
Celtic Brothers Christmas Concert

December 8th, 2023

Get into the Christmas Spirit

Parishioners are looking forward to the Celtic Brothers Christmas Concert which will take place in the parish church next Friday 15th of December. Ticket sales have picked up a pace this week, so we advise all those who wish to attend the concert to purchase your tickets as soon as possible.
The concert will include all our Christmas favourite songs and carols.  From ‘White Christmas’ to ‘O Holy Night’.
It will be good to get together once again and join in this community celebration in preparation for Christmas.
If you are not familiar with the Celtic Brothers, formally known as the Willoughby Brothers, you can get to see them perform at previous concerts by logging on to our parish website and click on any of the 4 links listed there of previous concerts. Katie O’Connor and Rebecca Stryker, Church Cantors along with Riona Curtin will also perform at the concert. Doors on Friday night will open at 7.00pm. The concert will begin at 8.00pm. We look forward to welcoming you to the event.

Tickets on Sale

Tickets for the Concert are available in Abbeyfeale at Siopa Milseán, Twohigs
Batt Harnett’s, Moss Harnett’s Gala Shop, O’Donoghue’s Spar Shop, Kathleens Foodstore Tickets are also on sale at Tournafulla Community Shop and at Watsons in Duagh, Shop in Athea Post Office in Brosna  The Zip Yard in NCW Tickets can also be purchased by calling 089- 2646772. All funds raised from the concert will go towards renovation works in St Ita’s Hall. It is hoped to have these works
finished in early spring.
All support for this important fundraising event is appreciated.

Blessing for a Christmas Tree

December 8th, 2023

Prayer for Blessing a Christmas Tree

Lord God, amidst signs and wonders Christ Jesus was born in
Bethlehem of Judea: his birth brings joy to our hearts and
enlightenment to our minds.

Let your blessing come upon us  as we illumine this tree.

May the light and cheer it gives

be a sign of the joy that fills our hearts.

With this tree, decorated and adorned, may we welcome Christ among us;

may its lights guide us to the perfect light.

May all who delight in this tree

come to the knowledge and joy of salvation.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.      R/. Amen.

Community notices 13th Oct 2023

October 13th, 2023

PROLOGUE:  A lot of what weighs you down isn’t yours to carry.
OPEN DAY AT THE DAY CARE  CENTRE:  There’s always a welcome at St. Ita’s Day Care Centre every Tuesday to come along and socialise with your friends.  Join them for tea and scones, bingo, a card game or two, 4 course lunch, music, singing, poetry, a story or two before you head off sustained by more tea and some goodies.  Call Manager Jane 068 51850 for more information.    Chiropody Services restarting at St Ita’s Day Care Centre on Monday 20th November and every 6 weeks thereafter.  For appointments ring 068 51850.
TEA PARTY IN ROCKCHAPEL:  The Annual American Tea Party will be held at Rockchapel Community Centre on Friday, 20th October. Tickets €25 and music will be provided by Billy O’Brien. A raffle will also take place on the night. Doors will open at 7pm and the meal will be served at 8pm. (Please note change of meal time.) Vegetarian/Vegan/gluten free options are also available but must be requested in advance. To book your tickets, please ring 087-6818113. Tickets need to be booked by 15th October.

HALLOWEEN MARKET:  Abbeyfeale Town Square Saturday October 28 from 10am – 3pm.  Further details Val 087 6680879.

ROSARY ON THE BEACH:  Ballybunion Beach near Seaweed baths on Sunday, October 15 at 2.30pm.  All welcome.
PADRE PIO:   Devotions in Castleisland on Tuesday, October 17th  at 7.30pm.
ABBEYFEALE BRIDGE HAS RESUMED:  Abbeyfeale Bridge is back on Thursday nights in the Day Care Centre at 7.30pm.  New Members welcome.
IN THE MOOD FOR MUSIC:  The Glórach Theatre hosted a charity concert on Saturday, October 8th in aid of Milford Hospice and Abbeyfeale for Africa.  Helen Hasenfuss, Riona Ní Churtáin and Scott Fitzgerald were joined by the church cantors, Aodhán Cotter and P.P. Fr. Tony. They played and sang a  selection of popular classics from Ragtime, jazz, swing, Latin, music from the films, light classical, a little traditional, some folk, some pop…Truth be told it was a magical night and the those of us who were lucky enough to get a seat in the full to capacity theatre will remember where we were on the second Saturday of October for many’s the year and I’m not thinking of the Rugby!
GARRY MC MAHON TRADITIONAL SINGING WEEKEND OCTOBER 13-16: Official Opening Friday, October 13 at the Ramble Inn at 8pm with guest Labhrás Ó Murchrú Director General of Comhaltas Ceoltóiri Éireann and a retired member of Seanad Éireann for Fianna Fáil.  Saturday .  Concert in Fr. Casey’s from 11am.  Newly Composed Traditional Ballad Competition in the Ramble Inn at 2.30pm.  Aifreann na Ríocht composed by the late Garry McMahon – Mass for deceased members and friends of West Limerick Singing Club at 6.30pm in the Church of the Assumption.  Singing Session in The Ramble Inn from 9pm.  Sunday 2.30pm Grand Concert and Tribute to Senan Lillis and Matty Murphy.  Admission €10.  Farewell Singing Session at the Ramble Inn from 9pm.
BRUACH NA CARRAIGE ROCKCHAPEL:  ”Seán Moylan Irish Revolutionary” one man show last Sunday was a revelation – if you ever get the chance to see it, take it.  The story was brought to the stage by Newmarket actor Micheal Patric O’ Sullivan of Seán Moylan who following the War of Independence became a Fianna Fáil Minister.  It tells the story of the men who fought for freedom and was an eyeopener for those of us who have forgotten what our ancestors went throught to gain our freedom from oppression.

MARKET IN KNOCKNAGOSHEL:  Knocknagoshel Over 55′S Services annual Christmas Market on Sunday, November 19 at 12 noon in the Community Centre V92 WV70.  Contact Noreen to book a table 0863487298.
FILM: Kerry International Film Festival 2023 programme Celebrating its 24th edition, this year’s festival will take place from October 19 – 22. At venues across Killarney.
FESTIVAL: Moyvane Development Association are bringing you the 30th celebration of our Moyvane Village Festival this October bank holiday weekend. Opening night event on Friday, October 27th with a very special evening of stories about the great John Moriarty, late of Ahalanna, by international storyteller and author, Martin Shaw. ‘John Moriarty: Martin Shaw will be joined on the night by Gabriel Fitzmaurice, Mary McGillicuddy, and Amanda Carmody. Tickets available at local outlets, including Kennelly’s Homevalue Hardware & BD Agriparts, or email [email protected]. Price €15.

SET DANCING IN MONAGAE:  Fiona 086 3510774 has two classes in Monagae - Tuesday 8.30pm and Thursdays 9pm.

LISTOWEL KARATE CLASSES: Kerry Martial Arts School are continuing karate and self-defence classes in St. Michael’s College on Saturdays. 5-12 years old at 10:00a.m. and 13 years old to adults at 11:00a.m. Contact (087) 2636820 for further information.
GROW MENTAL HEALTH GROUP meets in Seanchaí Centre, Listowel every Wednesday evening at 8:00 pm. No referrals necessary. Just come along or telephone Jerry at 086-0271990.
ST. ITA’S HALL RENOVATION WORKS:  O’Callaghan Contractors have begun work in St Ita’s Hall. They were awarded the contract following a Public Procurement Process. All works are scheduled to be finished by the 31st January 2024.
DANCE CLASSES IN FR. CASEY’S:  Every Tuesday from 8-10pm.
CHURCH NEWS:  Contact numbers for the Parish Priests of the Pastoral Area: Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911.Fr Tony Mullins 087/2600414. Fr Willie Russell 087/2272825.  Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030.  Fr James Ambrose (Retired) Tel 087/774075.   Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass.  Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.  Parish office 086/8661651 Anne Secretary 11am to 1pm. Eucharist Adoration every Friday in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel from 10.30am – 7pm. Synod /The Synodal Prayer. Pope Francis asks all of us to pray in a particular way to the Holy Spirit during this time, using this ancient
prayer.  Adsumus Domine Sancte Spiritus  (We are present before thee, O Lord Holy Spirit).  We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.  With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.  We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.  Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.  Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.  All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time,  in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.  World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. It always falls on the second last  Sunday in October, meaning this year it will be celebrated over the  weekend of Sunday 22nd October. The theme for this year’s  celebration of Mission Sunday is: “Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move” (Luke 24: 13-35). Mission Sunday is a time for the faithful of the world to show their appreciation towards the work of overseas missionaries. The generosity offered will be used to support missionary activities in over 1,100 struggling dioceses; mostly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. You can help right now. Please support the special collection for the work of missionaries. on Sunday, October 22 or donate €4.00 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300.  Webcam Collection: Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the special collection for the Webcam service.The church webcam installed in 2016 has proved to be anessential service to parishioners, who are unable for one reason or another to attend Mass, or other liturgical services celebrated in the church. While we continue to livestream all our church services, we encourage all parishioners where possible to attend Mass in person. Live streaming of our church liturgies is an expensive service, costing just over €2,500 annually.  If you are viewing on the service you can donate though the parish website on www.abbeyfeale Click on the parish website and you will see the donate button on the right-hand side of the front page of the website. Just follow the instruction and you will be able to make a donation towards the service.  Sincere thanks to for your generosity to the last weekend and to the parish each week.
Mass Intentions:  Saturday 6.30pm Gary Mahon Memorial Mass.  Teresa Fitzgerald Dromtrasna & Sr Ann O’Sullivan The Hill.  Mossie & Elisie Nolan Tournafulla and deceased family members.  Bill & Peg Colbert Main Street & Patrick Colbert Killarney Road.12noon Kathleen Healy, The Hill 1st Anniversary.
USED STAMPS: Your used stamps can do so much and it is worth taking the time to keep them cut approximately l” around them and drop them into a box provided in the Church in NCW under the table in the porch Sacristy side entrance.  There are 120 girls in St. Mary’s Home Mynmar the Servite sisters look after them providing food, shelter and education up until 2020 they were going to school but since then schools are closed.  They live in a regime now that is controlling, dangerous along with prices escalating for rice, oil and food, struggling as are the poor people in Mynmar.  We manage to get money out to Sister Salette in person from friends who are travelling home to their district where the sisters live.  With the used stamps we collected we give them to a stamp collector who gives us €5 per kilo so the more stamps we can get the more funds we receive.  If you wish to post stamps to me my name is Maureen Finnegan please give me  a call 087 9845102.   Thank you for helping.
CEILI RECALL DANCING:  If you are an older adult with an interest in teaching other adults on the greying spectrum there is a training course in St. John’s Pavilion Mulgrave St. on Mondays 10. 30 – 13.00 organised in conjunction with Limerick Sports Partnership to help set up Irish Ceili Clubs in local communities.  Contact Tracy on 061 524 975.

KEEP FIT:  classes in Athea every Tuesday morning at 11.30am. Details Ring 087 9459971.
MASS SCHEDULES FOR THE WINTER; Weekend Mass in Tournafulla is on Saturdays at 7.30pm and in Mountcollins on Sundays at 11am.
TOURNAFULLA CÉILÍ:  Returns Sunday, October 15 after 4 years.  Halla Tadgh Gaelach Music by Ger Murphy and Liam Healyfrom 3-6pm.  Admission €12.
ST. JOSEPH’S YOUNG PRIEST SOCIETY:The monthly meeting of the society takes place on the first Tuesday of the month in the parish office.
VOCATIONS: Monastic Vocations weekend for women at St Benedict’s Priory, Cobh, Co. Cork 28th-29th October. For more information contact Mother Prioress: 0214811354 [email protected]
SOCIAL DANCING:  ”Social dancing commencing in the Duagh Sports and Leisure Complex on Friday nights 8:30 to 10:30.   €8 entry fee. Complimentary teas and coffee. Door prize on the night”
PRO LIFE NATIONAL CONFERENCE:  The Pro-Life National Conference, will take place at the RDS Dublin, on Saturday October 14 beginning at 11.00a.m. The Pro-Life Campaign is a non-denominational human rights organisation, drawing its support from a large cross-section of Irish society. For moreinformation on the organisation and to register for the National Conference, log on to
ONLINE TRAINIG TO HELP PREVENT SUICIDE:  Log onto where you will be able to register for suicide awareness training:  the training will provide you with the tools to enable you to identify the signs that someone may be suicidal, employ the correct language in asking the appropriate questions, and direct that person to the appropriate help.  You can also contact the Samaritans 24 hour service on 116123 or Pieta House 24 hour service 1800 247 247.
DANCING: Clounmacon Community Centre are offering social dancing classes from Monday, October 2nd with Norella Molyneaux.
MONSTER BINGO:  Mountcollins Community Centre on Sunday, October 15 at 3pm.  Prize money €2,000.
CYCLISTS ON THE GREENWAY:  A request has issued that cyclists would ring their bells to signal their approach as walkers who can be engrossed in conversation or the scenery or listening to music get a shock when they, the cyclists suddenly whizz past and accidents could easily occur if walkers were not aware of cyclists about to pass them out.  I’ve also been asked to remind cyclists that they should not cycle on the footpaths when they come up town.

MEALS ON WHEELS:  Available from St. Ita’s Day Care, Convent St.  Collect or have delivered.  This week’s menu:  Monday October 9  Braised Steak or Turkey Burger.     Tuesday, October 10 Bacon and Cabbage or Lamb Chop.    Wednesday, October 11 Chicken Maryland or Beef Burger.   Thursday, October 12 Pork Chop or Turkey Steak.    Friday, October 13 Fish of the Day or Meat Alternative. Soup €1, Main Course €7, half portion €5.  Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes €3, Dessert €2.  Order before 11am.  Phone 068 51850.
DANCING Classes with Timmy Woulfe  in the Marian Hall Moyvane Monday nights at 8pm.

MAUREEN LOOKING FOR CANDLES:  ”Any unwanted or used candles would be greatly appreciated.  The candles are melted down and made into a new type of candle that can be used to heat hot chocolate and warm hands of the soldiers in the
trenches in Ukrainian.  Candles can be dropped into the Community Centre Newcastle West and Dressmaking shop opposite church on the corner of Boherbui, also to the Alterations shop in Church Street .

RAMBLING House in Tarbert on last Saturday of the month.  Listowel the last Thursday of the month.  Knockanure Rambling House first Thursday in the month.  Ita’s Rambling House at the Desmond Complex is on the 3rd. Friday each month.  Knocalucka is on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month.

GRINDS:  Eimhear Flannery 086 8822215 is offering grinds to 5th years and Leaving Certs in Biology and Chemistry.

DROMTRASNA CHALLENGE:  Taking place on Saturday, October 21.    All proceeds to Milford Hospice.  Kids Run 2k, 4k Walk, 5K and 10K Chip Timed Runs.Online registration has opened on

GREEN CARD: The US Department of State announced that the electronic enrollment period will roll out on Wednesday, October 6, at 12pm and will close on Tuesday, November 9 at 12pm, the Miami Herald reports. Those interested in immigrating legally to the United States must submit their applications electronically only through
Officials warned that those planning to apply for the lottery “do not wait until the last week of the registration period to enter as heavy demand may result in website delays.”

INVITATION TO LAUNCH OF BOOK ” MY SUPER POWER IS BEING ME” :  Emma Cullinanes book  of mindfullness activities for children is being launched at the Barnagh Hub on Saturday, October 7 from 2-4pm.  Further information from 083 8385857.  Emma writes;  ”Childrens mindfulness activity book it is for children aged between 3 to 8/10 years old. I have made this book inclusive containing children from different ethnicities and with different disabilities to empower them that being who they are is amazing.  The title is My Superpower Is Being Me, my goal of this book is to reach as many children, parents and teachers to bring mindfulness into the lives of children. To help them understand and regulate their emotions, breathwork, outdoor mindful activities, meditations, positive affirmations and more. This is an interactive activity book. It promotes connection and communication between children and the adults in their lives. This book follows the Aistear and SPHE framework enabling it to be utilised in primary schools across Ireland.  Books will be on sale next week on my website.They are also available in An Siopa Milsean, Tea and Tales, Eurosaver(poundshop) in Abbeyfeale.  Available also in Sonas, Hayes newsagents and Toy Master in Newcastle west.”
COMMUNITY ALERT: If something sounds too good to be true then more than likely it is so be careful out there. Warn your teenagers about how easy it is to become a money mule but if they receive a criminal record it could affect their chances of travelling or taking out a morgage. Take care on the roads and make sure that you are visible to other road users so if walking wear a high viz jacket and after dusk carry a torch and if driving turn on your lights if the wipers are on.  Lock the doors of your car when you are inside, do not leave a handbag visible on the seat.  When you are at home keep the two doors locked so that if someone calls a second person cannot enter the house through the back door while you are occupied at the front door. Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur,  John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Susan Daly, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett


September 29th, 2023

Synod /The Synodal Prayer. Pope Francis asks all of us to pray in a particular way to the Holy Spirit during this time, using this ancient prayer.

Adsumus Domine Sancte Spiritus (We are present before thee, O Lord Holy Spirit).

We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.

With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;

Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.

We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.

Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.

Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.

All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.

community notices 28/08/2023

September 1st, 2023

PROL0GUE:  Sometime when you’re feeling important, Sometime when your ego’s in bloom, Sometime when you take it for granted, you’re the best qualified in the room.  Sometime when you feel that your going, would leave an unfillable hole, just follow these simple instructions, And see how they humble your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to the wrist, Pull it out and the hole that’s remaining, is a measure of how much you’ll be missed? You may stir up the water galore, but stop, and you’ll find in no time, it looks quite the same as before. The moral of this quaint example, Is to do just the best that you can, be proud of yourself but remember, there’s no indispensable man.
WEDDING BELLS:  Congratulations to Stephen Behan and Sophie Kennedy.  Darren Mc Alinden and Lisa Dalton.  Niall Harnett and Chloe Quirke all of whose weddings took place in the last month in Abbeyfeale. Also to Orla Moloney and Tom Cronin who celebrated the sacrament of marriage here on Saturday 26th August.We wish them all every happiness in their married life together.
ST. ITA’S HALL RENOVATION WORKS:  The Hall is now closed until February 2024 as its upgrade and refurbishment is funded under the Community Centres Investment fund.
NEW PRODUCTION AT THE GLÓRACH:  A new play called Katie by local playwright Thérese Prendiville is coming to the Glórach stage on Friday, September 8 and running for three nights.  Doors open at 7.30pm and show on stage at 8pm.  Katie tells the story of Tony and Maureen’s grief stricken loss as they mourn the loss of their only child Katie.  The play explores the themes of love, loss, hope and relationships and stars stalwarts of the local stage including Seamus Lane, Joan O’Connell and Tom Madigan among others.  Tickets available online http;// or ring 087 1383940.

CONGRATULATIONS TO LOCAL JOCKEY PADDY HARNETT:  Paddy son of Adrian and Louise, Ballaugh had a big win at Mallow last week for trainer Donnacha O’Brien.
CHURCH NEWS:  Contact numbers for the Parish Priests of the Pastoral Area: Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911.Fr Tony Mullins 087/2600414. Fr Willie Russell 087/2272825.  Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030.  Fr James Ambrose (Retired) Tel 087/774075.  Mass Intentions:  Wednesday 10am Special Intention sudden death.  Thursday 10am Michael Griffin Anniversary.  Friday 10am Purgatorial.  Intentions for next weekend|; Saturday 6.30pm Hughie Mac Authur 5th Anniversary.  Mossie Lane, Carrigeen Brosna.  Jimmy Galvin, Ballaugh.  Sunday10am Mary B McEnery, Dromtrasna.  12noon Pro Populo.  Deaths during the month – We wish to express our sympathy to the families who lost a loved one over the last month here in Abbeyfeale.  Nuala Maher nee Fitzgerald.  Teresa McCarthy nee O’Sullivan.  Bridget Sorohan nee O’Donnell.  Betty O’ Sullivan nee Barrett.  Nora Walledge nee Moroney.  May they rest in peace Amen.  Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass.  Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.  Parish office 086/8661651 Anne Secretary 11am to 1pm. Eucharist Adoration every Friday in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel from 10.30am (after daily Mass) until 7pm. Limerick Diocesan Adoration Committee is taking on new members to further the practice of Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese. You are welcome to attend a preliminary meeting in St. Nessans Parish Centre, Raheen V94 ED2C on Saturday Sept. 16th starting with Mass at 10AM. Refreshments served, please contact Tommie/Maureen at 086- 0401789 / 087-6497382 to book a place.
LOST AND FOUND:  A set of Mercedes keys were found by the traffic lights outside the church  last week, they’re in the sacristy.
RAMBLING HOUSES:  Listowel at the Kerry Writers’ Museum in the Square on Thursday, August 31.  Ita McQuinn will be hosting her Rambling House on the 3rd Friday of the month and starting back on September 15.
DO YOU NEED TO TALK: the Samaritans 24 hour service on 116123 or Pieta House 24 hour service 1800 247 247.
LEAVING CERT CLASS OF 2023:  Congratulations to all leaving cert students who received their exam results on Friday. Ahead of the results announcement, Bishop Brendan Leahy, Bishop of Limerick, said it’s important that the exams are put into perspective as they do not define people’s lives. Bishop Leahy continued, “These exams are, of course, academically important at this stage of their lives but there is no one I know who would look back thirty years or so later and say their life course was set just by their Leaving Cert weeks. So there does need to be a level of perspective put here, that if the exams don’t work out as the students hope, other doors can open.” We wish all students every success as a new chapter in their lives opens up for them
WALK FOR JIM:  A walk in remembrance of the late community activist and environmentalist Jim O’Connor, Kilmorna will take place along the Kingdom of Kerry Greenway from Abbeyfeale to Listowel on Sunday, September 24 at 11am.  All proceeds are in aid of the Cork Kerry Bus operated by Kerry Cancer Support Group.  Donations can be made online via for Jim or on the day.
CYCLISTS ON THE GREENWAY:  A request has  issued that  cyclists would ring their bells to signal their approach as walkers who can be engrossed in conversation or the scenery or listening to music  get a shock when they, the cyclists  suddenly whizz past and accidents could easily occur if walkers were not aware of cyclists about to pass them out.
CULTURE NIGHT COIS FEILE:  Takes place on September 22 this year.  To get involved with the local group contact James on 087 7997907.
DOLLY DAY CHEQUE PRESENTATION:  The presentation of the funds raised took place last weekend with a total of €74,670 being divided between Comfort for Chemo Kerry and Kerry Hospice.  Great credit has to go to Abbeyfeale woman Cora O’Brien and her committee for the phenomenal amount of time and effort that went into organising the whole Dolly Day attempt at creating a new World Record in the Guinness Book of Records.
WALK FOR JIM:  WEST LIMERICK SINGING SESSION:  The last session before the Garry McMahon Traditional Singing W/E which starts on Friday, October 13 will take place on Friday night next in Philip Enrights Ramble Inn, Church St. from 8pm.  There will be no session the first Friday in October before the Singing W/e.
TEMPLEGLANTINE FIRST RESPONDERS:  Official launch in the Devon Inn Sunday, September 10 at 2pm.  Everyone welcome. To help save a life in West Limerick please support their Go Fund Me page.
ARRIVE AND JIVE;  A four week jiving course starts in Brosna Hall on Friday next September 1.  Contact Tom 087 3995877.
FEALE CRAFTERS MARKET:  Saturday, September 2 in The Square.  Contact Val 087 6680879.
PICKLE BALL:  Kingdom Pickleball will be showcasing the latest health craze in the Community Centre, in Listowel on September 27 from 7 -9pm.  All equipment supplied and instruction provided.  Everyone wellcome.
MEALS ON WHEELS:  Available from St. Ita’s Day Care, Convent St.  Collect or have delivered.  This week’s menu:  Monday, August 28 Pork Chop or Turkey Steak.  Tuesday, August 29 Bacon and Cabbage or Fillet of Chicken.  Wednesday, August 30 Shepherd’s Pie or Sweet and Sour Chicken.  Thursday August 31 Chicken on the Bone or Lamb Chop.  Friday, September 1st Fish of the Day or Meat Alternative.  Gluten Free option available.  Soup €1, Main Course €7, Half portion €5.  Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes €3, Dessert €2.  Order before 11am.  Phone 068 51850.
MAUREEN’S TRIP TO MULLINGAR:  Fitzpatrick’s bus will be taking us to Mullingar on Sunday 10th Sept, picking up in Listowel at 8.30am at the Square, Abbeyfeale opposite the church at 8.45am. Newcastle West opposite the Longcourt House Hotel.  Will all those who have booked seat for trip to Mullingar visiting Belverdere Gardens, confirm by payment this week, by doing this we save precious time which allows us more time to enjoy our visit.
Thank you for your co-operation.
DANCING Classes with Timmy Woulfe will begin in the Marian Hall Moyvane on September 4th. Beginners in particular will be catered for during the month of September.

ACCOMODATION OFFICE: Open in the square, Listowel above Christy’s Well Bar from 11am until 4pm. The accommodation office is looking for anyone that is letting accommodation for race week or anyone that is looking for accommodation to please call into the office or telephone Maria on 0876652211.

CHOIR; Mary Culloty O’ Sullivan is starting a brand-new Adult Choir in North Kerry. Come along to an open evening on Tuesday 5th September 8pm in St Patrick’s Hall, William St Upper, Listowel, to register your interest and hear all about classes, fees etc. Classes will begin on Monday 11th September at 1-2.30pm. All welcome.

BON SECOURS SISTERS Mass On Tuesday 5th September the 10am Mass will be offered for the Bon Secours Sisters who are leaving Tralee having given 144 years of service to health care and as a praying community in our midst. All are welcome to come and meet the sisters before they depart for Cork. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre, Tralee after Mass.

HOLY WELL: Pattern Day Mass in Ballyheigue – Friday 8 September 11 am. Bishop Ray Browne will once again celebrate Ballyheigue’s Pattern Day Mass at 11.00 am on Friday 8 September at our Lady’s Well and Grotto. All are welcome.

IRISH MEN’S ROSARY: Will take place on September 2nd at 1pm, The Square
Tralee. All welcome. More details contact John 087 6951298.

DAY OF PRAYER FOR HEALING:  Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Scartaglen on Sunday afternoon, September 17.

TOURS OF GLIN CASTLE on Sunday, September 3 from 12 -6pm.  Admission €10.  Tickets available at the entrance gate.  Coffee, Cakes, Ice Cream, Refreshments and Raffle.

STORYTELLING Festival in Listowel from 14th to 17th of September 2023.

VOCATIONS: MOUNT ST. JOSEPH ABBEY, Roscrea, Co Tipperary: Monastic Experience Weekend for men aged 20 to 50 who may be discerning a monastic vocation, Friday 8th - Sunday Sept 10th.
Email [email protected] or text info to 085 8338503.

RACING: Harvest racing festival at Listowel from September 17th - 23th 2023.

VINTAGE:  Their annual vintage and Modern Tractor and Car Road run takes place on Sunday, September 3 at Athea.  Registration at 11am.  Proceeds in aid of Sophie Mulligan for Ronald McDonald House and Mid West Parkinson Association.

KARATE CLASSES: Kerry Martial Arts School are commencing karate and self-defence classes in St. Michael’s College on Saturday 2nd September. 5-12 years old at 11:30a.m. and 13 years old to adults at 12:20p.m. Contact (087) 2636820 for further information.

GREEN CARD: On Friday, the US Department of State announced that the electronic enrollment period will roll out on Wed, Oct. 6, at 12pm and will close on Tues, Nov. 9 at 12pm, the Miami Herald reports. Those interested in immigrating legally to the United States must submit their applications electronically only through
Officials warned that those planning to apply for the lottery “do not wait until the last week of the registration period to enter as heavy demand may result in website delays.”

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