Our Father! Let us repeat this prayer often during Lent; Let us repeat it with deep emotion. by calling God ” our Father, ” we will better realize that we are his children and feel that we are brothers and sisters for one another. Message for Lent Pope John Paul 11.
Stations of the Cross live at 3pm
March 19th, 2020Abbeyfeale parish will broadcast via the webcam a reflection on the Way of the Cross each weekday during Lent Monday to Friday beginning at 3.00 pm. I encourage you to participate in the stations at home for your safety in social distancing. I appreciate your co-operation with this request. God Bless Fr Tony.
COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
March 18th, 2020COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Hours may be extended to meet the demand.
Notice from Fr TONY 13TH MARCH 2020
March 13th, 2020Notice to all parishioners
The Celebration of Mass and other Church Services in Abbeyfeale Parish during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
In the current emergency situation, All Weekend Masses and St Patrick’s Day Masses with congregations in the parish of Abbeyfeale are cancelled. All parishioners are dispensed from the obligation to physically attend Sunday Mass. Parishioners can participate in Mass via the local Church TV Services. Simply go to www.abbeyfealeparish.ie and click on the image of the parish church and you will be able to participate in Mass. Fr Shoji and Fr Tony will celebrate Mass at the usual times on Saturday, Vigil Mass at 6.30p.m. Sunday 9.15a.m. and at 12noon. All Mass Intentions for these Masses will be fulfilled during these Masses. However, if parishioners want to reschedule they should contact the sacristy at 068-51915 any morning 9.45a.m. to 10.30a.m.
The motivation for these new restrictive measures is a sense of care for the common good and especially for those most vulnerable. Each Christian community should be acutely aware of the responsibility to care for those who are most at risk.
Funerals: Every Catholic is entitled to a dignified Christian burial. Attendance at Funeral services and Masses should be limited to close relatives and must not exceed 100 attendees within the Church building.
Marriage & Baptism: Similarly, Church weddings and baptisms may be celebrated on condition that the attendance in Church does not exceed 100 people.
All non-essential pastoral gatherings and meetings, such as formation gatherings, retreats and seminars are cancelled.
All Confirmations are postponed until further notice.
In these difficult and uncertain times, people find strength, consolation and hope in prayer. Churches should remain open for prayer each day.
This is an occasion for all of us – especially in families -to pray more intensely for each other and especially for those who have succumbed to the illness. We should pray also for those in the frontlines – especially our doctors, nurses and medical staff and other carers, including clergy – that the Lord will protect them as they place their own wellbeing at risk in the service of all.
Radio Maria
March 13th, 2020services of Radio Maria Ireland at your disposal in this current moment of challenge for the faithful in Ireland.
We are broadcasting 24hours each day according to our threefold mission of prayer, catechesis and human formation.
Daily Mass will be aired at 10am each day from our studio chapel, including Sundays for those who would like to tune in.
Radio Maria Ireland is to be found on television – Saorview, Channel 210,
By downloading our free app for mobile devices – Radio Maria Ireland,
Through our Website or Facebook page on the Listen Live link
It is also possible to tune in by dialling our listening service on 01 437 3277
– at the cost of a call to a Dublin number according to your telephone service provider and at no extra charge otherwise.
If you would like to join us on air to offer a message of support to the people of your diocese and to the Church in Ireland at this time,
we would be very glad to facilitate this also.
We would be grateful if you could convey this message to all of the priests and faithful of your diocese.
We are keeping this difficult situation very close to our hearts in our prayer each day here, and especially as our 40 Days and Nights of Perpetual Adoration continues in our studio chapel for the Season of Lent.
Assuring you also of a place in our prayers also for every blessing upon your sacred ministry.
Fr. Eamonn
Fr Eamonn McCarthy
Priest Director
Radio Maria Ireland
St. Anthony’s Business Park
Ballymount Road,
Dublin 22
+353 1 4123456
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