PROLOGUE: Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
GLÓRACH CELEBRATES MICHEAL HARTNETT: Although born in Newcastlewest, the late, great poet Michael Hartnett had an almost spiritual link with the area west of Barnagh and was no stranger to the town of Abbeyfeale. The Glórach Theatre look forward to celebrating his memory by screening the Pat Collins film Muince Dreoilín at 10.30 am on Monday, September 30. Renowned author and poet Gabriel Fitzmaurice, who was a close friend of Hartnett, will be present for a question and answer session afterwards. This event will be held as part of Éigse Micheal Hartnett, admission is free and for any enquiries please ring 0871383940.
NEW SEASON CLASSES: After the summer break September sees the return of classes for the coming months. On September 27 the creative writing group begins their new season. We are lucky to be assigned a tutor for a six week course. The first meeting will be held in the old vocational school – after that we return to the usual venue in St. Ita’s Hall. We need new members to join us. As well as writing it is a great social occasion with tea and dainty treats on offer. If you are interested just come along on the day or call Madeline 087 9707989.
CRAFTY CORNER: If you would like to practice your knitting and crochet or are a beginner willing to learn the craft then come along to our classes which resume Tuesday October 1 at St Ita’s hall from 7 – 9pm. It’s a lovely social occasion as well. The painting group are also back on October 1 from 11am – 1pm. in St.Ita’s Hall, it’s a very relaxing hobby. All welcome.
GLÓRACH: Local Trad Group Fuinneamh will burst onto the stage at Glórach on Friday, October 5 at 8pm. Eibhlín Broderick will share the stage as a special guest singer . Abbeyfeale claims, as its own, group members Micheál Broderick, Padraig Enright, Maura O’Connor and Ian Sheehy, with James O’Connor being an Ardagh native. Group members won 6 medals, including two 1st places, at the recent All-Ireland Fleadh Cheoil in Drogheda. Eibhlin Broderick’s vocal talents are of course synonymous with Abbeyfeale, through her recording of “My Silver River Feale” and she holds a Masters Degree in Irish Trad Music Performance! So, not to be missed – Great Music, Great Songs, Great Group & Great Venue.
Tickets €10. Bookings 0871383940 or [email protected]
SALE OF PRODUCE: As Pope Francis has designated October an Extraordinary Month of Mission there will be a sale of home baking, vegetables and jams after the two Sunday Masses on Sunday, October 13 with proceeds being shared between an orphanage in India in the diocese that our curate Fr. Shoji comes from and Fr. Tim Galvin’s Mission in South Sudan.
OPEN NIGHT AT COLAISTE IDE AGUS IOSEF: The Open night for Sixth Class students will be on Tuesday, October 8. Parents and students are welcome from 6.50 pm and tours of the school will begin at 7.00 pm. The Principal will address parents at 7.45 pm and this will cover all the relevant topics about enrolling in school. You can enrol that evening or further enrolment will take place on Saturday, October 12 from 9.30 – 11.30 am To enrol you will need to provide a copy of the student’s birth certificate and proof of their PPSN number.
WEST LIMERICK MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION: Noelle Crehan Nutritional Therapist with a talk entitled ‘Mind your Mood’ and Colman Noctor a child and adolescent psychotherapist with St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services with a ‘keen interest in the effects of contemporary media on child development and mental health’ are the key speakers at a seminar in the Longcourt Hotel NCW on Tuesday, October 8 sponsored by West Limerick Mental Health Association. Doors open 7pm. Light refreshments served. Admission free. Everyone welcome.
ABBEYSIDE PLAYERS: New members welcome. Contact Merce on 087 2053051. Rehearsals of Frank Carney’s The Righteous are Bold will commence shortly.
WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS: Develop your speaking skills at West Limerick Toastmasters. First and third Wednesday of the month September – June in the Desmond Complex from 8 – 10pm. New members welcome. Contact Charles 087 7972855.
JOSEPHINE’S SET DANCING CLASSES: Autumn has arrived and set dancing classes at Fr. Casey’s have started on Wednesday nights with Josephine. 8pm for beginners followed by improvers at 8.45pm. Contact 0879267037.
CONCERT IN AID OF SUICIDE AWARENESS: Red Hurley, Dickie Rock, Susan McCann, Owen Mac, Kathy Durkin, Shaun O’Dowd, Emily Clarke and Micheal Collins will all perform in the Woodlands Hotel, Adare on Thursday, October 3. Doors open 7pm, show 8pm, tickets €30. A donation will be made to Pieta House. Further information from 061 605100.
A WEEK TO GO TO THE POKER RUN: Shannon Gleeson says “I’m holding a poker run on Sunday, September 29 in aid of the Hope Foundation. I am going to Kolkata in March 2020 and in order to go we have to fundraise roughly €3000. The Poker run is starting in Jack O’Rourkes Bar Abbeyfeale , Registration is at 10:30am and there is a prize for the best hand . €10 per bike !”
CHRISTMAS NEWSLETTER: Articles and photos are invited to [email protected] before November 20 for inclusion in the Christmas newsletter.
IRISH COMMUNITY RAPID RESPONSE TEAM: The family of the late Patrick Broderick Dromtrasna Collins who lost his life tragically recently would like to thank all those who dontated €1,100 on the evening of his removal. It has been sent to the Irish community rapid response team. SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMA: Sephira School of Music and Drama has opened on Main St . All ages are welcome. Contact Ruth Joyce on 085 2052384 /[email protected] or look them up on Facebook.
DROMTRASNA CHALLENGE 2019: Dromtrasna Challenge 2019 in aid of Milford Care Centre and St. Ita’s Day Care Centre Abbeyfeale takes place on Saturday, October 19. The event consists of a 2K Kids Run, 4K Walk, 5K and 10K chip timed runs. Finisher medals for participants in all events.
MEMORIAL CONCERT: Kathy Casey Byrne Memorial Concert in aid of Mid Western Cancer Foundation & Irish Youth Foundation. The Concert will take place at St. Molua’s Church, Ardagh on Friday, October 4 @ 7.30 p.m. Concert produced by Fr. Tim Curtin, Sean Moriarty & Theresa Doyle Mc Mahon. Fr. Tony has some tickets on sale.
SAVE THE DATE: Micheal English will perform a concert with a Christmas theme on Friday, December 6 in the Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale.
AMERICAN TEA PARTY IN ROCKCHAPEL: The annual tea party will take place in Rockchapel Community Centre on Friday, October 18. A hot meal will be served at 9pm sharp. A great night of music, dancing, fun and craic with the one and only Jerry McCarthy and Autumn Gold. If interested please ring Breeda O’Callaghan to book your tickets. Tickets are €20. Your support is very much appreciated.
ABBEYFEALE BOOK CLUB: St. Ita’s Hall, the second Wednesday of each month September – June from 7.30 -9pm. All welcome. Refreshments served.
YOGA IN THE ROCK: Yoga classes will commence in Rockchapel Community Centre on Monday, October 7 from 7.30 – 8.45pm. Classes open to both men and women. 5 classes €50 or €12 pay as you go. If interested please contact Breeda O’Callaghan 087/6818113 or 069/81156 as soon as possible. Morning classes may also commence if enough people are interested.
THE IRISH CANCER SOCIETY is looking for volunteers to drive patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in all public hospitals nationwide. Volunteers will need their own car but all expenses are paid. If you have 2 free days a month (Monday – Friday) and an active email address we would love to hear from you. Please call Laura on 01 2310 594, email [email protected] or go to for more information.
SICAP ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.
WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB: The club meet on the first Friday of each month in Philip Enrights, The Ramble Inn, Church Street from 9pm.
SET DANCE CLASSES: Set dancing for beginners with Timmy Woulfe has commenced on Monday nights in the Marian Hall, Moyvane at 8pm. Individual attention will be given where required.
UPCOMING CEILI’S IN TOURNAFULLA: Friday, October 4 with the Striolan Ceili Band and Friday, November 8 with Taylor’s Cross. 9.30pm – 12.30am. Refreshments served. Admission €10. Raffle.
.SICAP HEARTSAVER CPR AED CFR COURSE: Free certified Heartsaver CPR AED CFR Course for members of Community Groups in West Limerick. Contents include Adult, Child & Infant CPR and AED use, Choking Relief, Recognising and Treating a Stroke Casualty, Placing a Casualty in a Recovery Position and Administering Aspirin to a Casualty in accordance with regulations. Full days training on Saturday, September 28, at the Longcourt House Hotel, Newcastle West. Training from 10am–4pm and refreshments provided. Limited places available so pre–registration essential by contacting Damien Ahern, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 9042477 or [email protected]
DIGITAL SKILLS FOR CITIZENS COURSE: If you are interested in learning basic computer skills such as Introduction to the Internet, Emails, using Online Services i.e. Motor Tax, Banking, Use of Apps, Social Media and Online Shopping, then this FREE course could be for you. Digital Skills for Citizens Course will run over 5 Wednesday afternoons, in Newcastle West Community Centre, 2pm to 4pm. Contact Adrienne on 087 277 3294 to register.
FISHERIES MEETING: “Help bring back the Salmon to Limerick”. Fisheries expert Prof. Ken Whelan will be giving a talk on importance of small streams for salmon and trout spawning. The meeting will be held on October 1 in Knocklong Community Centre at 8pm.Find out more on or call 087-1940608.
FIRST FRIDAY REFLECTIONS WITH FR. SHOJI: On the First Friday of each month, Fr Shoji will lead an hour of Praise and Worship in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel beginning at 9am.
HARNETT MAGAZINE: Some Harnett Reunion magazines are still available at Ann Lyons Shop and from James Harnett, also the final items of Harnett merchandise are available at Heavenly Gifts.
SUICIDE PREVENTION MEETING: Connecting for Life Mid-West Suicide Prevention Seminar will take place in the Longcourt House Hotel, Newcastle West on Thursday, October 24 from 7-9pm. Information contact Ciara Dempsey ( resource Officer for Suicide Prevention, Limerick [email protected] or 061/461262.
MANAGING STRESS IN OUR DAILY LIVES: FREE 8-week programme starting on Monday, September 30, in St Ita’s Hall, Abbeyfeale, from 10am to 12.30pm. This programme will look at the physical and emotional effect stress has on us, how it affects our quality of life and relationships, and to establish positive stress management techniques, all delivered in a fun and informal atmosphere. Contact Adrienne on 087 277 3294 to register.
COMMUNITY ALERT: Christmas Lunch Sunday, November 24, four course lunch, dancing to Paddy Quilligan €20. Now that the winter is on the way check your personal alarm is working by pressing it and engaging with the monitoring service – that’s what you are paying the yearly monitoring fee for. Make sure outside lights and smoke alarm are in order. When using your credit card in a shop or at an ATM shield your pin number as you key it in. Be wary of being distracted and if you are and your card goes missing notify the bank immediately. If you write a cheque cross it ‘a/c payee only’. If you go on holiday post no pictures on social media until you’re home because there is a clause in most insurance policies now ( in the small print ) that you cannot notify the criminal that your house is empty and waiting for them to call. Invest in a house alarm too so that when the area is being cased the sight of an alarm does tend to make them go further. Wear Hi Viz jacket when walking – no load to carry and could save your life as drivers are being blinded by the low sun. Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65. The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72. Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one. Committee members are Sean Broderick, Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.
HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE: A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.
GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND. Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.
MASS TIMES IN THE PASTORAL AREA UNIT: Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm and Sunday 9.15am & 12noon. Athea - Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins – Sunday 11am. Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am. Tournafulla - Saturday 7.30pm.
ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH: Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414. Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese 089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133 Email: [email protected] Limerick Social Services: 061-314111. AA 061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019. Accord NCW 069/61000. Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 A l-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203 068/ 31262 068/51984 St Vincent De Paul Tel 087/1213560 . Counselling Appointment 061/314213. Masses: No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm. Daily Mass 10am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday except in the event of a funeral when Mass will be at 11am. Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm. Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon.. Mass Intentions:. Friday 7pm Bill Cahill 1st Anniversary. Saturday 6.30pm Patrick Moriarty Caherlane and London. Jack and Nonie Kelly and their daughters Mary B and Teresa, Knocknasna. Sunday 9.15am Susan Connell. 12 noon Kathleen Spillane, St. Ita’s Housing.
Fifteen seminarians have begun their formation and academic programme for 2019 – 2020. The new students are currently in formation in Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth and the Pontifical Beda College, Rome; with a number beginning their propaedeutic programme in other locations in Ireland and abroad. This brings to 68 the total number studying for the priesthood for Irish dioceses. .
BEREAVEMENT INFORMATION EVENING: Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick Thursday, 26th September 26 from 7.00pm – 9.00pm (Registration from 6:45pm). Milford Care Centre and Anam Cara, the national organisation that provides support services to bereaved parents and families, are hosting a Bereavement Information Evening in Limerick. This event gives parents an opportunity to hear an experienced bereavement professional talk about the many challenges their family may face after the death of a son or daughter. Please note this event is open to all bereaved parents, regardless of the age of their child or the circumstances of their death. If you have attended a previous Bereavement Information Evening, we would encourage you to come again because each time you will hear something that will help you along the difficult and challenging journey of grief. There will also be time after the talk to interact with other bereaved parents. This information evening is provided free of charge to parents. Milford Care Centre and Anam Cara will need to confirm numbers for this event. We would appreciate if you could RSVP to [email protected] before Wednesday, September 25 or contact us on 01 4045378 – 085 2888 888.
ARIES: Advancing Recovery in Ireland Education Service serving the Mid West region. If you have an interest in mental health, well-being and recovery, please make a note of our free workshops in St. Ita’s Community Hall, Convent St., Abbeyfeale, on Thursday 28th November and 5th December from 2pm – 5pm. To book a place contact Mike O’Neill on 085-8768517 or at [email protected]. For more information visit
RAMBLING HOUSES: Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month. Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.