
Holiday Prayer

July 11th, 2023

Holiday Prayer.

Lord, protect and bless all those who are on holidays .

Re-create them in body, mind and spirit.

Help them to let go, to step of the treadmill of stress and predictable routine.

Help us all to create a “Sabbath space” in our hearts, our lives and our relationships.

Community notices 10th July 2023

July 11th, 2023

PROLOGUE:  “ One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well”.  Virginia Woolf from A room of One’s Own.

CONGRATULATIONS:  Delighted to hear that Mike and staff of the Meat Counter in SuperValu received an award for Exceptional Performance in food safety at the Musgraves retail food safety awards recently.

COFFEE MORNING:  There will be a coffee morning in St. Ita’s Day Care Centre on Saturday, July 15 from 11-2pm in aid of the Primary and Secondary Schools in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Riwoto, South Sudan.  This is the parish where the late Fr. Tim Galvin served for many years before his untimely passing last February.  Fran Leahy originally of New Street, Abbeyfeale went to St. Mary Magadalen in 2015 and again in 2016 as a volunteer in the Primary School.  She is returning there in September for 3 months.  All funds raised will go directly to fund the two schools.  Your support will be appreciated.   A raffle will also take place with a hamper for 1st. prize.

ST. ITA’S HALL RENOVATION WORKS:  The Management committee wish to advise that the Hall is now closed to the public until early February 2024 to allow for the refurbishment and upgrade of the Hall, recently funded under the Community Centres Investment fund.

NEW TAXI BUSINESS IN TOWN:  Good luck to Ronnie Murphy who has set up a taxi business.  Contact number is 087 1681389.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  The Club will host a major Singing and Storytelling Session on Friday, August 4 in The Ramble Inn, Church St.  The full session will be recorded by John Prendergast for his ‘What Matters Programme’.

ARRIVE AND JIVE:  A four week jiving course starts in Brosna Hall on Friday, September 1st.  Contact Tom on 087 3995877.

MAUREEN’S OUTING NEXT SUNDAY:  We are starting our day picking up passengers at 8.30am. Listowel the Square, Abbeyfeale opposite the church 8.45am. and Newcastle West opposite the Longcourt House Hotel bus stop  at 9am on Sunday, July 16.   Fitzpatrick’s bus will then take us to Cork City Goal we have our own guided tour at 10.30am.which last for 45 minutes. This is a very interesting tour and you will be surprised at what you see and learn.  There are stairs with a handrail which takes us to different level. Once we have completed the tour there will be free time in Cork City where there is soo much to see and do, no shortage of places to get refreshments and of course lots for those who are interested in Retail Therapy.  We leave on board our bus at via Killarney to Castleisland for dinner at 5.30pm. in the River Island Hotel for choice of starter, main course , dessert and tea &  coffee.. For more information and booking your seat contact Maureen Finnegan 087 9845102.

ABBEYFEALE TOURIST OFFICE:  Almost twenty Volunteers each donate three hours a week to cover the hours of 10am-1pm for the months of June, July and Aug. The Tourist Office is located at the Workbase E-Hub on Main Street, following collaboration between the Management of the Building and Abbeyfeale Community Council. For more info email [email protected] If you’re in town any morning give a call in.

WEDNESDAY CLUB HOST A COFFEE MORNING:  The club will be hosting a coffee morning in memory of the late Bridie O’Shea, Clash Cross at the Ploughman on Friday, July 21 with all proceeds to Adapt Limerick.  They will also collect toiletries, underwear etc. for the women who use the services of Adapt.  A raffle will also take place and your kind support is requested.  For many years Bridie coordinated a clothes pick up at her home which were distributed to the homeless in Limerick.

WALK FOR JIM:  After he received a diagnosis of terminal cancer the late Jim O’Connor, Rathoran had been planning to organise a walk for the cancer bus but events overtook him and he died on Christmas Day 2022.  His wife and family have taken on the mantle of organising the walk and it’s now planned for Sunday, September 24 on the Kingdom of Kerry Greenway from Abbeyfeale to Listowel and starting at 11am.  The walk will be in aid of the Cork Kerry Bus operated by the Kerry Cancer Support Group.

ST. JOSEPH’S YOUNG PRIESTS:  Meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in the Parish Office except for July and August.

FIRESIDE MEMORIES:  Following the inclusion of Margaret O’Connor-O’Shea’s poem entitled ‘The June Fair’ in the Abbeyfeale notes, I received the following from Margaret Farrell:  “Yes, I remember the fairs well, battling our way through the cattle and crowds to school.  We would go down town at lunch time, selling tickets for the Convent Chapel fund, or some other worthy cause.  Our delight would be watching and listening to the old Cork stall ladies trying to flog their second hand clothes.. Their banter was something to behold.  Yes, the 29th of June brought out the musicians and Jack Fitz’s pub was the venue where it all happened.  Any fair was no good without a few good fights taking place, often across the road in front of the Church.  There was a thatched house next to the pub and the woman who lived there and whose name escapes me right now, would be out with her sweeping brush, not only to sweep up but a weapon of war to send the fighters on their way.  Kitsy Cotter would be in her element on the other side giving them a tongue lashing, present day comedy would not hold candle light with the amusement this would provide.  Coming down from school on a fair day was something to behold.  God be good to them all”.

TIDY TOWN VOLUNTEERS:  A group of volunteers get together every Sunday morning to clean around the Square and Main St.  They do a great job but more people are always needed.

DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP:  The weekly Divine Mercy prayer group have resumed meeting after the 7pm Mass every Monday.  New members are always welcome.

VISITOR CENTRE; Glin Knights Visitor Centre open daily 10am – 5pm. Next to Glin Library.  Free admission.

LARTIGUE MONORAIL:  From May 1st throughout the summer until October 1st, the Lartigue will operate every afternoon from 1pm to 4.30pm in Listowel.

IRISH SIGN LANGUAGE COURSES:  Certified and non certified Irish Sign Language courses will begin in September 2023 at the College of further education, Mountmahon.  Students will be introduced to the Irish Sign Language Dictionary, use common phrases to communicate non verbally, develop vocabulary and language skills and much more. Other courses being offered this September include Beginners Computers and QQI Level 5 Bookeeping . Further information from www. or phone 068 31198.

CHURCH NEWS: email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 – 51915 Parish Office 068 – 31133. Abbeyfeale is part of the parish pastoral unit that consists of Athea, Templeglantine, Tournafulla and Mountcollins.  Contact numbers are as follows:  Fr Willie Russell Tel 087/2272825.  Fr Tony Mullins Tel 087/2600414  Fr Denis Mullane Tel 087/2621911.  Fr Dan Lane   Retired Tel 087/2533030.  There is always a priest from one of the other pastoral areas on emergency call on Sundays.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel from after 10am Mass until 7pm each Friday.  There is a chart at the back of the altar where you are asked to fill in an hour at the time that suits you..
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in us the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.

TRAIN: Car Park Closure – Colbert Station, Limerick. From Monday 30th May parking will not be available at Colbert Station Car Park, Limerick until further notice. A temporary car park will be located at Roxborough Road (beside CBS Sexton Street) – Eircode V94 Y2V1. Please allow up to 30 minutes extra to get to the station. Iarnród Éireann apologises for any inconvenience caused.

YOUTH 2000: Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth2000 Summer Festival. The festival takes place in Clongowes Wood College,Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August. The festival includes inspiring talks, music, prayer, concert, workshops, dramas, share groups, reconciliation and healing service and Mass. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. For more information and to book your place goto

ST. ITAS DAY CARE: Open to visitors every Tuesday.  Morning Coffee and scones.  Lunch, card game, music and dancing.   Contact Jane on 068 51850. Meals on Wheels available to everyone Monday to Friday (except for Bank Holidays etc).  Collect from the Day Care or have it delivered.  Soup €1; Main Course €7, Half portion €5, Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes €3, Dessert €2.  The menu is put on the St Ita’s Day Care Abbeyfeale Facebook page on Friday for the following week. Monday July 10 Braised Steak or Chicken Fillet.    Tuesday July 11 Roast Turkey with stuffing or Lamb Chop.; Wednesday July Pork Chop or Beef  burger .Thursday July 13Gammon Steak or Chicken Curry.   Friday, July 14 Fish of the Day or Meat Alternative. All meals are gluten free.   Call 068 51850 for enquiries and booking. Call before 11 am on the day to order your meal.

CELTIC STEPS THE SHOW: With its Abbeyfeale connections (Murphys, Prendeville, Sweeneys) will be on stage at the Killarney Racecourse and the Brandon Conference Centre all summer long.  Keep it local.  Bookings on [email protected] or 0646618933

CITIZENS ADVICE HELPLINE:  You can contact them Monday – Friday between 9.30 -

HOT DESK:  Work Base E-Hub at Old Bank Building on Main Street is open for Business. For full details and pricing on Private Office Suites, Meeting Room, Hot-desks etc contact Ken Tobin on 086 816 2105.

REOPENING OF ABBEYFEALE MART:  A sale is held every Saturday so please support.   For further information   087 6903172/ 087 9480484.

REILIG IDE NAOFA:  There is a regular clean up in the Reilig Graveyard every Tuesday from 7-9pm.  More help is always appreciated as the graveyard is quite big. In order to help with this families are encouraged to maintain their own graves and one near yours if that family is no longer able to. The committee appreciates any help you can give.“Many people walk the path of life with us, only some leave their footprints in our heart”

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:  Next  devotions in Castleisland will not take place again until Tuesday, September 19th at 7.30pm.

GRANDPARENTS: National Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine on Sunday, July 23rd.   Anointing of the Sick in the Basilica at 2.30pm and at 3pm Pilgrimage Mass followed by the Rosary Procession.

WALKS DURING THE MUNSTER FLEADH CHEOIL:  On Thursday July 13 from 12 noon to 2pm as part of the Munster Fleadh events.   Discover the stories of Tralee, from its medieval roots to the town it is today as local historian Grace O’Donnell  brings you on a walking tour of historic Tralee. The North Kerry story trail historical walk of Moyvane, take a trip down memory lane, recall the people, the characters, their stories, remember the shops, the pubs, the schools, the churches, the Garda barracks, the post office, the hall, the forges, the creamery, the farmers and all who made Moyvane such a special place. The tour, led by Gabriel Fitzmaurice, will assemble at the Annamoy Bridge below the village at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 13th. Everybody is welcome. And if you have a story to share Gabriel would be delighted.

SWIM: The Annual Glin Swim will take place on 29th July, in aid of Cliona’s Foundation.

SEISIÚN:   Shows will be held by Templeglantine  Comhaltas Branch at the Devon Inn Hotel on Thursday nights commencing on July 13 at 8pm.  Seisun Bruach na Carraige Rockchapel on Tuesday nights at 9pm .  Admission €5.

KILLARNEY RACES begin on Monday, July 17.  The Galway Races start on Monday, July 31.

LISTOWEL/NEWCASTLEWEST CASTLES: Both castles are open to visitors for the summer months.  There will be guides available to conduct tours.

OFFICIAL OPENING:   The  new Dementia Day Care Centre opening took place on Friday last in Listowel, it has been operating for past two years.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK; will take place on the 26th of August leaving St. Mary’s Cathedral at 7.00am on Saturday the cost pp is €25.  Please Contact Sheila at the Parish Office with names and Contact Details 064 6631014 or email; [email protected] Please spread the word to those living away who might like to attend.

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:, Castleisland on Tuesday, September 19th at 7.30pm.

WRITERS: Creative Writers meet at the Library in Listowel on Tuesdays from 10.30 to noon every fortnight, details from 085 2351 202.

ARTS: Ballybunion Arts Festival, dates 21st to 23rd July 2023 ; arts and crafts, song, dance, walks, workshops; poetry competitions and more.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from September 1- 6 led by Bishop Ray. Flights from Kerry Airport.  Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin.

THEATRE: St John’s Youth Theatre attend the theatre every Monday evening to work on projects. If you know a teenager who would like to join the Club that are aged between 14-20 please let us know. This Summer between July 22- 28, we will host our annual Young Film Makers Summer Workshop in association with the Young Irish Filmmakers Association Ireland. Places are limited, bookings through the St John’s Theatre Box Office 068 22566.

SWIM: Glin Pier Swimming/Lifesaving Lessons: Week 2 Registration 12 noon on Sunday 6th August at Glin Pier. Classes Commence: Monday 7th Aug to Sat 12th Aug Age: Toddlers up. Times: to be confirmed.

ACCORD ARE NOW RECRUITING;   Are you an excellent communicator with an n enthusiasm for supporting couples as they prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage and future family life? Formal training will be provided in presenting and facilitating our Marriage Preparation Programmes. Please contact Aisling on 01 5053112 or email: [email protected]

PILGRIMAGES:  Two pilgrimages to Medjugorjie travelling from Cork.  19th July with Aer Lingus. Full daily programme which includes a visit to all the apparition sites where Our Lady first appeared to the six children in June 1981.  Our 4star hotel is conveniently located close the village centre and the St James Church. Coach transfer to Medjugorjie on arrival. 7 nights 4* hotel accommodation. Half board:  breakfast & dinner each day. Coach transfer from your hotel to airport for return flight. Check-in assistance at airports. 1 x 20kg check-in bag & 1 x small cabin bag. For further information and details please contact Jim Keogh 021 4885371 you will be most welcome, but please note that our places are strictly limited, and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. September 6 – 13 Return flights from Cork to Dubrovnik, for details & bookings contact: Group Leader – Maura O’Keeffe Harcksen (Tralee),Tel: 066 7127143 or 087 1517696.

MASSES IN ATHEA:  The weekend Mass is on Saturday evening for summertime.
NEW TOURISM ACCOMODATION;  Grainne and Toby have opened up a self catering cottage and two pods for glamping in Templeglantine just beside the
Greenway.  We wish them a great season.  Email them for further details  on [email protected]

SCEILG MHICHÍL:   has opened to visitors.  Email [email protected] for information on trips.

NEW MABS OUTREACH CLINIC:  On the second of Friday of each month (excluding bank holidays) a MABS Outreach Clinic will be held in St. Ita’s Hall from 9Iam -12.30pm.

The contact number for appointments is 0818 072210 for the North Munster MABS Limerick Office.  Those wishing to make an appointment must make the call themselves due to GDPR.

CALLING TY STUDENTS:  “We need people who could spare just one hour on a Tuesday from 7pm. to 8pm. to help with our Special Olympics athletes who love playing Bocce in the Community Centre Newcastle West.  They are a wonderful group of people and they give us so much more than we could ever give them in love, fun and great pleasure.  I can say on behalf of all of our volunteers we really love the time spent with these beautiful people. Why don’t you come along one Tuesday and see for yourself – you would be most welcome. To help and to find out more please ring Deirdre Barrett 086 362 8629 or Maureen Finnegan 087 984510245.”

CARD DRIVE:  The 45 Card Drive continues in Raheenagh Hall every Tuesday at 8.30pm all year round.  All welcome.

SUMMER CAMPS AT ST.JOHN’S; Jo Jordan and her Theatrix Theatre School Summer Camps are back this July. The camps include acting, singing, music, arts and crafts with a performance on each Friday. Camps begin on Monday, July 10 and Monday, July 31, 11am-1pm Telephone: details from  068 22566.

RAMBLING HOUSES:  Every 1st Thursday of each month there is a Rambling House in the Community Centre in Knockanure..  All musicians, singers’ dancers and storytellers are most welcome to attend.   Knockalougha on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month.  Ita McQuinn’s Rambling House is on the third Friday of the month at the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West at 8pm but has finished until September.  Listowel Rambling House takes place on the last Thursday of every month from 9.15 pm in the Seanachai Centre.

PRAYER MEETING:  Janice Carrig holds a prayer meeting in the Desmond Complex on the last Sunday of the month.

STAMP COLLECTION:   Maureen Finnegan is still collecting stamps for charity and you can drop them to the side entrance of NCW church.  She has already sent away two black bags full and will be delighted to receive more.

MOUNT TRENCHARD house and gardens Foynes open 9am to 1pm daily -Monday to Friday, June, July and August.

WALK WITH ME:   Everyone is invited to join us walking in the Desmene, NCW every Tuesday at 11am.   We meet at the entrance to the Soccer Club Cark Park.  Limerick Sports Partnership come out each week, this a very enjoyable social event.  Looking forward to you walking with us.   Maureen Finnegan   087 9845102.

LISTOWEL BINGO:  Bingo is back Sunday night in the Plaza, Church St, at 8.30pm. Welcome back to all old and new players.

YOUTH: Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth 2000 Summer Festival. The festival takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August 2023. The festival includes inspiring talks, music, prayer, concert, workshops, dramas, share groups, reconciliation and healing service and Mass. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. More at

KNOCK: Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 16th July.  Mass at 3pm with Anointing of the Sick beforehand at 2:30pm. Newsletters & Emblems available at PTAA stand in St John’s Rest & Care Centre or via

TUSLA, the Child and Family Agency, are currently recruiting new foster

carers to meet the growing demands for placements given the ongoing

humanitarian crisis. To find out more about becoming a foster carer please

call 1800 226 771.


ASSOCIATION, KILLARNEY:   Join world-renowned countertenor Nils Wanderer, internationally- acclaimed soprano Sharon Lyons, along with Kerry’s only professional string orchestra Kerry Scotia Ensemble on Sunday, July 16 from 7:30-9pm in St .Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney  for an unforgettable evening of beautiful music in support of this worthy

cause. Tickets are €15 and are available from Eventbrite or on the door.

COMMUNITY ALERT SCAM ALERT:   Another  few scams.  If you get a call from someone you don’t know and they say “Can you hear me” do not reply “Yes”  Say “ I can hear you”.  It seems they can use a recording of your “Yes” to sign you up for all kinds of stuff. If you get a text mar ya from one of your children that reads like this;  “ Hi Mam, my phone is broken, this is my new mobile number.  You can save this number and delete my old one – Ignore and Delete.  Be careful about calls from Amazon Prime, if you signed up for a free months trial, at the end of it the scammers could ring you up and ask you if you want to sign up or cancel.  If you decide you want to sign up and it’s a scammer you’re dealing with they’ll be able to get your credit card details.  Ignore text messages about you supposedly passing through the tunnel and not paying.  If you don’t recognise the number don’t answer the phone, let them leave a message and then ring them back if you feel you need to. Keep your doors locked so that if you answer someone at the front door there is no danger of an accomplice coming in the back door while your attention is diverted. Banks never ask you to click onto a link – it’s either a y or a n that they require. That’s how the scammers work- put on the pressure and someone will surely fall for it. FAST is the checklist for a stroke.  Face – Check to see if one side of the face droops, Arms – Raise both arms, see if one drops down. Speech- check for slurring.  Time – if the answer to these is yes call 112/999 immediately. Five ways to Wellbeing:  Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning.  Give.  www. mentalhealth    .  Ask your relatives and neighbours for help if you need it. Keep their phone numbers on a list beside your phone.  Learn your Eircode – if you have to call for help it will take the services straight to your door.  Write ICE before your next of kin’s number in your phone so if you cannot communicate the services will be able to contact your next of kin.  If you suffer from a gambling addiction there is a counsellor/psychotherapist available at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.  Further information from 068 23584. If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish, you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:   HSE Mental Health Information Line 1800111888.  Senior Line Friendly Listening Service 1800 804591.  If you are feeling vulnerable contact Pieta House 061 484444/ Samaritans 116123/061 412111.  Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email [email protected] Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. 01 2107906.  Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 4848 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684.  Mental Health Ireland – Helpline  01 2841166.  Alzheimers Society, Information and Emotional Help – 1800341341.AMEN( male victims of domestic violence)  0469023718.   Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected] Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre. TeenTxt-Text: TEEN to 50101.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Happy Easter

April 7th, 2023

An Easter Prayer

God, give us eyes to see

the beauty of the Spring,

And to behold Your majesty

in every living thing –

And may we see in lacy leaves

and every budding flower

The Hand that rules the universe

with gentleness and power –

And may this Easter grandeur

that Spring lavishly imparts

Awaken faded flowers of faith

lying dormant in our hearts,

And give us ears to hear, dear God,

the Springtime song of birds

With messages more meaningful

than man’s often empty words

Telling harried human beings

who are lost in dark despair –

‘Be like us and do not worry

for God has you in His care.

–Helen Steiner Rice

Communities notices 30th March 2023

March 29th, 2023

DIVINE MERCY:  Novena begins Good Friday, leaflets available at church doors.  Divine Mercy Sunday April 16.  Devotions and Mass in Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale from 2.30pm.

CONGRATULATIONS:  The Mulcahy family, Killarney Road have been awarded the TG4 Gradam Ceoil Award.

‘ALL OR NOTHING!!’:    There will be a showing of the film on the life of Sr. Clare Crockett from Derry who died in an earthquake in Ecuador in 2016 on HolyThursday, April 6 at 3pm in the Day Care Centre.  Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be served.  A donation box will be available.  Booking 087 6866450.

BENEFIT NIGHT:  A night with the Stars of Country and Western music will be held on Wednesday, April 12 in the Woodlands Hotel, Adare on Wednesday, April 12 in memory of the late DJ and WL102fm Broadcaster Mossie Richardson.  Doors open 7pm.

EASTER CRAFT MARKET: The bi monthly market takes place in The Square Abbeyfeale on Saturday April 1 from 10 -2pm.  Live Music from 11-12noon.

DEBT RELIEF NOTICE (DRN):  If you have a low income, few assets and debts of less than €35,000 that you can’t repay, then a DRN could be the right solution for you.  A DRN is a formal agreement that allows you to write off your debt in full.  Debts such as personal loans, credit card loans, store cards, credit union loans and overdrafts could be included in a DRN. You may be eligible for a DRN if:  Your unsecured debts are €35,000 or less.  You do not have a mortgage or own a property or other large asset.  You have €60 or less left after reasonable living expenses each month – the Approved Intermediary will go through this with you.  You meet the criteria for having very little assets apart from some essential items of value.  You have not been granted a DRN before.  For futher information contact:[email protected] or freetext ISI to 50015.

THERESE’S DRAMA CLASSES:  Following on her very successful Autumn Drama Classes Therese Prendeville will be commencing her Spring classes at the Glórach Theatre on Saturday, April 1 for children aged between 7-12.  Further information from 086 1944852.

‘TEARING AND DRAGGING’: It’s your last chance to see Abbeyside Players, they move to Tournafulla on Saturday, April 1 with booking on 087 9694405/087 6377310.

FR. CASEY’S LADIES FOOTBALL CLUB:  All members welcome to return to their groups, contact Mike on 087 2279922.  Registration online select Fr. Casey’s Ladies football club.

TOURIST OFFICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Work has started on bringing a Tourist Office to Abbeyfeale and you can help make it happen! Are you a proud Abbeyfeale person? Do you have 2 hours or more per week to welcome visitors to our beautiful town and give them some information that will help them enjoy their visit? We have hours to suit your lifestyle. The new Tourist Office will be in the WorkBase E-Hub building on Abbeyfeale’s main street. Full training will be provided Contact [email protected] if you are interested.

DAWN MASS:  There will be Mass on Easter Sunday morning at 5.30am in Relig Ifa Naofa, Hill Road, Abbeyfeale.

MANY YOUNG MEN OF TWENTY:  A message from producer Kathleen Harnett:  “  We are thrilled by the support we got over the 10 nights we were on stage at the Glórach Theatre.  It was a joy to see each audience enjoying the play.  It was truly a community effort and a year we will never forget.  Again, until the next time thanks to everyone who supported us.”

CANCER: Recovery Haven Kerry (Cancer Support House) new 6 week online Cancer Thriving & Surviving course Tuesday April 25 from 10.30am-1pm. (Intro session ,April 18). Ring 066-7192122 for more information.

DOLLY DAY:  The O’Connor family are continuing to fund raise for Kerry Hospice and Comfort for Chemo.  This time the late Jim’s sister Cora is organising a Dolly Day in honour of Dolly Parton when an attempt will be made to establish a Guinness World Record for the most people dressed as Dolly Parton.  Cora has form with making the Guinness Book of Records as she it was who organised Nunday in Listowel some years ago.  Registration will open shortly, don’t hold me to this but I think the way registration will work is that you will pay your money and receive a wig in return and then it’s up to you what to wear and where to pad.  Stiletto’s and lipstick may be mandatory!

ABBEYFEALE ICA:  The local branch has resumed meeting at the Adult Education Centre Mountmahon usually the first and third Tuesday of each month.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday April 4 at 7pm.   New members welcome.

LOURDES:   Youth Pilgrimage 2023 22nd – 27th June. For booking details contact Karen at 061-350000 or email at [email protected]

Limerick Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2023. Led by Bishop Brendan Leahy. 22th – 27th June. Direct return flights from Shannon to Lourdes. For booking contact Joe Walsh Tours,

Telephone 01-2410800 or email [email protected] €879 per person, full board, all taxes included.

GLÓRACH BINGO:  Every Monday at 8pm.  Over 18’s. All welcome.

FATIMA: Fully escorted pilgrimage ex Dublin airport, May 9th-15th’23, Spiritual Director Fr. Noel Spring, Contact Premier Travel 021-4277700, email [email protected] or Maureen Harty 066-7131328 .

ABBEYFEALE YOUTH CLUB:  Delighted to report that the 1st. year youth club is up and running.  Organiser Noreen Flynn Culhane 087 2353306.

UPDATE ON MARY’S MEALS:  The response to this appeal has been phenomenal and Mary Flynn and staff at the Siopa Milsean have agreed to take all donations and keep them for Angela Moore who will collect them.  “ Mary’s Meals – Coin Collection, we are appealing to you for your old coins that are in jam jars, vases and odd pots around the house. We are using these to translate into food to feed the children in Mary’s Meals School Feeding Programmes. Because Mary’s Meals can provide a meal for 11c, your generosity can make a massive difference. You don’t need to count it! If you are willing to donate Irish, sterling or foreign coins/notes, please contact Angela Moore at 089-4339592 or [email protected].

ST. ITAS DAY CARE: Open to visitors every Tuesday.  Morning Coffee and scones.  Lunch, card game, music and dancing.   Contact Jane on 068 51850. Meals on Wheels available to everyone Monday to Friday (except for Bank Holidays etc).  Collect from the Day Care or have it delivered.  Soup €1; Main Course €7, Half portion €5,  Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes €3,Dessert €2.The menu is put on the St Ita’s Day Care Abbeyfeale Facebook page on Friday for the following week.   Monday, March 27 Braised Steak or Beef Burger with gravy, Tuesday, March 28 Bacon and Cabbage or stuffed Chicken Fillet with white sauce. Wednesday   March 29 Chicken Curry and Rice and Lamb Chop with gravy.  Thursday, March 30 Pork Chop with gravy or Lasagne.  Friday,  March 31 Fish of the day or meat alternative.  All meals are gluten free.   Call 068 51850 for enquiries and booking. Call before 11 am on the day to order your meal.

HOT DESK:  Work Base E-Hub at Old Bank Building on Main Street is open for Business. For full details and pricing on Private Office Suites, Meeting Room, Hot-desks etc contact Ken Tobin on 086 816 2105.

REOPENING OF ABBEYFEALE MART:  A sale is held every Saturday so please support.   For further information   087 6903172/ 087 9480484.

BRIDGE CLUB:  Abbeyfeale Bridge Club meet at St. Ita’s Day Care Centre every Thursday from 7.30pm.  New members welcome.

ABBEYFEALE’S NIGHT AT THE OSKARS: The DVD’s and the USB sticks are on sale at the Day Care Centre, Toddy Mc Mahons, Batt’s in the Square and An Siopa Milsean .  The DVD’s  retail at €10 each and the USB sticks at €15.  Contact Jane at the Day Care Centre on 068 51850.

JOBS: Kerry Group are currently recruiting for General Operatives in Listowel.

It is a full-time, seasonal position. The shift will depend on a team you join, and it can be either 12 hours a day, 4 days on 4 days off or 8 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Overtime is available.

KNOCK: National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock this year takes place on Saturday, April 22 and Sunday 23.

ACCORD ARE NOW RECRUITING Are you an excellent communicator with an enthusiasm for supporting couples as they prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage and future family life? Formal training will be provided in presenting and facilitating our Marriage Preparation Programmes. Please contact Aisling on 01 5053112 or email: [email protected]

SOCIAL DANCING IN THE ROCK:  Rockchapel community centre committee have started  adult dancing classes in the community centre every Thursday night from 8.30 -  10pm.  If you are interested in learning to jive, waltz or quick step or just want to come to enjoy a nights dancing please text or ring Breeda 087/6818113 or Philomena 087 6809249. . Come alone or bring a partner.€10 per person – pay as you go.

.CITIZENS ADVICE HELPLINE:  You can contact them Monday – Friday between 9.30 -4.15pm on 076 1075780 or email [email protected]

STEP TO THE BEAT:  Walk in Athea; Step to the Beat is a designated hour each Thursday from 6.30pm – 7.30pm during Lent, where music will play over a sound system around the perimeter of the GAA track.

THE LETTER; an invitation to the John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Killarney on Wednesday, March 29  at 7.00pm for A Screening of “The Letter” a film which tells the story of 4 people from very different backgrounds. The Highlight of the film is the rich dialogue of these individuals in conversation with Pope Francis.

PILGRIMAGES:  Two pilgrimages to Medjugorjie travelling from Cork.
19th July  with Aer Lingus. Full daily programme which includes a visit to all the apparition sites where Our Lady first appeared to the six children in June 1981.Our 4star hotel is conveniently located close the village centre and the St James Church. Coach transfer to  Medjugorjie on arrival. 7 nights 4* hotel  accommodation. Half board:  breakfast & dinner each day. Coach transfer from your hotel to airport for return flight. Check-in assistance at airports. 1 x 20kg check-in bag & 1 x small cabin bag. For further information and details please contact Jim Keogh 021 4885371you will be most welcome, but please note that our places are strictly limited, and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. September  6 – 13 Return flights from Cork to Dubrovnik, for details & bookings contact: Group Leader – Maura O’Keeffe Harcksen (Tralee),Tel: 066 7127143 or 087 1517696.

MASSES IN ATHEA:  The weekend mass will be switching to Saturday evening on April 15th for summertime.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS An Open Public Meeting of the Green Lane Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held on Good Friday April 7th 2023 at 8.30pm in Prefab No1, Presentation Convent, Green Lane, Castle Street, Tralee. Refreshments will be provided afterwards. All are welcome.

NEW MABS OUTREACH CLINIC:  On the second of Friday of each month (excluding bank holidays) a MABS Outreach Clinic will be held in St. Ita’s Hall from 9Iam -12.30pm.  The contact number for appointments is 0818 072210 for the North Munster MABS Limerick Office.  Those wishing to make an appointment must make the call themselves due to GDPR.

CHURCH NEWS: email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 – 51915 Parish Office 068 – 31133. Abbeyfeale is part of the parish pastoral unit that consists of Athea, Templeglantine, Tournafulla and Mountcollins.  Contact numbers are as follows:  Fr Willie Russell Tel 087/2272825.  Fr Tony Mullins  Tel 087/2600414 Fr Denis Mullane Tel 087/2621911.  Fr Dan Lane   Retired Tel 087/2533030.  There is always a priest from one of the other pastoral areas on emergency call on Sundays and his name and number is published on the parish website and also on the weekly newsletter.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Blessed Sacrament Church on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week during Lent beginning after the 10.00am Mass and continuing until 8.00pm. If you would like be part of this prayer we encourage you to select a time on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, a time that is practical for you.  Write your name on the timetable.  Make a promise to the Lord that you will do your best to be faithful to your hour of prayer. Stations of the Cross:  there will reflections on the Stations of the Cross every Friday morning at 9.30am. Confessions every Thursday after 10am Mass and Saturday evening from 6pm.  There will also be confessions on Holy Saturday from 11-1pm.   Mass Intentions: Saturday 6.30pm Mary Collins, Main St. 1st. Anniversary and Jim Collins.  Ann Romain Birthday remembrance.  Sunday 12 noon  Mary B. Kelly and Sr. Maureen Kelly.  John and Maureen Kelly.  Monday 7pm Bridie  Geary nee Harnett late of the Hill and London 1st. Anniversary.  Reconciliation Service.    Palm Sunday, April 2.  Garment of Pain:  During this Lenten season, the parish invites all parishioners to leave your pain and suffering at the Cross. The Garment of Pain is a simple way of drawing together experiences of pain and suffering of many people, in a way that enables us to support one another in prayer .Over the period of Lent, we invite you to place a piece of material—roughly 6×6—in the baskets provided in the church. The cloth represents whatever your particular pain in life happens to be. During Lent, we will remember the intentions of those who have placed theirs in the baskets in our Masses. The pieces of cloth will be sown together to form one big patchwork quilt. During the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, we will place the cloth on the altar to symbolically unite our suffering with the offering of Christ in the Mass.  On Good Friday the cloth will be draped over the cross which is the focus of our prayer that day.  During our Easter Vigil, we will place the Garment of Pain with the Paschal fire to symbolise that the light of Christ is always greater than our suffering and pain.

EASTER GIFTS FOR UKRAINIAN CHILDREN: If you would like to give Easter treats to the Ukrainian children ie Easter sweets, Bunnies , Eggs, lollipops  etc  you can drop sweet treats into the Dressmaking Shop on the corner of Boherbue and directly opposite the Church Car park in NCW.  They would also appreciate chocolate drinks and evaporated milk. Thank you for your generosity and kindness.
SPECIAL OLYMPICS:  Special Olympics National Collection on Friday, April 21 in NCW. We will be in Dooley’s Super Valu, Centra, Aldi and out and about.  We need volunteers to help with the collections and would very much appreciate hearing from anyone who can spare an hour or two.  We also need people who could spare just one hour on a Tuesday from 7pm. to 8pm. to help with our Special Olympics athletes who love playing Bocce in the Community Centre Newcastle West .  They are a wonderful group of people and they give us so much more than we could ever give them in love, fun and great pleasure.  I can say on behalf of all of our volunteers we reality love the time spent with these beautiful people. Why don’t you come along one Tuesday and see for yourself you would be most welcome. To help with collection or fInd out more please ring Deirdre Barrett  086 362 8629 or Maureen Finnegan  087 984510245.

CARD DRIVE:  The 45 Card Drive continues in Raheenagh Hall every Tuesday at 8.30pm.  All welcome.

CONGRATULATIONS KAY:  Kay Karim Fealesbridge who works as a Cardiac Rehab Nurse in UHK won an award over the weekend at the INACN 25 Scientific Conference and Excellence Awards in Trinity College for her work in Cardiac prevention.

DESERT DAY:  Step aside from the ordinary for a one day Holy Week Retreat in the Limerick Diocesan Centre, St. Munchins, Corbally V94 9250 from 10.30 – 5pm on Saturday, April 1.  The day takes place in an atmosphere of silence with reflections, guided prayer and meditations, confessions and concludes with Mass. Cost €20.  Bring a packed lunch Booking essential on 087 9636893.

SET DANCING:  Set dance classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 8.30pm in Monagae Community Centre.  Everyone is welcome including beginners and those that have not danced in ages. Come along and have a fun night of dance, exercise and friendship. For more information call 0863510774.

RAMBLING HOUSES:  Every 1st Thursday of each month there is a Rambling House in the Community Centre in Knockanure..  All musicians, singers’ dancers and storytellers are most welcome to attend.   Knockalougha on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month..  Ita McQuinn’s Rambling House is on the third Friday of the month at the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West at 8pm.  Listowel Rambling House takes place on the last Thursday of every month from 9.15 pm in the Seanachai Centre.  Killarney. Friday, March 31 at 8p.m at the
Old Killarney Inn – in Aghadoe V93 NW52 – Entry €5 – All Welcome.Come for
the Tea, the Brack, and the bit of Ceoil agus Craic and to all musicians, dancers,
storytellers and singers, please come join us for a great night. – Follow us on
Facebook CCE Cill Airne.

PRAYER MEETING:  Janice Carrig holds a prayer meeting in the Desmond Complex on the last Sunday of the month.

GREENWAY: Limerick Council will start work on a new Greenway car park at Station Road, Newcastle West in early 2023. Design teams have been appointed to design Greenway Hubs at the Ardagh Stationhouse and the Abbeyfeale Railway Goods Shed.

LISTOWEL BINGO:  Bingo is back Sunday night in the Plaza, Church St, at 8.30pm. Welcome back to all old and new players.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Reducing your energy use; Bleed your radiators, it makes an amazing difference in the amount of heat that they radiate.  Turn off lights as you leave the room.  Do not leave phones charging over night or the dishwasher or washing machine on. Close doors so that in the event of a fire the blaze will be contained.  FAST is the checklist for a stroke.  Face – Check to see if one side of the face droops, Arms – Raise both arms, see if one drops down. Speech- check for slurring.  Time – if the answer to these is yes call 112/999 immediately. Five ways to Wellbeing:  Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning.  Give.  www. mentalhealth    If you have medical equipment that requires electricity, ensure that your electrical supplier is aware and that you are on the ‘Special Services Register’ so that they can prioritize your house.   Layers are the best choice for staying warm in cold weather. Not only do the winter clothes themselves act as insulation, but the air between the layers insulates, too. If you have to drive in the frost leave plenty of time to reach your destination and to defrost the windscreen.  I was at a meeting recently where the Garda made a presentation and they emphasised that road accidents caused by speed, drink and drugs are a problem as well as on line scams and romance frauds.
Leave a low energy light on at night time, preferably one with a high light output..Use a non-slip shower or bath mat.  Make sure wires or cords, such as from lamps or telephones, do not trail where you walk. Arrange furniture so that you can easily move around all your rooms.  Keep the floors clear from items such as papers and books that could cause you to trip, Remove rugs or use non-slip tape or backing so rugs will not slip. Consider installing hand rails on both sides of the stairs.  Ask your relatives and neighbours for help if you need it. Keep their phone numbers on a list beside your phone.  Learn your Eircode – if you have to call for help it will take the services straight to your door.  Write ICE before your next of kin’s number in your phone so if you cannot communicate the services will be able to contact your next of kin.  If you suffer from a gambling addiction there is a counsellor/psychotherapist available at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.  Further information from 068 23584. If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish, you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:    HSE Mental Health Information Line 1800111888.  Senior Line Friendly Listening Service 1800 804591.  If you are feeling vulnerable  contact Pieta House 061 484444/ Samaritans 116123/061 412111.  Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email [email protected] Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. 01 2107906.  Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 4848 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684.  Mental Health Ireland – Helpline  01 2841166.  Alzheimers Society, Information and Emotional Help – 1800341341.AMEN( male victims of domestic violence)  0469023718.   Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected] Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre. TeenTxt-Text: TEEN to 50101.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community notices 16th March 2023

March 15th, 2023

CONGRATULATIONS ARCHBISHOP MICHAEL LENIHAN:  On Saturday last through the power of the internet and YouTube we were able to watch Bishop Michael installed as Archbishop of San Pedro Sula Archdiocese in Honduras .  It was so obvious in what high regard he is held there.  During his address to the congregation  he spoke about his love for Abbeyfeale and his family here and sent word to thank the parish for the support and kindness he has received over the years.   We look forward to meeting him this summer during his annual trip to Europe.   The link to the recording is: https://www.youturbe,com LaCeiba

FUINNEAMH IN CONCERT:  The band who have recently performed on TG4 and RTE 1 return home to help raise funds for Fleadh by the Feale.  The concert will be held at the Glórach Theatre on Saturday, March 25.  Tickets €15.  Booking 087 1383940.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY:  Abbeyfeale does things the Green Way’.   Family Fun 2.30 -8pm.  Face Painting, Kids Entertainment, and Prizes for Best Float, Best Shop Window, Busking, prizes for Best Dressed Family, Lady, Baby, Best Blinged Bike and Best Dressed Dog. Photo Booth in the alley near Leens Hotel.  The church and the Library will be lit up in green on the evening of the 16th.   Parade from 4pm.  Spend the day with family and friends and keep it local.

‘TEARING AND DRAGGING’  :The Abbeyside Players have a winner on their hands and seats are booking out fast, the play continues its run this coming Thursday March 16, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19.   A portion of the proceeds will go to local charities including St. Ita’s Day Care Centre, Palliative Care, and charity shops Vincent’s and Sue Ryders.  Tickets €10, booking line 087 1383940.  Doors open 7.15pm, Show on stage 8pm.   Don’t miss out on a great night’s entertainment.

TEMPLEGLANTINE CAMOGIE CLUB RECRUITMENT DRIVE:   U6, U8,U10, U12, and U14 teams are looking for members. If you were born in the years 2015/2016 contact Margaret on 087 2440786, born in the years 2013/2014 contact Kiara on 087 9287847, born in the years 2011/2012 contact Brigid on 087 9288499 and born in 2009/2010 contact Olive 087 7645582.  Training for U6 started outdoors at Templeglantine pitch from 10.30 – 11.15am on Saturday March 4.Training for U8 has started indoors on Tuesdays 5-6pm at Fr. Casey’s.  Training for U10 started Saturday, March 11 from 9.30 -11am in Templeglantine.  Training for U12 is to be confirmed.  Training for U14 9 – 10.15 outdoors at Templeglantine pitch started March 4.  Registration now open.

DRAMA WORKSHOP IN ABBEYFEALE: John Nelligan sent the following; “ Anyone  can  Whistle!  If that’s true, and it is; then that principle will, also, hold good for the assertion that “Anyone can Act”. As we, all, know the journey of a thousand miles starts with that very first, faltering, step. Equally, the path to a career in Hollywood starts with attendance at the Drama League of Ireland workshop on acting skills at Glórach on March 25th.   Famous actors, from our Tri-County area of Cork, Kerry and Limerick, who benefitted, greatly, from attending acting workshops are, Cillian Murphy, Michael Fassbender, Richard Harris, Fiona Shaw and Lorcan Curtin.  Somebody once said that: “Life is an act and we are all actors in the arena of life.”  Therefore, a helping hand in navigating the currents of modern life is always welcome.  So, don’t delay in booking one of the, just, twenty places available, by e-mailing [email protected] or phoning 01 296 9343.  Attendance costs €20, with the workshop opening at 10am and closing at 5pm.”

TOURIST OFFICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Work has started on bringing a Tourist Office to Abbeyfeale and you can help make it happen! Are you a proud Abbeyfeale person? Do you have 2 hours or more per week to welcome visitors to our beautiful town and give them some information that will help them enjoy their visit? We have hours to suit your lifestyle. The new Tourist Office will be in the WorkBase E-Hub building on Abbeyfeale’s main street. Full training will be provided Contact [email protected] if you are interested.

FESTIVAL:   Ballydonoghue Bardic Festival, Lisselton: 23rd – 26th March.

The 2023 festival seeks to honour the memory of Pádraig Liath Ó Conchubhair, who was born in Lisselton in the parish of Ballydonoghue in 1745 and died around 1820.  He was a Hedge Schoolmaster, Poet and renowned Academic who established The Lisselton Bardic Court, known as  ‘Cúirt na Súagh’, The Court of the Wise. Full details of competitions and workshops are available on

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY:  We gathered at  Dan Moloney’s Tea Rooms on Wednesday, March 8.  Thirty plus women who all live in or around Abbeyfeale and who wanted to have a social get together and some music and a sing song with a few jokes thrown in we enjoyed the couple of hours so much that we’re planning another afternoon as soon as we can come up with an excuse.  Watch this space.

DOG WARDEN: It may be the excitement of the sight of the straight road stretching from the Search and Rescue headquarters all the way up to the Town park and the promise of a walk there but the pavement from there on is covered in dog poop and my local correspondent tells me that the plan is to patrol the road for the next few weeks in order to find the owners who are not equipped with plastic bags.  There is a substantial fine following the offence of not cleaning up after your pooch.

DOLLY DAY:  The O’Connor family are continuing to fund raise for Kerry Hospice and Comfort for Chemo.  This time the late Jim’s sister Cora is organising a Dolly Day in honour of Dolly Parton when an attempt will be made to establish a Guinness World Record for the most people dressed as Dolly Parton.  Cora has form with making the Guinness Book of Records as she it was who organised Nunday in Listowel some years ago.

ABBEYFEALE ICA:  The local branch has resumed meeting at the Adult Education Centre Mountmahon usually the first and third Tuesday of each month.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday March 21 at 7pm.   New members welcome.

LOURDES:   Youth Pilgrimage 2023 22nd – 27th June. For booking details contact Karen at 061-350000 or email at [email protected]

Limerick Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2023. Led by Bishop Brendan Leahy. 22th – 27th June. Direct return flights from Shannon to Lourdes. For booking contact Joe Walsh Tours,

Telephone 01-2410800 or email [email protected] €879 per person, full board, all taxes included.

GLÓRACH BINGO:  Every Monday at 8pm.  Over 18’s. All welcome.

FATIMA: Fully escorted pilgrimage ex Dublin airport, May 9th-15th’23, Spiritual Director Fr. Noel Spring, Contact Premier Travel 021-4277700, email [email protected] or Maureen Harty 066-7131328 .

ABBEYFEALE YOUTH CLUB:  Delighted to report that the 1st. year youth club is up and running.  Organiser Noreen Flynn Culhane 087 2353306 would like to thank the parents who helped to get club back up and open.

UPDATE ON MARY’S MEALS:  The response to this appeal has been phenomenal and Mary Flynn and staff at the Siopa Milsean have agreed to take all donations and keep them for Angela Moore who will collect them.  “ Mary’s Meals – Coin Collection, we are appealing to you for your old coins that are in jam jars, vases and odd pots around the house. We are using these to translate into food to feed the children in Mary’s Meals School Feeding Programmes. Because Mary’s Meals can provide a meal for 11c, your generosity can make a massive difference. You don’t need to count it! If you are willing to donate Irish, sterling or foreign coins/notes, please contact Angela Moore at 089-4339592 or [email protected].

ST. ITAS DAY CARE: Open to visitors every Tuesday.  Morning Coffee and scones.  Lunch, card game, music and dancing.   Contact Jane on 068 51850. Meals on Wheels available Monday to Friday (except for Bank Holidays etc) Soup €1; Main Course €7,Dessert €2.The menu is put on the St Ita’s Day Care Abbeyfeale Facebook page on Friday for the following week. Call 068 51850 for enquiries and booking. Call before 10.30 am on the day.

HOT DESK:  Work Base E-Hub at Old Bank Building on Main Street is open for Business. For full details and pricing on Private Office Suites, Meeting Room, Hot-desks etc contact Ken Tobin on 086 816 2105.

REOPENING OF ABBEYFEALE MART:  A sale is held every Saturday so please support.   For further information  087 6903172/ 087 9480484.

BRIDGE CLUB:  Abbeyfeale Bridge Club meet at St. Ita’s Day Care Centre every Thursday from 7.30pm.  New members welcome.

ABBEYFEALE’S NIGHT AT THE OSKARS: The DVD’s and the USB sticks are on sale at the Day Care Centre, Toddy Mc Mahons, Batt’s in the Square and An Siopa Milsean .  The DVD’s will retail at €10 each and the USB sticks at €15.  Contact Jane at the Day Care Centre on 068 51850.

JOBS: Kerry Group are currently recruiting for General Operatives in Listowel.

It is a full-time, seasonal position. The shift will depend on a team you join, and it can be either 12 hours a day, 4 days on 4 days off or 8 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Overtime is available.

OPEN DAY:   Colaiste Ide Dingle on Saturday, March 25 from 10am to 4pm, details from 066 915 1211.

TEA DANCE in Ballybunion Community Centre on Sunday, March 26 from 3 to 5pm. Social Dancing at same venue every Tuesday from 7.30pm.

ACTIVE AGING FESTIVAL 2023. This free event will be held on Wednesday, March 22 from 11am to 2pm in the Kerry Sports Academy, MTU North Campus. Join us for a social and fun event with lunch provided! Activities include, Taster Activities, Guest Speaker, Functional Fitness and information stands. Pre- Registration is essential. Book your place online at or for further information phone 066 7144200 or email [email protected]

KNOCK: National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock this year takes place on Saturday, April 22 and Sunday 23.

ACCORD ARE NOW RECRUITING Are you an excellent communicator with an enthusiasm for supporting couples as they prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage and future family life? Formal training will be provided in presenting and facilitating our Marriage Preparation Programmes. Please contact Aisling on 01 5053112 or email: [email protected]

CRAFT FAIR IN THE SQUARE:  The bi monthly craft fair will take place in the Square  on Saturday, March 18 from 10am – 2pm.

NATIONAL TREE WEEK! Sunday 19th March to Sunday 26th March 2023.

SOCIAL DANCING IN THE ROCK:  Rockchapel community centre committee have started  adult dancing classes in the community centre every Thursday night from 8.30 -  10pm.  If you are interested in learning to jive, waltz or quick step or just want to come to enjoy a nights dancing please text or ring Breeda 087/6818113 or Philomena 087 6809249. . Come alone or bring a partner.€10 per person – pay as you go.

.CITIZENS ADVICE HELPLINE:  You can contact them Monday – Friday between 9.30 -4.15pm on 076 1075780 or email [email protected]

STEP TO THE BEAT:  Walk in Athea; Step to the Beat is a designated hour each Thursday from 6.30pm – 7.30pm during Lent, where music will play over a sound system around the perimeter of the GAA track.

PILGRIMAGES:  Two pilgrimages to Medjugorjie travelling from Cork.
19th July 2023 with Aer Lingus. Full daily programme which includes a visit to all the apparition sites where Our Lady first appeared to the six children in June 1981.Our 4star hotel is conveniently located close the village centre and the St James Church. Coach transfer to  Medjugorjie on arrival. 7 nights 4* hotel accommodation. Half board:  breakfast & dinner each day. Coach transfer from your hotel to airport for return flight. Check-in assistance at airports. 1 x 20kg check-in bag & 1 x small cabin bag. For further information and details please contact Jim Keogh 021 4885371you will be most welcome, but please note that our places are strictly limited, and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. September  6 – 13 Return flights from Cork to Dubrovnik, for details & bookings contact: Group Leader – Maura O’Keeffe Harcksen (Tralee),Tel: 066 7127143 or 087 1517696.

PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK SHRINE: Monday, March 20.  €599.00 per person sharing.  Price includes return bus to Knock, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with full board.  All entertainment and excursions included.  Day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum. Single supplement €100.00.  Contact Patricia on 087 1890 236 or email [email protected]

FESTIVAL: THE Wander Wild Festival, at Killarney from March 24th-26th. Many events are free, See for more.


NEW MABS OUTREACH CLINIC:  On the second of Friday of each month (excluding bank holidays) a MABS Outreach Clinic will be held in St. Ita’s Hall from 9Iam -12.30pm.  The contact number for appointments is 0818 072210 for the North Munster MABS Limerick Office.  Those wishing to make an appointment must make the call themselves due to GDPR.

CHURCH NEWS: email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 – 51915 Parish Office 068 – 31133. Abbeyfeale is part of the parish pastoral unit that consists of Athea, Templeglantine, Tournafulla and Mountcollins.  Contact numbers are as follows:  Fr Willie Russell Tel 087/2272825.  Fr Tony Mullins  Tel 087/2600414 Fr Denis Mullane Tel 087/2621911.  Fr Dan Lane   Retired Tel 087/2533030.  There is always a priest from one of the other pastoral areas on emergency call on Sundays and his name and number is published on the parish website and also on the weekly newsletter.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Blessed Sacrament Church on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week during Lent beginning after the 10.00am Mass and continuing until 8.00pm. If you would like be part of this prayer we encourage you to select a time on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, a time that is practical for you.  Write your name on the timetable.  Make a promise to the Lord that you will do your best to be faithful to your hour of prayer. Stations of the Cross:  there will reflections on the Stations of the Cross every Friday morning at 9.30am. Confessions every Saturday evening from 6pm and for the remainder of Lent after the 10am Mass.  Novena to St Joseph takes place from March 11 – 19. Mass Intentions:. Thursday Vigil of St. Patrick’s Day 6.30pm  Peter Healy, The Hill 10th. Anniversary.  Friday St. Patrick’s Day Masses at 10 and 12 noon. At the 12 noon Mass we will mark the retirement of choir master Dee Dennison with a special celebration in thanksgiving for his exemplary service over the past 40 years.  Everyone welcome.  Saturday 6.30pm Ned and Peg Leahy, The Millstream, Son Emmet and  Daughter Ita.  Sunday 12noon Tom Scanlon, Athea. Garment of Pain:  During this Lenten season, the parish invites all parishioners to leave your pain and suffering at the Cross. The Garment of Pain is a simple way of drawing together experiences of pain and suffering of many people, in a way that enables us to support one another in prayer .Over the period of Lent, we invite you to place a piece of material—roughly 6×6—in the baskets provided in the church. The cloth represents whatever your particular pain in life happens to be. During Lent, we will remember the intentions of those who have placed theirs in the baskets in our Masses. The pieces of cloth will be sown together to form one big patchwork quilt. During the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, we will place the cloth on the altar to symbolically unite our suffering with the offering of Christ in the Mass.  On Good Friday the cloth will be draped over the cross which is the focus of our prayer that day.  During our Easter Vigil, we will place the Garment of Pain with the Paschal fire to symbolise that the light of Christ is always greater than our suffering and pain.

Take the TRIP of a LIFETIME to the HOLY LAND, 29th August-8th Sept. 2023.
Group Leader, Mícheál de Barra and Spiritual Director, Fr. John Newman
(Scripture Scholar). In association with Premier Travel, Cork
Contact Mícheál at 086-8337681 or email [email protected]

ANOTHER MESSAGE FROM NEWCASTLE WEST’S MAUREEN FINNEGAN: “ If you would like to give  Easter treats to the Ukrainian children ie    Easter sweets, Bunnies,
Eggs, lollipops  etc  you can drop sweet treats into the Dressmaking Shop on the corner of Boherbue and directly opposite the Church Car park.  Thank you for your
generosity and kindness.   Wishing you and all of your families all the blessings of Easter.”

45 CARD DRIVE:  The 45 Card Drive continues in Raheenagh Hall every Tuesday at 8.30pm.  All welcome.

SET DANCING:  Set dance classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 8.30pm in Monagae Community Centre.  Everyone is welcome including beginners and those that have not danced in ages. Come along and have a fun night of dance, exercise and friendship. For more information call 0863510774.

.RAMBLING HOUSES: The Ballyhahill Rambling House takes place on Wednesday night March 15th .  Every 1st Thursday of each month there is a Rambling House in the Community Centre in Knockanure..  All musicians, singers’ dancers and storytellers are most welcome to attend.   Knockalougha on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month..  Ita McQuinn’s Rambling House is on the third Friday of the month at the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West at 8pm.  Listowel Rambling House takes place on the last Thursday of every month from 9.15 pm in the Seanachai Centre.

SET DANCING: With Timmy Woulfe Monday nights at 8pm in the Marian Hall, Moyvane, There are also Set Dancing Classes at Fr. Casey’s Club house Wednesday nights.

LEARN TO DANCE:  Social dancing classes in the Plaza Hall, Listowel every Monday night for beginners 7.30 – 9pm.  Waltzing  Jiving, Quick Step, Foxtrot.  Everyone welcome.

PRAYER MEETING:  Janice Carrig holds a prayer meeting in the Desmond Complex on the last Sunday of the month.

GREENWAY: Limerick Council will start work on a new Greenway car park at Station Road, Newcastle West in early 2023. Design teams have been appointed to design Greenway Hubs at the Ardagh Stationhouse and the Abbeyfeale Railway Goods Shed.
TAYTO PARK REOPENS:  The Irish Theme park, formerly known as Tayto Park is to reopen on Saturday, March 25 with a new name – Emerald Park.

LISTOWEL BINGO:  Bingo is back Sunday night in the Plaza, Church St, at 8.30pm. Welcome back to all old and new players.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Reducing your energy use; Bleed your radiators, it makes an amazing difference in the amount of heat that they radiate.  There is snow forecast for the middle of next week so get in a supply of fuel and not have to go out on slippery roads when and if it comes. FAST is the checklist for a stroke.  Face – Check to see if one side of the face droops , Arms – Raise both arms, see if one drops down. Speech- check for slurring.  Time – if the answer to these is yes call 112/999 immediately. Five ways to Wellbeing:  Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning.  Give.  www. mentalhealth    If you have medical equipment that requires electricity, ensure that your electrical supplier is aware and that you are on the ‘Special Services Register’ so that they can prioritize your house.   Layers are the best choice for staying warm in cold weather. Not only do the winter clothes themselves act as insulation, but the air between the layers insulates, too. If you have to drive in the frost leave plenty of time to reach your destination and to defrost the windscreen.  I was at a meeting recently where the Garda made a presentation and they emphasised that road accidents caused by speed, drink and drugs are a problem as well as on line scams and romance frauds.
Leave a low energy light on at night time, preferably one with a high light output..Use a non-slip shower or bath mat.  Make sure wires or cords, such as from lamps or telephones, do not trail where you walk. Arrange furniture so that you can easily move around all your rooms.  Keep the floors clear from items such as papers and books that could cause you to trip, Remove rugs or use non-slip tape or backing so rugs will not slip. Consider installing hand rails on both sides of the stairs.  Ask your relatives and neighbours for help if you need it. Keep their phone numbers on a list beside your phone.  Learn your Eircode – if you have to call for help it will take the services straight to your door.  Write ICE before your next of kin’s number in your phone so if you cannot communicate the services will be able to contact your next of kin.  If you suffer from a gambling addiction there is a counsellor/psychotherapist available at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.  Further information from 068 23584. If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish, you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:    HSE Mental Health Information Line 1800111888.  Senior Line Friendly Listening Service 1800 804591.  If you are feeling vulnerable  contact Pieta House 061 484444/ Samaritans 116123/061 412111.  Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email [email protected] Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. 01 2107906.  Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 4848 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684.  Mental Health Ireland – Helpline  01 2841166.  Alzheimers Society, Information and Emotional Help – 1800341341.AMEN( male victims of domestic violence)  0469023718.   Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected] Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre. TeenTxt-Text: TEEN to 50101.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

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