Only Jesus knows what is in your hearts and your deepest desires.
Only he, who has loved you to the end, can fulfill your aspirations.
His are words of eternal life, words that give meaning to life.
No one apart from Christ can give you true happiness.
Message for the 18th World Youth Day
Reflection – Today’s Thought
Reflection Pope Paul II word to live by
God wishes to save all his children, especially those who have gone away from him and are looking for the way back. The Good Shepherd is always going in search of the lost sheep, and when he finds them he brings them back to the flock.
Pope John Paul 11 words to live by:
May Mary help us to understand the great value of prayer. Today we celebrate the mystery of her nativity. Let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to open our hearts to greater confidence in the Lord,who in her, the humble andn docile handmaid, worked great wonders
Angelus address, castel gandolfo Sept. 8th 2002
It is above all in the home,before every word is spoken, children should experience God’s love in the love which surrounds them .In the family they learn that God wants peace and mutual understading among all human beings, who are calld to be one great family
Message for the 29th world Day of PEACE
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve,
I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health, that I might do greater things,
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.