinery.  They are also telling people that a huge amount of robberies from cars have taken place since last January and to be sure and lock your car and of course leave nothing on view.  Community Alert is a community safety programme for rural areas with an emphasis on older and vulnerable people. It operates as a partnership between the community, An Garda Síochána and Muintir na Tíre. It works on the principle of shared responsibility for crime prevention and reduction.  Community Alert programmes aim to foster the process of community development, reduce opportunities for crimes to occur, unite communities in a spirit of neighbourliness and community service and to devise programmes to improve the quality of life for all in rural communities.  The disruption we are all facing in our lives at the moment can be difficult to cope with and can leave us feeling powerless, lonely, stressed and bored.  Our emotions and moods are up and down more than normal.  Dealing with all of this and being at home all the time, means many of us are drinking more than usual.   Here are some reasons you might like to cut back on your alcohol intake right now: We may reach for alcohol in times of stress or worry, but alcohol has a negative impact on mental health and can make stressful times feel even worse.When we drink too much, we can be less aware or diligent about following the physical distancing and hygiene advice which protects us from coronavirus.  Alcohol negatively affects the quality of our sleep, making it even harder to cope in stressful times.  Alcohol can make our immune system less effective, impacting its ability to fight off viruses.Taking a break or cutting down on alcohol has many health benefitsProblem drinking can cause mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, concentration problems, and personality changes and have negative effects on those we live with.  So set yourself a goal of drinking less today. Here are some tips to help you get there:   Don’t stockpile. This advice applies to alcohol as well as food. We’re more likely to reach for a drink more often if it’s available to us.  Work out ways to relax and treat yourself that don’t involve alcohol like reading, family board games or exercise.  Develop and maintain a familiar routine that involves regular sleep, mealtimes and exercise.  If you drink, stick to the low-risk weekly drinking guidelines.   Set rules around your drinking that will help such as not drinking before 10pm, not drinking on weekdays or not drinking in front of children.  If you need it, help is available:  If you find that you cannot stop drinking, contact the HSE Helpline for support on 1800 459 459 from Monday to Friday  between 9:30am and 5:30pm or email [email protected]   If violence arises in your home contact Women’s Aid on 1800 341 900.  When you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  If you fulfil the criteria for a panic button the installing company will drop the gear to your door and then let you set up the connection yourself with assistance over the phone from their staff.  I have been assured that it’s only a matter of connecting a cable and anyone can do it.   I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:  Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222.  Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  ALONE; has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary.  The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Hours may be extended to meet the demand.

CHURCH SERVICES:  Mass is being celebrated every day in the Church of the Assumption and broadcast on Tuesday to Friday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass will be at 11am.  Mass on Monday is at 7pm, Saturday the Vigil Mass will be 6.30pm and Sunday Masses are at 10am and 12 noon.    RTÉ will air Mass every weekday at 10.30am  on RTÉ News Now. West Limerick 102fm will broadcast Mass on Sunday morning from Abbeyfeale at 10am.   Radio Kerry will also broadcast Mass on Sunday mornings at 10am.. On Sunday mornings RTE 1 broadcast either Mass or Christian worship prayer at 11am . If you have Sky or one of the other TV packages, check out EWTN Catholic religious station for broadcast Masses and prayers. On the RTE Saorview channels, if you keep moving up through the tv channels you get to the radio channels coming through the TV, and on them there is Saroview channel 210 that broadcasts Radio Maria Ireland – a lovely station of Mass, Rosary, prayers and conversations on religious topics.


Community notices 21 5 2020

May 20th, 2020

DEATH:  Sincere sympathy to the wife and family of the late Tom Collins, Meenkilly on his recent death.  May he rest in peace.  Sympathies are also offered to the family of the late Ita Stemp (nee Carroll) Cedarville, Abbeyfeale and formerly of Mileen, Rockchape.  May she rest in peace.

FARMERS’ MARKET REOPENS:  The weekly market will return to the small square on Friday, May 22 from 9-1pm.  We look forward to your continued support.

FACE MASKS:  Kathleen Quinn has made face masks which were donated to local nursing homes.  She has a selection available for sale so contact her on 087 2802704.

THANK YOU FROM ST.ITA’S SHELTERED HOUSING:  A huge thank you to Mary Fitzgerald and all at Superbites, Abbeyfeale, who recently donated a meal to each of the residents of St Ita’s Day Care Centre. It was a lovely treat for the residents and gave the staff of the Day Care a break from cooking for a day.

CHURCH OPENS ITS DOORS:  Abbeyfeale Blessed Sacrament Church is open every day of the week from 11am to 6pm.  Visitors should enter the Church through the door to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. on the left hand side of the building. The main church building remains closed to visitors until further notice.  We encourage parishioners to make short visits and to observe the required social distancing.

TROCAIRE COLLECTION: This year’s Lenten Trocaire Collection will be taken up on Sunday, May 31. Parishioners will be able to drop in their contribution to Trocaire at the Blessed Sacrament Church from 2 – 6pm.  Where possible parishioners should use notes rather than coin and use an envelope rather than using the Trocaire Box.  If parishioners wish to give in their Weekly Offering Envelope or Easter Dues to the church, they can avail of this opportunity to do so. Parishioners also have the option of sending their donation directly to Trocaire.

CULTURE NIGHT 2020: The organisers of the annual culture night have been contacted by the national organisers to say that they “are working toward presenting a re-imagined version of the Culture night programme on Friday 18 September 2021 to build cultural experiences for on-line audiences showcasing their work through new channels”


Community notices 14/04/2020

April 15th, 2020

DIVINE MERCY NOVENA:  The Mass from Abbeyfeale on Mercy Sunday, April 19 will take place at 12 noon.  It will be broadcast on church services tv/church/Ireland/Abbeyfeale.

GOOD FRIDAY SERMON:  All the great plans we had for our Holy Week ceremonies here in Abbeyfeale came to a stop when the first  restrictions were put in place by the  government and HSE.  Since then our lives have changed beyond our imagining.   At a special Prayer Service in Rome, Pope Francis said,  a “thick darkness has gathered over us; it has taken over our lives, filling everything with a deafening silence and a distressing void that stops everything as it passes by.” We have seen everything that was certain and familiar, slip away very quickly from us. This Good Friday, we are living out the Passion in our lives and in our community, rather than celebrating the Good Friday ceremonies in our local churches, through word, drama and music.

Reflection by Fr Michael Murphy Archdiocese of Tuam

The following reflection is by Fr Michael Murphy, Parish Priest of Hollymount, Co. Mayo.  We have his permission to use it today. Fr Michael begins his reflection on the current situation. “We have been condemned not by Pontius Pilate, but by the coronavirus. We have been handed our cross and it is not too much different from Jesus’ cross. The cross of fear and doubt, isolation and illness, pain and possibly bereavement and loss. No doubt there will be times when we will fall, at least three times, please God we will get up again and carry on, no matter how hard it will be. And if we are to believe what we are being told by the experts, there will be sorrowful moments as well, like when Jesus met his mother Mary. We too worry for our parents and our grandparents and for all vulnerable people. And then in our community we are blessed to have people like Veronica who wiped the face of Jesus. Like our community nurses, our doctors. All the wonderful home help people we have in our community. And all the wonderful people who look in on their neighbours. As well as these people who go to work in our hospitals, medical centre and other places. People who give of themselves so generously to others, while often sacrificing their family time, putting their own health at risk. Then there are people like Simon of Cyrene, people who are asking how can we help? We’re here and we want to help.  Like the soldiers who accompanied Jesus to Calvary, we need to figure out how to help those who carry crosses of fear, doubt and self-isolation and vulnerability and illness, suffering and bereavement. There are other Simon’s too, who keep the emergency services going, serving in our shops, minding our children and who keep the economy going, and so on, often at risk to their own health too. Then there are people like the women of Jerusalem, people who are there to support and comfort, people who will pick up the phone and listen to people’s worries, and even cry with those who are carrying their Cross, but above all to pray with everybody as we need the strength of prayer to carry us through. Then we remember that Jesus was stripped of his dignity and nailed to the Cross. We need to be there as well for those who feel naked and hurt, naked because they will feel ashamed that they picked up the virus. Hurt because people may nail them to a cross by blaming them for passing it on, even if they didn’t intend to do so. There is sure to be a lot of anger around, as people come to terms with the changes in their lives and we will need to be there for those people too. There will be good thieves and bad thieves. Good thieves who realise the error of their ways and ask for forgiveness and bad thieves who even in the midst of a pandemic and the biggest crises to hit our world in years, in the midst of great illness, isolation and death, will still only be able to think of themselves, even look for selfish gain out of a desperate situation. And then there is death. Great darkness, sadness, gloom, even despair, and who will take them down from the cross? Who will bury them? Will we be able to have a funeral. Will we be even allowed to hold each other? Or will we be in too much danger of picking the virus up ourselves.  So many questions, so much confusion and so few answers. Yet the only answer that is important is the message of Easter. For years we have been celebrating it in our churches. Maybe we didn’t fully understand the meaning of it. Light will overcome the darkness. Hope will overcome despair. Life will overcome death. Community will bring us all together and bring us all through it. The love of God our Father, the sacrifice of Jesus our brother and the living breath of the Holy Spirit within us will bring us all through it. Just like the generations before us, who came through famine, plagues, pillage, penal laws and wars, so will we. We won’t know the strength of our community, until we are put to the test. Irish people have never been found wanting when it comes to generosity and self – sacrifice and loyalty and care and toughness and love, it’s in our DNA, it’s in our bones. It comes down through the generations, I think of the Patrick’s and the Bridget’s, right down to today. This Holy Week, this Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday. We won’t be acting it out in a ceremony, no! Instead we will be living it out. It’s ironic that we are not in our churches this Holy Week and Easter, like in penal times, but for different reasons, but it won’t change our spirit.   So on this Good Friday, we ask God for the courage and the strength, for the generosity and the love, to be a truly Christlike Christian Community in action this Holy Week, this Easter time.   We are being put to the test; we are living the passion of Christ.”

MESSAGE FOR THOSE WHO ARE COCOONING; I was contacted during the week by a concerned local who saw an elderly couple shopping in SuperValue recently despite being supposed to stay at home and cocoon.  She discovered that they had no family living locally and that they felt they had to come to town for their shopping themselves.  Please be assured that no elderly person should feel they have to leave the safety of their home because we have loads of volunteers here in Abbeyfeale who will bring them their messages whether groceries or medicines.  So, if you are living alone and need assistance or advice phone one of Abbeyfeale Community Council Helpline Numbers any day 9-5pm on 068 31169, 068 32080 or 087 7571144.  The Gardai are also available on 06830010 and they too will pick up medicines, messages etc.

ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT:  Wash your hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds every time you leave the house, re-enter the house, do the shopping, unpack the shopping and any time you think you should.   There is a really dirty cruel horrible scam on the go these days where the crooks send out a text stating that they are the HSE:  “Someone who came in contact with you tested positive or has shown symptoms for COVID -19 and recommends you self – isolate/get tested.  More at COVID – 19  IGNORE Do not click on the link, they can steal your credit card and personal details in seconds.  This is not how you will be contacted if you have been in contact with someone.  Remember that all the shops have designated times in the early morning for shopping for the elderly..  If you need shopping or messages, contact the local committee who have been set up by Abbeyfeale Community Council on 068 31169/068 32080/ 087 7571144 any day between 9-5pm.  The Gardai are also available to help vulnerable people and will call to people, collect shopping or medicines so if you want help ring them.  Do also  ring Abbeyfeale Gardai on 068 30010 (Three hundred ten) if you have concerns over callers/ travelling salesmen, if the phone is unattended the call will be answered in NCW and the local squad car will be notified.  Don’t entertain callers offering to do jobs around the house. When you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.   I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:  Men suffering domestic abuse, operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588. 24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222.  Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  ALONE; has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary.  The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Hours may be extended to meet the demand.

CHURCH SERVICES:  Mass is being celebrated every day in the Church of the Assumption and broadcast on and Monday to Friday,  the Stations of the Cross are also being broadcast at 3pm.  RTÉ will air Mass every weekday at 10.30am from St. Eunan’s and St. Columba’s Cathedral,  on RTÉ News Now. West Limerick 102fm will broadcast Mass on Sunday morning from Abbeyfeale at 10am.   Radio Kerry will also broadcast Mass on Sunday morning during the Horizons religious programme at 9am (Mass will be at 9.30am). On Sunday mornings RTE 1 broadcast either Mass or Christian worship prayer at 11am . If you have Sky or one of the other TV packages, check out EWTN Catholic religious station for broadcast Masses and prayers. On the RTE Saorview channels, if you keep moving up through the tv channels you get to the radio channels coming through the TV, and on them there is Saroview channel 210 that broadcasts Radio Maria Ireland – a lovely station of Mass, Rosary, prayers and conversations on religious topics.

Times of ceremonies in Abbeyfeale parish for Easter

April 7th, 2020

Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper at 7pm

Good  Friday  Ceremonies at 3pm

Stations of the Cross at 8pm

Vigil Mass on Saturday evening at 9pm

Community notices 6th April 2020

April 7th, 2020

PROLOGUE:  If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime – help someone else.”

– Chinese Proverb

EASTER CEREMONIES:  All ceremonies will be broadcast live from Abbeyfeale on church services tv this coming Holy Week.  Mass on Spy Wednesday at 10am followed by Adoration until 11.30am.  The Mass of the Last Supper at 7pm on Holy Thursday.  Good Friday – a day of fast and abstinence – ceremonies at 3pm and Stations of the Cross at 8pm.  Holy Saturday Mass at 9pm.  Easter Sunday Masses at 10am and 12 noon.

THE CURIOUS CASE OF THE DISAPPEARING CURATE: Palm Sunday morning I turned on the computer at 11.45am, went to church services tv , clicked on church, then on Ireland then on Abbeyfeale and there was Fr. Shoji moving around the altar in his civvies lighting the candles before the noon Mass.  Fr. Shoji is our curate and he  arrived in Abbeyfeale on St. Patrick’s Day in 2019 from his native India.  He immediately endeared himself to everyone he met with his self deprecating humour, shy smile and beautiful singing voice.  After a couple of minutes he went back into the sacristy and I continued preparing a cake of brown soda bread to put in the oven and bake during Mass – multi tasking at its best.  Cake in, hands washed, apron discarded I sat down to watch the Mass armed with several pieces of palm to have blessed.  By 12.10pm I was getting agitated when the picture remained as it was when Fr. Shoji left – candles lighting, table with holy water and palm in front of the altar but no sign of a celebrant.  By 12.15pm I had myself convinced that when our wonderful curate went back into the sacristy he must have tripped, fallen and banged his head and was now laid out on the floor with no one to tend to him.  I did consider driving into town a mere five minutes away and going to the church but then I remembered the cake so instead I texted Fr. Tony and sacristan Ann .  After another ten minutes and with no reply to either of my texts I rang my friend Bridie who is cocooning and whom I knew would surely be watching the Mass.   She said did you click on the picture and of course, the second I did, Fr. Shoji appeared on the screen as large as life – not that you could call our elfin Fr. Shoji large but oh, the relief.  My computer screen had frozen and Mass was in progress! The cake turned out well too.

MESSAGE FOR THOSE WHO ARE COCOONING; I was contacted during the week by a concerned  local who saw an elderly couple shopping in SuperValue recently despite being supposed to stay at home and cocoon.  She discovered that they had no family living locally and that they felt they had to come to town for their shopping themselves.  Please be assured that no elderly person should feel they have to leave the safety of their home because we have loads of volunteers here in Abbeyfeale who will bring them their messages whether groceries or medicines.  So, if you are living alone and need assistance or advice phone one of Abbeyfeale Community Council Helpline Numbers any day 9-5pm on 068 31169, 068 32080 or 087 7571144.  The Gardai are also available on 06830010 and they will pick up medicines, messages etc.

WHY WE NEED TO KEEP WASHING OUR HANDS:  Following on from the Harnett Reunion last year one of our new contacts sent us an article written by a journalist who had to have a bone marrow transplant which resulted in her immune system being compromised:   “After my transplant, I washed my hands constantly, and I washed them thoroughly. I washed the palms, the backs, my wrists, each finger individually (concentrating on the finger tips), and then I scrubbed my fingernails in my palms. The whole “wash your hands for 20 seconds” thing made me laugh when I first heard it. If you truly wash your hands thoroughly, with the goal of removing any trace of pathogen you may have touched, it always takes at least 20 seconds, if not more. I washed my hands like this after every time I used the bathroom, before I ate, after touching anything in a public place, immediately after returning home from being out anywhere, after working out, after driving my car, after working on my computer, after feeding my pets, after cleaning my house.  If I wanted to scratch my nose, or I needed to put in my contact lenses, I washed my hands first, before ever touching my face.If my hands didn’t physically feel freshly washed, I washed them.  If I couldn’t remember the last time I washed them, I washed them.  I only used hand sanitizer when I didn’t have access to hot water and soap. If this sounds extreme, consider how much simpler and easier this is than being sick. Washing your hands constantly is just a matter of habit. You have to make yourself do it for a while, and you have to really focus on remembering, but once you do that long enough, you create a habit that will protect you for the rest of your life.  In a globalized world ripe for pandemics, this is a necessary 21st century practice. If you find yourself wondering whether you’re washing your hands enough, then you aren’t.”

ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT:  The most important thing you need to do today is write out your Eircode and place it by your phone.  If, God forbid, you have to call the emergency services this is all the information they require to arrive to your hall door.  Task who are the alarm installers that Abbeyfeale Community Alert work with have advised that everyone who has a panic button presses that button to make sure that it is in working order.  Remember that all the shops have designated times in the early morning for shopping for the elderly.  Don’t entertain callers offering to do jobs around the house.  If you need shopping or messages, contact the local committee who have been set up by Abbeyfeale Community Council on 068 31169/068 32080/ 087 7571144 any day between 9-5pm.  The Gardai are also available to help vulnerable people and will call to people, collect shopping or medicines so if you want help ring them.  Do also  ring Abbeyfeale Gardai on 068 30010 (Three hundred ten) if you have concerns over callers/ travelling salesmen, if the phone is unattended the call will be answered in NCW and the local squad car will be notified.  When you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.   I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:  Men suffering domestic abuse, operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588. 24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222.  Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  ALONE; has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary.  The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Hours may be extended to meet the demand.

CHURCH SERVICES:  Mass is being celebrated every day in the Church of the Assumption and broadcast on and Monday to Friday,  the Stations of the Cross are also being broadcast at 3pm.  RTÉ will air Mass every weekday at 10.30am from St. Eunan’s and St. Columba’s Cathedral,  on RTÉ News Now. West Limerick 102fm will broadcast Mass on Sunday morning from Abbeyfeale at 10am.   Radio Kerry will also broadcast Mass on Sunday morning during the Horizons religious programme at 9am (Mass will be at 9.30am). On Sunday mornings RTE 1 broadcast  either Mass or Christian worship prayer at 11am . If you have Sky or one of the other TV packages, check out EWTN Catholic religious station for broadcast Masses and prayers. On the RTE Saorview channels, if you keep moving up through the tv channels you get to the radio channels coming through the TV, and on them there is Saroview channel 210 that broadcasts Radio Maria Ireland – a lovely station of Mass, Rosary, prayers and conversations on religious topics.

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