Parish Groups


In our parish the dead are remembered with practical expressions of reverence and love.  There are regular organised “clean ups” in Reilig Íde Naofa, St. Mary’s and the Abbey graveyards, with commemorative Masses being in each graveyard on different dates.  Huge crowds attend.  We are full of admiration made to honour the dead by planting [...]

Parish Pastoral Council 2015 / 2016

Our Pastoral Council

Michael Lane chairs our Parish Pastoral Council. The fourteen members of the Council represent different areas of the parish.  This is a very important time in our diocese and parish as we prepare for the Limerick Diocesan Synod.  We are grateful to our Synod delegates for their commitment and to our community for their prayers, encouragement and engagement.  To mark the Year of Culture in Limerick our Pastoral Council produced a booklet entitled “Our Town” and a book  “ Echoes of Abbeyfeale” to showcase the great richness of culture, faith and heritage of our area and its people.  These publications were ready to launch on the final of our Parish Mission.  This Mission, preached by the Redemptorist Fathers was an inspiring and uplifting experience for all of us.

Killeenagh 2015

Killeenagh Well 2014

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Stations of the Cross

Jesus is condemned to death
Jesus carries his cross
Jesus falls for the first time
Jesus meets his mother
Simon helps Jesus to carry the cross
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Jesus falls for the second time
Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
Jesus falls for the third time
Jesus’ clothes are taken away
Jesus is nailed to the cross
Jesus dies on the cross
Jesus [...]

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