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Parish Articles

Abbeyfeale & District Initiative Schools Programme History

Abbeyfeale & District Schools Programme History


June 11, 2015; 1:00 pm;

It was only

It was only a cup of water

With a gentle grace bestowed

But it cheered the lonely traveller

Upon life’s dusty road.

None notice the cup of water

As a beautiful act of love,

Save  the angels keeping records,

Away in the land above.

The trifles in secret given

The prayer in the quiet night,

And the little unnoticed nothings

Are great in our [...]

Remembering Zoe Presentation to the Hope Foundation

The Remembering Zoe Committee including Fr. Joe Foley presenting a cheque
for €1,000.00 to Charlotte Nagle of the Hope Foundation on Monday 9th March
at Scoil Ide & Iosef .
Unable to attend the presentation on the day were Anna Scannell, Marian Harnett
& Shane O Connor.

Measure of Humanity

Two things that could measure who we are:

“The way we manage when we have nothing and the way we behave when we have everything”

Sunday Reflection for 11th August 2013

“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning”

Summer is a great time to relax and put down the busy-ness of life. So there is temptation to think that this Gospel is not placed well in our summer calendar … maybe it would be better to think of such things [...]

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