
Community Notices 15th March 2019

March 15th, 2019

PROLOGUE:  Men are like steel. When they lose their temper, they lose their worth.”
Chuck Norris.

BREAKING NEWS!:  The wonderful Rathkeale Brass Band will lead the parade on Sunday.

IRISH LANGUAGE CLASSES:  Abbeyfeale branch of Conradh na Gaeilge kick started Adult Irish Speaking classes, last Wednesday, March 6. As a result of the large numbers signed up for the classes, the venue for the classes have moved to St Itas Hall, Convent St, Abbeyfeale, from this Wednesday, March 13,  tosnú 7:30pm to 8:30pm.  There will be 2 classes, a Bun rang (beginners) & an Ard rang (more advanced). The main aim of these classes are to promote and encourage Irish Speaking in the locality. Some places are still available, we encourage anyone with an interest on brushing up on “na cúpla focal” to attend. The classes will continue for 6 more weeks cost €30. Mar a deireann an sean fhocal “Is fearr Gaeilge briste ná Béarla cliste”. For more information or to book your place contact Dónal on 068 31661 or email [email protected]

OPEN DAY: An invitation has been issued by the Board of St Ita’s Sheltered Housing  to their Open Day on Saturday April 27. There will be a cup of tea in the Day Care Centre following the unveiling of a plaque in honour of the late Canon Neville whose brainchild the Sheltered Housing was.  The evening will conclude with music by Lost Souls at The Winners’ Circle.

LEXIO DIVINA:    It is hoped to begin Lexio Divina after Friday’s 10am Mass. Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate. First a passage of scripture is read, and then its meaning is reflected upon. This is followed by prayer and contemplation on the Word of God.  Everyone welcome.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:  Mary MacArthur in association with the Wednesday Club are holding a Tea Dance in memory of Mary’s late husband Hughie, in Fr Casey’s GAA Hall, Abbeyfeale.3 -6pm on Sunday, April 14.  All proceeds to Milford Care Centre.  Music by Mike Condon. Tickets €5 from 087 6377310. All donations gratefully accepted.

RATHKEALE & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY will hold its final meeting of this season on Friday, March 22  at 8.30 pm. in the Community Arts Centre, New Line, Rathkeale. Topic: “REVISITING THE LORE OF WEST LIMERICK”.  Speaker:  Maurice O’Keeffe, who travelled the highways and byways of West Limerick and other regions twenty years ago, meeting and talking to people on the way, which has resulted in thousands of hours of audio material being  compiled into oral history collections. All are welcome.  Admission Free.

COUNTRY MUSIC CONCERT:  All roads lead to Duagh Sports & Leisure Complex on Thursday, April 4 for The Irish Country Music Concert presented by Mike Gardner of Country Corner – Clare FM.  A fantastic line up comprises The Ryan Turner Band, Louise Morrissey, Gerry Guthrie, Cathy Durkin, John Hogan, Michael Collins. Following on from the great success of last years “Showbands concert” this promises to be an event not to be missed. Doors open 7.30pm and Concert starts @8.30pm. Tickets €25 available from 087-2684540 or any committee member. Lots of Spot prizes, full bar facilities as well as Tea/Coffee.

FR. CASEY’S CARDS; Winner with 13 games were; Sean O’Connor, Teddy Sullivan, Eamon Scannell.  Runners up with 12 games were; Liam O’Connor, Beth Collins, Jamsie McEnery.  Door prize winner was; Connie Collins.  Table prize winners;  Eddie O’Connor, Connie Collins, Mike Donoghue.  Raffle winners were;  Beth Collins, Kathleen McCarthy, Dan Brosnan, Dan Reidy, Jerry O’Connor.

CONCERT:  A Variety Concert in aid of the Athea Lourdes Invalid Fund will take place in St Bartholomew’s Church, Athea on Sunday,March 31 at 7pm. Tickets €10.

RADIO MARIA:  Radio Maria Ireland is a Catholic Radio station broadcasting 24/7. Various programmes suited to youth and not so young listeners include daily Mass at 10am, daily Rosary prayed at 12.30pm and 5.30pm, Chat shows, Vocation stories, Catechesis and loads of Music. Tune in on your TV set at Saorview 210 (Just back from RTE1) or online at or by phone on 01 4373277. Listeners can text a comment or request to 089 4672000.

EVENINGS OF REFLECTION:  This year during Lent the Unit of Parishes (Abbeyfeale, Athea, Tournafulla/Mountcollins, Templeglantine) have organised two evenings of reflection to be held in Templeglantine on Thursday, March 7 and Thursday, March 14.

HARNETT REUNION:  It’s all systems go, email [email protected] for all the latest news, bookings, rates etc.

GLORÁCH NEWS: PRO Lorcan Curtin writes; “ A brilliant night of music was enjoyed by a sellout crowd at the Glórach Theatre last Friday night.  As part of our celebration of International Women’s Day, the group Cuisle took to the stage singing iconic songs by iconic female artists.  The best of West Limerick musicians comprised the group, with a phenomenal performance on vocals from Susan Browne and tremendous guitar and vocals from Kevin McCarthy, whose banter between numbers had the audiences in stitches.  Catherine Horgan gave a mesmeric performance on the fiddle, veering from traditional to bluegrass in style, while Dan Sheehan’s piano playing gave a great depth to the overall sound and Noel Beasley on percussion drove the rhythm on throughout the night.  A Woman’s Heart, Caledonia, Both Sides Now, It’s a heartache were just some of the numbers sung during the course of the concert, with thundering versions of Proud Mary and I will survive bringing the crowd to their feet towards the end of the night.  Thanks to Cuisle, the enthusiastic audience who attended and all the volunteers who helped out on the night”

NUTRITION TALK:  with Rebecca Steele, on Nutrition for parents of babies, toddlers, and preschool children, to take place in Abbeyfeale Library on Tuesday, March 19, from 11.45am to 12.30pm. Nutrition for baby’s growth and development, developing healthy eating habits from the start. Babies and toddlers are welcome to come along as play activities and snack will be provided.  This is an initiative of Abbeyfeale Library and West Limerick Resources CLG.  To book a place, please call Mary, at West Limerick Resources, on 087 9382883.

LISTOWEL TOASTMASERS:  Thursday, March 14, Listowel Arms, 8pm. 086 6061613.

FASHION SHOW; Spring /Summer Fashion Show – Community Hall Glin – Wednesday, March 13 – Prosecco & Glin slim (alcoholic free cocktail) with food tastings -.Fashions by;

Brides Boutique Glin, Esthers Boutique Abbeyfeale,  Annette’s Adare, Mc Conell, Killaloe, Coco, Listowel, Bella Sola NCW, Caroline Mitchell limerick, menswear by Gatsby Newcastlewest., Caroline Mitchell Limerick, Menswear by Gatsby NCW. Modelling by the Holman Lee agency.  Doors open & Reception @ 7pm. Show 8pm.  Door prize, spot prizes. Best Dressed Lady.  Tickets €15available from school 068 35344 or Maura 087 7539926.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY: All is now in readiness for the annual Abbeyfeale St Patrick’s Day Parade. Templeglantine Comhaltas will open proceedings with a lively session of jigs and reels in The Square and we hope that they will receive their usual warm reception. The parade will start from Mountmahon at 4pm and proceed down Main Street and past the reviewing stand in The Square. We look forward to another big entry of floats and novelties again this year, and already many businesses and clubs have signalled their intention to take part. Participants are asked to assemble at the Industrial Estate from 3pm and they are reminded that they are responsible for their own insurance cover and will be required to sign a waiver to that effect. Prizes will be awarded for Best Float, Best Decorated Window and Best Youth Entry. We hope that spectators will will assemble in great numbers down along Main Street to enjoy the spectacle and cheer on the participants. Bí ann agus bí linn, Lá Fhéile Pádraig!

TRIP TO CONNEMARA:  On Bank Holiday Monday, May 6, a coach will depart from the Market Yard, Newcastle West at 7a.m. to visit the Connemara Greenway. Our first stop will be for breakfast in the Forge, Moycullen.   The Connemara Greenway is planned to run all the way from Galway to Clifden but our visit is to a 6km section which was only opened in 2018 ( It is very scenic and includes wonderful lakeside stretches.  Our walk/cycle ends near Ballynahinch Castle which also has its own parkland and walks.  In the afternoon we will continue deeper into Connemara to the Lough Inagh Lodge Hotel for tea and scones with time to relax. A full four course dinner at the Old Ground Hotel in Ennis will be provided en route home.  The cost for coach travel and the three food stops is €60 which is payable to Pat Condon, Upper Maiden Street, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick.  (Tel: 06962344 from 5-6pm). As our previous excursion was oversubscribed we recommend early payment to guarantee your reservation. Beidh fáilte romhat!

€2000 IN PRIZES:  A monster Bingo will take place in Ratheenagh Community Hall on Sunday, March 17 at 3pm.  Further details 087 2126136.

LOURDES:  Limerick Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place this year from June 20 -25.  All Assisted (Invalid) Pilgrims applications to be submitted to Lourdes Office before the end of April. Details and cost will be on the notice board at the entrance of the Church.

ST ITA’S FAITH CAMP: This year our camp takes place in St Mary’s Boys school from Monday, July 29 –Thursday, August 1.  We will need volunteers -adults 18yrs +and also youths aged 14 –17 yrs. Info: -087-2788834.

CONRADH NA GAEILGE/GAELIC LEAGUE; a branch has been re-established in Abbeyfeale.  Members welcome.  Further information Éamonn 086 3903244.

CONFIRMATION:  Congratulations to the sixth class children who received their Confirmation last Tuesday.  We thank all who helped us to celebrate the Sacrament.   We pray the  Holy Spirit will bless each and every one of them in year ahead.

FLEADH BY THE FEALE:  Celebrity concert this year by The Kilfenora Ceili Band.  Takes place May 2-6, concert Sunday, May 5.  Great interest this year in the Bones playing competition so all you aspiring world champions out there – get practicing.

COMMUNITY ALERT NOTES: Sgt. Ber Leetch was out with the ICA last Tuesday.  This is a flavour of what she said:  Keep vegetation around the house low so that callers can be seen from the road.  Try and have access to the back of the house restricted, people should call to the front door .  Lock the garden shed with a good lock, if you have a bicycle then lock it with a lock that is at least 10% of its value.  Photograph Jewellery.  Do not hide cash, jewellery, ipads etc in the hot press or the bedroom.  Bolt a safe to a solid wall.  The greatest sign of occupancy are lights, buy a timer so that they will switch on even if you’re out. If someone calls offering to clean your gutters, paint your chimney, replace ridge tiles on the roof or any number of other jobs tell them that you only deal with RCCN (Housing ) Ltd., the not for profit company based in NCW who provide a cost effective housing maintenance, small repairs and adaption service principally for the over 60’s or disabled in West Limerick.  Services offered include; roof maintenance, outside maintenance, carpentry and flooring, painting etc. For further information contact Kathleen on 069 69315.  Senior Help Line is a free confidential listening service provided by trained older volunteers on 1800804591and its open daily from 10am – 10pm.  ‘So if you’re older and want information or just to hear a friendly voice then give them a call.  You can also register with WLR 069 62222 who provide a locally based service.  The phone no. for Abbeyfeale Station  is 068 30010.  If the Gardai on duty are out on patrol the call will be patched through to NCW who will call the car back to town.  Keep an eye on our FB page which is updated daily with all the latest on scams, money making rackets and fast ones.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €66.  Please note that this fee is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one. If someone comes to the door that you are not comfortable with you can use the panic button to summons help. Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

NOVELTY FUNDRAISER:  Duagh’s Unique Generation! On Friday April 5 next, Duagh Sports and Leisure Complex Committee will hold a novelty fund raising event. This will entail the showing of the popular film Despicable Me 3 in the sports hall – but with a twist! The power to operate the film projector will not be taken from the national grid. Instead the power will be generated by local cyclists working, and pedalling- in teams of eight and hoping to supply between 80 to 100 watts of power.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions: Saturday 11am   Pa Colbert, Killarney Road.

6.30pm      Peter Healy, The Hill 6th Anniversary.           Margaret & Ned Leahy and their son Emmett  and deceased family members, The Millstream.   Kitty Doody, New Street.           Thomas & Jerry O’Connor, Knockbrack, Knocknagoshel.  Sunday. 9.15am   William Riordan, Upper Purt, Month Mind .   12noon      Tom Scanlon.  Lourdes invalid  Collection will take place on March  23/24.  Schools Collections will take place on March 30/31.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Having revised the Eucharistic Adoration for  Lent it has  been decided  it will be for 12 hours a day  8am –8pm.  Monday to Friday.  Lent a season of Grace;   Lenten reflections  Special Programming Throughout the Lenten Season, reflection on the Gospel reading of each Sunday in Lent from the parish church of Ardagh in Carrickerry,  Sundays at 11.30am Monday at 7.30-pm Wednesdays at 10.30am Saturdays at 12.30pm ( 30mins) Available on SKY 588, Virgin Media 815, eircomeFibre 589 or watch online

GLÓRACH: Bingo continues on Monday nights at 8.30 pm.

BOOK ON SALE:  The Treaty Triumph celebrating Limerick’s All Ireland Hurling win is on sale at Ann Lyons’ in the Square.

GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND.  Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí  Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.

MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE May 28 – June 4 ex Cork. 15 places remaining. €725.00 half board. €200.00 deposit secures place. Staying in locally owned Hotel Leone, 3 mins from St. James Church. Spiritual director Fr. Sean Corkery.  Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

UNDERSTANDING YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH Is a one-day interactive workshop for those working or volunteering with young people. The workshop is designed to provide participants a deeper understanding of the factors that influence youth mental health. Examples will also be provided of the signs of youth mental difficulties influencing safety Participants will also learn about help seeking patterns amongst young people.  The programme is designed and run by Jigsaw.   The programme runs at Listowel Family Resource Centre on March 21 from 9.30am-4.30pm.  Contact 068 23584.

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.

‘AT LAST’:  The book is for sale in Ann Lyons’s, The Square.  It tells the story of Limerick’s long wait for All Ireland Hurling Glory.

PARENTS ‘PARENTING WHEN SEPARATED PROGRAMME’:  A six week free ‘Parenting When Separated Programme’ starts in Newcastle West, Wednesday, March 27 to May 15, (excluding Easter break) from 10am-12.30pm, in the Family and Community Hub (in Newcastle West Community Centre, opposite Aldi). The programme aims to solve co-parenting problems, help parents to help children cope with the impact of separation, both emotionally and practically, and to enhance communication between the parent and child and the child’s other parent. To find out more, please contact Niamh, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 069 62222.

BACK2NEW COMMUNITY UPCYCLING / RE-DESIGNED FURNITURE:  Are you spring cleaning your home or workplace?  We are currently looking for sound items of office & home furniture; large shelving units, large desks, under desk storage, storage cabinets, occasional tables, plant pots, garden benches, garden chairs, coat stands. Quirky items are welcome. Our re-designed and re-purposed furniture store is open every Monday (9.30-1.30pm), Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (9.30am-5.30pm) at The Weigh House, Market Yard, Newcastle West.  Call in and have a look around our community retail store and you will be amazed at the unique furniture items for sale. We also provide a re-design service. For further information, please contact Michaela Donegan on 087 2727742.

COLÁISTE ÍDE:  Lá Oscailte – Open Day All-Irish Post Primary Boarding School for Girls 9 SOCIAL FARMING: Social Farming is the practice of offering activity on family farms as a form of Social Support service. In Social Farming the farm remains a working farm at its core but invited people to participate in the day to day activities on the farm. Interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming please contact Rosemary, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 366 3842 or 069 66290.

Community notices 7th March 2019

March 8th, 2019

EVENINGS OF REFLECTION:  This year during Lent the Unit of Parishes (Abbeyfeale, Athea, Tournafulla/Mountcollins, Templeglantine) have organised two evenings of reflection to be held in Templeglantine on Thursday, March 7 and Thursday, March 14.  We are privileged to have a woman who has made a remarkable journey in terms of Geography and Faith. She started life in South Africa as a Reformed Presbyterian “with a Baptist mother” and lead by the providence of God, human curiosity and a deep desire to be faithful, she came to work and live in Ireland, and then, followed three of her family into the Catholic Church.

Dr Jessie Rogers lectures in Scripture at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth.

HARNETT REUNION:  A meeting of the clan takes place in St. Ita’s Hall on Thursday at 9pm.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB CONCERT:  Saturday, March 9 at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse at 8pm.  Ella Marie O’Dywer, Nora Butler, Philip Enright, Daisy Kearney, Frances Kennedy, Kileedy Comhaltas, Templeglantine Junior Plearacha Group and many more.

MEDLEY OF MUSICALS:  Colaiste Ide agus Iosef Transition Year students are presenting their production of a “Medley of Musicals”this week.  It will be held in Colaiste Ide agus Iosef, Abbeyfeale on March 6/7 with the show starting at 7.30 pm each night.  Tickets €10 from the school or Ann Lyons.

NUTRITION TALK:  with Rebecca Steele, on Nutrition for parents of babies, toddlers, and preschool children, to take place in Abbeyfeale Library on Tuesday, March 19, from 11.45am to 12.30pm. Nutrition for baby’s growth and development, developing healthy eating habits from the start. Babies and toddlers are welcome to come along as play activities and snack will be provided.  This is an initiative of Abbeyfeale Library and West Limerick Resources CLG.  To book a place, please call Mary, at West Limerick Resources, on 087 9382883.

IRISH SPEAKING CLASSES:  Abbeyfeale branch of Conradh na Gaeilge are starting Adult Irish Speaking classes, commencing on Wednesday, March 6, tosnú 7:30pm at Leens Hotel. The main aim of these classes is to promote and encourage Irish Speaking in the locality from a very basic level to more advanced. We encourage anyone with an interest on brushing up on “na cúpla focal” to attend. The classes will run cost €30 for 6 weeks. Mar a deireann an sean fhocal “Is fearr Gaeilge briste ná Béarla cliste”. For more information or to book your place contact Dónal on 068 31661 or email [email protected]

FASHION SHOW; Spring /Summer Fashion Show – Community Hall Glin – Wednesday, March 13 – Prosecco & Glin slim (alcoholic free cocktail) with food tastings -.Fashions by;

Brides Boutique Glin, Esthers Boutique Abbeyfeale,  Annette’s Adare, Mc Conell, Killaloe, Coco, Listowel, Bella Sola NCW, Caroline Mitchell limerick, menswear by Gatsby Newcastlewest., Caroline Mitchell Limerick, Menswear by Gatsby NCW. Modelling by the Holman Lee agency.  Doors open & Reception @ 7pm. Show 8pm.  Door prize, spot prizes. Best Dressed Lady.  Tickets €15available from school 068 35344 or Maura 087 7539926.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY: Preparations are continuing for the annual Abbeyfeale St Patrick’s Day Parade. The parade will start from Mountmahon at 4pm and proceed down Main Street and past the reviewing stand in The Square. We look forward to another big entry of floats and novelties again this year, and already many businesses and clubs have signalled their intention to take part. Participants are asked to assemble at the Industrial Estate from 3pm and they are reminded that they are responsible for their own insurance cover and will be required to sign a waiver to that effect. Prizes will be awarded for Best Float, Best Decorated Window and Best Youth Entry. The organizers would also like to thank all those people who contributed so generously to our recent church gate collection. Your support is greatly appreciated.

TRIP TO CONNEMARA:  On Bank Holiday Monday, May 6, a coach will depart from the Market Yard, Newcastle West at 7a.m. to visit the Connemara Greenway. Our first stop will be for breakfast in the Forge, Moycullen.   The Connemara Greenway is planned to run all the way from Galway to Clifden but our visit is to a 6km section which was only opened in 2018 ( It is very scenic and includes wonderful lakeside stretches.  Our walk/cycle ends near Ballynahinch Castle which also has its own parkland and walks.  In the afternoon we will continue deeper into Connemara to the Lough Inagh Lodge Hotel for tea and scones with time to relax. A full four course dinner at the Old Ground Hotel in Ennis will be provided en route home.  The cost for coach travel and the three food stops is €60 which is payable to Pat Condon, Upper Maiden Street, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick.  (Tel: 06962344 from 5-6pm). As our previous excursion was oversubscribed we recommend early payment to guarantee your reservation. Beidh fáilte romhat!

€2000 IN PRIZES:  A monster Bingo will take place in Ratheenagh Community Hall on Sunday, March 17 at 3pm.  Further details 087 2126136.

LOURDES:  Limerick Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place this year from June 20 -25.  All Assisted (Invalid) Pilgrims applications to be submitted to Lourdes Office before the end of April. Details and cost will be on the notice board at the entrance of the Church.

MEENKILLY CARD GAME FEBRUARY 19; Winners with 12 games were Dixie Quirke, Marian Quirke, Mossie O Donnell.  Table Prize: Nicole Lane, Liam Lane, Con Lane.  Door Prize: Marian Roche, J.J. Lenihan.  Raffle Tickets: Christine O Donoghue, John Quirke(2), Paddy Finucane(2), Mossie Collins.  February 26; Winners with 14 games were Noel Murphy, Jack O Sullivan, Dan Reidy.  Runners up with 12 games were Noreen O Callaghan, Liam O Connor, James McEnery, Mossie O Donnell, Dixie Quirke, Marian Quirke.  Table Prize: Shelia Breen, Pat Collins, Bill Blair.  Door Prize: Sean Harnett, James McEnery.  Raffle Tickets: Michael Cahill, Breda O Connell, Christine O Donoghue(2), Betty Curtin, J.J. Lenihan, Connie Brouder.  The card game continues every Tuesday night, commencing at 9.00pm sharp.  Looking forward to seeing all the regular (and new) card players on the night.

CAPPAGH DRAMA GROUP:  This year we take to the stage with the hilarious comedy ‘Move Over Mrs Markham’ by Ray Cooney. Set in a posh upstairs flat, this riotous play is full of twists and turns, rather risqué and guaranteed to have you rolling around in the aisles. We’re delighted to be joined by some new cast members this year.
So save the dates…Saturday March, 9 and Sunday, March 10. Doors open at 7pm, play starts 7.30pm sharp. Tickets €10, at the door.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2019:  West Limerick Resources will host a ‘Free Home DIY & Basic Car Maintenance Demonstration’ on Thursday, March 7, at 7.30pm, in Feohanagh/Castlemahon Community Hall to celebrate International Women’s Day. On this evening we will bring women together, in a fun and interactive environment, giving them the chance to broaden their knowledge and feel confident when it comes to Home DIY & Car Maintenance. Free Raffle & Refreshments on the night. Booking essential by calling/texting Damien on 087 9042477 or Brenda on 087 7669952 or emailing [email protected] or [email protected]

FR. CASEY’S CARDS MARCH 1:  Winner with 15 games were;  Fenton Quirke, Kathleen McCarthy, Maureen Fitzgerald.  Runners up with 12 games were;  Liam O’Connor, Beth Collins, Jamsie McEnery.  Door prize was;  Diarmuid Shine.  Table prize was; Cyril Morrissey, Marion Morrissey, James Connell.  Raffle winners were;  John Lyons, Noel Murphy, Dan Brosnan, Gerard Murphy, Eileen Finnegan, Bill Blaire, Sean O’Connor.  Upcoming Fixtures;  County Football League Division 1.  Fr. Caseys Vs Monaleen, Saturday March 9 in Monaleen at 1pm.  Recent Results;  County Football League Division 3: Fr. Caseys 0-08, Ballylanders 6-15.  County Football League Division 1: Fr. Caseys 2-16, Ballysteen 3-12.  Fr. Caseys Senior Footballers started their 2019 campaign last Friday night when they took on Ballysteen in the opening round of the County League under lights in Abbeyfeale. In front of a sizeable crowd and the first competitive adult game under the new lights, Fr. Caseys were keen to gain revenge on a Ballysteen team that ended their 2018 championship run last September. Fr. Caseys made the perfect start scoring four points without reply in the opening 10 minutes. Ballysteen replied with a brace to narrow the gap to two points after 15 minutes. Despite the high tempo, scores had been at a premium but then in a 5-minute spell the crowd were treated to 3 goals. It was Fr. Caseys that rattled the net first when Rory O’Brien cut through the Ballysteen defence and off loaded to Sean O’Donnell who made no mistake with a well taken goal. At the other end Ballysteen had the perfect reply with two quick goals, both opportunistic and Fr. Caseys were now behind for the first time in the game. In the last 10 minutes of the half  Fr. Caseys lost their way and were outscored 5 points to 1 by Ballysteen to trail 1-05 to 2-07 at the break.  A big second half performance was required and that’s exactly what the Abbeyfeale men delivered. The opening quarter of the second half belonged to Fr. Caseys, outscoring their opponents 7 points to 2 to leave the teams level with 15 minutes remaining. Ballysteen weren’t going to lie down however and battled bravely to restore an advantage. When Ballysteen struck for their third goal with 6 minutes left, leaving 4 points between the teams it looked like game, set and match for the visitors. Trailing by three points and heading to injury time, Kieran Foley found sight of goal from 14 yards and took his opportunity to rattle the net and level the scores once more. Deep in injury time Fr. Caseys made one final push forward and when Jamie O’Connor got his chance his lofted a beautiful kick from 40 yards between the posts to steal an unlikely but deserved victory for Fr. Caseys. Next up is an away trip to Monaleen. Hopefully the winning run continues. The final score was Fr. Caseys 2-16, Ballysteen 3-12.

ST ITA’S FAITH CAMP: This year our camp takes place in St Mary’s Boys school from Monday, July 29 –Thursday, August 1.  We will need volunteers -adults 18yrs +and also youths aged 14 –17 yrs. Info: -087-2788834.

CONRADH NA GAEILGE/GAELIC LEAGUE; a branch has been re-established in Abbeyfeale.  Members welcome.  Further information Éamonn 086 3903244.

FLEADH BY THE FEALE:  Celebrity concert this year by The Kilfenora Ceili Band.  Takes place May 2-6, concert Sunday, May 5.  Great interest this year in the Bones playing competition so all you aspiring world champions out there – get practicing.

COMMUNITY ALERT NOTES: Sgt. Ber Leetch was out with the ICA last Tuesday.  This is a flavour of what she said:  Keep vegetation around the house low so that callers can be seen from the road.  Try and have access to the back of the house restricted, people should call to the front door .  Lock the garden shed with a good lock, if you have a bicycle then lock it with a lock that is at least 10% of its value.  Photograph Jewellery.  Do not hide cash, jewellery, ipads etc in the hot press or the bedroom.  Bolt a safe to a solid wall.  The greatest sign of occupancy are lights, buy a timer so that they will switch on even if you’re out. If someone calls offering to clean your gutters, paint your chimney, replace ridge tiles on the roof or any number of other jobs tell them that you only deal with RCCN (Housing ) Ltd., the not for profit company based in NCW who provide a cost effective housing maintenance, small repairs and adaption service principally for the over 60’s or disabled in West Limerick.  Services offered include; roof maintenance, outside maintenance, carpentry and flooring, painting etc. For further information contact Kathleen on 069 69315.  Senior Help Line is a free confidential listening service provided by trained older volunteers on 1800804591and its open daily from 10am – 10pm.  ‘So if you’re older and want information or just to hear a friendly voice then give them a call.  You can also register with WLR 069 62222 who provide a locally based service.  The phone no. for Abbeyfeale Station  is 068 30010.  If the Gardai on duty are out on patrol the call will be patched through to NCW who will call the car back to town.  Keep an eye on our FB page which is updated daily with all the latest on scams, money making rackets and fast ones.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €66.  Please note that this fee is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one. If someone comes to the door that you are not comfortable with you can use the panic button to summons help. Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

PARENT AND BABY INFORMATION EVENT: West Limerick Resources CLG, in connection with the Newcastle West Library, are hosting a Parenting and Baby Information Event on Thursday, March 7, from 10.30am-12.30pm. This is a Free event and open to all parents, babies and expectant mothers.  Join us in the Library to find out about supports available in West Limerick.  The morning will include baby massage & yoga demonstrations and advice, kids’ activities and much more. For more information please contact Niamh, at West Limerick Resources, on 069 62222.

NOVELTY FUNDRAISER:  Duagh’s Unique Generation! On Friday April 5 next, Duagh Sports and Leisure Complex Committee will hold a novelty fund raising event. This will entail the showing of the popular film Despicable Me 3 in the sports hall – but with a twist! The power to operate the film projector will not be taken from the national grid. Instead the power will be generated by local cyclists working, and pedalling- in teams of eight and hoping to supply between 80 to 100 watts of power.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA from May 10 -17.  Led by Fr. Noel Spring.   Enquiries to Maureen Harty 066 7131328.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

MASS TIME:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions: Friday   No Morning Mass  7pm Anna Mai Lane, Killarney Road Month Mind.   Saturday 11am Mick, Patrick, & Margaret Corbett.               Margaret & Jack O’Sullivan.  6.30pm  Peggy McCarthy, Caherlane.   Michael Walsh and his parents  Dromtrasna .   John & Niamh O’Donoghue.  Sunday 9.15am Lisa Doran, Luton.        Sean, Margaret & Lukeen Scannell, The Hill.   12noon Mary O’Connor, Knockbrack  1st Anniversary.  Richard O’Brien, Clash Road Months Mind. Monday 7pm Eileen O’Brien, Bridge St. Months Mind.  Lourdes invalid  Collection will take place on March  23/24.  Schools Collections will take place on March 30/31.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament –  Having revised the Eucharistic Adoration for  Lent it has  been decided  it will be for 12 hours a day  8am –8pm.  Monday to Friday.  Lent a season of Grace;   Lenten reflections  Special Programming Throughout the Lenten Season, reflection on the Gospel reading of each Sunday in Lent from the parish church of Ardagh in Carrickerry,  Sundays at 11.30am Monday at 7.30-pm Wednesdays at 10.30am Saturdays at 12.30pm ( 30mins) Available on SKY 588, Virgin Media 815, eircomeFibre 589 or watch online

GLÓRACH: Bingo continues on Monday nights at 8.30 pm.

KNOCKANURE RAMBLING HOUSE: Community Centre, Thursday, March 7 at 9pm.

BOOK ON SALE:  The Treaty Triumph celebrating Limerick’s All Ireland Hurling win is on sale at Ann Lyons’ in the Square.

GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND.  Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí  Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.

MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE May 28 – June 4 ex Cork. 15 places remaining. €725.00 half board. €200.00 deposit secures place. Staying in locally owned Hotel Leone, 3 mins from St. James Church. Spiritual director Fr. Sean Corkery.  Contact Sean O’Shaughnessy 0862959380.

UNDERSTANDING YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH Is a one-day interactive workshop for those working or volunteering with young people. The workshop is designed to provide participants a deeper understanding of the factors that influence youth mental health. Examples will also be provided of the signs of youth mental difficulties influencing safety Participants will also learn about help seeking patterns amongst young people.  The programme is designed and run by Jigsaw.   The programme runs at Listowel Family Resource Centre on March 21 from 9.30am-4.30pm.  Contact 068 23584.

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.

‘AT LAST’:  The book is for sale in Ann Lyons’s, The Square.  It tells the story of Limerick’s long wait for All Ireland Hurling Glory.

PARENTS ‘PARENTING WHEN SEPARATED PROGRAMME’:  A six week free ‘Parenting When Separated Programme’ starts in Newcastle West, Wednesday, March 27 to May 15, (excluding Easter break) from 10am-12.30pm, in the Family and Community Hub (in Newcastle West Community Centre, opposite Aldi). The programme aims to solve co-parenting problems, help parents to help children cope with the impact of separation, both emotionally and practically, and to enhance communication between the parent and child and the child’s other parent. To find out more, please contact Niamh, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 069 62222.

BACK2NEW COMMUNITY UPCYCLING / RE-DESIGNED FURNITURE:  Are you spring cleaning your home or workplace?  We are currently looking for sound items of office & home furniture; large shelving units, large desks, under desk storage, storage cabinets, occasional tables, plant pots, garden benches, garden chairs, coat stands. Quirky items are welcome. Our re-designed and re-purposed furniture store is open every Monday (9.30-1.30pm), Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (9.30am-5.30pm) at The Weigh House, Market Yard, Newcastle West.  Call in and have a look around our community retail store and you will be amazed at the unique furniture items for sale. We also provide a re-design service. For further information, please contact Michaela Donegan on 087 2727742.

COLÁISTE ÍDE:  Lá Oscailte – Open Day All-Irish Post Primary Boarding School for Girls 9 Márta/March from 1- 4pm.

SOCIAL FARMING: Social Farming is the practice of offering activity on family farms as a form of Social Support service. In Social Farming the farm remains a working farm at its core but invited people to participate in the day to day activities on the farm. Interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming please contact Rosemary, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 366 3842 or 069 66290.

ST BRENDAN’S COLLEGE, TRANSITION YEAR STUDENTS are looking for older people who would like to become familiar/better users of their computers, laptops, mobile phones (iPhones & Smart), iPads and tablets. They tutor during their LOG ON LEARN class, on a one to one basis every Tuesday morning from 9am-11am for a period of approx. 6/8wks, commencing this Tuesday excluding Easter holiday weeks. If you are interested and can commit to attending each week please contact the school to get your name down for this very popular course which is Free of Charge, Tel No.  064 6631021

Community notices 30th Jan 2019

January 31st, 2019

PROLOGUE;  Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.”
Napoleon Hill

MASS TIMES:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions: Thursday 10am  Rico Kelly, 17 Radharc Na Feile . Friday 10am Purgatorial Society  Intentions for next weekend:  Saturday 6.30pm      Bernadette O’Connor, Knocknasna .  Peggy Foley, Ballaugh.  Sunday 9.15am Garret & Hannah Mai Stack & Michael & John Stack.  David Ward, Ballaugh.

12noon  Patrick Broderick and his daughter Hannah.  Eily Lane, New Street .  Paddy & Nancy Fitzgerald, Meenahela.  Friday, February1.  Feast Day of St Brigid and First Friday.

Saturday, February 2, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas Day):   Candles will be blessed at the 11.00a.m Mass on Saturday morning. This year we are already oversupplied with large long candles, so we are asking parishioners not to give this type of candles to the Church.  However, if parishioners wish to make a donation for other sized candles your donations towards the purchase of these candles will be grateful received.  Parishioners are welcome to bring candles to be blessed that will be used at home throughout the year.

Sunday, February 3, The Feast of St Blaise:    Since the 8th century St Blaise, bishop and martyr, has been venerated as the patron of those who suffer from diseases of the throat. Due to large congregations and time constraints it will not be possible to give individual blessings of throats next Sunday.  However there will be a special prayer and blessing given to the congregation after Holy Communion at all Masses next weekend.

SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE CHASTITUTE: Enjoy a 4 course dinner at Leen’s Hotel followed by a rip roaring performance of John B Keane”s The Chastitute at Glórach for just €30. This special offer is available on Thursdays, January 31 and February 7. To book for both – call the Glórach line 087 1383940.  Abbeyside Players with John B. Keane’s The Chastitute are  on stage on Thursday, January 31, Friday, February 1, Saturday, February 2, Thursday, February 7, Friday, February 8, Saturday, February 9, Sunday, February 10.

CALLING PARENTS:  Abbeyfeale Parent & Toddler Group: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

MARRIAGE OF CONNIVANCE:  As soon as The Abbeyside Players finish their run the Abbeyfeale Drama Group take the stage with  ‘Marriage of Connivance’ from February 12. COFFEE MORNING: A Coffee morning will be held at the Gate way café the Western Inn Feale’s Bridge Abbeyfeale on Thursday, Valentine’s day February 14 from 11 – 2pm where all the proceeds are going towards the chemotherapy day ward at UHK.  Your support would be greatly appreciated.

CONGRATULATIONS:  Delighted to hear that Kathleens Foodstore sold a €50,000 scratch card last week and a €500 one yesterday.

“THE LONESOME WEST”:  We will take to the stage with ‘The Lonesome West’ on Feb 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, and 17.  Suitable for over 12’s.  Admission €10.  Telephone/ text bookings only 087 2743189.  Doors open 7.30pm.

SHEP – THE SOCIAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION PROJECT:  ‘An Introduction to Personal Development’ in the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West, begins on Wednesday, January 30, 2019, from 10.00am to 12.30pm for 8 weeks (to March 20). Please contact Adrienne at West Limerick Resources on 087-2773294/[email protected] for further details and to register your interest.

CONRADH NA GAEILGE FESTIVAL:  Tionól (Irish language and Music w/e)   Chontae Luimnigh present the first, hopefully of many gatherings of  Folklore, Music, Poetry and History of Abbeyfeale through the Irish Language in Fr. Casey’s Friday, February 8 and Saturday, February 9 with daily admission just €5 per day.  The official opening takes place on Friday from 7pm followed by a lecture from Séamus Ó Coileáin from Athea and ending with a traditional music concert with the Murphy family, Riona Ní Churtáin, Denis Curtin and the Flannery Sisters.   Saturday’s programme includes lectures, a   bilingual walking tour of Abbeyfeale and a traditional music session.  All are welcome.

CONRADH NA GAEILGE/GAELIC LEAGUE; a branch has been re-established in Abbeyfeale.  Members welcome.  Further information Éamonn 086 3903244.

ST. BRIDGET’S DAY WORKSHOP AT ATHEA LIBRARY:  February 1 marks the celebration of St. Brigid’s Day. It has been decided to host an event at our Library on St Brigid’s Day Eve, January 31 at 8pm. The evening will begin with a short presentation on the life of St. Brigid and the history of the St Brigid’s Cross delivered by Jamie Kelly followed by a workshop facilitated by Peg Prendiville where we will all attempt to make a St. Brigid’s Cross. Due to our library being small, the numbers attending will be capped. Booking is essential by sending us a message here or texting Damien Ahern on 0879042477. The will be no charge for the workshop.

POST BOX;  There is a second post box in town – at the side of O’Donoghue’s Flower shop on Convent St with a collection Monday to Friday at 4.45pm each day.

IS YOUR NAME HARNETT:  Hopefully you have told all the relations about the planned International Reunion next July and they’re all making plans to gather and enjoy the programme that is currently in the planning.   Email HarnettReunion2019 for further information or check out Harnett Reunion FB page to keep up to date with all the plans for a fantastic weekend July 11-14, 2019.  We’d like to take this opportunity to offer our Chairman James Harnett our sincere sympathies on the recent death of his aunt Mrs. Mary Hickey.

LECTURE:  Dr.  Tony Humphreys. on the topic of “Communication is about Getting through to Self”.  Friday, February 1 at 7.30pm in the Dromhall Hotel, Killarney.   Free admission.  Further information Eileen 087 4129655

ABBEYFEALE SPORTS COMPLEX BOOKINGS; The newly refurbished hall is available for bookings Monday – Sunday.  Ring the office on 068 31799 Monday to Friday 9 -4.

GLÓRACH: Bingo continues on Monday nights at 8.30 pm.

BOOK ON SALE:  The Treaty Triumph celebrating Limerick’s All Ireland Hurling win is on sale at Ann Lyons’ in the Square.

WEDNESDAY PRAYER:  Parishioners are invited to gather in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Wednesday afternoon at 3p.m to recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet for  Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.  This prayer meeting will take place every Wednesday.

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.

COMMUNITY ALERT NOTES: Please keep an eye on elderly neighbours, it need only be a telephone call or just dropping in for a few minutes on your way home from work but showing that you care could mean the world to someone.  The minute you buy something in the line of electrical goods, machinery, bicycles, quads find the serial no. and record it even if it was only on a sticker on the inside door of a press.  Use the marker that you got at the Seniors Christmas lunch.  If you see anything that makes you wonder if thieves are casing the area like a car that seems to be travelling around several times ring Abbeyfeale Station on 068 30010.  If the Gardai on duty are out on patrol the call will be patched through to NCW who will call the car back to town.  There was a glut of calls from oversees in the last week, this is a scam and if you answer or call back you will be charged premium rates so only answer calls from numbers you recognise.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €66.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month.  Please note that this fee is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

WEEKEND OF PRAYER PRAISE WORSHIP AND HEALING on Saturday February 2 and Sunday February 3 at Charleville Park Hotel, Charleville Co. Cork.   Keynote Speaker: Ros Powell (Catholic Christian Evangelist U.K.).  Talks: Fr. John Keane CC (Cloyne Diocese); Fr. Tony Emeka MHM (Cameroon), and Msgr. Finbarr O Leary (Ecuador Missions). Admission to the event is free but pre-booking is necessary. To book please contact: Celia 087 2405568   Mary 087 2898518   Nuala 086 1544075 Tom 087 6468658   Pat 087 2505528.

‘AT LAST’:  The book is for sale in Ann Lyons’s, The Square.  It tells the story of Limerick’s long wait for All Ireland Hurling Glory.

RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY (Cancer Support House, 5 Haigs Terrace, Tralee).  A 6 week Support Programme for Men with Prostate Cancer will commence on Wednesday, January 30 from 7-9pm and is being run in conjunction with the Irish Cancer Society.  This programme aims to enhance the physical and psychosocial well -being and quality of life for prostate cancer survivors by identifying and responding to survivors needs, developing healthy coping strategies and managing lifestyle changes.  Cancer: ‘Thriving and Surviving ‘(CTS) course begins at 10.30 am Monday, February 4. It is a self-management program given over 2 and a half hours once a week for 6 weeks to help support people recovering after cancer treatment.


Community notices 18th Dec 2018

December 18th, 2018

PROLOGUE;  Your imagination is preview to life’s coming attractions.  Albert Einstein.

DEATH; Sincere sympathy to the wife and family of the late Patrick J O’ Connor, Caherhayes whose funeral took place on Friday.  May he rest in peace.

SNOOKER EXTRAVAGANSA; Ken Doherty v Steve Davis at the Longcourt Hotel in aid of WL102 and Friends of St Ita’s.  Thursday, January 10, standard tickets 20 euros, doors open 7.30pm, show 8pm.

WALK OR RUN IN MEMORY OF DEE. ; St. Stephen’s Day from the Railway Yard at 11am. Refreshments at Railway Bar afterwards. Proceeds to Mid-west Cancer Foundation.

FR. CASEY’S CARDS: Winners with 13 games were; Kathleen McCarthy, Fenton Quirke, Maureen Fitzgerald.  Runners up with 12 games were; Tom Murphy, Sean Harnett, Dan Dillane

Door prize was; Maura Scannell.  Table prize was; Eileen Finnegan, Christine O’Donoghue, Gerard Murphy.  Raffle winners were; Pat Collins, Maura Scannell, Teddy Sullivan, Sean Harnett, Dan Casey.

MASS TIMES:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

CHRISTMAS CONFESSIONS; Friday after 10am Mass, Saturday after 11am Mass and Monday 24 from 10-11am.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions:  Saturday 11am Ellen Kehoe.  6.30pm Edward and Kate Reilly and deceased family members.  Philly Cusack Cratloe.  John Walsh.  Mary Enright Caherlane.  John Ruane Mayo.  Sunday 9.15am Quinn and Codyre families.   Geraldine Woulfe Cratloe.  John D. Murphy Ballaugh and Grogeen.  12 noon Mick Scanlon, Athea.  Jim Lane, New Street 2nd Anniversary.  John Riordan Upper Purt .

Advent Prayer “ Hail and Blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the pure Virgin Mary, at mid-night in a stable in Bethlehem in the piercing cold.   At the same hour vouch safe O My God, hear my prayer and grant my petition.

CONRADH NA GAEILGE/GAELIC LEAGUE; a branch has been re-established in Abbeyfeale.  Members welcome.  Further information Éamonn 086 3903244.

PRAYERS IN REILIG IDE NAOFA; Sunday next, December 23 at 1pm.  Ribbons and candles available.

POST BOX;  There is a second post box in town – at the side of O’Donoghue’s Flower shop on Convent St with a collection Monday to Friday at 4.45pm each day.

DREAMS:  The Limerick GAA DVD is for sale in Ann Lyons’s, The Square.

YOUTH CHOIR PRACTICE:  The choir will rehearse on Thursday from 4.15-4.45pm in the church and we look forward to their performance on Christmas Day at Mass. Further details from [email protected]

RAMBLING HOUSE:  A Christmas rambling house will be held at Fr Casey’s club house Abbeyfeale on Thursday, December 20 in aid of the Chemotherapy Day Ward at Kerry General Hospital.   Your support would be greatly appreciated and all singers, dancers, storytellers and musicians are welcome to attend.  Doors open at 8.30 and show begins at 9pm.  Spot prizes and Santa will also make a visit on the night. Further information Benny Thade McCarthy 087 9918546.

CHARITY CÉILÍ:  A céilí will take place in Moyvane Hall on Thursday, December 27 from 3 – 6pm with music by Donie Nolan.  It is a fundraiser for the Stack Family, Moyvane.  Further information from Marie 087 9542102.

SUNDAY MASS IN DUAGH: Fr. Jack O’Donnell is offering an extra Mass at the weekend in Duagh Church each Sunday at 11.30 a.m. between now and Easter.

CONNIE HARNETT MEMORIAL SWIM; The 5th Annual Connie Harnett Memorial Swim will take place in Ballybunion on New Year’s Day.  Donation buckets will be in place and a raffle for numerous spot prizes will be held.  Proceeds will be divided between local charities.   Enquiries to 0863151447.

WELCOME AND FAREWELL;   Sad to report that Annette’s iconic dress shop which has been a mainstay of Main St.,  has relocated to Adare, but delighted on the other hand to welcome the Green Gourmet restaurant to Convent St.

BORD NA NÓG CALENDAR; The calendar on sale locally features young players from the parish and will make a great keepsake in the years to come.   Priced at just `10 euro it will make a great stocking filler.

CHRISTMAS CD’S; There are 16 new titles available at the back of the church and these too would make inexpensive stocking fillers for Christmas.

ABBEYFEALE SPORTS COMPLEX BOOKINGS; The newly refurbished hall is available for bookings Monday – Sunday.  Ring the office on 068 31799 Monday to Friday 9 -4pm.

CANTATA; Huge congratulations to the students and staff of the girls NS who brought us the real meaning of Christmas last Thursday night.  It was recorded for WL102fm and they hope to broadcast it on Christmas night from 7-8pm.

GLÓRACH:  The approach of Christmas is often accompanied by the usual dread of trying to think up of an original present for your loved ones.  Here at the Glórach Theatre, we are marking the event by offering Gift Vouchers that will entitle the holder to entry to any concert/play/film/other event of their choice in the New Year.  With many events ahead of us in January and February, they will have immediate options, and best of all,  they are visually, a beautiful voucher.  To purchase a Glórach Christmas Voucher, please call 0871383940.

Bingo continues on Monday nights at 8.30 pm, with a break for Christmas Eve, thanks to all our loyal patrons, travel safely and we hope you continue to enjoy the night.

SHOP LOCAL:  Vouchers are available this year in Abbeyfeale town to give as Christmas gifts and help encourage the shop local campaign. The Abbeyfeale Gift Voucher can be purchased at Abbeyfeale Credit Union in denominations of €10, €20 and €50.  Abbeyfeale Community Council kindly asks that everyone throughout the Abbeyfeale area keep our wonderful Community in mind when thinking of shopping, doing business and/or socialising. It’s a hugely important time of year for business survival and job retention throughout the Abbeyfeale area and every euro spent locally is a vote of support to keep our Community alive.    Never forget that if you need a few messages on tick there is no point in approaching a multiple so give everyone a turn and keep our town viable and vibrant.

BOOK ON SALE:  The Treaty Triumph celebrating Limerick’s All Ireland Hurling win is on sale at Ann Lyons’ in the Square.

.CHRISTMAS WALK:  The annual Christmas Walk along the Great Southern Trail Greenway will take place on Thursday, December 27. Assembly is at the large carpark behind Leen’s Hotel, Abbeyfeale, Co.Limerick between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. The hotel is on the N21 and the public bus services stop a few hundred metres from the hotel. The Bus Éireann services from Tralee via Listowel at 11.00 and from Limerick at 11.35 are recommended. Walkers will be transferred by Coach House Travel courtesy shuttle coach from Leen’s Hotel car park to Tullig Wood/Devon Road from where they will have a choice of either a 5.75 miles [9km] or 4.5 miles [7km] stroll, mostly along the old railway, back to Leen’s Hotel where they can enjoy seasonal mince pies, whipped cream and tea/coffee at their leisure. All walkers must wear visibility vests as the final kilometre is through the streets of Abbeyfeale and involves crossing the busy N21 which must be crossed at the zebra crossing close to the hotel. Cyclists, with visibility gear and lights, are also welcome and we suggest that they also meet at the hotel at 12.30 and cycle outwards along the Greenway for approximately one hour towards Barnagh or beyond and then return in time to enjoy the refreshments. We recommend that cyclists also wear a helmet for their own sake.

HARNETT INTERNATIONAL REUNION 2019:  Calling all Harnetts based West Limerick, North Cork and North Kerry.  We are well into planning for our big weekend next July and we’d love you to get involved and be there to meet up with people from all over the world who share your DNA.  We have a dedicated email address which you can use to get in touch; HarnettReunion2019 You can follow developments on our FB page too.

PARISH UNITS:  At the diocesan Synod held in April 2016, it was decided by the

Delegates at the Synod to introduce a model of Team Ministry throughout the diocese.  Abbeyfeale will be part of a Unit that includes the parishes of Templeglantine, Athea and Tournafulla/ Mountcollins parishes. From December 1, all priests working in the Unit are Co Parish Priests of all of the parishes in the Unit. Fr Denis Mullane has been appointed as Moderator of the Unit of Parishes. Fr Mullane’s role will be to coordinate the

Pastoral work in the Unit of Parishes. In the New Year a single Pastoral Council will be put in place for the Unit of Parishes.  Each individual parish within the Unit will have a co- ordinating committee or local parish council. This new structure will see greater movement of the priests within the Unit of Parishes, especially for the celebration of the Vigil Mass and Sunday Mass.

WEDNESDAY PRAYER:  Parishioners are invited to gather in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Wednesday afternoon at 3p.m to recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet for  Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.  This prayer meeting will take place every Wednesday.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:  This will be a fundraiser for Fr. Martin McCormack’s African Project and takes place on Sunday, January 13 at Fr. Casey’s with dancing to Donie Walsh and Jer Enright.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS SORTED:  Much of the past fifty years is captured in a book especially complied to mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale. The book contains many wonderful coloured photographs that show off the splendour of the Church, its stained glass windows and general embellishment.   The title of the publication is Moladh go Deo Le Dia. (Praise be to God forever). Price €10. The book is available in O’Donoghue’s, Marguerite’s, Ann Lyons’ Moss Harnett’s and following Mass.

COMMUNITY ALERT NOTES: Unfortunately there was a robbery recently between 4-5pm just outside town.  We all need to be aware of strange vehicles and if you have any concerns ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station 068 30010 (if station unattended the call will automatically be forwarded to NCW station 069 20650) if you see something untoward.  Contact any member of the committee should you wish to join our Text Alert Scheme.  This was set up to immediately alert the community that an incident has occurred.   The hope is that by raising awareness, people would keep a watchful eye out, contact the Gardai if they see something and thus help to deter criminal activity in our area. Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €66.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month.  Please note that this fee is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

OFFICE MOVE: Please note that the Abbeyfeale Office of West Limerick Resources has relocated to St Ita’s Hall, Convent Street, Abbeyfeale.  If you have any enquiries, please call to the office and speak to Nora or you can call Mary on 087 9382883.

HOLY SPIRIT PRAYER MEETING:  Janice and Moss Carraig will lead the Holy Spirit Prayer meeting on the second Sunday of each month in the Desmond Complex.  Further information on 087 6174639.

SUPPORT GROUP FOR BEREAVEMENT: Abbeyfeale Bereavement Support Group Tel. 068/31230 or 068/51984 or 068/31262.

ST PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP:   The first Friday of every month in Listowel.  The ceremony begins with the Rosary at 6.45pm, followed by Mass at 7pm.for Saint Padre Pio with Exposition of Blessed Sacrament and Benediction after Mass.

KNOCKANURE RAMBLING HOUSE:    Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.


community notices 4th Dec 2018

December 4th, 2018

PROLOGUE:  “Look to the future, because that is where you’ll spend the rest of your life.”
George Burns.

DEATH:  We offer our sympathy to the family of James (Jim) Lane, Meenkilly whose funeral took place at the 12noon Mass on Sunday last. May he rest in peace.

MASS TIMES:  Mass Times in the Pastoral Area Unit; Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.  Mass Intentions:  Friday Vigil of Feast of the Immaculate Conception 6.30pm Vincent McNally.  Willie Leahy, Mountmahon.  I C A deceased and present members.  Saturday Feast of the Immaculate Conception 11am Mick Scanlon, Athea

6.30pm Bridget Healy and deceased member of Saunders Family, Knocknasna Lower.  Ramey Leahy, New Street.  John D & Mary Ita Collins and son John and daughter Margaret Enright.  John & Kathryn Broderick, Lower Purt.  Sunday 9.15am Paddy Barry, Caherlane & the Barry family. Hannah Mai Scannell, Dromtrasna Collins. 12noon   Frank Foley, St Ita’s road and deceased family members.  Tom Dillane, Kincolea Lwr.  Peggy O’Riordan, St. Ita’s Housing. Advent Prayer “ Hail and Blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the pureVirgin Mary, at mid-night in a stable in Bethlehem in the piercing cold.   At the same hour vouch safe O My God, hear my prayer and grant my petition. “

ABBEYFEALE HORSE AND PONY RACES:  They are having a night to celebrate the sponsors, horse owners and all those who work to make the races a success on Saturday, December 8 in Donal and Ann’s Bar.   The proceeds of last summer’s very successful Races will be divided among local charities on the night.

CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR:  Ruby’s, Saturday, December 8 from 12-4pm.  Contact Angela 085 7324262.

CANTATA:  Scoil Mhathair De students will perform their annual Christmas Cantata on Thursday, December 13 at 7pm in the Church of the Assumption.

THE JOY OF CHRISTMAS:  The annual carol service takes place in the Church of the Assumption on Sunday, December 9 from 7pm.  The senior and junior choirs along with the local schools will perform much loved Christmas carols and hymns.  Everyone welcome.  A raffle for Christmas Hampers will take place with proceeds going to the Youth Ministry in the parish.

CHILDREN’S PARTY:  Noonan’s Lights Children’s Christmas party takes place at 4pm on Sunday, December 9.  All welcome. Santa will arrive by sleigh under Garda escort with FREE presents for all the children!!  Local Wrenboys will keep us entertained with music, loads of food for adults, and treats for the kids! Finally, we will be joined by a host of winning County Champions in both Hurling and Football including All Ireland 5 in a row Minor Winner’s Kerry! Will we have another special guest?! It is VERY possible!

**This is a free event for the children, but all donations are very much appreciated. All the proceeds collected are donated to the selected charities at the end of our campaign.**

CHARITY CÉILÍ:  A céilí will take place in Moyvane Hall on Thursday, December 27 from 3 – 6pm with music by Donie Nolan.  It is a fundraiser for the Stack Family, Moyvane.  Further information from Marie 087 9542102.

RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS:  At the start of Advent Abbeyfeale parish invite parishioners to make a commitment to doing some act of kindness in the lead up to Christmas. We have erected in the sanctuary of the church our Parish Random Act of Kindness Tree. We ask you to write your intended act of kindness on the cards provided and hang it on the tree. In this way we will all draw encouragement from one another, and hopefully be inspired to carry out some act of kindness between now and Christmas. Let us do our bit to make everyone a little happier.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS FUNDRAISING COFFEE MORNING:  Our next fundraiser is being held on Friday December 7 at Leeds Hotel at 10.30 am. The wonderful ARA group are hosting this event and if it’s anything like last year , it brought a great sense of fun, camaraderie, and support to improve the our town for Christmas.

TURNING ON THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS:  There was great excitement in the Square on Friday evening last with the arrival of Santa,  lighting of the tree, stalls, mulled wine, mince pies and Christmas Carols and thankfully the earlier rain dried up.  Well done to the Christmas Lights committee who worked so hard to bring Santa and Mrs. Claus to Abbeyfeale providing memories for all the little ones.  A lot of credit should go to the workers led by Jimmy Cahill who erected the lights and the features, events like this do not happen without leadership and community involvement and on behalf of everyone who had their evening enhanced by all the fun may I offer a huge thank you to all concerned.

SHOP LOCAL:  Vouchers will be available this year in Abbeyfeale town to give as Christmas gifts and help encourage the shop local campaign. The Abbeyfeale Gift Voucher can be purchased at Abbeyfeale Credit Union in denominations of €10, €20 and €50.  Abbeyfeale Community Council kindly asks that everyone throughout the Abbeyfeale area keep our wonderful Community in mind when thinking of shopping, doing business and/or socialising. It’s a hugely important time of year for business survival and job retention throughout the Abbeyfeale area and every euro spent locally is a vote of support to keep our Community alive.  The vouchers are available at the Credit Union and can be redeemed in local businesses.  The writer is aware of a local small shopkeeper who is unable to sell popular boxes of biscuits this year because the price they can be bought at in the Cash and Carry is much more than they are being sold at in the multiples.  Never forget that if you need a few messages on tick there is no point in approaching a multiple so give everyone a turn and keep our town viable and vibrant.

HARNETT INTERNATIONAL REUNION 2019:  Calling all Harnetts based West Limerick, North Cork and North Kerry.  We are well into planning for our big weekend next July and we’d love you to get involved and be there to meet up with people from all over the world who share your DNA.  We have a dedicated email address which you can use to get in touch; HarnettReunion2019 You can follow developments on our FB page too.

NEWS FROM THE GLÓRACH:  In an era where it has become increasingly difficult to obtain original Christmas presents, the Glórach Theatre has the ideal solution with our ‘Glórach Gift Voucher’.  The gift voucher is valid for any event performed/hosted/facilitated at the Glórach Theatre.  To order your vouchers and pay directly over the phone, please call 0871383940.  Tickets are moving briskly for our Seán Keane concert on Saturday, December 15th.  The Galway singer’s unique voice drew a colossal crowd to the Glórach back in May, and will bring the curtain down on what has been a successful 2018 for the Theatre.  Tickets can be booked by calling 0871383940.

BOOK ON SALE:  The Treaty Triumph celebrating Limerick’s All Ireland Hurling win is on sale at Ann Lyons’ in the Square.

CONVENT N.S.:  Scoil Mháthair Dé are holding a Christmas Craft Fair in the school on Thursday, December 6 starting at 11.00 a.m. On the day there will be a cake sale and refreshments will also be served. Proceeds with go to the Simon Community (Homeless).

All Welcome


CHRISTMAS PARTY:  West Limerick Set Dancing Club are holding a Christmas Party in Fr. Casey’s on Saturday, December 15 with music by Donie Nolan and Maura.  Hot Food.  Admission €20.

BAKERS REQUIRED:  The annual cake sale in aid of Fr. Tim Galvin is on Sunday, December 9 in St. Ita’s Hall from 10-2pm and we’re calling on our usual bakers for their donations to this worthy cause.  Donated home baking, jams, chutneys etc can be left in Batt’s in the Square before 5pm on Friday, December 7 or before 4pm on Saturday.

COACH TO KNOCK FOR ALL-NIGHT VIGIL. Leaving Deros, Killarney Friday, December 7 at 3pm. Bookings at Deros before December 6.  Phone – 064 6631251.

PARISH UNITS:  At the diocesan Synod held in April 2016, it was decided by the

Delegates at the Synod to introduce a model of Team Ministry throughout the diocese. This weekend Bishop Leahy has issued a pastoral letter on this new approach to ministering in the diocese.  Parishes will be working in Units and the list of Units was published last week. Abbeyfeale will be part of a Unit that includes the parishes of Templeglantine, Athea and Tournafulla/ Mountcollins parishes. From December 1, all priests working in the Unit are Co Parish Priests of all of the parishes in the Unit. Fr Denis Mullane has been appointed as Moderator of the Unit of Parishes. Fr Mullane’s role will be to coordinate the

Pastoral work in the Unit of Parishes. In the New Year a single Pastoral Council will be put in place for the Unit of Parishes.  Each individual parish within the Unit will have a co- ordinating committee or local parish council. This new structure will see greater movement of the priests within the Unit of Parishes, especially for the celebration of the Vigil Mass and Sunday Mass.

KERRY PARENTS & FRIENDS Presents a Gala Christmas concert in association with Kerry Choral Union on Sunday, December 16 in St. Mary’s Church, Listowel. Tickets from parish office & Whelan’s Shop €10.

WEDNESDAY PRAYER:  Parishioners are invited to gather in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Wednesday afternoon at 3p.m to recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet for  Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.  This prayer meeting will take place every Wednesday.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:  This will be a fundraiser for Fr. Martin McCormack’s African Project and takes place on Sunday, January 13 at Fr. Casey’s with dancing to Donie Walsh and Jer Enright.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS SORTED:  Much of the past fifty years is captured in a book especially complied to mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale. The book contains many wonderful coloured photographs that show off the splendour of the Church, its stained glass windows and general embellishment.   The title of the publication is Moladh go Deo Le Dia. (Praise be to God forever). Price €10. The book is available in O’Donoghue’s, Marguerite’s, Ann Lyons’ Moss Harnett’s and following Mass.

ICA:  Abbeyfeale ICA guild meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Further Education and Training Centre, Mountmahon from 7.30 – 9.30pm..  Activities include Talks, Demonstrations and Workshops.  New members welcome. Tel. Anne Maria 06831145 for details.

CHRISTMAS WALK:  The annual Christmas Walk along the Great Southern Trail Greenway will take place on Thursday, December 27. Assembly is at the large carpark behind Leen’s Hotel, Abbeyfeale, Co.Limerick between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. The hotel is on the N21 and the public bus services stop a few hundred metres from the hotel. The Bus Éireann services from Tralee via Listowel at 11.00 and from Limerick at 11.35 are recommended. Walkers will be transferred by Coach House Travel courtesy shuttle coach from Leen’s Hotel car park to Tullig Wood/Devon Road from where they will have a choice of either a 5.75 miles [9km] or 4.5 miles [7km] stroll, mostly along the old railway, back to Leen’s Hotel where they can enjoy seasonal mince pies, whipped cream and tea/coffee at their leisure. All walkers must wear visibility vests as the final kilometre is through the streets of Abbeyfeale and involves crossing the busy N21 which must be crossed at the zebra crossing close to the hotel. Cyclists, with visibility gear and lights, are also welcome and we suggest that they also meet at the hotel at 12.30 and cycle outwards along the Greenway for approximately one hour towards Barnagh or beyond and then return in time to enjoy the refreshments. We recommend that cyclists also wear a helmet for their own safety. Nollaig Shona do gach éinne agus beidh fáilte romhat ar an 27ú.

COMMUNITY ALERT NOTES: Use the marker that you got at the Seniors Christmas Lunch to put your Eircode on your smart phone, computer, laptop, strimmer, lawn mower so that if they’re stolen and the Gardai find them they’ll shine an ultra violet light on everything and find your details.   Now that the winter has truly arrived turn on your dims while driving to enable your car to be seen these murky dark days.  If you have the wipers on then you should always have the lights on too.  Ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station 068 30010 (if station unattended the call will automatically be forwarded to NCW station 069 20650) if you are concerned about anti-social behaviour. Contact any member of the committee should you wish to join our Text Alert Scheme.  This was set up to immediately alert the community that an incident has occurred.   The hope is that by raising awareness, people would keep a watchful eye out, contact the Gardai if they see something and thus help to deter criminal activity in our area. Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €66.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month.  Please note that this fee is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

OFFICE MOVE: Please note that the Abbeyfeale Office of West Limerick Resources has relocated to St Ita’s Hall, Convent Street, Abbeyfeale.  If you have any enquiries, please call to the office and speak to Nora or you can call Mary on 087 9382883.

HOLY SPIRIT PRAYER MEETING:  Janice and Moss Carraig will lead the Holy Spirit Prayer meeting on the second Sunday of each month in the Desmond Complex.  Further information on 087 6174639.

SUPPORT GROUP FOR BEREAVEMENT: Abbeyfeale Bereavement Support Group Tel. 068/31230 or 068/51984 or 068/31262.

ST PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP:   The first Friday of every month in Listowel.  The ceremony begins with the Rosary at 6.45pm, followed by Mass at 7pm.for Saint Padre Pio with Exposition of Blessed Sacrament and Benediction after Mass.

KNOCKANURE RAMBLING HOUSE:    Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.

Accessibility Statement
Tel : (068) 311 33 | Email : [email protected]
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