

Congratulations to Jennifer Quirke  and Patrick Daughton Who were married in Abbeyfeale

Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations to Sinead O’Sullivan who married John Carmody in Abbeyfeale on Friday 25th October. we wish them every happiness in their married life together.

Weddings Bells

Congratulations to Breeda O’Sullivan who married Graham Buckley in Abbeyfeale on Saturday 19th Oct. We wish them both every happiness in their married life together.

Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations to Ailish Broderick who married Liam Collins in Abbeyfeale on Saturday 20th  July 2013. We wish them every happiness in their married life together.

Wedding Bells

Congratulations to Michelle Sheehy and Kenneth O’Reilly  who maried in the Church of Abbeyfeale on 15th June 2013. we wish them every happiness in their married life together.

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