
Community Notices 07/11/2017

November 7th, 2017

PROLOGUE:  “A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween.”
Erma Bombeck

DEATH:  Sincere sympathy is offered to MaryJo and the extended Flynn family on the death over the weekend of Noreen, Mountmahon, Abbeyfeale.  May she rest in peace.

ARA COFFEE MORNING:  The active retirement group will host a coffee morning at Leen’s Hotel on Friday next from 10.30 -1pm to help raise funds for the Christmas Lights.

PUBLIC ORDER:  Should you be affected by or witness an anti-social event – on the street, in your property, at your business,  in the Town Park etc. -  it is recommended that you call the 24 hour line in Newcastle west  on 069 20650 to log your complaint.   This type of low level nuisance crime needs to be reported so that the Gardai can be made aware that it is happening.  So, if someone walks out in front of your car, or you see someone in your garden or on your wall make the call.  Limerick County Council also operate a 24 hour free phone number 1800 283 064 dedicated for Anti Social Behaviour reporting.

FEALEBRIDGE AND HEADLEY’S BRIDGE SOCIAL:  Fealebridge and Headley’s Bridge Co-Op will hold their 48th Annual Social on Friday, December 1 at The Devon Inn, Templeglantine. A great night is in store as always. Music will be provided by Ui Bhriain, and there will be plenty of spot prizes to be won on the night. Tickets are available at both creameries and also from staff and committee members.

WINTER WONDERLAND:  Christmas is coming and from Friday, November 17 – Sunday, January 7 the annual Noonan family charity fundraiser will illuminate the hills over Templeglantine with twinkling lights and Santa’s, sleighs and reindeer will mysteriously appear out of the gloaming. The crib will as always take centre stage on the lawn with the Blessed Mother gazing, in rapture, at the Saviour of the world while Joseph stands protectively by her side.  The true meaning of Christmas is to be found in these hills.

INTERCULTURAL EVENING: West Limerick Resources would like to invite you to an ‘Intercultural Evening’ on Thursday, November 16. Come along and take part in a unique African Drumming workshop or taste some foods from around the world. Children are also more than welcome to attend, to take part in an arts & crafts workshop or to get their face painted!  We are also welcoming any musical acts (that fit within our multi-cultural theme) who would like to perform on the night, to get in touch with us by contacting Damien/Stefanie on 069 62222. The event will take place from 7-9pm at the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION:  The annual church gate collection in aid of WL 102fm will take place at all Masses on the weekend of Saturday, November 11 and Sunday, November 12.

LIGHT UP ABBEYFEALE. The lights will be switched on in the Square on Friday, December 1 so keep that evening free as there will be loads happening like stalls, mulled wine, Santa and much more.

JOHN COLLINS RUNS FOR MILFORD:  John Collins, Clash is travelling to Athens to run in the Athens Authentic Marathon in Greece under the Banner of the Dromtrasna Challenge in aid of Milford Hospice Care Centre, on Sunday, November 12.  It’s a very worthy cause and he’d be happy to receive sponsorship.

COMPLAINTS RE: DOG FOULING:  There has been a number of complaints recently about dog fouling on footpaths and on the Great Southern Trail.  We have also been told that a number of dogs are being walked without a leash on the trail.  The authorities at Limerick Co. Council have been informed.

ADULT ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLUB. West Limerick Resources will run a 10 week English Conversation Club for Adults at the Newcastle West Community Centre on Wednesday evenings from 7pm-8:30pm. The Club will run for 5 weeks before Christmas (November 8, 15, 22, 29 and December 6) and will continue for five weeks in 2018 (January 10, 17, 24, 31 & February 7). This Club is free of charge and all nationalities are welcome. To book your place please contact Damien 087 9042477 or Stefanie on 087 3663842 at West Limerick Resources.

RATHKEALE & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY:   will hold its next meeting, on Friday, November 10 at 8.30 pm in the Community Arts Centre, Rathkeale.  The topic under discussion will be Limerick Lace with Speaker: Dr Matthew Potter, Historian at Limerick Museum and Archives, and Hon. Fellow of UL History Department. Dr. Potter is an experienced researcher and author of many books, including “Amazing Lace.”  All are welcome.

SET DANCING:  West Limerick Set Dance Club ceili in Devon Inn on Sunday, November 12 at 4pm.  Music is by Rise the Dust on their first visit to West Limerick.  All Welcome, teas served.        Tickets for our Annual Christmas Party Ceili in Fr. Casey’s are available now for Saturday December 9 in Fr Caseys GAA Club Further information from 0876259340….0864081793….0872803928.

GLORACH NEWS: Bingo continues every Monday night at 8.30 pm, with our next night being on November 13.   Great crowds so far, nice to meet new acquaintances and old faces.

Rehearsals for our upcoming play are simmering nicely, the only worry now is making sure we peak during the opening week!  Our production is The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley by Jimmy Keary, a hilarious tale of a bachelor farmer struggling to find love, and having to choose between two very different women, family friend Chrissy or the sassy, if slightly snobbish, Hazel.  The play opens on Tuesday, November 21 and continues on Thursday 23, Friday 24, Saturday 25, Sunday 26, Tuesday 28 and Thursday 30 of the month.

SHORT-TERM FOR NOVEMBER:  Many people choose to abstain from alcohol for the month of November and offer this prayerful act in honour of their deceased loved ones. You can do likewise!

MASS FOR ROAD TRAFFIC VICTIMS:  World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is on Saturday, November 18 and Mass will be celebrated for all those who have lost their lives on that evening at 7pm.

CARD GAME:  Meenkilly school card game every Tuesday 9pm sharp.

ABBEYFEALE FOR AFRICA CAKE SALE:  The annual cake sale for Fr. Tim Galvin’s Mission in South Sudan takes place on Sunday, December 10 from 10-1pm at St. Ita’s Hall.  All donations of home baking are very much appreciated.

YOUTH CLUB NEWS: Abbeyfeale Youth Club will be opening shortly for its

current members. The Youth Club through its sporting and social activities provides a

vital service for young people in our parish and for surrounding parishes. We

acknowledge the excellent leadership of the club leaders and we thank them for their

commitment over the years. Key to the success of the Youth Club is the support and

involvement of parents. . For more information contact Kate on 0876210490.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:  It will soon be time to light up the town for Christmas and the afternoon tea dancers in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse are holding a fundraiser for them on Sunday, November 26 next.  Music by Noel Cronin, teas served, mega raffle.  Dancing 3-6pm.  Admission €5.  Hope to see you all there.

LIMERICK BEEKEEPERS:  The next meeting on Thursday, November 9 at 8pm will include the Annual Honey Show with judging by Redmond Williams and a talk on the History of Beekeeping with Jim Ryan at Mungret GAA Clubhouse.

BOXEXERCISE CLASS FOR CHILDREN:  A boxerercise class for children aged from 6 upwards will take place at FealeFit, Mountmahon every Saturday morning from 9.30am.  Contact Shane 0872891015.

PHOTO WANTED:  Author Pat Shaughnessy from Templeglantine is writing his second book and is looking for a picture of Bidsy Barrett’s long thatched house where the Adult Education Centre (the old Tech) is now.  Contact Pat on 06984136 if you can help him.

ST. ITA’S DAYCARE CENTRE:  The Day Care Centre located near the Church and beside the Glórach Theatre hosts two open days every week.  An open invitation has been issued to anyone who would like to join them for a four course lunch on Tuesdays and Wednesdays followed by dancing, bingo, cards and afternoon tea.  The cost is just €10 per person.  They also say that the Day Care Centre Bus and care are available to provide transport where possible.

WEST LIMERICK HERITAGE NETWORK JOURNAL:  The Networks second journal is now on sale in local shops and pubs.  This Journal would make an ideal gift, especially for family members, far from home this Christmas.  It comprises 32 articles relating to local history and local people. A good read is guaranteed.

CHRISTMAS SOCIAL:  Keep Sunday, November 19 free for Community Alert’s 2nd. Annual Christmas Party which will be held this year in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse from 1-6pm.   Tickets at €12 are on sale at Kathleen’s Quick Pick, Convent St. and will cover lunch and dancing to Mike Condon.  There will also be a talk on fire safety from the local Fire Officer and on keeping safe from our Community Gardai Roger O’ Donoghue.  Tickets will be on a first come, first served basis as there will be less than 100 spaces available at Fr. Casey’s.   Tickets are also available at the Garda Station and from Cllr. Francis Foley, Mossie Gleeson, John O’Sullivan and Mary McArthur.  We need to have numbers for the caterer by November 12 so please purchase your ticket this week.

ABBEYFEALE CRAFTY CORNER:   Meets every Tuesday evening in the West Limerick Resources Hub Room based in the Further Education & Training Centre Abbeyfeale, from 7pm to 9pm. New members are welcome. Contact West Limerick Resources on 068 31198 or Madeline on 087 9707989.

WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS:  West Limerick Toastmasters will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, November 15 at 8pm in the Desmond Complex.  If you feel unsure about speaking in public, this is the club for you.  Practice amongst your peers in a safe learning environment.

RAMBLING HOUSE HOSTS BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR KAY: Kay Moloney nee O’ Donoghue, Croagh and formerly of Sugerhill, Tempaglantine will celebrate her 93rd Birthday at Benny Thade’s Rambling House on Monday, November 6 in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse.  Kay is hoping for a huge turnout of musicians, singers, dancers etc. as a DVD will be recorded but she especially asks for no presents just your presence.  All proceeds from this months Rambling House go to Kori Goad who is travelling to NY to defend her World Championship win in Rome during the summer.

NOVEMBER MASS FOR DEAD:   The annual Bereavement Mass will be celebrated in Abbeyfeale Church on Friday, November 24 @ 7pm.   Names of parishioners, deceased during the past 12 months will be read out during Mass. Names of deceased relatives from outside Abbeyfeale Parish may be submitted to the Church  prior to November 19 by calling  068/51915 during Mass times.  “The life of one we love is never lost… its influence goes on through all the lives it ever touched” The late Donal Walsh’s mother, Elma will speak at the Mass.

TABLE QUIZ:  An Meitheal Co-op will be holding a Community Kitchen Fundraiser table quiz.  It will be taking place in The Corner House, Dromcollogher on Friday, November 10 at 9pm.  There will be great prizes and a raffle.  €20 per table.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SHOP: If you have an hour or two to spare why not consider volunteering your time to help the work of St Vincent de Paul.  If you are interested contact Fr Tony on 087-2600414.  The Abbeyfeale shop will open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday each week between 10-4pm.  Further information 087 1213560.

DO WE KNOW THIS MAN:  I have had a couple of leads re the story of Richard James Hayes born  in Abbeyfeale in 1902 and who died in  1976. Thanks to Billy Broderick, Killarney Road I will shortly have some news to relate.

RURAL SOCIAL SCHEME: West Limerick Resources, in conjunction with the Department of Social Protection, implement the Rural Social Scheme in West Limerick.  The scheme aims to provide part time flexible employment opportunities to low income farmers by utilising their skills and talents on community and not for profit projects.  If you are: (a) 25 yrs or older, (b) currently in receipt of Farm Assist, (c) have a herd number, a copy of your EU Basic Payment application and are in receipt of a qualifying payment from social welfare ( then you (or your spouse) could benefit from the scheme in return for 19.5 hours of work in the community, (d) a Class ‘A’ PRSI contribution is paid on behalf of RSS participants.  Work is available in all areas with hours to fit in with your farming needs.  The following people are also permitted to participate in the scheme:  children or siblings of a qualifying herd owner provided they meet the necessary qualifying criteria.  Community/Voluntary Groups & Sporting Organisations. Applications are also invited from organisations interested in having suitable work carried out in their areas.  Types of work includes: maintaining and enhancing walkways and trails; village and countryside enhancement projects; social care and care for the elderly; environmental maintenance work; projects relating to not for profit cultural & heritage sites; work with not for profit organisations including administration.  Further details and application forms can be obtained from the Rural Social Scheme Supervisors, West Limerick Resources, St. Mary’s Road, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick. Tel: 069-61316, E-mail [email protected]

FOOD BANK OPENS:  The Street Life Food Bank will provide food for families and individuals in West Limerick.  The Bank will be open on Fridays at the Newcastle West Bible Fellowship, North Quay from 10am.  If you or someone you know is struggling to feed their family then the Street Life Food Bank is there to help.  Further information from 086 2157975.

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:  Devotions on the first Tuesday of the month in Monagae Church at 7pm.  Blessing with 1st. class relic.

WEST LIMERICK 102FM: Every Monday evening from 7pm to 7.30pm tune into a little bit of Heaven with Fr. Kevin.

WEEKLY DRAW FOR YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY RADIO:  West Limerick 102fm are holding a weekly fundraising 50/50 Draw with the raffle taking place live on air in the West Limerick 102fm. Studios.  Each week the pot from the sale of the raffle tickets will be divided equally between the person whose ticket is drawn and the station. Tickets only €2 each are now on sale in Ann Lyons, The Square and Kathleen’s Quick Pick, Convent St.  Call 06966200 for further information.   Books of 12 tickets are available from the station for €20 so two free tickets to the seller.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  If you have been a victim of crime call the crime victims helpline on Freephone 116 006 between 10—5.30pm Monday to Friday. There are a number of scam phone calls on the go at the moment.  Now that the nights are longer than the days it’s time to think about home security. . Leave a light on in the house when you go out, lock all windows and doors.  Invest in a house alarm.   Make sure that you have a sensor light that comes on if someone comes into the yard and also lights around the house.  Check the battery in your flash light and have it to hand rather than candles which can be dangerous.  .   If you have a panic button from Community Alert this is a good time to check its battery.  Wear it on your wrist – if you trip and fall or feel dizzy or sick or are frightened by a caller press the button.  The monitoring company will answer immediately and get one of your nominated contacts to go to you if necessary.  Don’t worry about pressing the button by mistake, that’s the service you are paying for and if you only want to hear a friendly voice that’s ok too.    Keep Sunday, November 19 free for our 2nd. Annual Christmas Party which will be held this year in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse.  Tickets at €12 are on sale at Kathleen’s Quick Pick, Convent St. and will cover lunch and dancing to Mike Condon.  There will also be a talk on fire safety from the local Fire Officer and on keeping safe from our Community Gardai Roger O’ Donoghue.  Tickets will be on a first come, first served basis as there will be less than 100 spaces available at Fr. Casey’s.    We have been asked to remind people that once they reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 then they are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert but there will be a monitoring fee to be paid yearly to the installing company, this fee includes insurance against breakages and is currently €80.  If you do not want the insurance cover then the fee is €65.    If you do not have a land line the company will organise a sim card for a mobile phone for a quarterly fee of approx. €56.  This works out cheaper that the rent of the landline which is currently €25 per month.  There are new terms and conditions recently announced, one of which is that the first year of monitoring will be free.  If you are a victim of or have witnessed domestic abuse then log onto We constantly update our FB page with local alerts and information on keeping safe so do keep an eye on that. Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

CHURCH NOTES: Canon Anthony Mullins 087/2600414.  Fr Joseph Foley CC Tel: Mobile: 087 – 2618412.  Parish Church 068/51915.  Parish Office:  Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133 Email: [email protected] Limerick Social Services: 061-314111.   A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203, 068/ 31262, 068/5198. Parish Support Worker 068/31019 St Vincent De Paul 087/1213560.  To book a Mass intention telephone the church 068/51915 during Mass times.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. Accord NCW 069/61000. Samaritans: 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-814342551984 Console 061-306792.   Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Mass Tuesday –Friday 10am.  Saturday 11am.  Vigil Mass 7pm. Sunday Masses 9.30am and 12 noon.    Mass Intentions; Friday 10am Jim McGill    Anniversary.   Saturday 11am Clara (baby) Tobin Knocknagoshel.   7pm Billy Buckley, Knockbrack.  Kathleen O’Connor, Knocknasna.  Sean & Bridie Leahy, Bogmount.  Maureen Smith, Knocknagoshel.  Sunday 9.30am       Kathy Scanlon.  12noon Sheila O’Connell, Kilconlea Lower.   Dick Murphy, Knocknasna.   DanFrancis, Nell O’Connor and daughters Eileen & Anne late of Main Street.   Lectio Divina scripture meditation on the following week Sunday gospel will take place during the four weeks of Advent.  Starting on Tuesday, November 28 from 8.15 – 9pm. This is a good way to prepare for Christmas spiritually.

To book a Mass intention telephone the church number 068/51915 during Mass times.  Novena prayers to St Anthony on Mondays during the 7pm Mass.  Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Fridays during the 10am Mass.  Adoration takes place each Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 6-8pm and on Tuesday& Friday from 8.30am to 10pm.  As due to data protection laws, priests can no longer go to the reception desk in local hospitals and get a list of parishioners who are patients, you are requested to contact  Fr. Tony if you wish him to visit.  Faithcast is the new weekly podcast from, the news source for the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Presented by Brenda Drumm,  Faithcast is a mixture of interviews and news snippets from the Catholic Church in Ireland. It is published every Monday and is available on   Counselling takes place every week in West Limerick Tel 061/3147213 for appointment.   To see the daily readings you may log on to and click on daily reading on the home page.  Log onto for the church webcam.  You can now watch all services from home if you have access to a computer. You are asked to use car parking spaces in the Church car park before you start parking in the middle of the yard.  Invitation from Fr. Mullins: “I want to extend an open invitation to all parishioners, particularly young people to share their God given talents with the community. We are always in need of Musicians, Singers, Readers of the Word, Altar Servers, Ministers of the Eucharist, Flower  arrangers, Collectors and Stewards. You may have IT skills which we need to help us use social media in bringing God’s message to parishioners. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

BOOK LAUNCH:  ‘Good Seed, Fertile Soil’ Volume 2 by Brother John Feheney on Sunday, November 12 at Help of  Christians Church, Milford, Castletroy.

HANDEL’S MESSIAH AT KNOCK:  Saturday, November 18 at 7.30pm sees the return of the RTÉ Concert Orchestra to present Handel’s ‘iconic’ Messiah at Knock Basilica. Conducted by Proinnsías Ó Duinn with soloists, Soprano Claudia Boyle, Alto Anne Marie Gibbons, Tenor Julian Hubbard and Bass Christopher Cull together with Our Lady’s Choral Society, Cór Mhaigh Eo and Ballina Chamber Choir.  Presented by Liz Nolan, RTE lyric fm. Tickets available now at and at the Witness to Hope office Knock Shrine and Downtown Records Castlebar & Westport.

ST PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP Listowel is on the first Friday of every month.  The ceremony begins with the Rosary at 6.45 pm, followed by Mass at 7pm.for Saint Padre Pio with Exposition of Blessed Sacrament and Benediction after Mass.

Noreen FLYNN Mountmahon, Abbeyfeale, Limerick RIP

November 4th, 2017
Flynn (Mountmahon, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick)- November 4th. 2017, at Beechwood House Nursing Home, Newcastle West, Noreen; deeply regretted by her loving sister Mary Jo, sister-in-law Myra, nephew, nieces, relatives and friends.


Reposing at Harnett’s Funeral Home, The Square, Abbeyfeale on Sunday from 5.30p.m. followed by removal at 7.00 p.m. to Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale. Requiem Mass on Monday at 11.00 a.m. Funeral afterwards to Reilig Íde Naofa Abbeyfeale. Family flowers only please. House private please.

Date Published: Saturday 4th November 2017
Date of Death: Saturday 4th November 2017

Jonathan IRWIN Knocknasna, Abbeyfeale, Limerick / Dublin RIP

October 23rd, 2017
Irwin (Knocknasna, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick and formerly of Dublin) – October 22nd. 2017, (unexpectedly), Jonanthan; deeply regretted by his loving parents Jim, Christine and Stanley, sister Sarah and her partner Lloyd, nephews Conor and Kian, aunts, uncles, relatives and friends.


Reposing at Harnett’s Funeral Home, The Square, Abbeyfeaale on Wednesday from 7.00 p.m. until 8.00 p.m. Removal on Thursday to The Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale to arrive for Requiem Mass at 11.00 a.m. followed by Cremation Service at Shannon Crematorium at 1.30 p.m. Donations in lieu of flowers to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland.

Date Published: Monday 23rd October 2017
Date of Death: Sunday 22nd October 2017

Ronald TURNER Dromtrasna Harnett, Abbeyfeale, Limerick RIP

October 19th, 2017
Ronald Turner R.I.P.

Sadly missed by his family, neighbours and friends.

Reposing at Harnett’s Funeral Home, The Square, Abbeyfeale on Friday from 6.30 p.m. until 8.00 p.m.

Cremation will take place privately.

Date Published: Thursday 19th October 2017
Date of Death: Monday 16th October 2017


October 17th, 2017

God is not someone who remains only outside of the world, content to be in himself all-knowing and omnipotent. His wisdom and omnipotence are place, by free choice, at the service of creation.

Crossing the threshold of hope

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