
Community notices 14th June 2022

June 15th, 2022


Two cups of patience,

One heart full of love,

Two handfuls of generosity

A dash of laughter,

One handful of understanding.

Sprinkle generously with kindness,

Add plenty of faith and mix well.

Spread over a period of time.

Serve to everyone you meet.

DEATH:   We offer our sympathy to the family of Myra Flynn, Convent Road whose funeral took place on Monday last.  May she rest in peace.

BIRTHDAY GREETINGS:  Congratulations to Carmel Fitzgerald, N.T. Dromtrasna and her twin Brian O’Connor, Duagh who celebrated a birthday with an O. last weekend.

DANAHER MCGRATH TRUST SCHOLARSHIP:  Young people from Athea, Abbeyfeale, Mountcollins, Tournafulla and Templeglantine are invited to apply for a range of scholarships from a minimum of €2,000 to a maximum of €5,000 that are open to full time college students.  Application forms are available from Abbeyfeale Credit Union, local secondary schools or Woulfe Murphy Solicitors.  Closing date is August 31 and terms and conditions apply.

START IT UP:  Nick Cotter Jnr who is the son of Jackie and Nicky Cotter, Dromtrasna is one of six junior entrepreneurs in the running for a top prize of 40K.   The second episode of the competition will be aired on the GSEA You Tube channel on Thursday, June 16 at 5pm and features Nick, plenty of firewood, logs and a lamb!  The winner will be announced on the following Thursday, June 23 and the whole of Abbeyfeale is rooting for him.  Check out the link on

PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK:  The Abbeyfeale Eucharistic Adoration Committee are planning a pilgrimage to Knock Shrine on Saturday, June 18. If you are interested in making this pilgrimage please contact Kathleen Kennelly or Theresa O’Connor.  Interested parishioners from Athea, Mountcollins,Tournafulla and Templeglantine are very welcome to join with us.

FATHERS’ DAY:  Sunday, June 19.

PRAYER MEETING:  Janice and Moss Carrig will host a prayer meeting in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Scartaglen on Sunday next, June 19 at 3pm.  All are welcome.

PLAQUE UNVEILING: A plaque acknowledging the pivotal role Maureen Sweeney (nee Flavin), now aged 99 played in the “D Day Landing” World War 2 will be unveiled in Knockanure village on Saturday June 18th at 2pm. All are welcome to attend the occasion. (Maureen Sweeney, forecast an impending storm from Blacksod station in 1944 which changed the timing of the D-Day landings and ultimately secured victory for the Allies.Aidan Lonergan- June 06, 2019).  Maureen Sweeney may look like your ordinary pensioner, but this retired Irish postmistress played an extraordinary role in the timing of the D-Day landings 75 years ago – saving the lives of thousands of Allied troops in the process.

GLÓRACH BINGO;  The signs on the approach roads to Abbeyfeale seem to have done the trick with large crowds attending our indoor Bingo at the Glórach, every Monday night starting at 8 pm.

ARE YOU LIVING IN IRELAND UNDOCUMENTED: Do you know someone who may be an undocumented migrant? Undocumented people canapply for a legal status now. Applications for the new government undocumented scheme areopen until 31 July. Don’t miss this life changing opportunity. To check your eligibility and get support to apply visit the Migrants Rights Centre Ireland or email [email protected] or contact 083-0755387.

YOUNG PRIESTS SOCIETY:  A meeting will take place in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Wednesday, June 15 at 7pm.

.HOT DESK:  WorkBase E-Hub at Old Bank Building on Main Street is open for Business. For full details and pricing on Private Office Suites, Meeting Room, Hot-desks etc contact Ken Tobin on 086 816 2105.

SAFE DRIVING SKILLS:   Tractor Driving Skills” course for 14- to 16-year-olds which will take place in Listowel, Tralee and Castleisland Marts between June 27-29.  . Cost €35. Contact Helen 068-23429.

REDEMPTORIST ANNUAL NOVENA:  Limerick’s annual Novena @ the Redemptorists runs from June 17 - June 25.  Novena Celebrations each morning at 7.30am, 10am, 11.30am and each evening at 6pm, 7.30pm and 9pm.  Redemptorist Fr. Enright said recently:   After two years preaching behind closed doors, we are delighted to be able to welcome people back to the novena again,”

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS:  The Abbeyfeale Christmas Lights committee say “In our town, we believe in Christmas.  With this in mind, we started 5 years ago to provide new lighting.  Every year we work very hard with volunteers to fundraise so that we can add to our stock.  We need to raise a lot of money to finish our task “  Log onto I donate and you can enter a raffle for two Garth Brooks tickets for his concert in September with all monies going to the Abbeyfeale Christmas Lights committee

DAY CARE CENTRE:  Now open to visitors every Tuesday.  Contact Jane on 068 51850.

MEALS ON WHEELS NOW AVAILABLE FROM ST. ITA’S DAY CARE CENTRE:  Meals on Wheels are available from the Centre – to book a delivery ring 068 51850.

A CALL OUT FOR SUMMER CLOTHES: – Ukrainian children boys & girls 4 to 10 years.  T shirts, shorts, pants, dresses, shoes, runners, sandals etc.  Clothes in good condition that your children have grown out of.  These can be dropped out to the Ardagh Community Centre anytime between 8. 30am – 4p.m.Monday to Saturday.  They are still looking for bikes for adults and children so that they could use the Greenway.

PADRE PIO CASTLEISLAND:  Prayer Meeting Tuesday, June 21 at 7.30pm will include the Final witness given by the late Fr. Pat Moore. He literally told us how to manage a terminal illness in the final stages of life.   Will we ever forget the mantra “Do not get stuck in the Pot-Holes but always aim for the Horizon of light”

LIMERICK GARDEN AND FOOD FAIR: plant, garden & food fair, part of Limerick Garden Festival 2022 will take place on Sunday, June 19 at the Milk Market, Limerick.

HELP TO STOP SMOKING:  “Quit Mid-West is a Free Local HSE stop smoking service with clinics in your area. Quitting is much more likely to be successful with the right support, but many people still try to quit alone”. This month our Stop Smoking Advisor Stacey gives some top tips for beating cigarette cravings! HSE Quit Mid-West – Dealing With Cravings – YouTube   To request a call back from a stop smoking advisor phone Quit Mid-West on 065 6865841 or email      [email protected]

OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY:   August 7 -14.. Places for this Bavarian Event are available.  Spiritual Director – Fr. Dan O’Riordan.  Contact Premier Travel – 0214277700 or email [email protected]

CONCERT: Recovery Haven Kerry and a number of Kerry musicians and singers will have a gala summer concert at Tralee’s Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Sunday, June 19th.

AIB COMMUNITY ONE MILLION FUND:  The AIB Group has launched the AIB Community €1 Million Fund to support over 30 charitable organisations in communities across Ireland. Nominations will close on 22 June 2022. The nomination form and details on the AIB Community €1 Million Fund are available on the bank’s website. Customers and the public are required to submit the registration number of the charity they are nominating in order to complete the form.

NEW MABS OUTREACH CLINIC:  On the second of Friday of each month (excluding bank holidays) a MABS Outreach Clinic will be held in St. Ita’s Hall from 9am -12.30pm.  The contact number for appointments is 0818 072210 for the North Munster MABS Limerick Office.  Those wishing to make an appointment must make the call themselves due to GDPR..

KERRY FLEADH ;  It will take place over 18th/19th June and will be held in the Dúchas Comhaltas Centre in Tralee.

CAMPA MHUIRE: Free online Catholic Faith Camp for children aged 5-12. The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th – 30th, Tuesday to Friday will include Music and Action Songs, Arts and Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, games, drama, live streamed daily Mass and more. No need to register, check out

LOUGH DERG THREE DAY PILGRIMAGE:  The season opens on Wednesday, June 1 and runs until August 15,   (Saturday, August 13 is
final day to begin the Pilgrimage).Admission €80 | Booking advised | Concessions
available for students, seniors and groups.  All booking info, including organised parish groups available at,email [email protected] or telephone 0(0353)
71 9861518.  Lough Derg, Pettigo, Co Donegal, F94 N289

ORCHARD FOSTERING: Ireland is experiencing a shortage of foster carers, and we need your help. If you would like to help support a child or young person in need, contact Orchard Fostering today on(021) 2038332 or visit

RADIO MARIA IRELAND: Catholic Radio with a full programme, daily of catechesis, prayer, daily Mass, rosary, Stations of the Cross, Angelus, etc. You can listen by tuning into Saorview on your Television Channel 210 / Internet:

AN RÁS TAILTEANN:   An RáS Tailteann, is to finish Castleisland on Thursday, June 16th at the former Browne’s Mineral Water plant on Limerick Road at approximately 2:30pm. Teams, USA, Scotland, Netherlands, England and the Isle of Man, and 22 county teams, will participate. An Rás Tailteann, began in 1953.  I imagine that it will go through Abbeyfeale on the way to Castleisland and wouldn’t it be nice to have a few on the Main St. to cheer them on.

GOLF TOURNAMENT: Adare two-day tournament will be on July 4 and 5.To book either the Adare Manor car park, or the free park & ride, please visit

PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES:  If you are interested in travelling to Lourdes this September 22-27 contact Fr. Tony.  Staying at the Hotel La Solitude, complimentary group insurance, cost €789.  Pilgrims must be fully vaccinated to travel as part of this group.

CHARLEVILLE SHOW:  June 25 and 26.

CITIZENS ADVICE:  They are available to deal with queries Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 4.15pm and can be contacted by phone on 0818075780 or by email [email protected]

RESEARCH: S&E Summer Research Scholarship Programme – Apply now The 10th S&E Summer Research Scholarship Programme is designed with the sole purpose of supporting students to work over the summer months on a research project, or idea, that will lead to a strong future IRC PhD grant application ( The nominal duration of the scheme is 10 weeks over the summer months, and so students will earn €250 per week. Shorter durations are possible – typically 8 or 9 weeks, on a pro rata basis. Students need to have a QCA of 3.25 or higher in order to be eligible for the scheme.

CHURCH NEWS:   Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133.  Confessions every Saturday evening at 6pm. To book a Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 068 51915.  Intentions: Wednesday 10am Lay Led Liturgy.  Thursday 10am Lay Led Liturgy.  Friday 10am Margaret & Thomas Enright and
deceased family members.  Saturday 6.30pm Dan & Madge Cusack and deceased family
members of the Cusack family Cratloe.  Maureen Woulfe, Cratloe.  John Leahy, New Street Corner House.  Sunday 10am Michael Scannell, Dromtrasna Collins.  Bill& Mary Quirke, Hill Road.  Dio O’Connor 2nd Anniversary. & Denny O’Connor Knocknasna.
Francie O’Connor, Knocknasna Anniv.  Peggy & Hauleen Foley.  Sunday12noon Sean Healy, The Hill.   Paddy & Mai O’Connor, Islandboy.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 10am Mass until 8pm  every Friday.  Fr Denis and Fr Tony are assisted in the overall running of the five churches in the pastoral area by the Pastoral Area Council.  The Pastoral Area Council is comprised of representative of the five churches in the area along with the priests of the area.  There are 16 Pastoral Areas in the diocese. In the very near future there will be just two priests serving in each pastoral area in the diocese.  In recent weeks parishes have been returning to basket collection at weekend masses. Here in the parish of Abbeyfeale, we plan to return to the basket collection in the near future. For this to happen efficiently we need six people per mass to help with the collections. We are seeking volunteers to help. If you can oblige, please leave your name and mass preference into the sacristy after Mass. We thank you in anticipation of your help.  Some of the changes taking place in the parish of Abbeyfeale include new arrangements for funerals and baptisms.  After consultation with the Pastoral Area Council, and the parish councils in each of the five parishes, it was agreed, that due to the number of Sunday Masses celebrated in the five churches in the area, it will no longer be possible to have funeral Masses on a Sunday. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Baptisms in Athea will be celebrated on the third Saturday of the month during the summertime at 2.30p m and the third Sunday of the month in wintertime at 12noon.  Baptisms booked in prior to these new arrangements will be celebrated on the date they are booked for. To book in a baptism in Abbeyfeale call to the sacristy after Mass at 10.30a.m Tuesday – Friday or after any of the weekend Masses or ring 068/51915 during Mass time.  For further information contact the sacristy after Mass or telephone 068-51915 any morning between 10.00am and 10.45pm.  The Vatican announced on Monday that Catholics can obtain a plenary indulgence by visiting an elderly person on the second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.  A decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary on May 30 said that the indulgence is available “to the faithful who devote adequate time to visit, in presence or virtually, through the media, their elderly brothers and sisters in need or in difficulty” on July 24.  The indulgence can also be gained by Catholics present at a solemn commemoration of the annual event by Pope Francis that day or at celebrations around the world.  Prayer to Find What Is Lost; St. Anthony, when you prayed, your stolen book of prayers was given back to you. Pray now for all of us who have lost things precious and dear. Pray for all who have lost faith, hope or the friendship of God. Pray for us who have lost friends or relatives by death. Pray for all who have lost peace of mind or spirit. Pray that we may be given new hope, new faith, and new love. Pray that lost things, needful and helpful to us, may be returned to our keeping. Or, if we must continue in our loss, pray that we may be given Christ’s comfort and peace. Amen.  The 10th World Meeting of Families takes place this month in Rome and the theme is ‘FamilyLove: A Vocation and a Path to Holiness.’ Even in 2022 many significant moments in family life are marked in church. Baptisms, weddings, funerals and at this time of year First Holy Communion and Confirmation ceremonies. In many parish communities there are also the great annual gatherings in cemeteries to remember deceased loved ones and to share the experience of loss. It was Peig Sayers of the Blasket Islands, the bane of students at summer exams in times past who told of the trees on the island which withstood the storms and survived because they stood close together. Faith, family and community the three-legged stool on which most of our lives rest providing stability and support for life’s journey. This weekend we can echo the prayer of Pope Francis for his intention for Christian families.  May they embody and experience unconditional love and so advance in holiness.
Paul Clayton-Lea – Intercom Magazine June 2022  NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART – 16TH – 24TH JUNE.   O divine Jesus who said “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you.  I kneel at your feet.  From whom shall I ask if not from you, whose heart is the source of all blessings. O Divine Jesus your Heart was moved by compassion for the men and women who came to you in need.  You healed the sick, you forgave sinners.  You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  O Divine Jesus your heart is still full of compassion for us today in our many needs.  Assured of your love we turn to you and ask …(mention your requests).  I admit I am most unworthy of your favour, Jesus, but this is not a reason for me to be discouraged.   You are the God of mercies, and you will not refuse a contrite heart.  Look with pity on me, I beg you so that your compassionate heart will find in my weakness a motive for granting my request.   May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved.  Our Lady of the Sacred Heart pray for us.   Amen.

DRAW: Tickets for the Athea GAA Club Development Draw 2022, with the first draw to take place in late July. Tickets are priced at just €50 which covers entry into all 5 draws over 5 months with a total prize fund of €7,200.

RALLY FOR LIFE 2022 Ireland’s Annual March for Life Takes place in Dublin on July 2nd assembling at 1.30pm in Parnell Sq, Dublin. Bus from Kerry departing Tralee at 8.15am. To book ring 0876590551.

FOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS FROM GALILEE TO JERUSALEM 2022:  Take the trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land from August 31 – September 10 with Group Leader Mícheál de Barra and Spiritual Director,Fr. John Newman ( a Scripture Scholar).    For further information ring Micheál de Barra on 086 8337681 or email [email protected]


LISTOWEL LARTIGUE MONORAIL:  The museum is located on the John B. Keane Road and is now open from 1pm. to 4.30pm., daily.  My late father in law Willie Maurice and I went back after it opened because he remembered summer outings as a child to Ballybunion and trips on the monorail and he was delighted to get a spin and talk about having to balance the load and pony and traps racing the train.

KERRY HOSPICE FUNDRAISER:   If anybody would like to paint a Christmas Card Scene, you still have time to submit your ideas before the end of June.   For further information contact Ursula O’Connell on 087/7450126.

SOCIAL FARMING: Social Farming is the practice of offering activity on family farms as a form of Social Support service. In Social Farming the farm remains a working farm at its core but invites people to participate in the day-to-day activities on the farm. Interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming please contact Eadaoin, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 366 3842 or email her [email protected]

TEA DANCE: Ballybunion Sunday June 26 in aid of Eddie Carey who will be travelling to Kenya to build Reach Houses for young girls used in sex Trafficking.

BACK ON TRACK:  Debt Solutions:  Debt Relief Notice – You may be eligible for a DRN if a. Your unsecured debts are €35,000 or less.  b,  You do not have a mortgage or own a property or other large asset. c You have €60 or less left after reasonable living expenses each month – the Approved Intermediary will go through this with you. d. You meet the criteria for having very little assets apart from some essential items of value. e. You have not been granted a DRN before.  Approved Intermediaries (AIs) can be found on www.

HI DIGITAL Learn essential skills at Hi Digital.   It’s a step by step course designed for anyone who needs a bit of help developing their digital skills, particularly those who have rarely or never been online ( often 65+).  It has been developed as a free online course by Vodafone Ireland Foundation, in partnership with Active Retirement Ireland and ALONE.  To register email hidigital @ or freephone 1800203030.

LIVING WELL:  This is a programme for adults with long term health conditions.  It is suitable for those over 18 and living with one or more long term health conditions or caring for someone with a long term health condition.  It is not suitable for people with significant memory or learning difficulties.  A free Living Well programme runs for 6 weeks with one workshop of two and a half hours per weekend.  For further details contact Philip Hennessy on 087 1799396 or email [email protected] or Liz Cox on 087 1799392 [email protected]

AIB COMMUNITY FUND:  AIB Group has launched the AIB Community €1 Million Fund to support over 30 charitable organisations in communities across Ireland. Nominations will close on 22 June 2022.

WRITERS WEEK BOOK LAUNCH:   Ballylongford native Mary Sweeney née Kennelly a niece of the late Brendan Kennelly has written a book called “Into the Grey” which explains the emotional strains when caring for a loved one with Dementia which  is available in all good bookshops.

GRASSROOTS GAA:   Stories are being collected for publication, details from 086 821 7631, or contact [email protected]

POETRY: Michael Hartnett Poetry Award Competition Deadline: June 17.   The Michael Hartnett Poetry Award is now open for submissions. This year, the award will be for collections of poems in English. The award will be made to the winning poet on the basis of a third, or subsequent book of poetry, published in the last two years, i.e. 2020 – 2021.

SIAMSA TIRE: are delighted to announce that auditions will take place from  June 16-18 to attract the best of traditional young talent aged 7 to 12 years to the Folk Training Academy. These auditions are by appointment only and candidates must have an Irish dance step and a song prepared and/or music (bring your own instrument). Contact 066 7123055 to arrange an appointment.

SCEILG MHICHÍL: The Unesco site reopened on May 14.  The landing boat tour departs daily between 8.30 – 9.30am from Portmagee and costs approximately €140. A non landing boat tour also leaves from Portmagee every day and costs approximately €50.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Advice from AIB re scams:  Some investment opportunities appear to have been endorsed by celebrities.  Most are scams and if the results look too good to be true, they usually are.  If you do decide to go with an investment make sure the broker is regulated. You can find out if they’re regulated by going to the Central Bank’s website and searching for Register of Firms.  Another scam is that you are asked mar ya by your bank to upload a selfie which the criminal then uses to open a bank a/c in your name.  For all queries ring Bank of Ireland 0818 365 365/ AIB 0818 724 724.  If you suffer from a gambling addiction there is a counsellor/psychotherapist available at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.  Further information from 068 23584/087368449f you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES: Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 4848 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected]

Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]


Community notices 8th June 2022

June 9th, 2022

PROLOGUE: All dreams are within reach.  All you have to do is keep moving towards them.  Viola Davis.

DEATH: Fr Charlie O’Neill RIP 1925 – 2022.  Former curate in Abbeyfeale, Fr Charlie O’Neill died peacefully on Sunday 26th May in Beech Lodge Nursing Home, Bruree. Fr O’Neill or Fr Cha as he was known served as a curate here in Abbeyfeale from 1967 to 1979. Parishioners remember him affectionately as a kind and humble priest who served the people of Abbeyfeale with great simplicity and dedication. While he was in Abbeyfeale he was very involved in the Community Games and other sporting clubs. Parishioners have lovely memories of Fr Cha, and we include him in our prayers this weekend.  We offer our sympathy to his family and friends. May his gentle soul rest in peace.  We also offer our sympathies to Mairéad and family on the death of Gerard Curtin, Brosna.  May he rest in peace.

GLASSES FOUND:  Contact Noreen Barry’s Playschool, New Street if you lost yours.

DANAHER MCGRATH TRUST SCHOLARSHIP:  Young people from Athea, Abbeyfeale, Mountcollins, Tournafulla and Templeglantine are invited to apply for a range of scholarships  from a minimum of €2,000 to a maximum of €5,000 that are open to full time college students.  Application forms are available from Abbeyfeale Credit Union, local secondary schools or Woulfe Murphy Solicitors.  Closing date is August 31 and terms and conditions apply.

A CALL OUT FOR SUMMER CLOTHES: – Ukrainian children boys & girls 4 to 10 years.  T shirts, shorts, pants, dresses, shoes, runners, sandals etc.  Clothes in good condition that your children have grown out of.  These can be dropped out to the Ardagh Community Centre anytime between 8. 30am – 4p.m.Monday to Saturday.  They are still looking for bikes for adults and children so that they could use the Greenway.

PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK:  The Abbeyfeale Eucharistic Adoration Committee are planning a pilgrimage to Knock Shrine on Saturday 18th of June. If you are interested in making this pilgrimage please contact Kathleen Kennelly or Theresa O’Connor.  Interested parishioners from Athea, Mountcollins,Tournafulla and Templeglantine are very welcome to join with us.

PADRE PIO CASTLEISLAND:  Prayer Meeting Tuesday, June 21 at 7.30pm will include the Final witness given by the late Fr. Pat Moore. He literally told us how to manage a terminal illness in the final stages of life.   Will, we ever forget the mantra “Do not get stuck in the Pot-Holes but always aim for the Horizon of light”

GLÓRACH BINGO;  The signs on the approach roads to Abbeyfeale seem to have done the trick with large crowds attending our indoor Bingo at the Glórach, every Monday night starting at 8 pm.

CONCERT FOR UKRAINE:  Sincere thanks to all who supported the recent concert held in
support of the Refugees from Ukraine. Thanks to all who sponsored the raffle prizes, made individual donations, sold tickets and attended the concert. €4,270 has  been raised so
far. Our thanks to all who performed at the concert and made it such an enjoyable event for all who attended. Thanks to all who helped organise the concert and to all who assisted in the
church on Friday night. We keep the people of Ukraine and all others around the world who are impacted by war and violence in our thoughts and prayers.

HOT DESK:  WorkBase E-Hub at Old Bank Building on Main Street is open for Business. For full details and pricing on Private Office Suites, Meeting Room, Hot-desks etc contact Ken Tobin on 086 816 2105.

SCHOOL CELEBRATES IT’S CENTENARY: Athea National School are celebrating 100 years on Friday, June 10 at 12:00pm.

LIMERICK GARDEN AND FOOD FAIR: plant, garden & food fair, part of Limerick Garden Festival 2022  will take place on Sunday, June 19 at the Milk Market, Limerick.

HELP TO STOP SMOKING:  “Quit Mid West is a Free Local HSE stop smoking service with clinics in your area. Quitting is much more likely to be successful with the right support, but many people still try to quit alone”. This month our Stop Smoking Advisor Stacey gives some top tips for beating cigarette cravings! HSE Quit Mid West – Dealing With Cravings – YouTube   To request a call back from a stop smoking advisor phone Quit Mid West on 065 6865841 or email      [email protected]

SAFE DRIVING SKILLS:   Tractor Driving Skills” course for 14- to 16-year-olds which will take place in Listowel, Tralee and Castleisland Marts between  June 27-29.  . Cost €35. Contact Helen 068-23429.

CHORAL EVENING Sunday June 12 at 7pm in St. John’s Church in aid of Lebanon Trust. Featuring St. John’s Church Choir, Kerry Chamber Choir, Kerry School of Music Orchestra and Solo Performers. Tickets  available at the door on the night. Doors open at 6.30pm.

OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY:   August 7 -14.. Places for this Bavarian Event are available.  Spiritual Director – Fr. Dan O’Riordan.  Contact Premier Travel – 0214277700 or email [email protected]

CONCERT: Recovery Haven Kerry and a number of Kerry musicians and singers will have a gala summer concert at Tralee’s Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Sunday, June 19th.

ALONE:  They are currently looking for befriending volunteers. Support and Befriending is a supported one-to-one relationship between a volunteer and an older person who has been linked in with ALONE. The ALONE Support and Befriending service provides companionship and practical support to older people who would like extra social contact through a weekly volunteer visit. The Support and Befriending service is designed to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, provide assistance to solve everyday problems and enable older people to feel secure at home. Visit for more details and to sign up.

AIB COMMUNITY ONE MILLION FUND:  The AIB Group has launched the AIB Community €1 Million Fund to support over 30 charitable organisations in communities across Ireland. Nominations will close on 22 June 2022. The nomination  form and details on the AIB Community €1 Million Fund are available on the bank’s website. Customers and the public are required to submit the registration number of the charity they are nominating in order to complete the form.

NEW MABS OUTREACH CLINIC:  On the second of Friday of each month (excluding bank holidays) a MABS Outreach Clinic will be held in St. Ita’s Hall from 9am -12.30pm.  The contact number for appointments is 0818 072210 for the North Munster MABS Limerick Office.  Those wishing to make an appointment must make the call themselves due to GDPR.

A CHANCE TO WIN TWO GARTH BROOKS CONCERT TICKETS:  PRO of the Christmas Lights committee Wioleta Kelly has been in touch:  Hi, I’m Wioleta and I’m messaging you on behalf of the Abbeyefeale Christmas Lights Committee. We have a raffle where you are in with a chance to win 2 tickets for the Garth Brooks concert this September. All money from the raffle will go towards buying more lights for our town.  Here is a link to our Facebook page

HOME CARERS:  Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom today on 087 991 6791 or 087 744 0729.  Website is

THIRD AGE CHARITY:  ‘Failte Isteach’is a community project involving predominately older volunteers welcoming migrants through conversational English classes.  The project provides the necessary language skills to new migrants in a student centred, welcoming and inclusive manner while involving older volunteers and recognising their skills, expertise and contribution to the community.  For more information log on to www.

LEAVING AND JUNIOR CERT STUDENTS: The Leaving and Junior Cert exams begin on Wednesday, June 8.  During the period of exams, we will have a special prayer space set up in the church dedicated to exam students.  We assure all students of our prayers at this time.

KERRY FLEADH ;  It will take place over two weekends, 11th/12th June and 18th/19th June and will be held in the Dúchas Comhaltas Centre in Tralee.

CAMPA MHUIRE: Free online Catholic Faith Camp for children aged 5-12. The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th – 30th, Tuesday to Friday will include Music and Action Songs, Arts and Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, games, drama, live streamed daily Mass and more. No need to register, check out

DAY CARE CENTRE:  Now open to visitors every Tuesday.  Contact Jane on 068 51850.

preparation facilitators.   If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic
Church.  If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage.Accord wants to hear from you.   Successful applicants will receive professional training and will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation courses locally. Contact Aisling on 01-505 3112 for application
forms and additional information.

MEALS ON WHEELS NOW AVAILABLE FROM ST. ITA’S DAY CARE CENTRE:  Meals on Wheels are available from the Centre – to book a delivery ring 068 51850.

LOUGH DERG THREE DAY PILGRIMAGE:  The season opens on Wednesday, June 1 and runs until August 15,   (Saturday,  August 13 is
final day to begin the Pilgrimage).Admission €80 | Booking advised | Concessions
available for students, seniors and groups.  All booking info, including organised parish groups available at,email [email protected] or telephone 0(0353)
71 9861518.  Lough Derg, Pettigo, Co Donegal, F94 N289

ORCHARD FOSTERING: Ireland is experiencing a shortage of foster carers, and we need your help. If you would like to help support a child or young person in need, contact Orchard Fostering today on(021) 2038332 or visit

RADIO MARIA IRELAND: Catholic Radio with a full programme, daily of catechesis, prayer, daily Mass, rosary, Stations of the Cross, Angelus, etc. You can listen by tuning into Saorview on your Television Channel 210 / Internet:

PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES:  If you are interested in travelling to Lourdes this September 22-27 contact Fr. Tony.  Staying at the Hotel La Solitude, complimentary group insurance, cost €789.  Pilgrims must be fully vaccinated to travel as part of this group.

CITIZENS ADVICE:  They are available to deal with queries Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 4.15pm and can be contacted by phone on 0818075780 or by email [email protected]

CHURCH NEWS:   Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133.  Confessions every Saturday evening at 6pm.. To book a Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 068 51915.  Intentions for next weekend:  Saturday  6.30pm D P Woulfe, Bridge Street 1st Anniversary.  Sunday 10am Frances & Charlie Fealey, The Hill.  Bridget & Timmy Harnett, Ballaugh .  Nell & Jack Gleeslon, Killarney Road.  12noon Rita Hernon, Hillary Close Month Mind.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 10am Mass until 8pm  every Friday.  Fr Denis and Fr Tony are assisted in the overall running of the five churches in the pastoral area by the Pastoral Area Council.  The Pastoral Area Council is comprised of representative of the five churches in the area along with the priests of the area.  There are 16 Pastoral Areas in the diocese. In the very near future there will be just two priests serving in each pastoral area in the diocese.  In recent weeks parishes have been returning to basket collection at weekend masses. Here in the parish of Abbeyfeale, we plan to return to the basket collection in the near future. For this to happen efficiently we need six people per mass to help with the collections. We are seeking volunteers to help. If you can oblige, please leave your name and mass preference into the sacristy after Mass. We thank you in anticipation of your help .  Some of the changes taking place in the parish of Abbeyfeale include new arrangements for funerals and baptisms.  After consultation with the Pastoral Area Council, and the parish councils in each of the five parishes, it was agreed, that due to the number of Sunday Masses celebrated in the five churches in the area, it will no longer be possible to have funeral Masses on a Sunday. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Baptisms in Athea will be celebrated on the third Saturday of the month during the summertime at 2.30p m and the third Sunday of the month in wintertime at 12noon.  Baptisms booked in prior to these new arrangements will be celebrated on the date they are booked for. To book in a baptism in Abbeyfeale call to the sacristy after Mass at 10.30a.m Tuesday – Friday or after any of the weekend Masses or ring 068/51915 during Mass time.  For further information contact the sacristy after Mass or telephone 068-51915 any morning between 10.00am and 10.45pm.  The Vatican announced on Monday that Catholics can obtain a plenary indulgence by visiting an elderly person on the second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.  A decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary on May 30 said that the indulgence is available “to the faithful who devote adequate time to visit, in presence or virtually, through the media, their elderly brothers and sisters in need or in difficulty” on July 24.  The indulgence can also be gained by Catholics present at a solemn commemoration of the annual event by Pope Francis that day or at celebrations around the world.  Prayer to Find What Is Lost; St. Anthony, when you prayed, your stolen book of prayers was given back to you. Pray now for all of us who have lost things precious and dear. Pray for all who have lost faith, hope or the friendship of God. Pray for us who have lost friends or relatives by death. Pray for all who have lost peace of mind or spirit. Pray that we may be given new hope, new faith, and new love. Pray that lost things, needful and helpful to us, may be returned to our keeping. Or, if we must continue in our loss, pray that we may be given Christ’s comfort and peace. Am

FOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS FROM GALILEE TO JERUSALEM 2022:  Take the trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land from August 31 – September 10 with Group Leader Mícheál de Barra and Spiritual Director,Fr. John Newman ( a Scripture Scholar).    For further information ring Micheál de Barra on 086 8337681 or email [email protected]


SOCIAL FARMING: Social Farming is the practice of offering activity on family farms as a form of Social Support service. In Social Farming the farm remains a working farm at its core but invites people to participate in the day-to-day activities on the farm. Interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming please contact Eadaoin, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 366 3842 or email her [email protected]

TEA DANCE: Ballybunion Sunday June 26th in aid of Eddie Carey who will be travelling to Kenya to build Reach Houses for young girls used in sex Trafficking.

BACK ON TRACK:  Debt Solutions:  Debt Relief Notice – You may be eligible for a DRN if a. Your unsecured debts are €35,000 or less.  b,  You do not have a mortgage or own a property or other large asset. c You have €60 or less left after reasonable living expenses each month – the Approved Intermediary will go through this with you. d. You meet the criteria for having very little assets apart from some essential items of value. e. You have not been granted a DRN before.  Approved Intermediaries (AIs) can be found on www.

HI DIGITAL Learn essential skills at Hi Digital.   It’s a step by step course designed for anyone who needs a bit of help developing their digital skills, particularly those who have rarely or never been online ( often 65+).  It has been developed as a free online course by Vodafone Ireland Foundation, in partnership with Active Retirement Ireland and ALONE.  To register email hidigital @ or freephone 1800203030.

LIVING WELL:  This is a programme for adults with long term health conditions.  It is suitable for those over 18 and living with one or more long term health conditions or caring for someone with a long term health condition.  It is not suitable for people with significant memory or learning difficulties.  A free Living Well programme runs for 6 weeks with one workshop of two and a half hours per weekend.  For further details contact Philip Hennessy on 087 1799396 or email [email protected] or Liz Cox on 087 1799392 [email protected]

GLIN NEWS: Glin Triathlon will take place on the 3rd September.

Swimming Lessons Glin Pier; Limerick County Water Safety are delighted to announce that swimming/lifesaving classes will take place this summer at Glin Pier (subject to availability of instructors). Week 1 – Registration 3rd July at 12p.m. at Glin Pier. Classes commence on Monday 4th July for the week. Week 2 – Registration 14th August at 12p.m at Glin Pier. Classes commence on Monday 15th August for the week.

The Estuary Swim will take place on the 23rd July.

AIB COMMUNITY FUND:  AIB Group has launched the AIB Community €1 Million Fund to support over 30 charitable organisations in communities across Ireland. Nominations will close on 22 June 2022.

BEREAVED: Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 14th June at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group, and you can get further information on this by contacting us in [email protected].

WRITERS WEEK BOOKLAUNCH:   Ballylongford native Mary Sweeney née Kennelly a niece of the late Brendan Kennelly has written a book called “Into the Grey” which explains the emotional strains when caring for a loved one with Dementia which  is available in all good bookshops.

GRASSROOTS GAA:   Stories are being collected for publication, details from 086 821 7631, or contact [email protected]

POETRY: Michael Hartnett Poetry Award Competition Deadline: June 17.   The Michael Hartnett Poetry Award is now open for submissions. This year, the award will be for collections of poems in English. The award will be made to the winning poet on the basis of a third, or subsequent book of poetry, published in the last two years, i.e. 2020 – 2021.

SIAMSA TIRE: are delighted to announce that auditions will take place from 16th to 18th June to attract the best of traditional young talent aged 7 to 12 years to the Folk Training Academy. These auditions are by appointment only and candidates must have an Irish dance step and a song prepared and/or music (bring your own instrument). Contact 066 7123055 to arrange an appointment.

SCEILG MHICHÍL: The Unesco site reopened on May 14.  The landing boat tour departs daily between 8.30 – 9.30am from Portmagee and costs approximately €140. A non landing boat tour also leaves from Portmagee every day and costs approximately €50.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Stay off Tinder but if you must, the second he. asks for money, no matter how often he told you that you’re the woman for him – lose him.  No man asks for money when he’s in a relationship if he’s a real man.  Another one we’ve been notified of is a text message from PTSB advising you that there has been unusual activity on your card and to click on the link – needless to say don’t click on any link.  Most people have online banking so if you’re worried about ‘unusual activity’ just check the app on your phone to reassure yourself.  If you haven’t the app then ring your bank ; Bank of Ireland 0818 365 365/ AIB 0818 724 724.  If you suffer from a gambling addiction there is a counsellor/psychotherapist available at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.  Further information from 068 23584/0873684490.  Stay safe in the water. “Get in warm, get out warm”.  Make sure you can be seen.  Wear a brightly coloured swim cap and have a tow float so that other swimmers can see you.  If you do get into trouble stay calm, float, do not fight the waves or current. Always supervise paddling pools. Stay safe on line, if you are going on holidays don’t tell people until you’re back, Time enough then to post your holiday snaps.  Click on no link.  Don’t give any details of your credit card, keep the pin number to yourself and don’t carry the card and the pin together.  Wear a Hi Viz jacket when walking at any time of the day and it’s no harm either to turn on your parking lights when driving and help to make yourself visible on the road.  If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES: Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email:

[email protected] 01 210790.   If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on  057 9351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 4848 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected]

Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]


Community Notices 30th May 2022

June 3rd, 2022

PROLOGUE:  “We should be lifting each other up and cheering each other on, not trying to outshine one another.  The sky would be awfully dark with just one star.”  Author Unknown.

DEATH:  We offer our sympathies to the family of the late Martin Ward, Ballaugh Cross.  May he rest in peace.

PRAYER MEETING:  A prayer meeting to celebrate Pentecost led by Janice and Moss Carrig will take place at The Desmond Complex, NCW on Sunday, June 5 at 3pm.  There will be music, prayer and worship and everyone is welcome.

GLASSES FOUND:  Contact Noreen Barry’s Playschool, New Street if you lost yours.

CONCERT FOR PEACE IN THE CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION:  Preparations began some weeks ago with bi weekly rehearsals, tickets printed, posters distributed, spot prizes collected and finally on Friday the Blessed Sacrament moved to the tabernacle in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel after 10am Mass with adorers for every hour until 6pm.  The final sound checks and doors opened at 7.30pm with a line forming from 7pm in the car park.  Dr. Mick O’Donnell, the band leader of The Lost Souls and organiser along with Donal Murphy of the concert had had a busy evening arranging the altar into a stage with cables and microphones and music stands.  The night began on the dot of eight with Katie O’Connor and the Church cantors and musical accompaniment from their director Riona Curtin, these are the group who served us so well during lockdown when choirs were not allowed in church and they took it in turns to sing at Mass.  Friday night they all came together and gave us a ten minute set finishing with the lively ‘Now I’m a believer’. Surprise guests included our own Philip Enright, the traditional singer singing the Sean McCarthy classic ‘Come Home to Abbeyfeale’ to rapturous applause. Indeed it was a night for rapturous applause and standing ovations between Fr. Tony our parish priest with his rendition of ‘Grace’ and the Murphy Family – Kevin on bodhran and banjo, Eilsh on the concert flute, Donal the patriarch on the accordion, Melanie on the fiddle and Owen on guitar who raised the rafters with their jigs, slides and polkas and even a waltz written by Donal during the lockdown in honour of their father and grandfather – the late Dan.  We clapped and hollered and danced in the seats and enjoyed Donal’s stories about writing a tune to celebrate Owen’s christening twenty one years ago which is now part of a set of jigs known as the Christening jigs and which is on his new album.  He told us too about how some years ago he and Mary his wife, went on a trip up the midlands to Cloonfad, Co. Roscommon to visit where his maternal grandmother was born and going into the empty church in the middle of the village to say a prayer for all belonging to him only to hear the strains of ‘Rock around the Clock’ echoing through the church and see an elderly priest playing a selection of rock and roll classics on the organ – it would only happen in Ireland.  After a short break and the sale of raffle tickets for a load of prizes donated by local businesses, community groups and the Sisters of Mercy it was time for the Lost Souls to take to the stage and boy, they did not disappoint.  We had everything from the Eagles to gospel to the Cranberries to Pink Floyds ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ and loads beside – I nearly forgot Dee Dennison’s wonderful singing of The Parting Glass. The latest addition to the group was Scott Fitzgerald on drums who brought the group to a new level.  I’ve run out of superlatives but must mention Gary of the smooth mellow tones who sings and plays the Eagles.  There was a saying above at home when I was young that when someone was that good that you’d bring them home and put them on top of the dresser and throw sugarstick at them!!!  Band leader Dr. O’Donnell in his introduction spoke about what Ukraine is currently enduring and said it’s a misnomer when people say that the innocent people of the Ukraine are enduring a living hell because Hell is full of people who deserve to be there but that those poor people are innocent bystanders in something much worse than hell – a war not of their making. We were joined on the night by a family from Ukraine who have relocated to Abbeyfeale and hopefully they felt the love that was projected.  Well done to the musicians without whom it couldn’t have taken place, the church stewards who manned the doors, collected the door tickets, sold the raffle tickets and generally kept everything ticking smoothly. Well done too to our parish clerk Anne who fed and watered the musicians, organised everything and with the help of Shane Pegley (who fumigates the church after every Mass and keeps us all safe) made sure that the church was returned to its usual pristine state before the weekend Masses with the Blessed Sacrament back in situ in the tabernacle..  It was a great outpouring of community spirit and to paraphrase Fr. Donal Neary S.J. editor of the Sacred Heart Messenger “We show our living Christian faith in our acts of loving care – the care we show for the marginalized and the dispossessed in our own communities or those who have been driven to our shores by war or climate change.”


DANAHER MCGRATH TRUST SCHOLARSHIP:  Young people from Athea, Abbeyfeale, Mountcollins, Tournafulla and Templeglantine are invited to apply for a range of scholarships  from a minimum of €2,000 to a maximum of €5,000 that are open to full time college students.  Application forms are available from Abbeyfeale Credit Union, local secondary schools or Woulfe Murphy Solicitors.  Closing date is August 31 and terms and conditions apply.

A CALL OUT FOR SUMMER CLOTHES: – Ukrainian children boys & girls 4 to 10 years.  T shirts, shorts, pants, dresses, shoes, runners, sandals etc.  Clothes in good condition that your children have grown out of.  These can be dropped out to the Ardagh Community Centre anytime between 8. 30am – 4p.m.Monday to Saturday.  They are still looking for bikes for adults and children so that they could use the Greenway.

OUTING TO CORK; Knockfierna Heritage Society have organised an outing to Cork on Saturday, June 4. They will visit the butter market museum, Shandon Church, Cobh Cathedral, Spike Island etc. Contact Pat at 087-9977340, or Helena at 085-1190991.

PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK:  The Abbeyfeale Eucharistic Adoration Committee are planning a pilgrimage to Knock Shrine on Saturday 18th of June. If you are interested in making this pilgrimage please contact Kathleen Kennelly or Theresa O’Connor.  Interested parishioners from Athea, Mountcollins,Tournafulla and Templeglantine are very welcome to join with us.

PADRE PIO CASTLEISLAND:  Prayer Meeting Tuesday, June 21 at 7.30pm, will include the Final witness given by the late Fr. Pat Moore. He literally told us how to manage a terminal illness in the final stages of life.   Will, we ever forget the mantra “Do not get stuck in the Pot-Holes but always aim for the Horizon of light”

GLÓRACH BINGO;  The signs on the approach roads to Abbeyfeale seem to have done the trick with large crowds attending our indoor Bingo at the Glórach, every Monday night starting at 8 pm.

HOT DESK:  WorkBase E-Hub at Old Bank Building on Main Street is now open for Business. For full details and pricing on Private Office Suites, Meeting Room, Hot-desks etc contact Ken Tobin on 086 816 2105.

WRITERS WEEK:  June 2-5   Peggy Seeger & Calum MacColl in concert on June Bank Holiday Monday 6th at 3pm and Tuesday 7th at 8pm in St. John’s.  Tickets online or by ringing box office 068 22566. Writers Week Mass  Listowel Sunday 5th at 11:30.

SCHOOL CELEBRATES IT’S CENTENARY: Athea National School are celebrating 100 years on Friday, June 10 at 12:00pm.

LIMERICK GARDEN AND FOOD FAIR: plant, garden & food fair, part of Limerick Garden Festival 2022  will take place on Sunday, June 19 at the Milk Market, Limerick.

HELP TO STOP SMOKING:  “Quit Mid West is a Free Local HSE stop smoking service with clinics in your area. Quitting is much more likely to be successful with the right support, but many people still try to quit alone”. This month our Stop Smoking Advisor Stacey gives some top tips for beating cigarette cravings! HSE Quit Mid West – Dealing With Cravings – YouTube   To request a call back from a stop smoking advisor phone Quit Mid West on 065 6865841 or email      [email protected]

SAFE DRIVING SKILLS:   Tractor Driving Skills” course for 14- to 16-year-olds which will take place in Listowel, Tralee and Castleisland Marts between  June 27-29.  . Cost €35. Contact Helen 068-23429.

ROSARY RALLY: All Ireland Rosary Rally in Knock will take place on Saturday June 4th from 1.30pm in Knock. It will include Holy Mass, the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, and a talk on the Rosary. The Main Celebrant for the Holy Mass is the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Jude Okolo. A bus leaving Kerry.  Ring Tony: 087 9969393.

FLEADH:   Athea Wednesday, June 1 – Monday, June 6. The Fleadh Competitions will be held on the Saturday and Sunday. On Wednesday, June 1 a storytelling night will be held at the Top of the Town from 8pm.  Thursday , a singing night takes place at the Top of the Town from 8pm. Friday  the official opening will take place in the square followed by a Wrenboy Exhibition. Saturday  a concert featuring Fuinneamh will take place in Con Colbert Hall at 8pm.  Sunday there will be a Céilí with Donie Nolan in Con Colbert Hall at 9pm.  Monday,  the fleadh will conclude with informal sessions around the village. The Munster Fleadh finals will be held in Newcastle West from Wednesday, July 13, to Saturday, July 16.

CHORAL EVENING Sunday June 12 at 7pm in St. John’s Church in aid of Lebanon Trust. Featuring St. John’s Church Choir, Kerry Chamber Choir, Kerry School of Music Orchestra and Solo Performers. Tickets  available at the door on the night. Doors open at 6.30pm.

OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY:   August 7 -14.. Places for this Bavarian Event are available.  Spiritual Director – Fr. Dan O’Riordan.  Contact Premier Travel – 0214277700 or email [email protected]

CONCERT: Recovery Haven Kerry and a number of Kerry musicians and singers will have a gala summer concert at Tralee’s Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Sunday, June 19th.

ALONE:  They are currently looking for befriending volunteers. Support and Befriending is a supported one-to-one relationship between a volunteer and an older person who has been linked in with ALONE. The ALONE Support and Befriending service provides companionship and practical support to older people who would like extra social contact through a weekly volunteer visit. The Support and Befriending service is designed to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, provide assistance to solve everyday problems and enable older people to feel secure at home. Visit for more details and to sign up.

AIB COMMUNITY ONE MILLION FUND:  The AIB Group has launched the AIB Community €1 Million Fund to support over 30 charitable organisations in communities across Ireland. Nominations will close on 22 June 2022. The nomination  form and details on the AIB Community €1 Million Fund are available on the bank’s website. Customers and the public are required to submit the registration number of the charity they are nominating in order to complete the form.

NEW MABS OUTREACH CLINIC:  On the second of Friday of each month (excluding bank holidays) a MABS Outreach Clinic will be held in St. Ita’s Hall from 9am -12.30pm.  The contact number for appointments is 0818 072210 for the North Munster MABS Limerick Office.  Those wishing to make an appointment must make the call themselves due to GDPR.

A CHANCE TO WIN TWO GARTH BROOKS CONCERT TICKETS:  PRO of the Christmas Lights committee Wioleta Kelly has been in touch:  Hi, I’m Wioleta and I’m messaging you on behalf of the Abbeyefeale Christmas Lights Committee. We have a raffle where you are in with a chance to win 2 tickets for the Garth Brooks concert this September. All money from the raffle will go towards buying more lights for our town.  Here is a link to our Facebook page

HOME CARERS:  Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom today on 087 991 6791 or 087 744 0729.  Website is

THIRD AGE CHARITY:  ‘Failte Isteach’is a community project involving predominately older volunteers welcoming migrants through conversational English classes.  The project provides the necessary language skills to new migrants in a student centred, welcoming and inclusive manner while involving older volunteers and recognising their skills, expertise and contribution to the community.  For more information log on to www.

LEAVING AND JUNIOR CERT STUDENTS: The Leaving and Junior Cert exams begin on Wednesday, June 8.  The intentions o all students sitting exams will be included in the Vigil Mass next Saturday, June 4 at 6.30pm. All students and their families are invited to attend. During the period of exams, we will have a special prayer space set up in the church dedicated to exam students.  We assure all students of our prayers at this time.

KERRY FLEADH ;  It will take place over two weekends, 11th/12th June and 18th/19th June and will be held in the Dúchas Comhaltas Centre in Tralee.

CAMPA MHUIRE: Free online Catholic Faith Camp for children aged 5-12. The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th – 30th, Tuesday to Friday will include Music and Action Songs, Arts and Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, games, drama, live streamed daily Mass and more. No need to register, check out

DAY CARE CENTRE:  Now open to visitors every Tuesday.  Contact Jane on 068 51850.

preparation facilitators.   If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic
Church.  If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage.Accord wants to hear from you.   Successful applicants will receive professional training and will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation courses locally. Contact Aisling on 01-505 3112 for application
forms and additional information.

MEALS ON WHEELS NOW AVAILABLE FROM ST. ITA’S DAY CARE CENTRE:  Meals on Wheels are available from the Centre – to book a delivery ring 068 51850.

LOUGH DERG THREE DAY PILGRIMAGE:  The season opens on Wednesday, June 1 and runs until August 15,   (Saturday,  August 13 is
final day to begin the Pilgrimage).Admission €80 | Booking advised | Concessions
available for students, seniors and groups.  All booking info, including organised parish groups available at,email [email protected] or telephone 0(0353)
71 9861518.  Lough Derg, Pettigo, Co Donegal, F94 N289

RACING:  Listowel Races June Festival take place on the June Bank Holiday weekend alongside Writers’ Week.

SOCIAL DANCE CLASS:  Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse every Tuesday from 8.30 – 10.30pm. Further information from 087 7206449.  Timmy Woulfe has resumed classes in Moyvane Hall every Monday night at 8.30pm.

ORCHARD FOSTERING: Ireland is experiencing a shortage of foster carers, and we need your help. If you would like to help support a child or young person in need, contact Orchard Fostering today on(021) 2038332 or visit

RADIO MARIA IRELAND: Catholic Radio with a full programme, daily of catechesis, prayer, daily Mass, rosary, Stations of the Cross, Angelus, etc. You can listen by tuning into Saorview on your Television Channel 210 / Internet:

PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES:  If you are interested in travelling to Lourdes this September 22-27 contact Fr. Tony.  Staying at the Hotel La Solitude, complimentary group insurance, cost €789.  Pilgrims must be fully vaccinated to travel as part of this group.

CITIZENS ADVICE:  They are available to deal with queries Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 4.15pm and can be contacted by phone on 0818075780 or by email [email protected]

CHURCH NEWS:   Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133.  Confessions every Saturday evening at 6pm.. To book a Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 068 51915.. Mass Intentions: Saturday 6.30pm Michelle O’Connor and her father Joe O’Connor
Caherhayes Anniversary.   Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 10am Mass until 8pm  every Friday.  Fr Denis and Fr Tony are assisted in the overall running of the five churches in the pastoral area by the Pastoral Area Council.  The Pastoral Area Council is comprised of representative of the five churches in the area along with the priests of the area.  There are 16 Pastoral Areas in the diocese. In the very near future there will be just two priests serving in each pastoral area in the diocese.  In recent weeks parishes have been returning to basket collection at weekend masses. Here in the parish of Abbeyfeale, we plan to return to the basket collection in the near future. For this to happen efficiently we need six
people per mass to help with the collections. We are seeking volunteers to help. If you can  oblige, please leave your name and mass preference into the sacristy
after mass. We thank you in anticipation of your help .  Some of the changes taking place in the parish of Abbeyfeale include new arrangements for funerals and baptisms.  After consultation with the Pastoral Area Council, and the parish councils in each of the five parishes, it was agreed, that due to the number of Sunday Masses celebrated in the five churches in the area, it will no longer be possible to have funeral Masses on a Sunday. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Baptisms in Athea will be celebrated on the third Saturday of the month during the summertime at 2.30pm and the third Sunday of the month in wintertime at 12noon.  Baptisms booked in prior to these new arrangements will be celebrated on the date they are booked for. To book in a baptism in Abbeyfeale call to the sacristy after Mass at 10.30a.m Tuesday – Friday or after any of the weekend Masses or ring 068/51915 during Mass time.  For further information contact the sacristy after Mass or telephone 068-51915 any morning between 10.00am and 10.45pm.

FOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS FROM GALILEE TO JERUSALEM 2022:  Take the trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land from August 31 – September 10 with Group Leader Mícheál de Barra and Spiritual Director,Fr. John Newman ( a Scripture Scholar).    For further information ring Micheál de Barra on 086 8337681 or email [email protected]


SOCIAL FARMING: Social Farming is the practice of offering activity on family farms as a form of Social Support service. In Social Farming the farm remains a working farm at its core but invites people to participate in the day-to-day activities on the farm. Interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming please contact Eadaoin, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 366 3842 or email her [email protected]

BACK ON TRACK:  Debt Solutions:  Debt Relief Notice – You may be eligible for a DRN if a. Your unsecured debts are €35,000 or less.  b,  You do not have a mortgage or own a property or other large asset. c You have €60 or less left after reasonable living expenses each month – the Approved Intermediary will go through this with you. d. You meet the criteria for having very little assets apart from some essential items of value. e. You have not been granted a DRN before.  Approved Intermediaries (AIs) can be found on www.

HI DIGITAL Learn essential skills at Hi Digital.   It’s a step by step course designed for anyone who needs a bit of help developing their digital skills, particularly those who have rarely or never been online ( often 65+).  It has been developed as a free online course by Vodafone Ireland Foundation, in partnership with Active Retirement Ireland and ALONE.  To register email hidigital @ or freephone 1800203030.

LIVING WELL:  This is a programme for adults with long term health conditions.  It is suitable for those over 18 and living with one or more long term health conditions or caring for someone with a long term health condition.  It is not suitable for people with significant memory or learning difficulties.  A free Living Well programme runs for 6 weeks with one workshop of two and a half hours per weekend.  For further details contact Philip Hennessy on 087 1799396 or email [email protected] or Liz Cox on 087 1799392 [email protected]

POETRY: Michael Hartnett Poetry Award Competition Deadline: June 17.   The Michael Hartnett Poetry Award is now open for submissions. This year, the award will be for collections of poems in English. The award will be made to the winning poet on the basis of a third, or subsequent book of poetry, published in the last two years, i.e. 2020 – 2021.

SCEILG MHICHÍL: The Unesco site reopened on May 14.  The landing boat tour departs daily between 8.30 – 9.30am from Portmagee and costs approximately €140. A non landing boat tour also leaves from Portmagee every day and costs approximately €50.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Jer Keannelly from Knockanure has word of the latest scam, he says “ You miss a call from a +44 number (UK) and ring back the number, When you ring back you are automatically connected to a billing service at a cost of €25 per call.”  Stay off Tinder but if you must, the second he asks for money, no matter how often he told you that you’re the woman for him – lose him.  Another one we’ve been notified of is a text message from PTSB advising you that there has been unusual activity on your card and to click on the link – needless to say don’t click on any link.  Most people have online banking so if you’re worried about ‘unusual activity’ just check the app on your phone to reassure yourself.  If you haven’t the app then ring your bank ; Bank of Ireland 0818 365 365/ AIB 0818 724 724.  If you suffer from a gambling addiction there is a counsellor/psychotherapist available at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.  Further information from 068 23584/0873684490.  Stay safe in the water. “Get in warm, get out warm”.  Make sure you can be seen.  Wear a brightly coloured swim cap and have a tow float so that other swimmers can see you.  If you do get into trouble stay calm, float, do not fight the waves or current. Always supervise paddling pools. Stay safe on line, if you are going on holidays don’t tell people until you’re back, Time enough then to post your holiday snaps.  Click on no link.  Don’t give any details of your credit card, keep the pin number to yourself and don’t carry the card and the pin together.  Wear a Hi Viz jacket when walking at any time of the day and it’s no harm either to turn on your parking lights when driving and help to make yourself visible on the road.  If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES: Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email:

[email protected] 01 210790.   If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on  057 9351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 4848 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected]

Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community notices 25th May 2022

May 27th, 2022

PROLOGUE:  “If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavour.”  Eleanor Roosevelt.

DEATHS:  We offer our sympathy to the family of Rita Hernon, Hillary Close whose funeral took place on Monday.  We offer our sympathy to the family of Tady Finucane, 7 St Ita’s Terrace whose funeral took place on Saturday. May they rest in peace

CONCERT FOR PEACE IN THE CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION:  The Lost Souls and guests including Donal Murphy and family, church cantors and surprise guests will perform at a concert in the Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale on Friday, May 27 to show support for Ukraine.  Tickets on sale from the usual outlets and on the door on the night.


DANAHER MCGRATH TRUST SCHOLARSHIP:  Young people from Athea, Abbeyfeale, Mountcollins, Tournafulla and Templeglantine are invited to apply for a range of scholarships  from a minimum of €2,000 to a maximum of €5,000 that are open to full time college students.  Application forms are available from Abbeyfeale Credit Union, local secondary schools or Woulfe Murphy Solicitors.  Closing date is August 31 and terms and conditions apply.

A CALL OUT FOR SUMMER CLOTHES: – Ukrainian children boys & girls 4 to 10 years.  T shirts, shorts, pants, dresses, shoes, runners, sandals etc.  Clothes in good condition that your children have grown out of.  These can be dropped out to the Ardagh Community Centre anytime between 8. 30am – 4p.m.Monday to Saturday.  They are still looking for bikes for adults and children so that they could use the Greenway.

PATHWAYS:  Kerry College Pathways are happy to announce their Open Event in the Clash Campus, Tralee V92 YE27 on Friday, May 27 from 11am – 2pm for anyone over 18 wishing to return to full-time education. All are welcome. For further information please email [email protected] or call Admissions Office in Denny Street, Tralee.

PLAY IN KNOCKNAGOSHEL:  The Ragged Road Theatre Troupe present Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime – a rip roaring comedy in the Community Centre, Knocknagoshel on Saturday next, May 28 with doors open at 7.30pm.  Tickets €10 available on the door.

LIMERICK GARDEN AND FOOD FAIR: plant, garden & food fair, part of Limerick Garden Festival 2022  will take place on Sunday, June 19 at the Milk Market, Limerick.

OUTING TO CORK; Knockfierna Heritage Society have organised an outing to Cork on Saturday, June 4. They will visit the butter market museum, Shandon Church, Cobh Cathedral, Spike Island etc. Contact Pat at 087-9977340, or Helena at 085-1190991.

GLÓRACH BINGO;  The signs on the approach roads to Abbeyfeale seem to have done the trick with large crowds attending our indoor Bingo at the Glórach, every Monday night starting at 8 pm.

HOT DESK:  WorkBase E-Hub at Old Bank Building on Main Street is now open for Business. For full details and pricing on Private Office Suites, Meeting Room, Hot-desks etc contact Ken Tobin on 086 816 2105.

SCHOOL CELEBRATES IT’S CENTENARY: Athea National School are celebrating 100 years on Friday, June  10 at 12:00pm.

HELP TO STOP SMOKING:  “Quit Mid West is a Free Local HSE stop smoking service with clinics in your area. Quitting is much more likely to be successful with the right support, but many people still try to quit alone”. This month our Stop Smoking Advisor Stacey gives some top tips for beating cigarette cravings! HSE Quit Mid West – Dealing With Cravings – YouTube   To request a call back from a stop smoking advisor phone Quit Mid West on 065 6865841 or email      [email protected]

DANCE: Afternoon tea dance will on Sunday, May 29 upstairs in Ballybunion Community Centre in aid of Downs syndrome.  It will take place from 3 -5pm with music by Matt Dillon.

OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY:   August 7 -14.. Places for this Bavarian Event are available.  Spiritual Director – Fr. Dan O’Riordan.  Contact Premier Travel – 0214277700 or email [email protected]

CONCERT: Recovery Haven Kerry and a number of Kerry musicians and singers will have a gala summer concert at Tralee’s Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Sunday, June 19th.

ALONE:  They are currently looking for befriending volunteers. Support and Befriending is a supported one-to-one relationship between a volunteer and an older person who has been linked in with ALONE. The ALONE Support and Befriending service provides companionship and practical support to older people who would like extra social contact through a weekly volunteer visit. The Support and Befriending service is designed to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, provide assistance to solve everyday problems and enable older people to feel secure at home. Visit for more details and to sign up.

NEW MABS OUTREACH CLINIC:  On Friday, March 4th and on every second of Friday of the month thereafter (excluding bank holidays) a MABS Outreach Clinic will be held in St. Ita’s Hall from 9am -12.30pm.  The contact number for appointments is 0818 072210 for the North Munster MABS Limerick Office.  Those wishing to make an appointment must make the call themselves due to GDPR.

A CHANCE TO WIN TWO GARTH BROOKS CONCERT TICKETS:  PRO of the Christmas Lights committee Wioleta Kelly has been in touch:  Hi, I’m Wioleta and I’m messaging you on behalf of the Abbeyefeale Christmas Lights Committee. We have a raffle where you are in with a chance to win 2 tickets for the Garth Brooks concert this September. All money from the raffle will go towards buying more lights for our town.  Here is a link to our Facebook page

HOME CARERS:  Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom today on 087 991 6791 or 087 744 0729.  Website is

THIRD AGE CHARITY:  ‘Failte Isteach’is a community project involving predominately older volunteers welcoming migrants through conversational English classes.  The project provides the necessary language skills to new migrants in a student centred, welcoming and inclusive manner while involving older volunteers and recognising their skills, expertise and contribution to the community.  For more information log on to www.

KERRY FLEADH ;  It will take place over two weekends, 11th/12th June and 18th/19th June and will be held in the Dúchas Comhaltas Centre in Tralee.

CAMPA MHUIRE: Free online Catholic Faith Camp for children aged 5-12. The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th – 30th, Tuesday to Friday will include Music and Action Songs, Arts and Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, games, drama, live streamed daily Mass and more. No need to register, check out

DAY CARE CENTRE:  Now open to visitors every Tuesday.  Contact Jane on 068 51850.  Meals on Wheels are also available from the Centre – to book a delivery ring 068 51850.

RING OF KERRY CYCLE:  It’s back – the Ring of Kerry Cycle and will take place on Saturday, July 2.

LOUGH DERG:  The season has opened and all details of the Pilgrimage programme can be viewed on the website – included are the One Day Retreats, the Three Day Pilgrimage from 1st June – 15th August and the new Pilgrimage experience along the Lough Derg Pilgrim Path. One day retreats will also take place during the months of August and September. Three Day Pilgrimages will commence in July and continue in July and August.  Saturday, August 13 is the last day for pilgrims to begin the Three-Day Pilgrimage.  For further information log on to or ring 071 9861518.

RACING:  Listowel Races June Festival take place on June 4th, 5th and 6th.

SOCIAL DANCE CLASS:  Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse every Tuesday from 8.30 – 10.30pm. Further information from 087 7206449.  Timmy Woulfe has resumed classes in Moyvane Hall every Monday night at 8.30pm.

ORCHARD FOSTERING: Ireland is experiencing a shortage of foster carers, and we need your help. If you would like to help support a child or young person in need, contact Orchard Fostering today on(021) 2038332 or visit

RADIO MARIA IRELAND: Catholic Radio with a full programme, daily of catechesis, prayer, daily Mass, rosary, Stations of the Cross, Angelus, etc. You can listen by tuning into Saorview on your Television Channel 210 / Internet:

PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES:  If you are interested in travelling to Lourdes this September 22-27 contact Fr. Tony.  Staying at the Hotel La Solitude, complimentary group insurance, cost €789.  Pilgrims must be fully vaccinated to travel as part of this group.

CITIZENS ADVICE:  They are available to deal with queries Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 4.15pm and can be contacted by phone on 0818075780 or by email [email protected]

CHURCH NEWS:   Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133.  Confessions every Saturday evening at 6pm.. To book a Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 068 51915.  Mass Intentions: Saturday 6.30pm Richard  (Dick) Fitzgerald , The Railway Bar.  Bertie Collins, Convent Street 2nd Anniversary and deceased members of the Collins and Mc Carthy families.
Pat & Catherine Lyons, Killarney Road. . Sunday10am Vella Riza Fernamdes Anniversary.
Michael O’Sullivan, Ballaugh/Birmingham - died recently.  12noon Anthony O’Connor, Mountmahon.  Mary Ita McCarthy, Shanbally.
Adoration:  Next Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will conclude at 6.00pm owing to the Concert for Ukraine at 8pm.  Fr Denis and Fr Tony are assisted in the overall running of the five churches in the pastoral area by the Pastoral Area Council.  The Pastoral Area Council is comprised of representative of the five churches in the area along with the priests of the area.  There are 16 Pastoral Areas in the diocese. In the very near future there will be just two priests serving in each pastoral area in the diocese.  Some of the changes taking place in the parish of Abbeyfeale include new arrangements for funerals and baptisms.  After consultation with the Pastoral Area Council, and the parish councils in each of the five parishes, it was agreed, that due to the number of Sunday Masses celebrated in the five churches in the area, it will no longer be possible to have funeral Masses on a Sunday. This has been the case in the diocese of Kerry for some years. We are also asking families who are bereaved, where possible, to continue with the practice of bringing the remains of the deceased to the church on the morning of the funeral Mass, rather than the night before. Over the coming weeks we will see a greater involvement of lay people in the leading of the prayers at funerals, such as the prayers for the deceased in funeral homes, in the family home of the deceased and at the burial ceremony.  Adoration will continue in the Blessed Sacrament chapel each Friday from 11am to 8pm.  New Arrangements for the celebration of Baptisms: From the first weekend in June the following will be the arrangements for baptisms in Abbeyfeale and Athea churches.  Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Baptisms in Athea will be celebrated on the third Saturday of the month during the summertime at 2.30pm and the third Sunday of the month in wintertime at 12noon.  Baptisms booked in prior to these new arrangements will be celebrated on the date they are booked for. To book in a baptism in Abbeyfeale call to the sacristy after Mass at 10.30a.m Tuesday – Friday or after any of the weekend Masses.  Ring 068/51915 during Mass time.  We thank parishioners for their understanding and support in these new arrangements.  For further information contact the sacristy after Mass or telephone 068-51915 any morning between 10.00am and 10.45pm.  Congratulations to the children from Scoil Mháthair Dé and St. Mary’s Boys N.S.  who received their First Holy Communion at the weekend..

FOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS FROM GALILEE TO JERUSALEM 2022:  Take the trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land from August 31 – September 10 with Group Leader Mícheál de Barra and Spiritual Director,Fr. John Newman ( a Scripture Scholar).    For further information ring Micheál de Barra on 086 8337681 or email [email protected]


SOCIAL FARMING: Social Farming is the practice of offering activity on family farms as a form of Social Support service. In Social Farming the farm remains a working farm at its core but invites people to participate in the day-to-day activities on the farm. Interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming please contact Eadaoin, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 366 3842 or email her [email protected]

BACK ON TRACK:  Debt Solutions:  Debt Relief Notice – You may be eligible for a DRN if a. Your unsecured debts are €35,000 or less.  b,  You do not have a mortgage or own a property or other large asset. c You have €60 or less left after reasonable living expenses each month – the Approved Intermediary will go through this with you. d. You meet the criteria for having very little assets apart from some essential items of value. e. You have not been granted a DRN before.  Approved Intermediaries (AIs) can be found on www.

HI DIGITAL Learn essential skills at Hi Digital.   It’s a step by step course designed for anyone who needs a bit of help developing their digital skills, particularly those who have rarely or never been online ( often 65+).  It has been developed as a free online course by Vodafone Ireland Foundation, in partnership with Active Retirement Ireland and ALONE.  To register email hidigital @ or freephone 1800203030.

LIFELONG LEARNING FESTIVAL: The Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival now in its 12th year, will take place from Monday 23rd to Sunday 29th May 2022, with the theme Learn Something New in 2022.

POETRY: Michael Hartnett Poetry Award Competition Deadline: June 17.   The Michael Hartnett Poetry Award is now open for submissions. This year, the award will be for collections of poems in English. The award will be made to the winning poet on the basis of a third, or subsequent book of poetry, published in the last two years, i.e. 2020 – 2021.

ACCORD CATHOLIC MARRIAGE CARE SERVICE:   Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation facilitators.  If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church and if  you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage – Accord wants to hear from you.   Successful applicants will receive professional training and will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation courses locally. Contact Aisling on 01-505 3112.  Application  forms and additional information about becoming a facilitator

SCEILG MHICHÍL: The Unesco site reopened on May 14.  The landing boat tour departs daily between 8.30 – 9.30am from Portmagee and costs approximately €140. A non landing boat tour also leaves from Portmagee every day and costs approximately €50.

WOMEN OF NOTE is a show that celebrates the music of epic female performers down through the years. Hear their songs, their stories and learn about the impact they have made. Produced by and starring Grace Foley with narrator Laura Reidy, pianist Noel O’ Sullivan and violinist Padraig Creedon. Gleneagle INEC Club, Sunday May 29th at 8pm.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Jer Keannelly from Knockanure has word of the latest scam, he says “ You miss a call from a +44 number (UK) and ring back the number, When you ring back you are automatically connected to a billing service at a cost of €25 per call.”  Another one we’ve been notified of is a text message from PTSB advising you that there has been unusual activity on your card and to click on the link – needless to say don’t click on any link.  Most people have online banking so if you’re worried about ‘unusual activity’ just check the app on your phone to reassure yourself.  If you haven’t the app then ring your bank ; Bank of Ireland 0818 365 365/ AIB 0818 724 724.  If you suffer from a gambling addiction there is a counsellor/psychotherapist available at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.  Further information from 068 23584/0873684490.  Stay safe in the water. “Get in warm, get out warm”.  Make sure you can be seen.  Wear a brightly coloured swim cap and have a tow float so that other swimmers can see you.  If you do get into trouble stay calm, float, do not fight the waves or current. Always supervise paddling pools. Stay safe on line, if you are going on holidays don’t tell people until you’re back, Time enough then to post your holiday snaps.  Click on no link.  Don’t give any details of your credit card, keep the pin number to yourself and don’t carry the card and the pin together. If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES: Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email:

[email protected] 01 210790.   If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on  057 9351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 4848 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected]

Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]


Community notes 15th May 2022

May 20th, 2022

PROLOGUE:  “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Barack Obama.

A CALL OUT FOR SUMMER CLOTHES: – Ukrainian children boys & girls 4 to 10 years.  T shirts, shorts, pants, dresses, shoes, runners, sandals etc.  Clothes in good condition that your children have grown out of.  These can be dropped out to the Ardagh Community Centre anytime between 8. 30am - 4p.m.Monday to Saturday.  They are still looking for bikes for adults and children so that they could use the Greenway.

HELP TO STOP SMOKING:  “Quit Mid West is a Free Local HSE stop smoking service with clinics in your area. Quitting is much more likely to be successful with the right support, but many people still try to quit alone”. This month our Stop Smoking Advisor Stacey gives some top tips for beating cigarette cravings! HSE Quit Mid West – Dealing With Cravings – YouTube   To request a call back from a stop smoking advisor phone Quit Mid West on 065 6865841 or email      [email protected]
GLÓRACH BINGO;  The signs on the approach roads to Abbeyfeale seem to have done the trick with large crowds attending our indoor Bingo at the Glórach, every Monday night starting at 8 pm. Prize money for the ‘house’ in eight of the games has soared from €70 to €80, aligning with the fine crowds that have attended since we moved back to the Glórach, and also courtesy of a generous Chairman.
CENTENARY MASS The Legion of Mary are celebrating their 100th Birthday all this year. The Legion was founded by Frank Duff, a native son, born in Dublin in 1921. The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Ray Browne on Saturday,  May 21 at 3 p.m. in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney. We invite all the public to attend.
ALONE are currently looking for befriending volunteers in your area. Support and Befriending is a supported one-to-one relationship between a volunteer and an older person who has been linked in with ALONE. The ALONE Support and Befriending service provides companionship and practical support to older people who would like extra social contact through a weekly volunteer visit. The Support and Befriending service is designed to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, provide assistance to solve everyday problems and enable older people to feel secure at home. Visit for more details and to sign up.
KERRY PROGRESSIVE PATHWAYS Have you, a family member, a friend or are aware of someone with a Health Difficulty, Illness, Disability or Mental Health Challenge that is a barrier to looking for or gaining Employment or Training. If so, you should come along to the 2022 Employability Service Kerry & Department of Social Protection Progressive Pathways Fair in the Rose Hotel, Tralee on Wednesday, May 18 from 11:00am to 4:00pm. There will be organisations and support services, guest speakers & Industry experts with previous experience with supporting a person with additional needs available on the day to help & answer your questions. For further information contact 0667118758 or Employability Service Kerry – Home | Facebook.
ROSARY IN THE SQUARE: In Abbeyfeale  a group of around 30 people under the watchful eye of Fr. Casey recited the Rosary in the  Square at 4pm on Saturday, May 14  as part of the Rosary Rally throughout Ireland.
NEW MABS OUTREACH CLINIC:  On Friday, March 4th and on every second of Friday of the month thereafter (excluding bank holidays) a MABS Outreach Clinic will be held in St. Ita’s Hall from 9am -12.30pm.  The contact number for appointments is 0818 072210 for the North Munster MABS Limerick Office.  Those wishing to make an appointment must make the call themselves due to GDPR.
A CHANCE TO WIN TWO GARTH BROOKS CONCERT TICKETS:  PRO of the Christmas Lights committee Wioleta Kelly has been in touch:  Hi, I’m Wioleta and I’m messaging you on behalf of the Abbeyefeale Christmas Lights Committee. We have a raffle where you are in with a chance to win 2 tickets for the Garth Brooks concert this September. All money from the raffle will go towards buying more lights for our town.  Here is a link to our Facebook page
HOME CARERS:  Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom today on 087 991 6791 or 087 744 0729.  Website is
THIRD AGE CHARITY:  ‘Failte Isteach’is a community project involving predominately older volunteers welcoming migrants through conversational English classes.  The project provides the necessary language skills to new migrants in a student centred, welcoming and inclusive manner while involving older volunteers and recognising their skills, expertise and contribution to the community.  For more information log on to www.
KERRY FLEADH ;  It will take place over two weekends, 11th/12th June and 18th/19th June and will be held in the Dúchas Comhaltas Centre in Tralee.
CAMPA MHUIRE: Free online Catholic Faith Camp for children aged 5-12. The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th – 30th, Tuesday to Friday will include Music and Action Songs, Arts and Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, games, drama, live streamed daily Mass and more. No need to register, check out
DAY CARE CENTRE:  Now open to visitors every Tuesday.  Contact Jane on 068 51850.  Meals on Wheels are also available from the Centre – to book a delivery ring 068 51850.
RING OF KERRY CYCLE:  It’s back – the Ring of Kerry Cycle and will take place on Saturday, July 2.
LOUGH DERG:  The season has opened and all details of the Pilgrimage programme can be viewed on the website – included are the One Day Retreats, the Three Day Pilgrimage from 1st June – 15th August and the new Pilgrimage experience along the Lough Derg Pilgrim Path. One day retreats will also take place during the months of August and September. Three Day Pilgrimages will commence in July and continue in July and August.  Saturday, August 13 is the last day for pilgrims to begin the Three-Day Pilgrimage.  For further information log on to or ring 071 9861518.
RACING:  Listowel Races June Festival take place on June 4th, 5th and 6th.
TEACHING: If you are interested in teaching refugees online on a flexible basis, you’ve come to the right place! Teachers either teach English / English conversation to adults or support schoolchildren who need some extra help in a range of subjects. To get started, fill out the sign-up form below and, once there is a suitable student, RefuNet will get in touch to connect you. You are then free to arrange the classes at a time that suits you both. We ask teachers to commit to at least one hour of lessons a week for at least three months, although the time of the classes can vary between weeks.
SOCIAL DANCE CLASS:  Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse every Tuesday from 8.30 – 10.30pm. Further information from 087 7206449.  Timmy Woulfe has resumed classes in Moyvane Hall every Monday night at 8.30pm.
ORCHARD FOSTERING: Ireland is experiencing a shortage of foster carers, and we need your help. If you would like to help support a child or young person in need, contact Orchard Fostering today on(021) 2038332 or visit
HOT DESK:  WorkBase E-Hub at Old Bank Building on Main Street is now open for Business. For full details and pricing on Private Office Suites, Meeting Room, Hot-desks etc contact Ken Tobin on 086 816 2105.
RADIO MARIA IRELAND: Catholic Radio with a full programme, daily of catechesis, prayer, daily Mass, rosary, Stations of the Cross, Angelus, etc. You can listen by tuning into Saorview on your Television Channel 210 / Internet:
PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES:  If you are interested in travelling to Lourdes this September 22-27 contact Fr. Tony.  Staying at the Hotel La Solitude, complimentary group insurance, cost €789.  Pilgrims must be fully vaccinated to travel as part of this group.
CONCERT IN THE CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION:  The Lost Souls and guests including Donal Murphy, church cantors and surprise guests will perform at a concert in the Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale on Friday, May 27 with proceeds to Ukraine.  Tickets on sale from the usual outlets.
CITIZENS ADVICE:  They are available to deal with queries Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 4.15pm and can be contacted by phone on 0818075780 or by email [email protected]
CHURCH NEWS:   Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133.  Confessions every Saturday evening at 6pm.. To book a Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 068 51915.  Mass Intentions: Wednesday 10am Margaret Colbert Dempsey, New York and Killarney Rd.  1st. Anniversary.  Friday Vila Nova Fernamdes Anniversary.  Saturday 11am First Holy Communion.  2pm First Holy Communion.  6.30pm Kathleen Wren and deceased family members.  Bridget, Pats, Danjoe and Jeremiah Murphy, Banard.  Nora and William Flynn and deceased family members.  Breda McAuliffe Banard 1st Anniversary.  Des Stanley Leitrim 1st. Anniversary.  Sunday 10am Denis Barry, Clash Road.  Jack and Nell Gleeson Killarney Road.  Fr Denis and Fr Tony are assisted in the overall running of the five churches in the pastoral area by the Pastoral Area Council.  The Pastoral Area Council is comprised of representative of the five churches in the area along with the priests of the area.  There are 16 Pastoral Areas in the diocese. In the very near future there will be just two priests serving in each pastoral area in the diocese.  Some of the changes taking place in the parish of Abbeyfeale include new arrangements for funerals and baptisms.  After consultation with the Pastoral Area Council, and the parish councils in each of the five parishes, it was agreed, that due to the number of Sunday Masses celebrated in the fivechurches in the area, it will no longer be possible to have funeral Masses on a Sunday. This has been the case in the diocese of Kerry for some years. We are also asking families who are bereaved, where possible, to continue with the practice of bringing the remains of the deceased to the church on the morning of the funeral Mass, rather than the night before. Over the coming weeks we will see a greater involvement of lay people in the leading of the prayers at funerals, such as the prayers for the deceased in funeral homes, in the family home of the deceased and at the burial ceremony.  Adoration will continue in the Blessed Sacrament chapel each Friday from 11am to 8pm.  New Arrangements for the celebration of Baptisms: From the first weekend in June the following will be the arrangements for baptisms in Abbeyfeale and Athea churches.  Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Baptisms in Athea will be celebrated on the third Saturday of the month during the summertime at 2.30pm and the third Sunday of the month in wintertime at 12noon.  Baptisms booked in prior to these new arrangements will be celebrated on the date they are booked for. To book in a baptism in Abbeyfeale call to the sacristy after Mass at 10.30a.m Tuesday – Friday or after any of the weekend Masses.  Ring 068/51915 during Mass time.  We thank parishioners for their understanding and support in these new arrangements. If you would like to contribute to this year’s TrócaireLenten campaign we ask you to This weekend we are delighted to announce that we will be re establishing the ministry of Altar  Serving at our weekend Masses. We are inviting children of fifth class to help in the celebrationof Mass by becoming Altar Servers. Altar serving is a special and unique role for children. This invitation is open to all the children in our parish. Children attending all schools are welcome to volunteer. For further information parents should contact Fr Tony or Anne our sacristan. It is hoped to have a meeting of children and parents on the third week of May. For further information contact the sacristy after Mass or telephone 068-51915 any morning between 10.00am and 10.45pm. We value and encourage the participation of children and young people in the celebration of our parish liturgies, and we ask parents to encourage their child to become an altar server. Children who served Mass prior to the covid-19 pandemic are very welcome to return.  Their parents should contact Anne prior to their returning. Congratulations to the children from Meenkilly, Dromtrasna and Knocknasna National Schools who received their First Holy Communion at the weekend.  We also congratulate all the 6th year students from Coláiste Ide and Iosef who graduated last weekend.  We wish them great success in the Leaving Certificate exams.
FOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS FROM GALILEE TO JERUSALEM 2022:  Take the trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land from August 31 – September 10 with Group Leader Mícheál de Barra and Spiritual Director,Fr. John Newman ( a Scripture Scholar).    For further information ring Micheál de Barra on 086 8337681 or email [email protected]
BIODIVERSITY:  A week of events that celebrate Kerry’s wildlife will take place from. From Saturday May 14 - Sunday May 22.  There will be a talk on local man, the late John Moriarty, by Dr Kevin Power in Killarney House.  Further details can be obtained from with John Moriarty;
DEBRA IRELAND:  Kerry Challenge 2022 May 21-23,  a 3 day 75 K Hike in the Dingle Peninsula.
DO YOU OR SOMEBODY YOU KNOW SUFFER FROM AN ADDICTION:  Do you or somebody you know suffer from an addiction? Yes?  Join us at the Shrine of Matt Talbot in Our Lady of  Lourdes Church, Sean Mc Dermot Street, Dublin on Sunday, June 12  from  2:00-4:30pm, where we will pray for freedom from addiction through Jesus. This will be a day when Ireland unites in prayer to rid our country from the plague of addiction. For more information, visit or contact [email protected] ROI (048) 7126289.
BACK ON TRACK:  Debt Solutions:  Debt Relief Notice – You may be eligible for a DRN if a. Your unsecured debts are €35,000 or less.  b,  You do not have a mortgage or own a property or other large asset. c You have €60 or less left after reasonable living expenses each month – the Approved Intermediary will go through this with you. d. You meet the criteria for having very little assets apart from some essential items of value. e. You have not been granted a DRN before.  Approved Intermediaries (AIs) can be found on www.
HI DIGITAL Learn essential skills at Hi Digital.   It’s a step by step course designed for anyone who needs a bit of help developing their digital skills, particularly those who have rarely or never been online ( often 65+).  It has been developed as a free online course by Vodafone Ireland Foundation, in partnership with Active Retirement Ireland and ALONE.  To register email hidigital @ or freephone 1800203030.
COMMUNITY ALERT:  If you suffer from a gambling addiction there is a counsellor/psychotherapist available at the Listowel Family Resource Centre.  Further information from 068 23584/0873684490.  Stay safe in the water. “Get in warm, get out warm”.  Make sure you can be seen.  Wear a brightly coloured swim cap and have a tow float so that other swimmers can see you.  If you do get into trouble stay calm, float, do not fight the waves or current. Always supervise paddling pools. Stay safe on line, if you are going on holidays don’t tell people until you’re back, Time enough then to post your holiday snaps.  Click on no link.  Don’t give any details of your credit card, keep the pin number to yourself and don’t carry the card and the pin together. If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.
HELPLINES: Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email:
[email protected] 01 210790.   If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on  057 9351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 4848 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected]
Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre.
DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

PATHWAYS:  Kerry College Pathways are happy to announce their Open Event in the Clash Campus, Tralee V92 YE27 on Friday, May 27 from 11am – 2pm for anyone over 18 wishing to return to full-time education. All are welcome. For further information please email [email protected] or call Admissions Office in Denny Street, Tralee.

SOCIAL FARMING: Social Farming is the practice of offering activity on family farms as a form of Social Support service. In Social Farming the farm remains a working farm at its core but invites people to participate in the day-to-day activities on the farm. Interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming please contact Eadaoin, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 366 3842 or email her [email protected]


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