PROLOGUE: When babies take their first steps and then fall on their bottoms, we praise the first step. We don’t criticize their fall… I think we adults could learn a lesson here… we spend more time criticizing our falls and not enough time applauding our small steps!”
Author Unknown
FEALESBRIDGE SOCIAL: It’s the 50th anniversary of the Fealesbridge Social and it is taking place in the Devon Inn on Friday, November 22. Neily O’Connor from Killarney will provide the music following the meal which year after year has been superb. Ticket price has remained €25 this year. Come out and support your local farmers’ cooperative and enjoy a mighty night out.
CHRISTMAS LUNCH: Join Abbeyfeale Community Alert in celebrating the Christmas Season in style with lunch and dancing and afternoon tea at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse on Sunday, November 24 from 1-6pm. Short talks from Community Gardai and Fire Officer on how to stay safe this winter. Lunch catered by Conor McCarthy of The Kitchen Table. Tickets €20 available from Batt Harnett, The Square, Ann Lyons, The Square, Kathleen’s Foodstore, Convent St.and committee members including Mossie Gleeson, Mary Mc Arthur, Marian Harnett. Music by Paddy Quilligan.
YOGA CLASS: Wednesday from 7 – 8.30pm Abbeyfeale Rugby Club. Ring Mike on 087 2732591.
NOONAN’S CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Official switch on will take place on Saturday, November 30 at 4pm.
NIGHT AT THE OSKARS: St. Ita’s Sheltered Housing extends an invitation to everyone in the parish and surrounding districts to attend a public meeting in the Day Care Centre on Tuesday, November 19 at 8pm. It will be attended by staff from Kevin Rowe Events to explain how our fundraiser- the Night at the Oskars works. We hope to recruit volunteers to help us with the fundraiser which will provide very necessary funds for St. Ita’s Sheltered Housing and Day Care Centre which provides services to the elderly in our community.
GLÓRACH NEWS: The supremely talented O’Leary sisters, Ruth and Joyce, who go under the name of Sephira, will be bringing their impressive live show to the Glórach Theatre on Friday, November 29. Tickets are at present sold out, but keep an eye on our facebook page and the weekly notes section for the possibility of a second concert. This evening, Wednesday, November 13 at 7.30pm, there will be a crime prevention meeting held in the venue. A week later, on the evening of Wednesday, November 20, there will be an open meeting of the AA. All welcome, there will be light refreshments served. For any enquiries about these events, please don’t hesitate to call us at 0871383940 or email at [email protected].
ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Suitable for parents/care givers and children aged birth to 4 years including children attending pre-school. This group is an opportunity to meet other parents and play time with your baby/toddler. This is a free service and priority is given to those in receipt of social welfare payment or living in social housing. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS UPDATE: Annual Church gate collection will be taken up next weekend. Contact Geraldine O’Brien if you can give a hand to bag pack in Twohigs SuperValue either Friday, November 22 or Saturday, November 23. The Christmas Lights committee will hold a table quiz in Jack O’Rourke’s Bar on Saturday, November 16. All support will be much appreciated.
ABBEYFEALE FOR AFRICA CAKE SALE: The annual cake sale to support Fr. Tim Galvin’s Mission in South Sudan takes place on Sunday, December 8 at St. Ita’s Hall from 9-1pm. Calling all our usual bakers and supporters. Home baking can be left into Batt’s in the Square for collection or delivered to the Hall on the morning of the 8th.
ARA COFFEE MORNING: Abbeyfeale’s Active Retirement Group are hosting a coffee morning on Friday, December 6 with the proceeds being donated to the Christmas Lights.
TRADITIONAL MUSIC CLASSES ATHEA: Tutor Michael Broderick, Top of the Town Friday nights; Beginners 7.15 – 7.45pm, Advanced 7.45 – 8.15pm.
BINGO: Tournafulla Development Assoc. are holding a fund-raising Bingo in Halla Tadhg Gaelach Tournafulla on Sunday, November 24 at 3 p.m. with €2,000 in prizemoney. Double Book and One Sheet - €15. Single Book and One Sheet - €13. Half Books available at €5. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
YOGA: Fr. Casey’s GAA, Thursdays 8pm -9pm. €55 for 5 weeks. Phone 085 2441321. See Facebook: Studio 12 Petals.
ANNUAL VISIT OF SANTA TO ABBEYFEALE: He’s on his way and hopefully will arrive on Friday, November 29 around 6pm for a recce to check which children have been naughty or nice. There will be great excitement in the Square with stalls and music and Mrs. Claus and the elves directing operations.
BEREAVEMENT MASS:. Abbeyfeale Parish Bereavement Mass will be celebrated on Friday, November 22 at 7pm. Olive Foley will speak on loss and bereavement. Names of those who have died over the year and names of people from outside the parish that you would like remembered should be submitted to the Sacristy during the coming fortnight. Tel 068/51915 during Mass times.
KNOCK ALL NIGHT VIGIL: Pro-Life Vigil on Saturday, December 7 Saturday midnight to Sunday morning departing Dero’s Main St at 3pm on December 7. Contact Deros 064 6631251.
MICHEAL ENGLISH COMES TO CHURCH: Sales have picked up a pace over the last week with enquiries from as far away as England. Tickets at €25 are available by ringing the dedicated ticket line on 089 4356981 or from Moss the Farmers, The Coffee Pot, Ann Lyons. O’Donoghues Spar and Kathleen’s Foodstore. Doors open at 7pm.
GLÓRACH: Bingo every Monday night at 8.30pm
FR. CASEY’S CARD GAME: Cards have resumed on Friday nights in GAA Clubhouse @ 9pm. Cards have also resumed on Tuesday nights in Meenkilly N.S. at 9pm.
WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS: Develop your speaking skills and your self confidence at West Limerick Toastmasters. First and third Wednesday of the month September – June in the Desmond Complex from 8 – 10pm. New members welcome. Contact Charles 087 7972855.
CHRISTMAS NEWSLETTER: Articles and photos are invited to [email protected] before November 20 for inclusion in the Christmas newsletter.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMA: Sephira School of Music and Drama has opened on Main St . All ages are welcome. Contact Ruth Joyce on 085 2052384 /[email protected] or look them up on Facebook.
ABBEYFEALE BOOK CLUB: St. Ita’s Hall, the second Wednesday of each month September – June from 7.30 -9pm. All welcome. Refreshments served.
ICA: Abbeyfeale ICA meet at the Adult Education Centre Mountmahon. A craft night has been organised for November 19 next. We are always looking for new members who will be made most welcome. Do come and join us in our many and varied activities. Slan go foil.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Annual church gate collection on the weekend of December 7 and 8. All requests for assistance should be sent in writing to the Parish Office in Convent St.
KNOCKANURE VALLEY B-ALERT GROUP: invites you to attend the launch of Knockanure Valley B-Alert Group on Monday, November 18 in Knockanure Community Centre at 8pm. In attendance will be Muintir Na Tire and An Garda Síochána. All welcome.
CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAYRE: Duagh Sports Complex on Sunday, November 17. To book a table please phone 087 2684540.
PADRE PIO; DEVOTIONS IN LIXNAW ON Tuesday. November 19 at 7.30PM.
THE IRISH CANCER SOCIETY is looking for volunteers to drive patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in all public hospitals nationwide. Volunteers will need their own car but all expenses are paid. If you have 2 free days a month (Monday – Friday) and an active email address we would love to hear from you. Please call Laura on 01 2310 594, email [email protected] or go to for more information.
ST. ITA’S READING GROUP: Monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 13 at 10.30am in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB: The club meet on the first Friday of each month in Philip Enrights, The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.
FIRST FRIDAY REFLECTIONS WITH FR. SHOJI: On the First Friday of each month, Fr Shoji will lead an hour of Praise and Worship in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel beginning at 9am.
HARNETT MAGAZINE: Some Harnett Reunion magazines are still available at Ann Lyons Shop and from James Harnett, also the final items of Harnett merchandise are available at Heavenly Gifts.
COMMUNITY ALERT: Christmas Lunch Sunday, November 24, four course lunch, dancing to Paddy Quilligan, afternoon tea €20. Tickets on sale from committee members and the usual outlets. Tesco Abbeyfeale have given us their blue token collection for the next eight weeks so please place your tokens in the container as you leave the store. The following advice for the elderly in the community has been taken from the Be Winter Ready website: ‘Keep warm, eat well and avoid unnecessary travel. You should eat regular hot meals and drink plenty of fluids, this will keep you warm and will give you energy to keep active. Ensure you have sufficient supplies of food and of any prescription medicine you may need. Keep active indoors. Have sufficient fuel supplies to maintain adequate heating in your home. Ask relatives and neighbours for help if you need it. Keep their phone numbers on a list beside your phone. In icy weather, wear well-fitted shoes with non-slip soles if you have to go out but try to limit walking outside during the cold weather.Consider wearing a personal alarm so that family or neighbours are alerted if you fall.If you have a fall, even a minor one, make sure you visit your doctor for a check up.Leave a low energy light on at night time, preferably one with a high light output. Use a non-slip shower or bath mat. Make sure wires or cords from lamps, telephones etc. do not trail where you walk. Arrange furniture so that you can easily move around all your rooms. Remove rugs or use non-slip tape or backing so rugs will not slip. Consider installing hand rails on both sides of the stairs’. (If you do not have enough fuel contact the Vincent de Paul c/o the parish office 068 31133 Tuesday to Friday 11- 1pm.).
Winter has come so check your personal alarm is working by pressing it and engaging with the monitoring service – that’s what you are paying the yearly monitoring fee for. Make sure outside lights and smoke alarm are in order. Keep doors locked when you are inside and don’t answer the door unless you know who is there. If you have a concern when dealing with someone at the door press your panic button – that’s what it is for. Wear Hi Viz jacket when walking – no load to carry and could save your life as drivers are being blinded by the low sun. Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65. The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72. Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one. Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. Committee members are Sean Broderick, Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.
HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE: A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.
GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND. Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.
MASS TIMES IN THE PASTORAL AREA UNIT: Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6.30pm and Sunday 9.15am & 12noon. Athea - Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins – Sunday 11am. Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am. Tournafulla - Saturday 7.30pm.
ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH: Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414. Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese 089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133 Email: [email protected] Limerick Social Services: 061-314111. AA 061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019. Accord NCW 069/61000. Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 A l-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203 068/ 31262 068/51984 St Vincent De Paul Tel 087/1213560 . Counselling Appointment 061/314213. Masses: No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm. Daily Mass 10am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday except in the event of a funeral when Mass will be at 11am. Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm. Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.. Mass Intentions: Wednesday 10am Lay led Liturgy – No Mass. Thursday 10am Lizzie Mulcahy and Mary Ellen Mulcahy late of Kilmanahan. Friday 10am Micheal O’Shea Coolaneelig. Thomas O’Brien 20 Collins Park. Saturday 6.30pm Patrick and David O’Connor, Caherhayes. Jack and Mary McKenna, Knockbrack. Donal and Nell Fitzgerald and son Patrick. James O’Donnell and deceased family members. Mary Jo O’Connell and John E O’Connell, Kilconlea. Dan, Ellen, Denis and Marie Collins, Dromtrasna Collins.
Sunday 9.15am Micheal Reidy, Bog Road, Meenkilly, Nora Canty, Fealesbridge. Padraig O’Cléirigh, Killarney Rd. Months Mind.
ARDFERT RETREAT CENTRE: Fire Fall-Charismatic Prayer Meeting every Mon. 7.30pm. Parish Retreat Evening: Causeway and Kilmoyley Parishes, Tues. 5th Nov. 7.30pm. Growing as Followers of Jesus Christ: Dr. Jessie Rogers, Sat. 16th Nov. & Sat. 7th Dec. 10am-2pm. Remembrance Mass for our Bereaved: Fr. Donal O’Connor, Tues. 19th Nov. 7.30pm. Listening to the word of God – Experiencing Life in all it’s Abundance: Fr. Patsy Kelly MSC, Sat. 23rd Nov. 10am-2pm. Advent Retreat: Fr. Mossie Kelliher SMA, Fri. 13th to Sun. 15th Dec. Bookings essential Phone: 0667134276
JOY OF LOVE IN MARRIAGE: A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in a good relationship private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (residential) Weekend will be held at The Lake Hotel Killarney from 15th -17th Nov. 2019. For info. and to book, visit or phone 064-6644319 or 0866095168
ARIES: Advancing Recovery in Ireland Education Service serving the Mid-West region. If you have an interest in mental health, well-being and recovery, please make a note of our free workshops in St. Ita’s Community Hall, Convent St., Abbeyfeale, on Thursday 28th November and 5th December from 2pm – 5pm. To book a place contact Mike O’Neill on 085-8768517 or at [email protected]. For more information visit
RAMBLING HOUSES: Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month. Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.