PROLOGUE: Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.”
Lord Byron.
DEATH: Sincere sympathy is offered to the family of the late Peg O’Grady, Caherconnell, on her recent death. May she rest in peace.
SERMON FROM PP AFTER CHILD MURDER: It isn’t too often that you see an entire congregation straighten themselves, sit up straight and listen attentively to the weekly sermon but that’s what happened here in Abbeyfeale last Sunday when our PP Fr. Tony Mullins spoke about young lives being destroyed by drugs, violence and barbarism at a level never before seen. He said that the “ scourge of a drugs culture is prevalent in every community including this parish and all the small communities around us and it can engulf any young We can say NO to drugs as a community by using every opportunity to educate our young people to the dangers involved. We need to teach them to say No, we need to support them to find the courage to resist the temptation, the recent tragedy this week is an opportunity to open up a discussion at home about the drug culture here in this parish. It is good to talk – have that discussion with all your children or grandchildren.
1. Support the Gardai in their work of prevention here – do not turn a blind eye.
2. Offer support to young people who unfortunately have been drawn into the drug culture. Be vigilant and have courage to intervene if necessary.
SAN RITA WELLNESS: Friday mornings in St. Ita’s Hall from 10-11am. Contact 087 6718377.
HAVEN: If you have a problem with alcohol or drugs you are welcome to join a confidential group called Haven who meet on Thursday nights from 7 – 8.30pm in the parish office. For further information contact 087 7662865/087 4270374.
BOTTLE TOPS: The adult education centre in Mountmahon are collecting bottle tops for an art project and would appreciate if you would drop yours into either the centre or into St. Ita’s Hall over the next few weeks.
SIVE AT THE GLÓRACH: The stage is set this weekend for one of the finest plays ever written by John B Keane. The Abha Bhán Drama Group from Loughill/Ballyhahill won the best play at the West Limerick Drama Festival last Spring with their production of Sive, and they will be bringing it to the Glórach Theatre for two nights on Friday, January 24 and Saturday 25. Keane’s debut caused a major stir in its time and while the social landscape has changed, many of the central themes remain as relevant as ever. Above all else, there is a wonderful lyrical quality to the writing, and while John B Keane wrote many plays following Sive, few matched the beautiful language of his debut. Not to be missed, curtains up at 8 pm and tickets can be booked at 0871383940. Admission charge is €10.
LOVE KNOTS AT FR. CASEY’S: The latest offering from the Abbeyfeale Drama Group is a comedy by Jimmy Keary. It will be staged on Tuesday, February 4, Thursday 6, Saturday 8, Sunday 9, Tuesday 11, Thursday 13, Saturday 15 and Sunday February 16 at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse. Doors open 7.15pm, Show 8pm sharp. The Athea Drama Group have also chosen a play on the Luv theme which is also by Jimmy Keary. They will be going on stage with ‘Looking for Love’ on February 6,8,9,13, 15,16 in the Community Centre, Athea.
AUTISM FRIENDLY: West Limerick Resources SICAP programme in association with SuperValu and Abbeyfeale Community Council is looking to explore the option of Abbeyfeale becoming an Autism Friendly Town and Community. To understand and hear about what is involved in this, we are having a public meeting on Wednesday, February 5 in St Ita’s Daycare Centre @ 7:30pm. A member of ‘AsIAm, Ireland’s national Autism charity and advocacy organisation will be in attendance on the night. If you would like to attend, then please contact Dearbhla @ West Limerick Resources on 087 6750869 or email [email protected] to register your interest and book a seat.
ABBEYFEALE HARRIERS: The annual hunting festival takes place from Sunday, February 9 to Friday, February 14. Further information from Paddy O’Grady 087 6258933.
NIGHT AT THE OSKARS: The films have been chosen – Fr. Ted, Forrest Gump, The Golden Girls, Sister Act, The Quiet Man, Misery and The Calendar Girls. The awards ceremony will take place in the Devon Inn on Friday, March 20 with tickets going on sale shortly. Rehearsals have commenced and will run for the next three Tuesdays with all actors and actresses being contacted by the producer of their film with the time to be the Day Centre. Fundraising events are being organised daily and the following is by no means a comprehensive list of all those that are planned for January. Sunday, January 26 Pia has a Flower Arranging Demonstration organised for Tea and Tales from 4-6pm and there’s a Darts Tournament in Jack O’Rourkes from 5pm. Then on Friday, January 31 we’ll have a Stepathon from 9am -9pm in Feale Fit, Mountmahon, we will be bag packing in Twohigs Super Valu and Mary McArthur has a Rambling House organised in the Day Care Centre from 8.30pm. Singers, musicians, storytellers will be welcome. Mary will also be selling lines for €2 and raffling a load of blocks from Cotters Firewood and a load of turf so if you’re feeling the chill in the air this is a chance to banish the winter blues by winning the makings of many fires. Saturday, February 1 Table Quiz in Jack O’Rourkes at 9pm organised by the Forrest Gump Team.
RAMBLING HOUSE IN AID OF THE OSKARS: Each actor in the OsKaRs for St. Ita’s Sheltered Housing has been asked to fundraise and as part of her fundraising Mary McArthur has organised a Rambling House for Friday, January 31 at the Day Care Centre. Singers, musicians, storytellers will be most welcome.
THE GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR: Granagh Players present a Comedy – ’ The Government Inspector ‘in Granagh Community Centre. V35C584 on Friday, January 24, Saturday 25, Sunday 26. Friday, January 31 and the first weekend in February. 8pm. Tickets on the Door. Adults E10. Students E5.
MICHEAL ENGLISH COMES TO DUAGH: Be sure and mark March 27 in your diary and book your tickets asap.
NEW COURSES STARTING IN JANUARY 2020 IN THE OLD TECH: Creative writing (Different forms of Creative Writing styles such as short stories, poetry, drama, short sketches and plays);Growing your own Vegetables class – Learn when and how to grow your own produce in our Poly Tunnel ; Cookery class – Learn various dinners and cakes in our demonstration cookery class. If you wish to register for any of the above free classes, please call Mary in the office: 06831198 or register online:
BRANDING & MARKETING FOR SMALL BUSINESS: This free one-day course will provide an introduction to market research, branding, public relations and digital marketing. Delivered by Terry Harmer of NLC Training and supported by Limerick Local Enterprise Office it is open to all new and existing businesses operating in the Limerick area. Venue: Longcourt House Hotel, Newcastle West. Date and Times: Monday, February 17, 10am-4pm. Light lunch provided. Pre-booking is essential. Register on-line at or email [email protected]. For further information contact Suzanne, at West Limerick Resources, on 069 79114.
APPLICATIONS CONTINUE TO BE SOUGHT UNDER LEADER: The current Rural Development (LEADER) Programme 2014-2020 will close at the end of the year. Applications will continue to be accepted throughout the year from eligible community projects and local businesses SUBJECT TO FUNDING AVAILABILITY. While a large proportion of the programme budget is now fully committed, limited funding remains available under a number of sub-themes including: Rural Tourism, Enterprise Development, Rural Youth, Biodiversity, Water and Renewable Energy. To enquire if your project idea would be eligible please email [email protected] or contact West Limerick Resources LEADER team immediately on 069 62222.
SONG CONTEST AT THE PLOUGHMAN: Steve Smith will be in Misery which is one of the films in Abbeyfeale’s Night at the OsKaRs and as part of his fundraising efforts for St. Ita’s Day Care his family are organising a Song Contest. Singers, who will be sponsored, will be asked to compete on the night of Friday, February 28 at the Ploughman in the Square. So, if you are addicted to the Eurovision and often thought you’d be better yourself now’s your chance! Further information and for your chance at fame contact 087 9247533.
ROAD WORKS: Road works on the Kilmorna Road. A full road closure will be in place from Monday 20 – Friday 24 from 8am to 6pm on each day. Info Padraig 086/6072159.
WOOD TURNERS: The secretary of the Kerry Chapter of the Irish Woodturner Guild is Bob Cosgrave and he has issued an invitation to local woodturners to come to their monthly meeting in Tralee on the second Tuesday of each month between 7-10pm. Contact Bob Cosgrave 087 2833507 for further information.
GATE CLOSED: The church gates will be locked each evening at 8pm for the winter months
COMMUNITY SUBSTANCE MISUSE TEAM: A free and confidential service for under 18’s and their families impacted by substance misuse is provided on the first Wednesday of the month in St. Ita’s Hall from 2.30pm – 5pm. Contact Kristeen Laing 086 4141854.
WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB: The club meet on the first Friday of each month in Philip Enrights, The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.
YOGA CLASS: Wednesday from 7 – 8.30pm Abbeyfeale Rugby Club. Ring Mike on 087 2732591.
TRADITIONAL MUSIC CLASSES ATHEA: Tutor Michael Broderick, Top of the Town Friday nights; Beginners 7.15 – 7.45pm, Advanced 7.45 – 8.15pm.
ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT: I got a call this week on the land line to say that two transactions were made on our credit it card at 6am and was it me. Knowing that I was turning over for my second sleep at 6am and that it definitely was not me, I told a bare faced lie and said it was and that I was after buying stuff on line and thanks for their concern and hung up before he got asking me for my pin number in order to ‘cancel’ the transaction. We are getting daily warnings of scams – there is a cohort of people out there who will never do a day’s work in their life time and who spend their every waking hour trying to come up with ideas for how to relieve the rest of us of our hard earned cash. So, don’t answer the phone unless you recognise the number, if they want you let them leave you a message and then you can return the call. Never, ever give banking details to anyone, on the phone or by email or text. When you go out wear a high viz jacket no matter what hour, make yourself visible to motorists. If you are driving put on your lights and especially if it is raining. Lock your car when parking it up, leave nothing of value visible, if driving alone lock the doors. Get a house alarm, buy a timer for lights so that the house looks occupied when you are out. These are all sensible things to do and will help to deter the criminal. Ring Abbeyfeale Gardai on 068 30010 ( Three hundred ten) if you have concerns over callers , if the phone is unattended the call will be answered in NCW and the local squad car will be notified. When you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then, because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65. The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72. Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one. Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. Committee members are Sean Broderick, Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.
MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE: Ex Cork June 30-July 7. Half Board €725. Contact 086 2959380 asap as just a few places remaining.
HARNETT MAGAZINE: Some Harnett Reunion magazines are still available at Ann Lyons Shop and from James Harnett, also the final items of Harnett merchandise are available at Heavenly Gifts.
ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Suitable for parents/care givers and children aged birth to 4 years including children attending pre-school. This group is an opportunity to meet other parents and play time with your baby/toddler. This is a free service and priority is given to those in receipt of social welfare payment or living in social housing. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.
WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS: Develop your speaking skills and your self confidence at West Limerick Toastmasters. First and third Wednesday of the month September – June in the Desmond Complex from 8 – 10pm. New members welcome. Contact Charles 087 7972855.
ST. ITA’S READING GROUP: Wednesday in the Adoration Chapel at 10.30pm. New members welcome.
ABBEYFEALE BOOK CLUB: St. Ita’s Hall, the second Wednesday of each month September – June from 7.30 -9pm. All welcome. Refreshments served.
THE IRISH CANCER SOCIETY is looking for volunteers to drive patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in all public hospitals nationwide. Volunteers will need their own car but all expenses are paid. If you have 2 free days a month (Monday – Friday) and an active email address we would love to hear from you. Please call Laura on 01 2310 594, email [email protected] or go to for more information.
HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE: A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.
GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND. Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.
MASS TIMES IN THE PASTORAL AREA UNIT: Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6.30pm and Sunday 9.15am & 12noon. Athea - Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins – Sunday 11am. Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am. Tournafulla - Saturday 7.30pm.
ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH: Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414. Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese 089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133 Email: [email protected] Limerick Social Services: 061-314111. AA 061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019. Accord NCW 069/61000. Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 A l-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203 068/ 31262 068/51984 St Vincent De Paul Tel 087/1213560 . Counselling Appointment 061/314213. Masses: No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm. Daily Mass 10am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday except in the event of a funeral when Mass will be at 11am. Saturday Morning Mass at 11am. Mass Intentions: Wednesday 10am Mamie Harnett, Knockbrack. Freda, Mary, Joe and Margaret Fitzsimons. Saturday 6.30pm Lily O’Keeffe, St. Ita’s Road. Betty McCarthy, Knockbrack. Sunday 9.15am Denis McEnery. John Moore, Shanbally. 12 noon Patrick and Hannah Broderick, Dromtrasna Collins. Mike Barry Month’s Mind. Noreen O’Rourke, Months Mind. Mike O’Connor, Dromtrasna.
PASSION PLAY PILGRIMAGE 2020: Oberammergau, Germany, Monday, May 25-27 for the world famous Passion Play which only takes place every 10 years. Return flights Dublin/Munich/Dublin with coach transfer Kerry/Dublin return. Cost is €905.00 Bed & Breakfast & 1 Evening Meal. Insurance €15 extra per person under 80 years. Accommodation on a share basis. Limited places available. Further details and booking form from Janice O’Sullivan 064 7758219 or email [email protected]. Operated in conjunction with Marian Pilgrimages 01-878 8159 Licensed as a Tour Operator by the Commission for Aviation Regulation in compliance with UK & European regulations (TO142)
CATHOLIC EDUCATION COURSE FOR TEACHERS: Will take place in Tralee Education Centre on Wednesday, February 5 from 5-7pm. This free course will focus on the key messages to teach children about the Catholic faith. For info and booking, see
RETROUVAILLE: A Lifeline for Married Couples. Do you want to improve the communication with your spouse? Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you hurt, frustrated or angry with your spouse? Does talking about it only make it worse? The Retrouvaille programme can help marriages at all stages. Next programme starts February 7-9. For information contact Tony & Anne (01) 495 3536, Mike & Anne (01) 450 0922, text or call 086 413 5440, or email [email protected] visit
KERRY’S CLUBS FAIR: Killarney Lions Club in association with Killarney Credit Union, are giving adults in Kerry an easy way to find out about club/activities that they can be part of, free of charge. This event takes place at Killarney Racecourse between on Sunday January 26 from 2 – 5pm. It will showcase 50 clubs and societies that you may like to participate with or volunteer with. Take the first step to new beginnings.
ST PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP Listowel, The first Friday of every month. The ceremony begins with the Rosary at 6.45pm, |
RAMBLING HOUSES: Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month. Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.