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Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale

Alone Helpline / St Ita’s Community Hall / Synod 2023 / General Mass Times / Thank You / Info on Church of the Assumption.
Alone Helpline
Funding & Official Opening of St Ita’s Community Hall


On Fri 18th Oct 2024 the almost 100 year old St. Ita’s Community Hall on Convent Street, Abbeyfeale, was officially reopened following extensive renovation and upgrading works. The core Project Team made up of a small group of representatives from Abbeyfeale Parish, Abbeyfeale Community Council, West Limerick Resources, and Foróige West Limerick, secured over €500,000 to cover the majority of the costs of the Project, with €300,000 approved by Government following a successful Community Centres Investment Fund (CCIF) Application, and €200,000 approved by Limerick Diocese. Another €50,000 which had been raised locally by the Parishioners and wider Community through Church Concerts etc for the benefit of the Hall was also put towards the costs of this extensive Project.
The Hall has been and continues to be a central location for our Community, for a wide range of activities and service delivery, catering to all ages.
Huge Thank You to all Elected Representatives who supported the CCIF Application while making its way through the evaluation process. Funding was approved by the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), under its Community Centres Investment Fund (CCIF) which was originally announced in early 2023. The fund was managed and administered by Pobal on behalf of the Government.
Huge Thank You to Limerick Diocese who supported the Project via a substantial release of funding.
And, a Huge Thank You to all those in the wider Abbeyfeale Community who helped to raise that all important €50,000 in additional funding.

Synod 2023:
Pope Francis formally launched a two-year global consultation process leading to the 2023 Synod. A Synod means “coming together.”
Pope Francis says “it’s time to look others in the eye and listen to what they have to say, to build rapport, to be sensitive to the questions of our sisters and brothers, to let ourselves be enriched by the variety of charisms, vocations and ministries.”

The Vatican has released a preparatory document with questions for reflection and asked that diocese and parishes throughout the world answer these questions to provide feedback on their local experience.
We are at present looking at these questions throughout the diocese and are meeting to listen to peoples views and opinions. Here in Abbeyfeale the Parish Pastoral Council began this process at a meeting in November. A second meeting will be held in early March to look at the second phase of this process. Findings and views will be forwarded to the diocese and these responses will be part of a diocesan report which will be submitted to the Synod in Rome 2023.
Mass Times / Live via Church Webcam
Mon: 7 pm (Also 11 am on day of Funeral)
Tue – Fri: 10am (Will move to 11 am on day of Funeral)
Saturday:  6.30pm Sunday Vigil
Sunday: 10 am  and  12.00 noon

Thank You
Sincere thanks to all who continue to support the parish financially. Your contributions are appreciated very much and will help us to meet ongoing expenses. We would also like to make parishioners aware that they can now contribute to the parish through the DONATE button on this website. Your generosity to the parish is important and we are grateful for your continued support.
Info on Church of the Assumption
The Church of the Assumption was built during the years 1966 – 1968 under the leadership of Philip Canon Enright, who is buried in the grounds. The Church replaced St Mary’s Church which was located in New Street and where St Mary’s Boys National School now resides. The land was kindly donated by the Broderick family and the Sisters of Mercy Abbeyfeale. It provides valuable parking for those entering the town of Abbeyfeale today.

In the grounds of the Church, there is a statue to the memory of James Joseph Sheehy who died in 1948 in Chicago. Mr. Sheehy was a native of the area and it was erected by Fr. Vincent J. Sheehy in 1985 who was a priest in Miami. The Holy Water font in the grounds is believed to come from the original Cistercian Abbey. A Grotto has also been erected to the right of the Church.
To the left of the Church, there is a small plot where priests who served in the area or came from the area are buried. Three members of the McEnery family are buried here. Thomas, Patrick and Denis were all priests in the Diocese of Duluth in Minnesota. Also, two brothers of the Murphy family, Seán and T. J. were priests in Rockhampton, Australia. Two other priests who preached the Gospels in far-flung places were J. Downey in Canberra, Australia, and Monsignor Daniel P. Collins in Los Angeles. Two local priests are also buried here, Monsignor Dan Gallagher and Canon O’Donoghue.
There is a stained glass window of Mary at the back of the church. In the left Transept, there is a stained glass window depicting Jesus healing the sick. There is also a Crucifix in this Transept. The adjoining plaque states that the crucifix is to Denis Bailey of Rockchapel, who contributed to the Sheltered Housing Scheme.
An interesting feature of this church is the small chapel to Jesus attached to the left transept. To the left of the altar in this Chapel, there is a statue of the Sacred Heart, while to the right is a statue of Mary. Stained glass windows in this Chapel depict the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descending on the apostles, the Crucifixion, and the bread and wine of Mass. These stained glass windows are donated in memory of Denis and Mary Lyons of Port, Abbeyfeale, Dick and Mary Hartnett of Port, Sr. Theresa, Joe and Eily, Connie, Sr. Immaculata, and Bridie Hartnett of Port, and James and Julia Quirke respectively. The chapel was opened in June 1991 by Bishop Newman.
In the main Church, there is a stained glass window of the Good Samaritan on the left behind the altar, while the stained glass window on the right depicts Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. There is a shrine to Mary Immaculate to the left of the main Altar. In the right Transept of the church there are two shrines, one to St Joseph, and one to Mary. The stained glass window in the right Transept depicts the healing of the lepers.

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