
Community notices 25th June 2019

June 25th, 2019

PROLOGUE:  “Never regret being a good person, to the wrong people. Your behaviour says everything about you, and their behaviour says enough about them.”

WEDDING BELLS: Congratulations to Savanah O’Brien and Patrick Doolig  who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage on Thursday, June 20.  We wish them every happiness in their married life together.

TABLE QUIZ FOR MILFORD:  Jack O’Rourkes Bar Saturday, June 29 at 9pm.

DEATH:  Another of the cattle dealers who came to Abbeyfeale for the calf market died last weekend in Kilkelly, Co. Mayo.  Tommy Duffy and his brothers Paddy and Eddie travelled down from a few miles outside Knock every Sunday evening from January to July during the fifties to the late eighties and stayed with Madge and John Griffen on the Main Street.  They loved coming to Abbeyfeale and were well known and respected by the farming community in West Limerick.  Tommy was the last of the brothers to die and is survived by his wife Kathleen and eight children.  May he rest in peace.

HARNETT REUNION 2019:   Meeting of the committee Thursday 7pm in St. Ita’s Hall.  Harnetts from all over the world are travelling for this gathering, so please come along and show them a warm welcome. This gathering is not confined to Harnetts but is open to everybody. Genealogy Day, Devon Hotel, Friday July 12 from 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Free admission.  See the Patie Boy Harnett Historical Collection. Harnett International Variety Show At Halla Tadhg Gaelach Tournafulla, Friday July 12 at 8pm.  Doors open 7pm. Admission €10.   Gala Banquet Devon Hotel Saturday July 13. 7.30 p.m. Banquet menu, Reunion cake, wine and live band (The Bansha Boys) included. Tickets €40 now on sale at Ann Lyons, Abbeyfeale and Batt Harnett, Abbeyfeale.  There will be a memorial Mass on Sunday afternoon in Duagh Church.  Please spread the word far and wide. The event is open to everybody.  Further information 087 2500929.

SUMMER OUTING:  Abbeyfeale Community Alert are travelling to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park on Tuesday, July 16.  The bus will depart from Church at 9.30am.  Tickets €40 which include soup and sandwiches in Durty Nellies, a stop in the Crescent and dinner in the Devon Inn will be  available in Ann Lyons’s, The Square and Kathleen Collins’s Foodstore, Convent St.

AGM:  Abbeyfeale Community Alert will hold their AGM in Leens Hotel on Wednesday, June 26 at 8pm.  New members are always welcome.

LOCAL ARTIST ON RTE 1:  Brian O’Rourke is a local, award winning artist, who received his Honours Degree in Fine Art Painting from Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) in 2018.  He is one of 6 artists, selected nationally, to take part in RTE’S upcoming documentary focusing on preparation and Artistic process for Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA)open call show.  The documentary is called Exhibitionists: Road to The RHA and will be shown on

RTE1 on June 27 at 10.15pm.

‘THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT:  The Scoil Mháthair Dé Annual  show takes place  at 7pm  in Colaiste Ide agus Iosef on this Wednesday June 26.

BOOK LAUNCH: Pat McLoughlin from Newcastle West is about to publish his second book of short stories ‘From Head to Tale’. The book will be launched by Patrick O Donovan TD, Minister of State at the Department of Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, on Friday, June 28 at 7.30 in the Longcourt House Hotel, Newcastle West. His first book ‘To Weave with Words’ was launched in 2018 and sold out within weeks. The proceeds from this book, like the previous one, will go to Friends of St. Ita’s Hospital.  It will be available at Ann Lyons’s Shop, Abbeyfeale – all welcome.

GST:  State funding of €3.5 million for a 10.5km extension of the GST from the Limerick/Kerry Border to Listowel plus a further €3m for the 10km Tralee to Fenit Greenway has been announced. There is also recognition that the Tralee to Listowel old railway will be incorporated into the GST in the future.

CLEAN UP:  Reilig Ide Graveyard every Tuesday from 7-8pm.   More help is always appreciated as the graveyard is quite large.  In order to help with this families are encouraged to maintain their own graves and one near yours if that family is no longer able to. We appreciate any help you can give.

SUMMER CONCERTS AT THE GLÓRACH THEATRE:  We are delighted to announce that well known Irish soprano Regina Nathan will be appearing at the Glórach Theatre on Friday, July 5 at 8 pm.  Regina has sung at some of the most prestigious venues in the world and the Glórach will be soon added to that illustrious list.  Be it operatic numbers, sacred songs, or renditions of popular songs by artists such Edith Piaf, Leonard Cohen and Janis Ian, Regina’s incredible voice has garnered her much critical acclaim throughout her career.  This was well captured by Declan Hassett in The Examiner, who commented that “Regina Nathan has all the star qualitites.  A deceptively powerful voice, always under control and a stillness of delivery which stamps class on her entire performance.”  For bookings or enquiries, please contact 0871383940, message us on our facebook page or you can email us at [email protected].

NEW CLUB:  A Tuesday Club is starting in Knocknagoshel Community Centre on Tuesday, June 25 and every other Tuesday from 11am – 3pm.  Join us for some Memory Games, Exercise, Healthy Eating, Information Sessions, Outings, Social Interaction, Classes, and Interaction with the local gym.  Transport will be provided to and from your home. Lunch Tea/Coffee all for the cost of €7 per day. Contact Betty on 087 2153796 or Breda on 087 9447674 or turn up on day.

ST ITA’S FAITH CAMP: Registration will take place in St Marys Boys School on Wednesday, July 3 and Thursday, July 4 3rd July from 7pm – 8 pm.   All children need to be registered before camp. We also need 2 single rooms to accommodate visiting volunteers, please ring 087-2788834.

HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE:  A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.

COMMUNITY ALERT: AGM this Wednesday in Leens at 8pm, new members welcome. Don’t post holiday pictures on FB until you come back, turn off your location on your smart phone so no one can check if you are out.   If something sounds too good to be true then more than likely it is so be careful out there.  Take care on the roads and make sure that you are visible to other road users so if walking wear a high viz jacket and after dusk carry a torch and if driving turn on your lights if the wipers are on.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

SUMMER CAMP: The Bruach Na Carraige Summer Camp for Children between 6 and 15 years will take place from July 15-25 next.

GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND.   Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí  Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.

MEDJUGORJE CONFERENCE AND DAY OF PRAYER with Sr. Briege McKenna Saturday, August 31 in Neptune Stadium, Cork. Tickets €20.00 available on . All tickets purchased included in entry for free pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Cork or Dublin. Booking fees apply. Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese      089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions: Saturday 11am  William & Julia Madden.  6.30pm  Marie & Michael O’Donnell, Kilconlea  Upper. Tom & Anne Moore, Kilconlea Lower.  John Michael Kennelly 20th Anniversary.   Sunday 9.15am   David Leahy,  Rebecca Leahy, Nick Collins & Maurice Griffin.   Eileen Chris Foley, Dromtrasna .

SCHOLARSHIP:  The Danaher Trust is making number of scholarships available to students of the parishes in this area for studies at third level.  The students must be of limited means. The Danaher McGrath Trust is seeking  applications for  a scholarship. In order to apply for the  scholarship students must meet certain criteria. For information  email closing date for applications is August 31.

THE HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE:  The Killarney St. Pio Prayer Group are organising a 9 Day Pilgrimage visiting Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee, Cana, Garden of Gethsemane, Dead Sea and Mount Tabor.   Departing November 7.  Contact Michael Clifford 086 1309835.

SUPPORT WORKER:   Mary Danaher,  the parish parent support person,  works from the parish  office building 4 day a week Monday to Thursday. She is always available to help, listen, encourage or support parents.  Tel her office on 068/31019 and leave a message if she is not in.

COLLECTION:  Peters pence collection July 6/7.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE AND SAN GIOVANNI Leaving Dublin September 15 for 6 nights (3 nights at each shrine). Contact Michael Clifford (085 1309835) or Marian Pilgrimages (01 8788159).

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Meet every First Friday in Philip Enrights The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.

VOCATIONS AFTERNOON Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork. Saturday June 29 from   2 – 4.30 pm, for young women considering a vocation Email: [email protected]

LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGES Tuesday, July 9 – Thursday July 11 or Friday, August 9 – Sunday, August 11. Fare €140 including coach, boat and island. To book you seat contact Fitzpatrick’s of Listowel on 087 3966399 (9am to 6pm).

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch.  September 24—October 2.  For further details contact Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch on 087 220 0114.

Community notices 16th June 2019

June 14th, 2019

PROLOGUE:  Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”
Roy T. Bennett

SUMMER OUTING:  Abbeyfeale Community Alert are travelling to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park on Tuesday, July 16.  Tickets €40 will be available next week from Ann  Lyons, The Square and Kathleen’s Foodstore, Convent St.

CELEBRATIONS:  The Church of the Most Holy Trinity Templeglantine  celebrate the 190th Anniversary on Saturday, June 15 at 6 pm followed by a Memorabilia display and refreshments in Hall Inse Bán. All are welcome please pass on the word!

AGM:  Abbeyfeale Community Alert will hold their AGM in Leens Hotel on Wednesday, June 26 at 8pm.  New members are always welcome.

LAURA:  “As I commence my volunteer trip to Zambia I would like to thank all for the overwhelming support I have received over the past number of weeks.  Your support has enabled me to embark on this amazing journey. Laura O’Donoghue.”

BEREAVEMENT EVENT:  Milford Care Centre & Anam Cara the organisation that supports bereaved parents will be holding a bereavement Information evening on Thursday, June 20 at 7:00pm in Milford Care Centre, Limerick.

BROTHERS OF CHARITY AT THE GLÓRACH:  We are delighted to be collaborating with the Brothers of Charity next week with local service users bringing a musical drama to the Glórach stage.  Directed by Mary Hartney, the group will be putting on their own unique version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  The fertile imagination of service user Glen Ward has been the driving force behind this production, and it takes place at the Glórach Theatre on the mornings of Wednesday June 19 and Thursday June 20.  Doors open at 11 am, with the show, which lasts approximately an hour, starting shortly after.  Admission is free and for anyone flexible in the morning time feel welcome to call to the Glórach Theatre on either of those days and witness the wonderful work that is being done by the Brothers of Charity in our locality.

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  Next meeting Tuesday, June 18 at 8pm in Maple Lodge NCW.  Further information Mary Danagher 086 3514700.  New members welcome.

LOCAL ARTIST ON RTE 1:  Brian O’Rourke is a local, award winning artist, who received his Honors Degree in Fine Art Painting from Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) in 2018.  He is one of 6 artists, selected nationally, to take part in RTE’S upcoming documentary focusing on preparation and Artistic process for Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA)open call show.  The documentary is called Exhibitionists: Road to The RHA and will be shown on

RTE1 on June 27 at 10.15pm.

UNDERSTANDING & MANAGING CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE’S ANXIETIES & WORRIES:  This FREE workshop will be held on Thursday, June 13, at 7pm in the Newcastle West Library, in association with West Limerick Resources’ SICAP programme. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the workshop, which is being delivered by Carina McEvoy, qualified clinical hypnotherapist & psychotherapist. To register your place for the workshop please contact Dearbhla, at West Limerick Resources, on 087 6750869 or email [email protected]

MENS HEALTH WEEK:  Men’s health week will run from Monday June 10 -16.  The overall aims of MHW are to:  Heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages.  Support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices / activities.  Encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in males.

CLEAN UP:  Reilig Ide Graveyard every Tuesday from 7-8pm.   More help is always appreciated as the graveyard is quite large.  In order to help with this families are encouraged to maintain their own graves and one near yours if that family is no longer able to. We appreciate any help you can give.

SUMMER CONCERTS AT THE GLÓRACH THEATRE:  Having given an impressive performance on his Abbeyfeale debut at the Glórach Theatre in 2017, Steo Wall returns to the esteemed venue with fellow musicians Trevor Sexton and Ger O’Donnell under the collective name, Hearts of Men.  Combining folk, traditional and original numbers, as well as three very distinctive vocal styles, Hearts of Men will be playing at the Glórach Theatre on Thursday, June 13 at 8 pm. We’ve hardly had time to catch our breath in terms of the focus towards the Hearts of Men concert this Thursday and we are already planning another musical event within a couple of weeks.  We are delighted to announce that well known Irish soprano Regina Nathan will be appearing at the Glórach Theatre on Friday, July 5.    Regina has sung at some of the most prestigious venues in the world and the Glórach will be soon added to that illustrious list.  Be it operatic numbers or sacred songs, Regina’s incredible voice has garnered her much critical acclaim throughout her career.  For bookings or enquiries, please contact 0871383940, message us on our facebook page or you can email us at [email protected].

HOST FAMILIES WANTED:  Wanted host families for French students for 2 or 3 weeks during the summer. Contact Catherine at 0876255679 or email me at [email protected] .

KNOCK:  The Perpetual Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday, June 16. Bus will leave the Church at 7.15am sharp.  Tel 087/2673663 or 087/7758503.

EXAM TIME:  We wish all students who are beginning the Leaving and Junior Cert Exams this week every success in their exams. Essentially faith informs us that we are not alone. Our God resides in the depth of our human experience, even in the stress of getting ready for the Leaving and Junior Cert exams. Over the coming weeks pray for young people that the good Lord will bless them with strength, happiness and peace. A prayer for students – HOLY SPIRIT, SEND YOUR POWER, HELP ME TO REMEMBER ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNT, INSPIRE ME WITH THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE,

ST ITA’S FAITH CAMP: This year our camp takes place in St Mary’s Boys school from Monday, July 29 –Thursday, August 1.  We will need volunteers -adults 18yrs +and also youths aged 14 –17 yrs. Info: -087-2788834.

20TH ANNIVERSARY:  The Bruach Na Carraige Cultural Centre in Rockchapel is in operation twenty years this June.  To mark the occasion there will be Mass in the Centre on Friday June 14 at 8pm followed by a rambling house session.

On Saturday, June 15 there will be a concert featuring Bryan O Leary on accordion, Anne O Connell on Fiddle,  Francis O Connor on flute, Brien Mooney on bouzouki,  Nickie and Ann McAuliffe, Ceoltoiri  Sliabh Luachra, and others, All welcome.

HARNETT REUNION: Press Launch Leens Hotel Wednesday, June 19 at 7pm.   4 weeks to go. Carina Prendeville is currently working on our magazine and is looking for family pictures, stories, histories.  You can contact her on [email protected]

We have a full programme organised for our visitors but it is also open to anyone to join us.  Free admission on Friday, July 12 to the Genealogy workshops and the Patie Boy Historical Collection in the Devon Inn.  Tickets for the variety concert in Tournafulla on Friday, July 12 will be available on the door. Brian Harnett Tenor has confirmed that he will be performing.  Tickets for the Gala banquet and bus tour available from Batt Harnett or Ann Lyons. There will be genealogy, bus tours, a concert, a gala banquet and a memorial Mass, all at different venues around West Limerick/North Kerry. Please spread the word far and wide. The event is open to everybody.

HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE:  A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.

COMMUNITY ALERT:   There have been several alerts about vans calling to yards and houses offering to sell gates, power washers, paints, etc.  We are always advising people to only purchases these goods from your local creamery or hardware shop as there is no guarantee following purchases such as these.  When you shop local, you keep money in circulation, you keep your area vibrant and most of all you are protected from ending up with faulty goods.  Drop the phone if you answer the phone and it’s an automated message, it seems if they can get you to stay on the line it gives them time to either place a trace or to search through your personal details.    Do not employ causal labour to do jobs around the house or yard without consulting with family members or neighbours who will put you in touch with reputable people.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

SUMMER CAMP: The Bruach Na Carraige Summer Camp for Children between 6 and 15 years will take place from July 15-25 next.

SIAMSA TÍRE are holding auditions for people of all age on Saturday, June 15 from 10am – 6pm at Siamsa Tire Theatre, Tralee. Audition is by appointment only, so please call 066 7123055 to make an appointment.

GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND.   Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí  Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.

MEDJUGORJE CONFERENCE AND DAY OF PRAYER with Sr. Briege McKenna Saturday, August 31 in Neptune Stadium, Cork. Tickets €20.00 available on . All tickets purchased included in entry for free pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Cork or Dublin. Booking fees apply. Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese      089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions: Thursday 10am Tom Shanahan Saturday 6.30pm John Leahy, The Corner House, New Street Francie O’Connor, Knocknasna 1st Anniversary.   Maureen Woulfe, Cratloe 1st Anniversary.  Sunday 9.15am Danny & Tom Foley, The Hill.  12noon Hauleen Foley, Ballaugh.

Mass cards  are available in the sacristy during Mass times 068/  51915.  An Evening of reflection & prayer for Abbeyfeale Parish will be held at Ardfert Retreat Centre on Tuesday, November 26 from 7.30 – 10.30pm.  Contact is Rita Horgan 086 3738626.

REGISTRATION:  St. Ita’s Faith Camp registration will take place in St Marys Boys School Abbeyfeale on Wednesday, July 3 and Thursday, July 4 from 7pm –8 pm.  ALLchildren need to be registered BEFOREcamp .We also need 2 single rooms to accommodate visiting volunteers, if you can help please contact 087-2788834.

READING GROUP:  The Spiritual reading group will meet after the 10am Mass on Wednesday next.  June 12 in the Blessed Sacrament church. All are welcome.

MASS ON INISFALLEN ISLAND AND ABBEY: Friday, June 14 at 6.30 p.m.   Boats leave from Ross Castle from 4.30 p.m. onwards. It is open to all and is a lovely opportunity to join our prayer now with the rich tradition of the monks of old. Thanks to the organisers, the NPWS and the boat operators for their support.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE AND SAN GIOVANNI Leaving Dublin September 15 for 6 nights (3 nights at each shrine). Contact Michael Clifford (085 1309835) or Marian Pilgrimages (01 8788159).

FAREWELL CONCERT: Mary Hegarty, the internationally acclaimed soprano, will perform a variety of music from the most famous and fun operatic arias to Irish songs and jazz and  ballads in the Brehon Function Room beside the GlenEagle Hotel  on June 16 at 8pm. Showcasing a Tickets €15-adult €10-student/O.A.P, available on the door.

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Meet every First Friday in Philip Enrights The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.

LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGES Tuesday, July 9 -  Thursday July 11 or Friday, August 9 – Sunday, August 11. Fare €140 including coach, boat and island. To book you seat contact Fitzpatrick’s of Listowel on 087 3966399 (9am to 6pm).

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch.  September 24—October 2.  For further details contact Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch on 087 220 0114.

PROLOGUE:  Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”
Roy T. Bennett

SUMMER OUTING:  Abbeyfeale Community Alert are travelling to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park on Tuesday, July 16.  Tickets €40 will be available next week from Ann  Lyons, The Square and Kathleen’s Foodstore, Convent St.

CELEBRATIONS:  The Church of the Most Holy Trinity Templeglantine  celebrate the 190th Anniversary on Saturday, June 15 at 6 pm followed by a Memorabilia display and refreshments in Hall Inse Bán. All are welcome please pass on the word!

AGM:  Abbeyfeale Community Alert will hold their AGM in Leens Hotel on Wednesday, June 26 at 8pm.  New members are always welcome.

LAURA:  “As I commence my volunteer trip to Zambia I would like to thank all for the overwhelming support I have received over the past number of weeks.  Your support has enabled me to embark on this amazing journey. Laura O’Donoghue.”

BEREAVEMENT EVENT:  Milford Care Centre & Anam Cara the organisation that supports bereaved parents will be holding a bereavement Information evening on Thursday, June 20 at 7:00pm in Milford Care Centre, Limerick.

BROTHERS OF CHARITY AT THE GLÓRACH:  We are delighted to be collaborating with the Brothers of Charity next week with local service users bringing a musical drama to the Glórach stage.  Directed by Mary Hartney, the group will be putting on their own unique version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  The fertile imagination of service user Glen Ward has been the driving force behind this production, and it takes place at the Glórach Theatre on the mornings of Wednesday June 19 and Thursday June 20.  Doors open at 11 am, with the show, which lasts approximately an hour, starting shortly after.  Admission is free and for anyone flexible in the morning time feel welcome to call to the Glórach Theatre on either of those days and witness the wonderful work that is being done by the Brothers of Charity in our locality.

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  Next meeting Tuesday, June 18 at 8pm in Maple Lodge NCW.  Further information Mary Danagher 086 3514700.  New members welcome.

LOCAL ARTIST ON RTE 1:  Brian O’Rourke is a local, award winning artist, who received his Honors Degree in Fine Art Painting from Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) in 2018.  He is one of 6 artists, selected nationally, to take part in RTE’S upcoming documentary focusing on preparation and Artistic process for Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA)open call show.  The documentary is called Exhibitionists: Road to The RHA and will be shown on

RTE1 on June 27 at 10.15pm.

UNDERSTANDING & MANAGING CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE’S ANXIETIES & WORRIES:  This FREE workshop will be held on Thursday, June 13, at 7pm in the Newcastle West Library, in association with West Limerick Resources’ SICAP programme. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the workshop, which is being delivered by Carina McEvoy, qualified clinical hypnotherapist & psychotherapist. To register your place for the workshop please contact Dearbhla, at West Limerick Resources, on 087 6750869 or email [email protected]

MENS HEALTH WEEK:  Men’s health week will run from Monday June 10 -16.  The overall aims of MHW are to:  Heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages.  Support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices / activities.  Encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in males.

CLEAN UP:  Reilig Ide Graveyard every Tuesday from 7-8pm.   More help is always appreciated as the graveyard is quite large.  In order to help with this families are encouraged to maintain their own graves and one near yours if that family is no longer able to. We appreciate any help you can give.

SUMMER CONCERTS AT THE GLÓRACH THEATRE:  Having given an impressive performance on his Abbeyfeale debut at the Glórach Theatre in 2017, Steo Wall returns to the esteemed venue with fellow musicians Trevor Sexton and Ger O’Donnell under the collective name, Hearts of Men.  Combining folk, traditional and original numbers, as well as three very distinctive vocal styles, Hearts of Men will be playing at the Glórach Theatre on Thursday, June 13 at 8 pm. We’ve hardly had time to catch our breath in terms of the focus towards the Hearts of Men concert this Thursday and we are already planning another musical event within a couple of weeks.  We are delighted to announce that well known Irish soprano Regina Nathan will be appearing at the Glórach Theatre on Friday, July 5.    Regina has sung at some of the most prestigious venues in the world and the Glórach will be soon added to that illustrious list.  Be it operatic numbers or sacred songs, Regina’s incredible voice has garnered her much critical acclaim throughout her career.  For bookings or enquiries, please contact 0871383940, message us on our facebook page or you can email us at [email protected].

HOST FAMILIES WANTED:  Wanted host families for French students for 2 or 3 weeks during the summer. Contact Catherine at 0876255679 or email me at [email protected] .

KNOCK:  The Perpetual Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday, June 16. Bus will leave the Church at 7.15am sharp.  Tel 087/2673663 or 087/7758503.

EXAM TIME:  We wish all students who are beginning the Leaving and Junior Cert Exams this week every success in their exams. Essentially faith informs us that we are not alone. Our God resides in the depth of our human experience, even in the stress of getting ready for the Leaving and Junior Cert exams. Over the coming weeks pray for young people that the good Lord will bless them with strength, happiness and peace. A prayer for students – HOLY SPIRIT, SEND YOUR POWER, HELP ME TO REMEMBER ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNT, INSPIRE ME WITH THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE,

ST ITA’S FAITH CAMP: This year our camp takes place in St Mary’s Boys school from Monday, July 29 –Thursday, August 1.  We will need volunteers -adults 18yrs +and also youths aged 14 –17 yrs. Info: -087-2788834.

20TH ANNIVERSARY:  The Bruach Na Carraige Cultural Centre in Rockchapel is in operation twenty years this June.  To mark the occasion there will be Mass in the Centre on Friday June 14 at 8pm followed by a rambling house session.

On Saturday, June 15 there will be a concert featuring Bryan O Leary on accordion, Anne O Connell on Fiddle,  Francis O Connor on flute, Brien Mooney on bouzouki,  Nickie and Ann McAuliffe, Ceoltoiri  Sliabh Luachra, and others, All welcome.

HARNETT REUNION: Press Launch Leens Hotel Wednesday, June 19 at 7pm.   4 weeks to go. Carina Prendeville is currently working on our magazine and is looking for family pictures, stories, histories.  You can contact her on [email protected]

We have a full programme organised for our visitors but it is also open to anyone to join us.  Free admission on Friday, July 12 to the Genealogy workshops and the Patie Boy Historical Collection in the Devon Inn.  Tickets for the variety concert in Tournafulla on Friday, July 12 will be available on the door. Brian Harnett Tenor has confirmed that he will be performing.  Tickets for the Gala banquet and bus tour available from Batt Harnett or Ann Lyons. There will be genealogy, bus tours, a concert, a gala banquet and a memorial Mass, all at different venues around West Limerick/North Kerry. Please spread the word far and wide. The event is open to everybody.

HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE:  A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.

COMMUNITY ALERT:   There have been several alerts about vans calling to yards and houses offering to sell gates, power washers, paints, etc.  We are always advising people to only purchases these goods from your local creamery or hardware shop as there is no guarantee following purchases such as these.  When you shop local, you keep money in circulation, you keep your area vibrant and most of all you are protected from ending up with faulty goods.  Drop the phone if you answer the phone and it’s an automated message, it seems if they can get you to stay on the line it gives them time to either place a trace or to search through your personal details.    Do not employ causal labour to do jobs around the house or yard without consulting with family members or neighbours who will put you in touch with reputable people.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

SUMMER CAMP: The Bruach Na Carraige Summer Camp for Children between 6 and 15 years will take place from July 15-25 next.

SIAMSA TÍRE are holding auditions for people of all age on Saturday, June 15 from 10am – 6pm at Siamsa Tire Theatre, Tralee. Audition is by appointment only, so please call 066 7123055 to make an appointment.

GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND.   Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí  Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.

MEDJUGORJE CONFERENCE AND DAY OF PRAYER with Sr. Briege McKenna Saturday, August 31 in Neptune Stadium, Cork. Tickets €20.00 available on . All tickets purchased included in entry for free pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Cork or Dublin. Booking fees apply. Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese      089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions: Thursday 10am Tom Shanahan Saturday 6.30pm John Leahy, The Corner House, New Street Francie O’Connor, Knocknasna 1st Anniversary.   Maureen Woulfe, Cratloe 1st Anniversary.  Sunday 9.15am Danny & Tom Foley, The Hill.  12noon Hauleen Foley, Ballaugh.

Mass cards  are available in the sacristy during Mass times 068/  51915.  An Evening of reflection & prayer for Abbeyfeale Parish will be held at Ardfert Retreat Centre on Tuesday, November 26 from 7.30 – 10.30pm.  Contact is Rita Horgan 086 3738626.

REGISTRATION:  St. Ita’s Faith Camp registration will take place in St Marys Boys School Abbeyfeale on Wednesday, July 3 and Thursday, July 4 from 7pm –8 pm.  ALLchildren need to be registered BEFOREcamp .We also need 2 single rooms to accommodate visiting volunteers, if you can help please contact 087-2788834.

READING GROUP:  The Spiritual reading group will meet after the 10am Mass on Wednesday next.  June 12 in the Blessed Sacrament church. All are welcome.

MASS ON INISFALLEN ISLAND AND ABBEY: Friday, June 14 at 6.30 p.m.   Boats leave from Ross Castle from 4.30 p.m. onwards. It is open to all and is a lovely opportunity to join our prayer now with the rich tradition of the monks of old. Thanks to the organisers, the NPWS and the boat operators for their support.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE AND SAN GIOVANNI Leaving Dublin September 15 for 6 nights (3 nights at each shrine). Contact Michael Clifford (085 1309835) or Marian Pilgrimages (01 8788159).

FAREWELL CONCERT: Mary Hegarty, the internationally acclaimed soprano, will perform a variety of music from the most famous and fun operatic arias to Irish songs and jazz and  ballads in the Brehon Function Room beside the GlenEagle Hotel  on June 16 at 8pm. Showcasing a Tickets €15-adult €10-student/O.A.P, available on the door.

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Meet every First Friday in Philip Enrights The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.

LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGES Tuesday, July 9 -  Thursday July 11 or Friday, August 9 – Sunday, August 11. Fare €140 including coach, boat and island. To book you seat contact Fitzpatrick’s of Listowel on 087 3966399 (9am to 6pm).

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch.  September 24—October 2.  For further details contact Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch on 087 220 0114.

community notices 29th May 2019

May 31st, 2019

PROLOGUE:  “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

– Oscar Wilde

DEATH:  Sincere sympathy is offered to the family of the late Mary O’Brien, The Grove.  May she rest in peace.

WEDDING BELLS:  Congratulations to Corina O’Connell and Christopher Enright who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage in Abbeyfeale on Saturday, May 4.  We wish them every happiness in their married life together.

BOOK FLUID FORMS – LIAM FLYNN: We are going online with a crowd funding campaign to fund the publication of a full colour limited edition hard back book featuring the artwork of wood turner and artist Liam Flynn. This 118 page coffee table style book will feature over 85 images of Liam’s work. Essays by Roger Bennet and Yvonne McEnery. You can pre-order the book on our Fund:it site at €40 per copy. @—liam-flynn Besides the opportunity to purchase the book – please see the donor rewards for supporting the publication. Additional information at: Thank you for your support.

YOGA CLASSES:  Yoga classes every Wednesday evening from 7 – 8.30pm.  Yoga is a great activity, it gives you strength, flexibility and mind-body awareness.  Contact Mike 087 2732591.

WALK ON THE CONNEMARA GREENWAY:  Liam O’Mahony and Dennis McAuliffe of the Great Southern Trail led a walk in Connemara on Bank Holiday Monday.  We had a wonderful day in beautiful scenery with good company, got the welcome of the day from Maureen Lane’s niece when we stopped for scones and tea on the lawn at Lough Inagh Lodge Hotel – the scones were as warm as the welcome and as for the blackcurrant jam……… We finished up at the Old Ground in Ennis where we enjoyed a fabulous four course dinner thus negating the benefits of the earlier walk!

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  The next meeting of West Limerick Mental Health Assoiation will be held in NCW on Wednesday, May 14 at 8pm in the house next to O’Connell House on the way into the Desmond Complex.

FLEADH BY THE FEALE:  The 25th. Annual Fleadh by the Feale was an outstanding success with visitors from all over the globe thronging the town.  A presentation was made during the celebrity concert to founder member Maureen Murphy who was stepping down after 25 years service to the Fleadh committee.  Chairman Vincent Sheehan thanked her for her contribution to the organisation of the Fleadh alongside her late husband Dan.  There were sessions in every pub in town all weekend, dancing in the Square, jigs and reels at Mass and all culminated with the All Ireland Bones Monday night being won by Barry Patton from Kansas.

YOUTH CLUB FUNDRAISER: The Pope John Paul II Award is a faith achievement award for young people between the age of 16 and 18. It is non-competitive, inclusive, flexible and voluntary. The Award is committed to helping young people enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development through participation in school, parish and community activities. As well as the feeling of personal achievement that a participant will gain from taking part in the Award, participation will help demonstrate the young person’s commitment to a task and goal.   As part of their involvement in the John Paul 11 awards a number of members of Abbeyfeale youth club along with their leaders have started to work on in the garden at the side of the curate’s house and are planning to sell the produce during the summer and donate the money raised to charity.  Fr. Shoji, our curate for the next three years, is in charge of watering and is having a pastoral visit from his Bishop in India so the first sale will be to support the Bishops projects and will take place at both Masses on Sunday, May 12 which the Bishop will be saying.  We hope to have lettuce plants, herbs, sunflower and pumpkin plants along with jams, buns and a few surprises.  Your support will be most welcome.

HARNETT REUNION:  A committee meeting has been called for Thursday, May 9 in St. Ita’s Hall at 9pm.  New members always welcome.  They’re coming from the four corners for the second reunion of the Harnett clan July 11-14.  Orange Day is even cancelled as there will be so many Harnetts travelling from the North.  Carina Prendeville is currently working on our magazine and is looking for family pictures, stories, histories.  You can contact her on [email protected]

We have a full programme organised for our visitors but it is also open to anyone to join us.  We will have booking details shortly. There will be genealogy, bus tours, a concert, a gala banquet and a memorial Mass, all at different venues around West Limerick/North Kerry. Please spread the word far and wide. The event is open to everybody, whether Harnett,

READING GROUP:  St. Ita’s Reading Group will meet on Wednesday May 8 @10.30a.m. New members welcome.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE:  Limerick Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes under the Leadership of Bishop Brendan Leahy This year’s pilgrimage will leave Shannon on Thursday June 20th and returning on Tuesday June 25.  A limited number of sick or assisted pilgrims will be accommodated in the Sanctuary of Lourdes.  For more details please contact the Lourdes Office, Limerick Social Services Centre, Henry Street, Limerick. Telephone: 061 314111

THANK YOU:  We wish to thank Abbeyfeale Drama Group for donating the proceeds of the first night of their play ‘Marriage of Connivance’  to the Lourdes Invalid Fund which amounted  to  €1,400.  It is very much appreciated.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:  There will be an afternoon tea dance in  Fr. Casey’s on Sunday, May 19 with dancing to Mike Condon.  All funds will go to Laura O’Donoghue’s volunteering trip to Zambia with Suas.

VOCATIONS DAY:  World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be observed on Sunday, May 12, which is also known as  “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood,  diaconate and religious life. We ask you to keep this intention in your prayers this coming week.  A Holy Hour for Vocations will be held next Sunday from 3- 4 pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

REMEMBERING ZOE:.   The Cycle Challenge will take place on Sunday, May 12 commencing in Fr. Casey’s GAA Grounds, Abbeyfeale at 9am and cycling through scenic parts of West Limerick, North Kerry and North Cork. There will be 3 cycle routes: 50km, 85km and120km.  There will also be a 5K Fun Run/Walk and a new 10K Run.

DOG SHOW:  The Abbeyfeale Town Park Dog Show will take place in the Town Park on Sunday May 19, with Judging commencing at 2pm.  We will have 12 classes- with Rosettes for 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th  place per class.  The classes are as follows:  Best Big Dog, Best Small Dog, Dog with the Waggiest Tail, Best Dressed Dog, Judges favourite, Best Rescue Dog, Best Small Puppy, Best Child Handler under 14, Best female, Best male, Best puppy, Best Doggy Trick.  This year we received a donation of beautiful silver trophies for the 12 first place winners. The 12 first place winners will go on to compete for  1)Best in Show   and  2) Reserve Best in Show .  All proceeds from this show will go towards the upkeep of our wonderful Town Park.  Many of us dog owners bring our dogs to the park on a regular basis, it’s a great place great to exercise the dogs and also socialises to them. The dogs love it and the people love it and the park is available free of charge 365 days per year.  Let us all do our part to help with the upkeep of our park.

LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS: West Limerick Resources provides ongoing support to Local Community Groups in the West Limerick area. Should your group require any support, guidance or training contact Damien 087 9042477.

LOURDES:  The Sagart pilgrimage will take place from September 19 for 5 nights.

Fr. Tony has the details.

BRUACH NA CARRIGE:  The Glen Theatre Drama Group from Banteer will present their latest production “Sive” in Bruach Na Carraige Rockchapel on Sunday , May 12 at 8.30pm. The highly acclaimed Glen Theatre group have got great reviews for their performances all over Ireland including Northern Ireland over the last number of years.  The Bruach Na Carraige Summer Camp for Children between 6 and 15 years will take place from July 15-25 next.

ST ITA’S FAITH CAMP: This year our camp takes place in St Mary’s Boys school from Monday, July 29 –Thursday, August 1.  We will need volunteers -adults 18yrs +and also youths aged 14 –17 yrs. Info: -087-2788834.

GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND.   Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí  Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.

CONRADH NA GAEILGE/GAELIC LEAGUE; a branch has been re-established in Abbeyfeale.  Members welcome.  Further information Éamonn 086 3903244.

COMMUNITY ALERT NOTES:  Thanks to everyone who supported our recent church gate collection – the monies collected go towards the summer outing and Christmas lunch.   Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €66.  Please note that this fee is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

MEDJUGORJE CONFERENCE AND DAY OF PRAYER with Sr. Briege McKenna Saturday, August 31 in Neptune Stadium, Cork. Tickets €20.00 available on . Enter discount code EARLYBIRD for discount price of €15.00 available until May 31.  All tickets purchased included in entry for free pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Cork or Dublin. Booking fees apply. Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

RURAL SOCIAL SCHEME RECRUITING POTENTIAL PARTICIPANTS: West Limerick Resources CLG have a number of vacancies on the Rural Social Scheme (RSS). Participants on the scheme work 19.5hrs/week and receive a top-up payment from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. To participate on the scheme you must fulfil the following criteria: Be actively farming over 1 hectare of land; Have a valid herd number; Proof of application for the EU Basic Payment Scheme for the current year and be in receipt of Farm Assist, Jobseekers Allowance or other qualifying payments.  Spouses, children, brothers and sisters of the herd owner can also join the scheme if they meet relevant criteria.  One person allowed per herd number only.  For further details contact Tom or Michelle, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 069 61316 or E-mail:  [email protected].  Successful eligible candidates will be placed on a panel from which vacancies will be filled.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese      089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions:  Saturday 6.30pm   Margaret Reidy 1st Anniversary.  Lizzy Cahill , Dromtrasna Collins  13th  Anniversary  and her son Timmy Cahill 4th Anniversary.  9.15am   Louis McEnery Dromtrasna.

Mass cards  are available in the sacristy during Mass times       068/  51915.   On the weekend of May 11/12 we will welcome Bishop George Rajendran SDB.  Bishop George is bishop of the diocese of Thuckalay, in South West India. Fr Shoji who recently came to live and minister in Abbeyfeale is a priest of the diocese of Thuckalay. Bishop George is on a fundraising mission to Ireland and will be making an appeal for funds  towards the running of two schools in his diocese that specifically cater for mentally and physically challenged children.  An Evening of reflection & prayer for Abbeyfeale Parish will be held at Ardfert Retreat Centre on Tuesday, November 26 from 7.30 – 10.30pm.  Contact is Rita Horgan 086 3738626.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE AND SAN GIOVANNI Leaving Dublin September 15 for 6 nights (3 nights at each shrine). Contact Michael Clifford (085 1309835) or Marian Pilgrimages (01 8788159).

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.  Knockanure Thursday, May 2 at 8pm.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Meet every First Friday in Philip Enrights The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.

ROSARY FOR FAITH AND LIFE: Each day in May 2019, thousands of people from all around Ireland will gather at their local Grottos to recite  the Rosary for Faith and Life in Ireland. To see the locations visit

ST. PADRE PIO EVENING:  Beginning with the Rosary at 6.45 p.m. Evening Mass at 7pm. followed by the Padre Pio prayers & Benediction in Listowel church, Friday, May 3.

CONCERT IN MOYVANE CHURCH:  Aonghus McAnally and guests on Wednesday May 22. It will have stories, laughs, very special music and songs we all know.

PALLIATIVE CARE UNIT KERRY HOSPICE: Charity Fundraising dance in the Torc Hotel, Killarney on Friday, May 10 at 8.30pm (Doors open at 8pm), in aid of  the  Palliative  Care  Unit/Kerry  Hospice. Tickets can be bought on the door or by calling -0876276146.

LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGES: Friday, May 31 – Sunday, June 2,   Tuesday, July 9 -

Thursday July 11 or Friday, August 9 – Sunday, August 11. Fare €140 including coach, boat and island. To book you seat contact Fitzpatrick’s of Listowel on 087 3966399 (9am to 6pm).

WE’RE GOING VINTAGE IN DROMIN ATHLACCA:  Star Kids Creche and the Community Hall will hold a fundraising Vintage Run on Sunday May 26– Registration from 11.00am costing €20.00 – All Types of Vehicles most welcome. Family activities and refreshments to take place in the Community Hall after the run is launched at 12.00.

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch.  September 24—October 2.  For further details contact Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch on 087 220 0114.

Community notices 22nd May 2019

May 24th, 2019

PROLOGUE:  Look ahead, because life is before you, not behind you, or else you stumble!”

– Mehmet Murat ildan

DEATH:  We offer our sympathy to the family of Maureen Browne, Church Street whose funeral took place on Thursday.   May she rest in peace

HOST FAMILIES WANTED:  Wanted host families for French students for 2 or 3 weeks during the summer. Contact Catherine at 0876255679 or email me at [email protected] Rosary every Friday evening during May.

WALK TO KILLEENAGH HOLY WELL AND PARISH BARBECUE:  The annual walk to Killeenagh Holy Well, will take place on Sunday next, May 26. The walk will conclude with a barbecue for all present. Over the years it has become a great parish and community event. The visit to Killeenagh Well in Dromtrasna has a special link with the celebration of Confirmation in the parish. On Tuesday, March, 26 the children who received Confirmation this year, took part in what is called the ‘Abbeyfeale Initiative’. This is a programme on healthy life choices, run by the Catholic Church for Confirmation students with the help of Transition Year students, who are trained to deliver the programme to the children in sixth class.   It has been up and running very successfully in the parish for eleven years.  The programme concludes with the annual walk to Killeenagh Holy Well, where the young people from the Confirmation Class make a commitment to abstain from alcohol and drugs during their teenage years. As an acknowledgment of their participation in the programme, the children receive wrist bands which are very popular with them, and the visit to the Well concludes with a barbecue on Cotter’s farmyard.  We are grateful to the Cotter family for hosting us once again.   Put next Sunday in your diary and join us for the Walk and barbecue. People should assemble at Dromtrasna School at 2.45pm.  The walk will begin at 3.00p.m sharp. All are welcome.

MAY DEVOTIONS: The month of May has traditionally been known as the month of The Blessed Virgin Mary.  We are invited to honour her by reciting the Rosary daily.  On Wednesday May 29 we will have a special service honouring our Blessed Mother which will include the crowning of Mary in Duagh Church.

CLEAN UP:  Reilig Ide Graveyard every Tuesday from 7-8pm.   More help is always appreciated as the graveyard is quite large.  In order to help with this families are encouraged to maintain their own graves and one near yours if that family is no longer able to. We appreciate any help you can give.

CELTIC STEPS PLAY ABBEYFEALE RUGBY CLUB:  The club is marking its 60th anniversary this year with a one night performance by Celtic Steps – the show produced by our own Sean Murphy – on Saturday, May 25.  Doors open 7.30pm with show starting at 8.30pm.  Tickets available by ringing 087 3925763 or emailing [email protected]

COMMUNITY GAMES:  Abbeyfeale Community Games will be holding their Athletics Evening on Wednesday, May 29 in the GAA Club, Abbeyfeale.  Registration from 6pm  with the Athletics starting at 6.30pm sharp. Age is of the 31st of July. Races from Toddler to U 16. Long jump and Shot Putt will also be held on the night. There will also be fun Novelty Races, weather permitting. For any enquiries contact Maurice Cullinane on 087 6315169.

PLAQUE UNVEILING:  A heritage plaque was unveiled last Saturday by the daughter of the late Richard Hayes outside her father’s birthplace in the present Bank of Ireland building in the Square. The plaque was sourced and erected by Abbeyfeale Community Council under Chairman Maurice O’Connell and its unveiling was attended by three generations of the Hayes family.  Radio 1 producer Mark McMennamin who produced a documentary and wrote a book entitled Code Breaker spoke and told the untold story of the man who saved countless lives during WW2 by his work as a cryptologist with the Irish Secret Service.  The book is available in book shops in Tralee and possibly NCW.

LAUNCH OF WEST LIMERICK BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION PLAN:  Takes place Tuesday, June 4, at 7:30pm, in the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West. All are welcome to attend. To register your attendance please contact Elaine, at West Limerick Resources CLG, [email protected] or call 069 66296.

MISSING MAN:  There is growing concern for the welfare of Castleisland  man, 52 year old, Dan Sheehy.   Mr. Sheehy boarded the Dublin train on the morning of Monday, April 29 and has not made contact with his family since.  He would be well known by farmers from the West Limerick area due to the fact that he was a very helpful member of the staff at Castleisland Mart for many years.
WEDNESDAY CLUB FUNDRAISER; A tea dance will take place at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse on Sunday, June 9 with dancing to Paddy Quilligan.  Proceeds to Recovery Haven and Kerry Hospice Foundation.

CONCERT AT THE GLÓRACH THEATRE:  Having given an impressive performance on his Abbeyfeale debut at the Glórach Theatre in 2017, Steo Wall returns to the esteemed venue with fellow musicians Trevor Sexton and Ger O’Donnell under the collective name, Hearts of Men.  Combining folk, traditional and original numbers, as well as three very distinctive vocal styles, Hearts of Men will be playing at the Glórach Theatre on Thursday, June 13 at 8 pm.  A concert not to be missed, be sure to book at 0871383940 to guarantee a seat on the night.  Bingo every Monday night at 8.30pm.

BOOK FLUID FORMS – LIAM FLYNN: We are midway through our six week campaign to support the publication of Fluid Forms and, thanks to an overwhelming response, have far exceeded our funding target.  We are truly grateful to our funders and everyone who has shared our links and posts.  It is a measure of the regard for Liam Flynn. We are continuing our fundit campaign to give possible supporters the opportunity to pre order their copy of Fluid Forms. Fluid Forms will be a permanent record of Liam’s achievement, and we want to honour his memory by distributing it as widely as possible. This 118 page coffee table style book will feature over 85 images of Liam’s work as well as essays by Roger Bennet and Yvonne McEnery. You can pre-order the book on our Fund:it site at €40 per copy. @—liam-flynn Besides the opportunity to purchase the book – please see the donor rewards for supporting the publication. Additional information at: Thank you for your support.

YOGA CLASSES:  Yoga classes every Wednesday evening from 7 – 8.30pm.  Yoga is a great activity; it gives you strength, flexibility and mind-body awareness.  Contact Mike 087 2732591.

HARNETT REUNION:  8 weeks to go.  Committee meeting Thursday, St. Ita’s Hall at 7.30pm.  Confirmation received this week of two Harnetts coming from Hawaii.  They will be joining people from Italy, New Zealand, the US and Canada and the UK who have booked already.  Carina Prendeville is currently working on our  magazine and is looking for family pictures, stories, histories.  You can contact her on [email protected]

We have a full programme organised for our visitors but it is also open to anyone to join us.  Free admission on Friday, July 12 to the Genealogy workshops and the Patie Boy Historical Collection in the Devon Inn.  Tickets for the variety concert in Tournafulla on Friday, July 12 will be available on the door. Tickets for the Gala banquet and bus tour available from Batt Harnett or Ann Lyons. There will be genealogy, bus tours, a concert, a gala banquet and a memorial Mass, all at different venues around West Limerick/North Kerry. Please spread the word far and wide. The event is open to everybody.

HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE:  A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.

COMMUNITY ALERT:   The Gardai have warned of a new scam called Shoulder Surfing where the criminal is watching you enter your details at the ATM.  Cover your pin number anytime you enter it whether in a shop or outside the bank.   Drop the phone if you answer the phone and it’s an automated message, it seems if they can get you to stay on the line it gives them time to either place a trace or to search through your personal details.    Do not employ causal labour to do jobs around the house or yard without consulting with family members or neighbours who will put you in touch with reputable people.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

MEDJUGORJE CONFERENCE AND DAY OF PRAYER with Sr. Briege McKenna Saturday, August 31 in Neptune Stadium, Cork. Tickets €20.00 available on . Enter discount code EARLYBIRD for discount price of €15.00 available until May 31.  All tickets purchased included in entry for free pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Cork or Dublin. Booking fees apply. Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese      089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions:  Thursday10am    Bill Stemp.Saturday 11am  Joanne, Elizabeth & John Donoghue.

6.30pm  Kathleen Wren and deceased family members.  Timmy, Ellen Healy and their son   John Joe Healy Caherlane & Eily Healy London.  Sunday 9.15am  Dick Fitzgerald, Dromtrasna .  Rhona Danaher, Church Street & Shanbally .  Hannah O’Keeffe, Knocknagoshel .  12noon Nora Flynn and deceased family members. Nora Moloney, Kncoknasna.  Áine O’Gorman, Shanbally and  Jack & Kathleen Murphy, Caherlane.

Mass cards  are available in the sacristy during Mass times       068/  51915.  An Evening of reflection & prayer for Abbeyfeale Parish will be held at Ardfert Retreat Centre on Tuesday, November 26 from 7.30 – 10.30pm.  Contact is Rita Horgan 086 3738626.

SUMMER OUTINGS:  Thomond Archaeological and Historical Society’ Spring lectures are finished.  The next series of lectures will commence in September, in the meantime the ‘Society’ have organised a series of outings from now until then. The following are the Summer outings;  Sunday , May 19:  A Half-Day Outing To Castleconnell and its environs. People who are interested should contact the organiser, Mary O’ Sullivan at 087 7008704 for further information.  Wednesday May 29: Evening Outing to Mount Ievers/Sixmilebridge area. Those who are interested should contact the organiser, Dr. Paul O’Brien at 087 6641034 for further information.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE AND SAN GIOVANNI Leaving Dublin September 15 for 6 nights (3 nights at each shrine). Contact Michael Clifford (085 1309835) or Marian Pilgrimages (01 8788159).

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.  Knockanure Thursday, May 2 at 8pm.

COMHALTAS: The Limerick County Fleadh will take place in Athea on the June Bank holiday weekend.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Meet every First Friday in Philip Enrights The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.

GABRIEL Fitzmaurice will read some of his poetry at the Bridewell, Tarbert on Sat. May 25th at 7.30pm.

PRESIDENT Higgins will be in Listowel at 11.30am on May 25th, to unveil a plaque

ST PIO Lixnaw; May prayer meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 21 at 7.30pm.

The witness will be given by Adrian O’Connor from Cloghane, Castlegregory.

ROSARY FOR FAITH AND LIFE: Each day in May 2019, thousands of people from all around Ireland will gather at their local Grottos to recite  the Rosary for Faith and Life in Ireland. To see the locations visit

CONCERT IN MOYVANE CHURCH:  Aonghus McAnally and guests on Wednesday May 22. It will have stories, laughs, very special music and songs we all know.

LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGES: Friday, May 31 – Sunday, June 2,   Tuesday, July 9 -

Thursday July 11 or Friday, August 9 – Sunday, August 11. Fare €140 including coach, boat and island. To book you seat contact Fitzpatrick’s of Listowel on 087 3966399 (9am to 6pm).

WE’RE GOING VINTAGE IN DROMIN ATHLACCA:  Star Kids Creche and the Community Hall will hold a fundraising Vintage Run on Sunday May 26– Registration from 11.00am costing €20.00 – All Types of Vehicles most welcome. Family activities and refreshments to take place in the Community Hall after the run is launched at 12.00.

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch.  September 24—October 2.  For further details contact Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch on 087 220 0114.

PROLOGUE:  Look ahead, because life is before you, not behind you, or else you stumble!”

– Mehmet Murat ildan

DEATH:  We offer our sympathy to the family of Maureen Browne, Church Street whose funeral took place on Thursday.   May she rest in peace

HOST FAMILIES WANTED:  Wanted host families for French students for 2 or 3 weeks during the summer. Contact Catherine at 0876255679 or email me at [email protected] Rosary every Friday evening during May.

WALK TO KILLEENAGH HOLY WELL AND PARISH BARBECUE:  The annual walk to Killeenagh Holy Well, will take place on Sunday next, May 26. The walk will conclude with a barbecue for all present. Over the years it has become a great parish and community event. The visit to Killeenagh Well in Dromtrasna has a special link with the celebration of Confirmation in the parish. On Tuesday, March, 26 the children who received Confirmation this year, took part in what is called the ‘Abbeyfeale Initiative’. This is a programme on healthy life choices, run by the Catholic Church for Confirmation students with the help of Transition Year students, who are trained to deliver the programme to the children in sixth class.   It has been up and running very successfully in the parish for eleven years.  The programme concludes with the annual walk to Killeenagh Holy Well, where the young people from the Confirmation Class make a commitment to abstain from alcohol and drugs during their teenage years. As an acknowledgment of their participation in the programme, the children receive wrist bands which are very popular with them, and the visit to the Well concludes with a barbecue on Cotter’s farmyard.  We are grateful to the Cotter family for hosting us once again.   Put next Sunday in your diary and join us for the Walk and barbecue. People should assemble at Dromtrasna School at 2.45pm.  The walk will begin at 3.00p.m sharp. All are welcome.

MAY DEVOTIONS: The month of May has traditionally been known as the month of The Blessed Virgin Mary.  We are invited to honour her by reciting the Rosary daily.  On Wednesday May 29 we will have a special service honouring our Blessed Mother which will include the crowning of Mary in Duagh Church.

CLEAN UP:  Reilig Ide Graveyard every Tuesday from 7-8pm.   More help is always appreciated as the graveyard is quite large.  In order to help with this families are encouraged to maintain their own graves and one near yours if that family is no longer able to. We appreciate any help you can give.

CELTIC STEPS PLAY ABBEYFEALE RUGBY CLUB:  The club is marking its 60th anniversary this year with a one night performance by Celtic Steps – the show produced by our own Sean Murphy – on Saturday, May 25.  Doors open 7.30pm with show starting at 8.30pm.  Tickets available by ringing 087 3925763 or emailing [email protected]

COMMUNITY GAMES:  Abbeyfeale Community Games will be holding their Athletics Evening on Wednesday, May 29 in the GAA Club, Abbeyfeale.  Registration from 6pm  with the Athletics starting at 6.30pm sharp. Age is of the 31st of July. Races from Toddler to U 16. Long jump and Shot Putt will also be held on the night. There will also be fun Novelty Races, weather permitting. For any enquiries contact Maurice Cullinane on 087 6315169.

PLAQUE UNVEILING:  A heritage plaque was unveiled last Saturday by the daughter of the late Richard Hayes outside her father’s birthplace in the present Bank of Ireland building in the Square. The plaque was sourced and erected by Abbeyfeale Community Council under Chairman Maurice O’Connell and its unveiling was attended by three generations of the Hayes family.  Radio 1 producer Mark McMennamin who produced a documentary and wrote a book entitled Code Breaker spoke and told the untold story of the man who saved countless lives during WW2 by his work as a cryptologist with the Irish Secret Service.  The book is available in book shops in Tralee and possibly NCW.

LAUNCH OF WEST LIMERICK BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION PLAN:  Takes place Tuesday, June 4, at 7:30pm, in the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West. All are welcome to attend. To register your attendance please contact Elaine, at West Limerick Resources CLG, [email protected] or call 069 66296.

MISSING MAN:  There is growing concern for the welfare of Castleisland  man, 52 year old, Dan Sheehy.   Mr. Sheehy boarded the Dublin train on the morning of Monday, April 29 and has not made contact with his family since.  He would be well known by farmers from the West Limerick area due to the fact that he was a very helpful member of the staff at Castleisland Mart for many years.
WEDNESDAY CLUB FUNDRAISER; A tea dance will take place at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse on Sunday, June 9 with dancing to Paddy Quilligan.  Proceeds to Recovery Haven and Kerry Hospice Foundation.

CONCERT AT THE GLÓRACH THEATRE:  Having given an impressive performance on his Abbeyfeale debut at the Glórach Theatre in 2017, Steo Wall returns to the esteemed venue with fellow musicians Trevor Sexton and Ger O’Donnell under the collective name, Hearts of Men.  Combining folk, traditional and original numbers, as well as three very distinctive vocal styles, Hearts of Men will be playing at the Glórach Theatre on Thursday, June 13 at 8 pm.  A concert not to be missed, be sure to book at 0871383940 to guarantee a seat on the night.  Bingo every Monday night at 8.30pm.

BOOK FLUID FORMS – LIAM FLYNN: We are midway through our six week campaign to support the publication of Fluid Forms and, thanks to an overwhelming response, have far exceeded our funding target.  We are truly grateful to our funders and everyone who has shared our links and posts.  It is a measure of the regard for Liam Flynn. We are continuing our fundit campaign to give possible supporters the opportunity to pre order their copy of Fluid Forms. Fluid Forms will be a permanent record of Liam’s achievement, and we want to honour his memory by distributing it as widely as possible. This 118 page coffee table style book will feature over 85 images of Liam’s work as well as essays by Roger Bennet and Yvonne McEnery. You can pre-order the book on our Fund:it site at €40 per copy. @—liam-flynn Besides the opportunity to purchase the book – please see the donor rewards for supporting the publication. Additional information at: Thank you for your support.

YOGA CLASSES:  Yoga classes every Wednesday evening from 7 – 8.30pm.  Yoga is a great activity; it gives you strength, flexibility and mind-body awareness.  Contact Mike 087 2732591.

HARNETT REUNION:  8 weeks to go.  Committee meeting Thursday, St. Ita’s Hall at 7.30pm.  Confirmation received this week of two Harnetts coming from Hawaii.  They will be joining people from Italy, New Zealand, the US and Canada and the UK who have booked already.  Carina Prendeville is currently working on our  magazine and is looking for family pictures, stories, histories.  You can contact her on [email protected]

We have a full programme organised for our visitors but it is also open to anyone to join us.  Free admission on Friday, July 12 to the Genealogy workshops and the Patie Boy Historical Collection in the Devon Inn.  Tickets for the variety concert in Tournafulla on Friday, July 12 will be available on the door. Tickets for the Gala banquet and bus tour available from Batt Harnett or Ann Lyons. There will be genealogy, bus tours, a concert, a gala banquet and a memorial Mass, all at different venues around West Limerick/North Kerry. Please spread the word far and wide. The event is open to everybody.

HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE:  A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.

COMMUNITY ALERT:   The Gardai have warned of a new scam called Shoulder Surfing where the criminal is watching you enter your details at the ATM.  Cover your pin number anytime you enter it whether in a shop or outside the bank.   Drop the phone if you answer the phone and it’s an automated message, it seems if they can get you to stay on the line it gives them time to either place a trace or to search through your personal details.    Do not employ causal labour to do jobs around the house or yard without consulting with family members or neighbours who will put you in touch with reputable people.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

MEDJUGORJE CONFERENCE AND DAY OF PRAYER with Sr. Briege McKenna Saturday, August 31 in Neptune Stadium, Cork. Tickets €20.00 available on . Enter discount code EARLYBIRD for discount price of €15.00 available until May 31.  All tickets purchased included in entry for free pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Cork or Dublin. Booking fees apply. Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese      089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions:  Thursday10am    Bill Stemp.Saturday 11am  Joanne, Elizabeth & John Donoghue.

6.30pm  Kathleen Wren and deceased family members.  Timmy, Ellen Healy and their son   John Joe Healy Caherlane & Eily Healy London.  Sunday 9.15am  Dick Fitzgerald, Dromtrasna .  Rhona Danaher, Church Street & Shanbally .  Hannah O’Keeffe, Knocknagoshel .  12noon Nora Flynn and deceased family members. Nora Moloney, Kncoknasna.  Áine O’Gorman, Shanbally and  Jack & Kathleen Murphy, Caherlane.

Mass cards  are available in the sacristy during Mass times       068/  51915.  An Evening of reflection & prayer for Abbeyfeale Parish will be held at Ardfert Retreat Centre on Tuesday, November 26 from 7.30 – 10.30pm.  Contact is Rita Horgan 086 3738626.

SUMMER OUTINGS:  Thomond Archaeological and Historical Society’ Spring lectures are finished.  The next series of lectures will commence in September, in the meantime the ‘Society’ have organised a series of outings from now until then. The following are the Summer outings;  Sunday , May 19:  A Half-Day Outing To Castleconnell and its environs. People who are interested should contact the organiser, Mary O’ Sullivan at 087 7008704 for further information.  Wednesday May 29: Evening Outing to Mount Ievers/Sixmilebridge area. Those who are interested should contact the organiser, Dr. Paul O’Brien at 087 6641034 for further information.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE AND SAN GIOVANNI Leaving Dublin September 15 for 6 nights (3 nights at each shrine). Contact Michael Clifford (085 1309835) or Marian Pilgrimages (01 8788159).

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.  Knockanure Thursday, May 2 at 8pm.

COMHALTAS: The Limerick County Fleadh will take place in Athea on the June Bank holiday weekend.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Meet every First Friday in Philip Enrights The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.

GABRIEL Fitzmaurice will read some of his poetry at the Bridewell, Tarbert on Sat. May 25th at 7.30pm.

PRESIDENT Higgins will be in Listowel at 11.30am on May 25th, to unveil a plaque

ST PIO Lixnaw; May prayer meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 21 at 7.30pm.

The witness will be given by Adrian O’Connor from Cloghane, Castlegregory.

ROSARY FOR FAITH AND LIFE: Each day in May 2019, thousands of people from all around Ireland will gather at their local Grottos to recite  the Rosary for Faith and Life in Ireland. To see the locations visit

CONCERT IN MOYVANE CHURCH:  Aonghus McAnally and guests on Wednesday May 22. It will have stories, laughs, very special music and songs we all know.

LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGES: Friday, May 31 – Sunday, June 2,   Tuesday, July 9 -

Thursday July 11 or Friday, August 9 – Sunday, August 11. Fare €140 including coach, boat and island. To book you seat contact Fitzpatrick’s of Listowel on 087 3966399 (9am to 6pm).

WE’RE GOING VINTAGE IN DROMIN ATHLACCA:  Star Kids Creche and the Community Hall will hold a fundraising Vintage Run on Sunday May 26– Registration from 11.00am costing €20.00 – All Types of Vehicles most welcome. Family activities and refreshments to take place in the Community Hall after the run is launched at 12.00.

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch.  September 24—October 2.  For further details contact Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch on 087 220 0114.

Community notices 15th May 2019

May 16th, 2019

PROLOGUE:  “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.”
Dalai Lama.

WEDDING  BELLS:  Congratulations to  Trish Kavanagh and John O’Brien who celebrated the sacrament of Marriage here in Abbeyfeale last Saturday. We wish them every happiness in their married life together.

HOLY WELL:  Rosary every Friday evening May.  The annual Walk to the Well will take place on Sunday, May 26.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION:  Next Saturday, the children of second class will receive  Holy Communion for the first time. It is an important day in the lives of these children and for their parents and families. The Mass will begin at 11.00am and we ask all who are attending the Mass to take their place in the church by 10.45am.  The church yard will be closed the evening before to facilitate parking on Saturday morning.

MAY DEVOTIONS: The month of May has traditionally been known as the month of The Blessed Virgin  Mary.  We are invited to honour her by reciting the Rosary daily.  On Wednesday May 29 we will have a special service honouring our Blessed Mother which will include the crowning of Mary in Duagh Church.

COMMEMORATION:  A commemorative Event involving the unveiling of a Heritage Plaque to Richard J Hayes, will take place in The Square, Abbeyfeale, on Saturday,May 18 @ 2:30pm Sharp. The event is being organised by Abbeyfeale Community Council.
Richard J Hayes was born where Bank of Ireland Abbeyfeale stands today.  He went on to become a Director of The National Library in Dublin but unbeknownst to everyone at the time including his own family he also worked undercover as Captain Grey for the Irish Secret Service during WWII.  He was responsible for the cracking of several German Nazi Codes during the War and is being credited by Governments on both sides of the Atlantic of being heavily involved in altering the course of World History and bringing WWII to an earlier conclusion than what would otherwise have been. His exploits as a “James Bond” type character during WWII only came to light following a documentary by RTE Radio 1 in Oct 2017 and the publishing of a book entitled “Code Breaker” by Marc McMenamin.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:  There will be an afternoon tea dance in  Fr. Casey’s on Sunday, May 19 with dancing to Mike Condon.  All funds will go to Laura O’Donoghue’s volunteering trip to Zambia with Suas.

GLORACH BINGO:  Every Monday night at 8.30pm.

TABLE QUIZ:  A table quiz in aid of Dementia Ireland will take place at the Winners Circle Bar on Friday, May 17 with quiz master Paddy Quille.

BOOK FLUID FORMS – LIAM FLYNN: We are going online with a crowd funding campaign to fund the publication of a full colour limited edition hard back book featuring the artwork of wood turner and artist Liam Flynn. This 118 page coffee table style book will feature over 85 images of Liam’s work. Essays by Roger Bennet and Yvonne McEnery. You can pre-order the book on our Fund:it site at €40 per copy. @—liam-flynn Besides the opportunity to purchase the book – please see the donor rewards for supporting the publication. Additional information at: Thank you for your support.

YOGA CLASSES:  Yoga classes every Wednesday evening from 7 – 8.30pm.  Yoga is a great activity; it gives you strength, flexibility and mind-body awareness.  Contact Mike 087 2732591.

WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION:  The next meeting of West Limerick Mental Health Assoiation will be held in NCW on Wednesday, May 14 at 8pm in Maple Lodge, NCW,

THANK YOU FROM O’BRIEN TRUST FUND:  The committee have been in touch to say :”On behalf of the O’Brien Trust Fund we would like to sincerely thank the people of Abbeyfeale and surrounding areas who contributed to the bucket collection last Friday and Saturday in the town.”

HARNETT REUNION:  A committee meeting has been called for Thursday, May 9 in St. Ita’s Hall at 9pm.  New members always welcome.  They’re coming from the four corners for the second reunion of the Harnett clan July 11-14.  Orange Day is even cancelled as there will be so many Harnetts travelling from the North.  Carina Prendeville is currently working on our magazine and is looking for family pictures, stories, histories.  You can contact her on [email protected]

We have a full programme organised for our visitors but it is also open to anyone to join us.  We will have booking details shortly. There will be genealogy, bus tours, a concert, a gala banquet and a memorial Mass, all at different venues around West Limerick/North Kerry. Please spread the word far and wide. The event is open to everybody.

COMMUNITY ALERT:   The Gardai have warned of a new scam called Shoulder Surfing where the criminal is watching you enter your details at the ATM.

Cover your pin number anytime you enter it whether in a shop or outside the bank.   Do not employ causal labour to do jobs around the house or yard without consulting with family members or neighbours who will put you in touch with reputable people.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

MEDJUGORJE CONFERENCE AND DAY OF PRAYER with Sr. Briege McKenna Saturday, August 31 in Neptune Stadium, Cork. Tickets €20.00 available on . Enter discount code EARLYBIRD for discount price of €15.00 available until May 31.  All tickets purchased included in entry for free pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Cork or Dublin. Booking fees apply. Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

RURAL SOCIAL SCHEME RECRUITING POTENTIAL PARTICIPANTS: West Limerick Resources CLG have a number of vacancies on the Rural Social Scheme (RSS). Participants on the scheme work 19.5hrs/week and receive a top-up payment from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. To participate on the scheme you must fulfil the following criteria: Be actively farming over 1 hectare of land; Have a valid herd number; Proof of application for the EU Basic Payment Scheme for the current year and be in receipt of Farm Assist, Jobseekers Allowance or other qualifying payments.  Spouses, children, brothers and sisters of the herd owner can also join the scheme if they meet relevant criteria.  One person allowed per herd number only.  For further details contact Tom or Michelle, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 069 61316 or E-mail:  [email protected].  Successful eligible candidates will be placed on a panel from which vacancies will be filled.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese      089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions:  Wednesday  10am James Collins, Dromtrasna Harnett Thursday 11am Funeral Mass for Maureen Browne RIP.  Friday 10am Bridget O’Connell, New Street and deceased family members.   Saturday 11am First Holy Communion.   6.30pm Henry McGill, Ballaugh &Kay & Tom Regan.  . Pats, Bridget, Jeremiah & Danjoe Murphy, Banard,  Michael, (Mick) Kelliher & Margaret Kelliher, Ballaugh.  Sunday 9.15am Denis Barry, Clash Road, James Collins, Dromtrasna Harnett.   12noon Dick Fitzgerald & Mike Fitzgerald, Railway Bar 3rd & 5th Anniv. Jack Scannell, St Ita’s Terrace .  Shelia & Timothy Murphy, Knocknagoshel.  Easter   Dues for the support of the clergy may be handed in during Mass times.  Clerks Collection next weekend.

Mass cards  are available in the sacristy during Mass times       068/  51915.  An Evening of reflection & prayer for Abbeyfeale Parish will be held at Ardfert Retreat Centre on Tuesday, November 26 from 7.30 – 10.30pm.  Contact is Rita Horgan 086 3738626.

SUMMER OUTINGS:  Thomond Archaeological and Historical Society’ Spring lectures are finished.  The next series of lectures will commence in September, in the meantime the ‘Society’ have organised a series of outings from now until then. The following are the Summer outings;  Sunday , May 19:  A Half-Day Outing To Castleconnell and its environs. People who are interested should contact the organiser, Mary O’ Sullivan at 087 7008704 for further information.  Wednesday May 29: Evening Outing to Mount Ievers/Sixmilebridge area. Those who are interested should contact the organiser, Dr. Paul O’Brien at 087 6641034 for further information.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE AND SAN GIOVANNI Leaving Dublin September 15 for 6 nights (3 nights at each shrine). Contact Michael Clifford (085 1309835) or Marian Pilgrimages (01 8788159).

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.  Knockanure Thursday, May 2 at 8pm.

COMHALTAS: The Limerick County Fleadh will take place in Athea on the June Bank holiday weekend.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Meet every First Friday in Philip Enrights The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.

ST PIO Lixnaw; May prayer meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 21 at 7.30pm.

The witness will be given by Adrian O’Connor from Cloghane, Castlegregory.

ROSARY FOR FAITH AND LIFE: Each day in May 2019, thousands of people from all around Ireland will gather at their local Grottos to recite  the Rosary for Faith and Life in Ireland. To see the locations visit

CONCERT IN MOYVANE CHURCH:  Aonghus McAnally and guests on Wednesday May 22. It will have stories, laughs, very special music and songs we all know.

LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGES: Friday, May 31 – Sunday, June 2,   Tuesday, July 9 -

Thursday July 11 or Friday, August 9 – Sunday, August 11. Fare €140 including coach, boat and island. To book you seat contact Fitzpatrick’s of Listowel on 087 3966399 (9am to 6pm).

WE’RE GOING VINTAGE IN DROMIN ATHLACCA:  Star Kids Creche and the Community Hall will hold a fundraising Vintage Run on Sunday May 26– Registration from 11.00am costing €20.00 – All Types of Vehicles most welcome. Family activities and refreshments to take place in the Community Hall after the run is launched at 12.00.

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND led by Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch.  September 24—October 2.  For further details contact Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch on 087 220 0114.

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