

March 6th, 2014

You know well enough that our Lord does no look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them”  Story of a soul.

Lenten Series of Talks in GAA Club house @ 7.30pm

March 6th, 2014

Lenten series of Talks on Wednesdays @ 7.30pm in Fr Casey’s GAA

12th, March Pope Francis the Man and His Vision Prof. Eugene Duffy

19th March Eucharist and our daily lives “ Sr. Claire Slattery

26th March Catholic Education today Bishop Brendan Leahy.

Mark these dates in your diary.

Wedding Congratulations

March 6th, 2014

Congratulations to  Teresa Sheehan who married P J O Halloran in the Church of Abbeyfeale on Saturday 1st March. we wish them every happpiness in their married life together.

Community Notes

March 6th, 2014

PROLOGUE  “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

John Wooden.

DEATH:  Sincere sympathy to the family of the late Rose Curtin, Killarney Road whose death occurred last week.  May she rest in peace.

LENT BEGINS: Ash Wednesday is on March 5 and so the season of Lent gets underway. Since ancient times the church has entered this holy season encouraging us to take up the disciplines of prayer, fasting and alms giving, not as ends in themselves, but as ways of denying ourselves and drawing close to God.

RAG MEETING:  The annual rag meeting takes place at the Dromtrasna Grounds on Sunday next, March 9.  Contact James on 087 9439499 for further information.  All proceeds will go to local schools.

CALLING ALL SINGLES:  A night with a difference for singles will take place at the Devon Inn Hotel on Saturday night next from 7.30pm..  Check it out on their facebook page ‘Take me Out’.

PERPETUAL ADORATION:  Perpetual Adoration will take place again this year. This chart is available behind the Tabernacle if you wish to sign your name for one hour a week in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament during Lent. Adoration will begin on Monday, March 10.

WORLD BOOK DAY: To mark World Book Day on Thursday March 6, the Seanchai Centre, Listowel will host a morning of ‘Scones, Poems, Buns & Banter’ from 10 am to 12 pm.  Come along and read a poem or tell a story over a cup of tea and freshly baked scones!

HOLY LAND:  Maureen Finnegan, NCW reports “A number of people have asked Fr. Duhig whether he intends taking a pilgrimage to the Holy Land soon. He would be interested in doing so in October 2015 if there is sufficient number interested. We don’t know the exact cost, but our last one in 2011 cost €1,640 per person sharing for 9 nights. If you think you may be interested, please make contact with Fr. Duhig as soon as possible (069-62141).

RAMBLING HOUSE:  A Rambling House will take place in the Seanchaí Centre, The Square, Listowel on Monday March 10 from 8.30 pm for Seachtain na Gaeilge. Tel. (068) 22212/57927.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Pedestrians – Be safe, be seen, wear bright clothing during darkness and carry a torch. Where there is no footpath, walk facing traffic. Stop and listen before crossing the road.

MEENKILLY N.S. CARD GAME RESULTS: Winners with 14 Games:  Gobonit Scanell, Dick Fitzgerald and Sean O Connor.  Runners up with 13 games each:  Sheila Breen, Billy Brouderick, Paddy O’ Sullivan.  Betty Daly, Marion Roche, Nora Riordan.  Door prize:  Billy O ‘Connell, Mick O’ Donoghue. Table prize: Jackie Broderick, Liam O’ Connor, Jamsie Mccenry.  Tickets: Gobonit Scanell,  Willie J Woulfe, Marion Roche, Ned Murphy,  Catherine Collins, Teresa Finn, Christina O Donoghue, Maureen Roche ,Maurice Collins ,Kathleen Leinihan, Sean Harnett, Eamon Carmody, Breda O’ Connell, Pat Fitzgerald, Nora Lyons ,Tammy O’ Sullivan, Jamsie Mcenry, Toddy O’ Conner ,Mick O’ Donoghue ,Clodagh Lane ,Tommy Nelligan.

COFFEE MORNING FOR ST. MARY’S PARK FLOOD VICTIMS:  Abbeyfeale’s Active Retirement Group and the Wednesday Club are coming together to host a fundraising coffee morning at the Ploughman Bar on Friday next, March 7 from 11 am – 2pm for Limericks flood victims.   Your support will be appreciated.

YOUTH CLUBS:  Abbey Legends are in St, Ita’s Friday night from 8-9.30pm. The Yolo Club is there on Saturday night from 7.45 – 9.15pm with Teens Unite in the church preparing the Easter pageant from 7.45pm – 8.45pm.

ARE YOU UP FOR THE HUCKLEBUCK:  Coolcappa Parents Association have booked Crystal Swing for a night of swing, jiving, rock and roll and anything else you fancy at the Rathkeale House Hotel on Friday, April 11 next with tickets costing just €15. Further information from Mary Cremins on 087 7473550.

ENTERPRISING CHILDREN: The children from St. Bridgid’s N.S., Duagh are participating in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme. They will be selling clay, magnetic St. Bridgid’s crosses which have been blessed at a cost of €3 each. Your support would be greatly appreciated .

NATIONAL SPRING CLEAN; Your involvement last year helped National Spring Clean 2013 become the largest campaign to date: 5351 clean up events took place and over 550 tonnes of litter was collected.Registration for the 2014 Campaign is now open so to take part this year and receive your free clean-up kit please visit:

SERIES OF TALKS:  Lenten series of Talks on Wednesdays March 12, 19, 26 & April 2.  Mark these dates in your diary.

WELCOME SPRING:  A concert celebrating the arrival of Spring will take place at the Glorach Theatre on Saturday, April 12 and will be headlined by the Ballaugh Wren Boys Charity Group.  You’re getting plenty of warning so mark this night down in your diary.

ST PATRICK’S DAY PARADE; The afternoon will start with a traditional music session in the Square. The parade will depart from the convent at 4pm on Monday, March 17.   It will be led by the Rathkeale Brass Band and will proceed down Main Street past the reviewing stand in The Square before dispersing out by the town car park. There will be prizes for the best float, best window display and best dressed family.  Keep a wary eye out for Viking scouts checking out the area – they are threatening to launch a raid on the town this summer.  Participating floats and vehicles are reminded that they are responsible for their own insurance and will be asked to sign an agreement to this effect before being permitted to join the parade.

DATES FOR THE DIARY:  A tea dance with music by Noel Cronin will take place on Sunday, March 30 at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse with all proceeds going to Abbey Heritage Local Training Initiative which provides second chance education to early school leavers in the locality. Mike Condon will play at the April tea dance on Sunday, April 13 and this will be a fundraiser for Milford Hospice in honour of the late Sr. Patricia O’Brien.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT: A programme for bereaved adults will take place from 7.30 – 9pm every Thursday night in St. Ita’s Hall.  Further information contact 068/ 31203, 31708, 31302.

WEST LIMERICK 102FM:  West Limerick Resources are organising a one night training session on News and Current Affairs on Thursday, March 6 from 7- 10.30pm.  This is a free course and open to those living in the West Limerick area. Contact Suzanne at West Limerick Resources on 069 79114 or email [email protected]

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION:  I am writing to you from Rape Crisis Midwest, we are holding our church gate collections in your parish next weekend, Saturday March 8 and Sunday March 9. If anyone from your community would like to volunteer to help out with this we would be delighted; [email protected]

RURAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE:  The Rural Employment Service (R.E.S) works with individuals who are long term unemployed and who want to make a positive change in their lives and who see employment as a central part in that change. This service is free & confidential. The service also provides information on training & education opportunities and support in creating a career plan. You can contact Dearbhla or Finn in the Round House, Newcastle West on 069 61316 & Brenda in W.L.R main office N.C.W. on 069 62222

ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK:  Alcohol Awareness Week from March 31- April 4with a National Conference on April 2 aims to get people thinking and talking about alcohol and how it affects us as individuals, families, communities and a society. By encouraging people to examine alcohol-related issues and how they impact on all of us, they hope that it will stimulate conversation and debate and help to bring about a positive change to our harmful relationship with alcohol in Ireland. For more information; Alcohol Forum Tel: 074 9125596 Web: e-mail: [email protected]

FEALE FIT NEWS:  Shane O’Connor says; “Well done to everyone that started our latest Couch to 5k.  Still not too late to give it a go, guys.  Join us every Friday at 6.30pm at the Town park.  Training is FREE and suitable for all levels of fitness wishing to learn how to run.  Fealefit are planning another Hill climb for Sunday March 23 – after the success of Mangerton we plan to climb Mount Brandon, if interested in joining us Contact Shane 087 2891015 or Kadie 087 7771552 for further details  .Finally anyone interested in being part of Fealefit’s Paddies day Float please contact us.  All welcome..  Check out for all details on Classes.”

ORAL HISTORY COURSE: West Limerick Resources will be running an Oral History Training Initiative starting this April.  Training will consist of two elements.  Participants will develop Oral History Interviewing techniques as well as examine the legal and ethical issues relevant to gathering Oral History.  The second element of the training will focus on digital voice recording and editing techniques.  Training will also explore how oral history can contribute to the local heritage of communities and identify suitable ways of showcasing their research.  Training will run one evening per week for 10 weeks.  The course is free of charge and open to people living in the West Limerick area.  To register for the programme contact Suzanne on 069 79114 or email [email protected]

ABBEYFEALE NEWS FROM LONG AGO:  Knockanure man Jer Kennelly sent me the following links: ABBEYFEALE NZ Papers.——-10–1—-0–

IRELAND. (From the Times, August 15 1848)

New Zealander, Volume 4, Issue 270, 30 December 1848, Page 3——-10–11—-0abbeyfeale–

O Keeffe Millions——-10–21—-0abbeyfeale–

War Death Collins Abbeyfeale 1915——-10–21—-0abbeyfeale–


issue Monday 13 December 1858  The Star (Ballarat, Victoria.

-Wiseman on his visit to that institution.]

An extraordinary fall of rain on the 17th September 1858, caused most destructive inundations in various parts of Ireland. .Tue. damage done to property seems to have been greatest at Abbeyfeale, Dunmanway, and   places in  County of Cork, while in the west the visitation was almost equally severe.

Nolan Poet Abbeyfeale Saturday 29 August 1896

Freeman’s Journal (Sydney, NSW——-10–1—-0–

NCW JOBSEEKERS NETWORK:  The NCW Jobseekers Network or The Optimistic Group meets each Tuesday from 1:30-2:30pm in the NCW Community Centre. This space is for those who feel they could do with support to access information on training & employment opportunities in the area. This is an open door format, no registration is necessary. New members welcome & encouraged to attend. Contact Brenda at West Limerick Resources Rural Employment Service (RES) on 069 66297.

YOUTH CLUB NOTES:  Abbey legends are in St. Ita’s Friday night 8-9.30pm.  The Yolo club are in St. Ita’s Saturday night and Teens Unite are in the church 7.45-9.15pm.

PARENTING PROGRAMME:  A Pavee Point Parenting Programme will run on Wednesday February 26 and March 26, 2014 in the Abbeyfeale Community Education Centre from 10am – 12 noon.  The parent programme consists of a presentation and activities which explore the value of education, enrolment processes for pre-school, primary and secondary school structure, the difference between the Leaving Cert and Leaving Cert Applied, attendance, the Education Welfare Board, bullying and discrimination and access programmes for University and Grants.   This programme is run by West Limerick Resources with the support of the VEC.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CULTURE PROJECT:  As Limerick is the City of Culture for 2014 Abbeyfeale Parish Council are proposing that the community would complete a project on ‘The Culture of Abbeyfeale past and present’.  They are asking for people to get involved in research on community groups and services with the Church as the central element.  Community groups are asked to email the parish office on [email protected] with 50-100 words on their history and present activity.

C.D. FOR SALE:  Singer Maura Nolan’s new c.d. Am le Cheile is available at Ann Lyons, The Square and Margaret Riordan’s, Main St.  A portion of the sale price of €15 will go to St. Ita’s Hospital, N.C.W.  Maura collected some of the songs featured on the C.D from residents of St. Ita’s and this is her way of thanking them for sharing them with her.

THOUGHT;  “We need women who are at the head of a boardroom, like at the head of the White House, at the head of major scientific enterprises so that little girls everywhere can then think, you know what? I can do that, I want to do that and I will do that.” Chelsea Clinton

LANGUAGE AND PLAY ABBEYFEALE: The Abbeyfeale Language and Play group runs every Tuesday morning in St Ita’s Hall from 11am-12.30pm.  This is an opportunity for parents to develop friendships in a safe and friendly environment, while their children play and socialise together.  The groups is supported and facilitated by West Limerick Resources with professional Language and Play facilitators also attending some sessions.  New members are always welcome.

FLOOD RELIEF FOR ST. MARY’S PARISH, LIMERICK:  A fund, jointly administered by St. Mary’s and the Vincent de Paul has been set up to help with the provision of food, fuel, clothing and bedding to parishioners who were affected by the recent flooding.  Cheques can be made payable to Flood Relief c/o St. Mary’s Parish, Athlunkard St., Limerick.

ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP:  Due to popular demand a second Parent and Toddler Group will now meet on Thursdays from 11am to 12.30pm in St. Ita’s Hall Abbeyfeale.  The Parent led group provides children with an environment in which they are able to play independently with other children, while still having the security of their parents close by.  This can be a great help in building a child’s confidence. The group is supported by West Limerick Resources.   New members are always welcome.

DRAMA WORKSHOPS:  West Limerick Resources will be offering a series of drama workshops across the West Limerick area this spring.  The short courses will include acting, directing for stage and technical skills.  Courses are free of charge and open to anyone living in the West Limerick area.  To apply for a place please contact Suzanne on 069 79114 or email [email protected]

AL ANON: The Al Anon Family Group will have its weekly meeting in the Reparation Convent, Laurel Hill Ave, Limerick from Thursday March 6 at 8pm. Old and new members welcome. Details from Carmel (061-379849) or Frank (087-2059092).

LEARN IRISH:  Irish classes for Adults every Wednesday night in Duagh. Contact Paul 087 937 8663.

ANNUAL DINNER DANCE:  West Limerick Region P.T.A.A. Woodlands House Hotel, on Sunday, March 9, 2014. Music by Seamus Sheehy. Dinner at 6pm sharp.  Taille €24. Contact Mary Lynch for tickets 087 7719440 or your local Pioneer Centre.

ABBEYFEALE MALE VOICE CHOIR; Practice every Thursday @ 8pm in St Mary’s Boys NS.  New members welcome from all over West Limerick and North Kerry.

BEE KEEPING CLASSES:  The classes will commence on Wednesday, March 12 at the Education Centre (Old Tech) from 7.30-9.30pm pm under tutor Seamus Quinlivan.  There are no places available but should you wish to put your name on a waiting list then contact 068 31198.

ICA NEWS;  The Mainistir na Féile Guild of the ICA has resumed for the season and meets again on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the  Community Education Centre, Mount Mahon. All members are invited to attend. New members very welcome – if you would like to make new friends do come along.

“ONE FOR THE ROAD” NOW ON SALE:  The newly updated edition of “One More For The Road” by Raymond Fennelly is now available to purchase from Ann Lyons shop in The Square. Price €8.00. The book is also available from Amazon and Kindle. For more details check the local Abbeyfeale On Line website at;

GLORACH THEATRE: Lorcan Curtin PRO and playwright reports; “Preparations are well underway for a new comedy to take place at the Glórach Theatre at the end of March.  If laughter during rehearsals is a barometer for an enjoyable play, then the audience are in for a spectacular treat!”

VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED FOR COMPUTER CLASSES IN ABBEYFEALE:  Volunteers required to teach basic computer skills in Abbeyfeale.  Volunteers do not require any specific qualifications or experience.  Course will run from 3- 4pm on Wednesdays for six weeks (starting date to be confirmed).  Contact Nora on 068 31198.

‘COME AND SEE’ – THE STORY OF LOURDES; Fr. Micheál Liston’s book ‘Come and See’ is for sale in several shops around town.

CRAFTY CORNER: Knitting and crochet class on Tuesday nights 7.30 pm in the Adult Education Centre. New members welcome – just come along on the night.

ITA’S SET DANCING CLASSES:  Learn to set dance in Monagae every Thursday night from 8.30pm.  Everyone welcome.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY:  Abbeyfeale Drama Group will be performing ‘Separate Beds’ for a final night at Fr Casey’s GAA Clubhouse Saturday,  March 8 next.  Doors open 7pm.  Show starts 8pm. It’s your last chance to see this comedy performed by a very strong cast directed by Merce Hobson.

GATHER BY THE FEALE 2014: Gather by the Feale (July 16-20,) 2014 festival will be based on the arrival of the Vikings and their routing by Brian Boru.   Next meeting Tuesday March 4 at the Search and Rescue, Killarney Road at 8pm.  Thank you to Tesco for allowing us to hold a fund raising bag pack, to all who volunteered to pack bags and to all who donated to us on the day.  We have also been given a weekend of bagpacking in Tuohigs Supervalue on April 4/5 next – we are looking for help, please contact any of the committee if you can give us an hour or two – Jim O’Connor, Dee Dennison, Bridget Harnett, Kathleen Collins, Pia Scannell, Erin Sugrue or Orla Dennison. See our website: for regular updates

COUNTRY MUSIC RADIO:  Our own Ann O’Halloran is broadcasting to the world three days every week Wednesday 5-7pm, Friday 1-5pm and Saturday 10-1am.  Log onto [email protected] and leave a request for her.

SUE RYDER:  Manager Maria Moloney says “We currently have an extensive range of winter clothing, including coats, jackets, scarves and footwear.  At the moment we have a range of new musical instruments including Spanish guitar left for €49.  Our books are still only 50 cent each. We are always delighted to receive donations of clothing, footwear, bags, working toys and bric a brac.  We regret that we are unable to accept old duvets, pillows, broken toys or electrical items. Thank you for your continued support.”

SPECIAL OLYMPICS: Athletes and Volunteers meet every Tuesday at 7pm. in the Community Centre, NCW.  If you would like to become a volunteer please contact Rose McMahon (087 9845102) who will be pleased to give you all the details.  Well done to Abbeyfeale’s Sean Healy who has been chosen to go forward to the All Ireland Games.

MARIAN’S DANCING: Classes have resumed every Friday night in the Community Centre, New St. at 8.30pm.  Learn to waltz, jive, foxtrot, siege of Ennis, slosh and much more.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH NOTES: ‘The place where we all feel valued, welcomed and can take our place’.

Parish office 11-1pm Tuesday-Friday 068 31133. A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425, Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203 068/ 31262 068/51984Console 061-306792.  Parish Support Worker 068/31019. Counselling Appointment 061/314213.Church 068/51915,  Accord 069/61000 NCW, John O’Shea P.P.:  Tel: 068 – 31157 Mobile: 087 – 9708282, Fr Joe Foley CC:  Tel: Mobile : 087 – 2618412 C.M.A.C. Counselling: 069 – 61000 – Limerick 061 – 313287, Cura:  Limerick 061 71318207 Tralee: 066 27355.  Mass Tuesday – Saturday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass is 11am. Mass Monday at 7pm, Mass on Saturday 11am followed by Confessions, Vigil Mass 7pm, Sunday 9.30am and 12 noon.  Mass IntentionsAdoration takes place in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6-8pm and all day on Tuesday and Friday from 10am   to 10pm.  A new wooden display with a variety of inspiring CDs, prepared by Catholic priests and eminent Catholic lay people. These talks are guaranteed to deepen your appreciation and understanding of our Catholic Faith.”  First Holy Communion will take place on May 17, 2014. With the data protection laws, priests no longer have access to the patient lists in any of the hospitals. Priests have no way of knowing when someone from their parish is in hospital. It is now the responsibility of family members and relatives, if they require a visit to let the M

BAPTISMAL MEETING: The next Baptismal Team Meeting will be held in Athea Church Sacristy on Tuesday, March 11 at 8pm.

MEN’S SHED: Meetings take place every Monday from 6-9pm.  The group would welcome donations of paint, wood etc. .

CHANGE IN MASS TIMES:   There will be no Mass at 10am on Monday mornings but instead an evening Mass at 7pm.  There will be no 9am Mass on Saturday.

BODYCARE WELLNESS CENTRE:  The Bodycare Wellness Centre has moved to 3 Mountmahon, Abbeyfeale..  Telephone Chris O’Shea 0872293636.

HUMOUR “What a kid I got, I told him about the birds and the bees and he told me about the butcher and my wife.”  Rodney Dangerfield.

BUS:  Contact Eoin on 087 2522402 re bus leaving from outside Tuohig’s Supervalue at 7.40 pm every Tuesday for Castleisland Bingo.

PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP:  The Abbeyfeale Parent and Toddler Group has resumed on Tuesday mornings from 11- 12.30pm in St. Ita’s Hall.  Safe play environment is provided; baby/toddler social skills improve. Language and play skills develop. This is also an important time for Mom and Dad’s to meet, have a cup of tea and chat.  Music and movement facilitators will visit the group. New Parents are made especially welcome. Contact Mary on 097 9382883 with any queries.

TOASTMASTERS: Toastmasters meet twice monthly on the first and third Wednesday of each month from September to May. Next meeting Wednesday, March 5 at 8.30pm.  If you would like to gain self confidence in your public speaking abilities then this is the place to go.  For further information contact Donnacha on 086 8494505. Sincere sympathy is offered to the family of the late Brian Carroll a very valued member of West Limerick Toastmasters who died recently.

ADULT SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP:  A support group meets on the first Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at Console House, 114 The Grange, Raheen. Family, friends, work colleagues and community bereaved by suicide all welcome. You do not need an appointment to attend.  Further information 061 306792.

GROW MOVEMENT:  Grow – the community mental health movement – meets on Thursday’s at 8pm, in the Station Room in The Desmond Complex Newcastle West.

LIVING LINKS:  Living Links provide practical help, information and support to persons bereaved by suicide. Phone 061-400133 /087-7998427.

USED STAMPS:  Please send all your used stamps to either St. Patrick’s Missionaries. Kiltegan Fathers, Kiltegan, Wicklow or the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Castleview Gardens, Clancy Street, Limerick.  Both these orders can sell the stamps and thereby use the money for the missions.

HOLIDAY BREAKS:  Maureen Finnegan says; “Would you like a week end away?  We are going to one of the most picturesque places in Ireland and steeped in history. Leaving NCW on Friday, May16 at 10am. We will have dancing on Friday and Saturday nights to the music provided by Micheal English and his band and stepping it out to Locklin’s Bar! Dancing again Sunday night and returning home after a hearty breakfast on Monday 19.  We will be based in the Parkway Hotel, Dunmanway the home town of the famous Sam Maguire who is well known to all who follow G.A.A. We will be out an about during the day. This is a giveaway price for this great break.   Contact Maureen 0879845102 for more details and booking.

TEA DANCING IN CARRICKERRY. The tea dancing will return on Sunday March 23.

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Rose CURTIN (née Bracken) Killarney Road, Abbeyfeale, LimerickDeath

February 22nd, 2014

Rose Curtin (nee Bracken)(Killarney Road, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick and Raheen, Limerick)- Feb. 21st. 2014, at University Hospital Limerick ,(unexpectedly), Rose; deeply regretted by her husband Moss, sons Seán and Paudie, daughter Eileen, daughter-in-law Linda, grandchildren, relatives and friends. R.I.P. Reposing at Harnett’s Funeral Home Abbeyfeale on Tuesday from 6.00 p.m. followed by removal at 8.00 p.m. to Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale. Requiem Mass on Wednesday at 11.00 a.m. Funeral afterwards to Reilig Íde Naofa Abbeyfeale.

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