Reflection – Today’s Thought

Easter Prayer

An Easter Prayer
Risen Christ
No one expected your return.
You astonished your disciples
When you slipped from the tomb.
You came extending peace,
Offering forgiveness for denial,
Extending faith to the doubtful.
You met them at the seashore
And on the road toward home.
Each one’s grieving heart overjoyed.
Each one’s closed mind opened wide.
Today: I let myself be astonished

St Brigid

Prayer to St Brigid
Bridget, you were a woman of peace.
You brought harmony where there was conflict.
You brought light to the darkness.
You brought hope to the downcast.
May the mantle of your peace
cover those who are troubled and anxious.
And may peace be firmly rooted in
our hearts and in our world.
Inspire us to act justly and to
reverence all [...]

Holiday Prayer

Holiday Prayer.
Lord, protect and bless all those who are on holidays .
Re-create them in body, mind and spirit.
Help them to let go, to step of the treadmill of stress and predictable routine.
Help us all to create a “Sabbath space” in our hearts, our lives and our relationships.

Trocaire 2023

During Lent we are called to share our resources with the poor.
‘Overcoming poverty is not a taskof charity,
it is an act of justice.
Like  slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural.
It is man-made and it can be overcome and
eradicated by theactions of human beings.
Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great.
You can be that great [...]

Trocaire 2023

Trócaire marks 50 years of fighting injustice
On the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord in 1973, the Irish Bishops wrote to the Christian people of Ireland establishing Trócaire. As we mark 50 years of Trócaire, we mark 50 years of perseverance, courage, participation, accountability and solidarity. From supporting human rights defenders in Central America, [...]

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