
community notices 10th April 2107

April 14th, 2017

PROLOGUE:  Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised. It is to have a blessed home in the Lord, where I can go in and shut the door, and kneel to my Father in secret, and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and above is trouble.  Andrew Murray.

DEATHS:  Sincere sympathy is offered to the partner Mary, mother Myra, brother and sisters, and extended family of the late Liam Flynn, Convent St. whose death occurred last weekend.  We also offer our sympathies to the family of the late Dinny Collins, Templeglantine and Raheen and to Ita O’Donoghue, Buckley’s Cross on the death of her brother Christy Brosnahan, Strand.  May they rest in peace.

CINEMA AT THE GLÓRACH:  The Glórach Theatre recently announced the introduction of a Monthly Cinema slot for Abbeyfeale. To get proceedings underway there will be a free showing of ‘Blue Velvet’ on Wednesday next, April 12 at 8pm.  To book contact 087 1383940.   They are now looking at the possibility of putting on a Family / Children’s Matinee on Sunday’s but would like some feedback from Parents/Kids on how best to run such Sunday Matinees. Please contact the Hotline on 087 138 39 40 with your thoughts and ideas.

41 CARD GAME:  The third annual Card Game in aid of the Mater Hospital Transplant Unit takes place on Holy Thursday night at the Winners Circle Bar, Bridge St. at 9pm.  The group organising it have been able through your generosity to donate €2,015 over the past two years and look forward to your support again this year.  There will be a raffle on the night.

DIVINE MERCY CEREMONIES:  The novena to the Divine Mercy begins on Good Friday and continues until the Sunday after Easter.  There will be Mass, confessions, blessing of the sick in Abbeyfeale Church beginning with the rosary at 2.30pm on Divine Mercy Sunday.  All are welcome.

MOCK WEDDING UPDATE:  Nicole Prendiville Doyle wishes to thank everyone who helped with the Mock Wedding that was held at the Railway Bar on March 10 last.  Thank you to Abbeyfeale Drama Group and Friends, Francis Kennedy (Bride) Listowel, John Sheahan MCC, and Tomas and Carol of the Railway Bar.  Nicole raised €3,467 for Nurture Africa, a huge thanks to all who attended on the night

.PALM SUNDAY WALK TO THE WELL:  Saturday’s glorious sunshine was just a memory by Sunday afternoon but that did not deter the walkers who set off from Dromtrasna N.S. at 3pm and walked up the hill, through Cotters yard and fields to arrive at the Blessed Well for the rosary led by the Confirmation children.  .  A trip to see the pet lambs in the sheep shed broke the pull up the hill after we left the Well and gave us a chance to catch our breath.  Arriving in the farmyard we were greeted by the tantalizing aroma of barbecuing beef burgers with the parish ladies serving up a veritable feast to one and all.   Great credit is due to the Cotter family for welcoming us to their farm and to the Parish Council for organising the day.

DARKNESS INTO LIGHT:  This year’s walk/run takes place in Newcastle West on Saturday, May 6 at 4 am, starting at The Desmond Complex (new venue) Gortboy. Seniors, Students (aged 16 & upwards) and unwaged €15. Children under 16 can register free but if they want a T-shirt it will cost €3.50. Groups of 5 or more can avail of a 20% discount. You can also register online at Registration will take place at Feale fit Mountmahon (opposite Kostal) Saturday, April 15 from 12am – 2pm and on Saturday, April 29 from 12am – 2pm.  For further information contact Breda 087 7715734

TIDY TOWNS:  Abbeyfeale Tidy Towns will be taking part in the Limerick TLC Clean Up on Good Friday April 14 from 11am- 1 pm meeting in the square at 10.45am.   We are looking for volunteers and all help would be much appreciated.

WEST LIMERICK 102 FUNDRAISING CARBOOT SALES: Next sale Easter Sunday, April 16 at the Community Centre, NCW.  Further information 06966200.

ABBEYFEALE’S ROSE OF TRALEE CONTESTANT:  Best of luck to trainee dentist, Abbeyfeale’s Nadine Smith who will be participating in the 2017 Limerick Rose competition. Nadine was crowned Queen of the Races 2016 at the Abbeyfeale Horse and Pony Races and as part of her prizes she was sponsored for the Limerick Rose. The event will be held at 7pm this Saturday, April 15 ( Holy Saturday) in The Bunratty Castle Hotel. Tickets are €25 and should be purchased in advance due to high demand.

FLEADH BY THE FEALE: Abbeyfeale is the place to be on the May Bank Holiday weekend where Traditional Musicians and Music Lovers are expected to converge on the town, some to participate in the various events and others to soak up the lively atmosphere at Fleadh by the Feale.  It is also a fantastic opportunity for musicians and singers who wish to improve their standard of playing and singing to avail of the Master Workshops which take place on Saturday, April 29 at the earlier time of 11.00am-2.00pm.  Some of Ireland’s finest tutors have been engaged to pass on their skills and techniques at this year’s workshops,

Tutors are:  Fiddle –Tara Breen/Niall Murphy; Flute – Gary Shannon;

Concertina – Paul Clesham; Accordion – Conor Moriarty; Banjo – Adrian McAuliffe;

Bodhrán – Eamon Rooney and Singing – Elle Marie O Dwyer.  The classes are open to all age groups for advanced and improvers categories only.  They are not suitable for beginners.  This will be followed by a Youth Trad Session which is a new event on the programme which takes place at Donal & Ann’s Bar, Main Street commencing from 2.00pm-4.00pm.

Tickets are now on sale for the Mighty Frankie Gavin and De Dannan Concert on Sunday, April 30 at 8.00pm from Slice of Life 068-32655; Abbey Tile 068-31661; Celine 087 7697672 and Mary 087 7419343.  A Concert not to be missed!

MEENKILLY CARD GAME;  The first prize was shared between Danny O Connell, Kathleen Lenihan and Noreen O Callaghan, Liam O Connor, James Mc Enery.

Table Prize:  Paddy Finucane, Matt O Connell, Seamus Collins.  Door Prize:  Michael O Kelly, Joan O Grady.

Raffle Tickets:  Sean Harnett, Tom Nelligan, Dan Reidy, Sheila Breen, Noel Murphy.

YOUTH SURVEY:  The Big April Ask is a national survey prepared by Youth Leaders throughout Ireland. It needs to be completed by the end of April 2017. The Diocesan Youth Ministry team (Fr Chris and Aoife), recently invited young people to participate in a survey with questions from Pope Francis for young people. This new national survey has now also been created and we are inviting young people to complete this too – As Chris says: ‘it will take you 2 minutes to complete and the answers will be seen by Pope Francis himself because he wants to know what you think’. If you are aged between 16 and 29 then please take two minutes to complete the survey by clicking the link here:

LAY LED LITURGY OF THE WORD:  Bishop Brendan Leahy has asked that every parish offer a lay led Liturgy of the Word on Tuesday, April 25. After two days of formation parishioners are now considering how they might do that together in their local place.

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:  First Tuesday of the month in Monagae Church at 7pm.  Blessing with 1st. class relic.

WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS: Next meeting Wednesday, April 19 in the Desmond Complex NCW.   Further information 087 7972855.

OPT IN: Keep up to date with training, courses, workshop opportunities as they happen in Limerick & Tipperary with Opt In. The range of programmes listed are being rolled out by West Limerick Resources particularly under the SICAP Programme but also the ETB, LEO, Skillnets & LIT to name a few.  Opt-In is a collection of courses and events aimed at helping rural dwellers find the means and skills necessary to increase their income generating options. Check it out –

WOMEN IN BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT – calling all women in business and women who are embarking on the voyage to join us for this networking opportunity on Tuesday April 11@ 7pm. Share experiences and learning and hear from Guest Speaker Caroline McEnery from the HR Suite. This is a FREE event however booking is essential. Please contact Brenda on 069 62222 or 069 66297 to book your seat or email [email protected]

SOCIAL FARMING: Calling interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming, Julette O’Flynn the new Social Farming Regional Development Worker with WLR can provide more information on 087 3663842 or by email to [email protected].

GIFT IDEA:  Ann Lyons is currently selling the book celebrating the 125 years of Knockaclarig National School at her business in the Square.

ABBEYFEALE’S SINGING CLUB:  West Limerick singing club monthly singing session take place on the first Friday of every month in the Ramble Inn Bar, Abbeyfeale.

NEW TOASTMASTER CLUB IN LISTOWEL:  If you would like to gain self confidence, self esteem and improve your ability to speak in public then you should check out the newest public speaking club in North Kerry.  The next meeting will be held in the Listowel Arms Hotel on Thursday, April 20  from 8 -10pm.  Admission €5 which covers cost of refreshments and rent of the room.  Further information from Gerard Mannix on 087 2193670.

SELF EMPLOYMENT SUPPORTS: If you are considering Self Employment and would like to know more about the process involved you should contact our Enterprise Officer Brenda Heath. We are currently rolling out a series of FREE Enterprise Training Workshops for all those considering this route including workshops on Steps to starting your Business, Book-keeping, Marketing and Health & Safety. If you wish to find out more please contact Brenda Heath at West Limerick Resources on 069 66297 / [email protected] or our support Worker Dee Collins on 069 62222 / [email protected]

DOMESTIC ABUSE: Groups meet weekly and many women find it helpful to meet and talk with others who are or have been in similar situations.  To find out more just ring Jess or Majellaon 061 412354.

ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT:  Text Alert forms available from any member of the committee or at the Garda Station from community Garda Roger O’Donoghue.  There was an alert last week and we would ask people who receive one to forward it to family and friends.  In order that our community remains safe and secure we need to have people develop a mindset whereby they become aware of what is going on around them, vans or cars on roads that they have no business on, people offering stolen property for sale – remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this life.  Two members of the committee attending Pobal training this week and we have been asked to remind people that once they reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 then they are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert but there will be a monitoring fee to be paid yearly to the installing company which is currently in the region of €65.  We constantly update our FB page with local alerts and information on keeping safe so do keep an eye on that.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Micheal O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Brody and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Neily Lyons, Marian Harnett and Garda Roger O’Donoghue.

JUBILEE 2018:  In June 2018 the parish will celebrate  the 50th anniversary of the opening of our parish church.  A Golden Jubilee is a significant event in the life of any parish. The Pastoral Council are beginning to plan for the 50th celebrations. At this stage we are seeking any photographs of the construction phase of the building and any  articles or publications covering the opening Mass and  consecration ceremony.

CO. LIMERICK BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION:  Keith Pierce will speak on the topic  Hive records, bees maths & easy swarm control at 8pm on Thursday, April 13 in Mungret GAA Hall.  Supplier of Bee products Paul O’Sullivan will be attending the April meeting, please contact to pre order 086 1779900.

CHURCH NOTES: Canon Anthony Mullins  087/2600414.  Fr Joseph  Foley CC Tel: Mobile : 087 – 2618412.  Parish Church 068/51915.  Parish Office:  Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133 Email: [email protected] Limerick Social Services:     061-314111.   A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203, 068/ 31262, 068/51984. Parish Support Worker 068/31019 St Vincent De Paul  087/1213560

Counselling Appointment    061/314213 . Accord NCW 069/61000. Samaritans: 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-814342551984 Console 061-306792.   Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Mass Tuesday – Saturday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass is 11am.  Mass on Saturday 11am.  There will be no morning Mass on Thursday.  Mass of the Last Supper will be at 8pm that evening. The First Holy Communion children will lead the Procession to the Altar of Repose.   Good Friday Day of fast and abstinence 3pm Passion Liturgy 3pm.  8pm Reflection of the Betrayal and Passion of Jesus .  Abbeyfeale Youth Clubs under the direction of Martin Tobin will dramatise the Stations of the Cross.  Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 9pm.

Novena prayers to St Anthony on Mondays during the 7pm Mass.  Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Fridays during the 10am Mass. As due to data protection laws, priests can no longer go to the reception desk in local hospitals and get a list of parishioners who are patients, you are requested to contact either Fr. Joe or Fr. Tony if you wish them to visit.

To see the daily readings you may log on to and click on daily reading on the home page.  Log onto for the church webcam.  You can now watch all services from home if you have access to a computer. You are asked to use car parking spaces in the Church car park before you start parking in the middle of the yard.

REPORT FROM THE WALK:  Glengurt NS Parents Association wish to thank all those who participated in the 5K Fun Run and Walk through the village of Tournafulla on Saturday last, by either walking or running the 5K or by sponsoring the school children so generously in the run up to the event.  Thanks also to the large number of volunteers who contributed to a really enjoyable community day by donating foodstuffs/water, helping in the hall or by marshalling the roads to make sure everyone was safe and hydrated en route.  There was a great buzz on the day with support and encouragement for children and adults alike as they completed the course.  Thanks to the hall committee who facilitated a venue for registration beforehand and refreshments for participants afterwards.

Sponsorship is still coming in and we are delighted to say that we are many steps closer (pardon the pun) to achieving our aim of covering the ball court in the school, which will provide a shelter for the children and a venue for outdoor classes, PE, sports and assembly throughout the year.  Race results as follows: 5K Run Men: 1st Neil Curtin, The Village, Tournafulla (19.57); 2nd Eamonn Browne, Monagea (20.42); 3rd Martin Browne Knocktoosh, Broadford (20.52).  5K Run Women: 1st Elaine O’Keeffe Creggane, Abbeyfeale (21.39) (6th overall); 2nd Bernie O’Reilly Broadford (17th overall); 3rd Diane Donovan, Dromtrasna Harnett, Abbeyfeale.   5K Run Children: 1st Darragh Cahill, Brosna 24.18 (13th overall); 2nd Paddy Harnett, Upper Tournafulla 24.28 (14th overall); 3rd Michael Collins Glenmore East, Strand 25.30 (15th overall).  5K Walkers: 1st Naomi Ryan Abbeyfeale 28mins.  The majority of walkers crossed line in 35-45mins.  Well done to all!

FRAME BY FRAME: Photography & Art Exhibition. St. Johns Theatre, Listowel, Co. Kerry. Opening Thursday, April 27 @ 7.30pm. Cheese and wine Reception. Admission Free. Photographs and Artwork by Students of North Kerry College.

FR. PAT MOORE WRITES:  I have been invisible and silent for a couple of weeks and here’s the reason, I’ve been in hospital.  On Wednesday March 8 , I was for my three monthly check up with the surgeon in Cork, it went very well, my bloods were excellent (I regard those as the Nasdaq or Dowjones index!). Had been  feeling a cold rising in me but then I had been lucky enough to avoid any infection in two and a half years.   It was the following Monday before l got to the doctor but an antibiotic didn’t seem to touch it so I was admitted to Tralee hospital on Wednesday evening. That was the start of our St. Patrick’s Bank Holiday weekend so it was Monday before the team removed a large quantity of fluid that had built up in the lung. I had found it increasingly difficult to breathe and was using oxygen a lot.  As a result I spent a week in the ICU unit, time I really needed there, not realising how weakened I had become. Then I had a week out in the hospital ward and I found this most challenging of all as I had to rebuild my confidence in myself to do the most basic things from eating to walking to washing. My Cork oncology team are fully on board and a detailed examination of the fluid suggests the presence of a small growth similar to before. This is and will be treated by Chemotherapy as before and can be successfully dealt with as I’ve had a fullsom response to chemotherapy twice beforehand.  I came home from hospital yesterday and am already in the benefit of a great nights sleep in the Spring Air. I am in great form and in great care with family and Debbie, Kathleen and Ann. It’s building up time and where better but home.  Having totally cut off from phones,emails and all forms on outside communication I know there is alot of messages of support and prayer that I’m not in a position to acknowledge but can I do so now and thank you for the felt support and concern.

Was it Churchill said, “rumours of my demise have been grossly exaggerated!”?  In summary, I had my weeks in hospital, challenging but worthwhile in that it highlights something that will need attention and a plan is in place when the time is right.

Right now I find talking and meeting people most tiring so I’m going private and quiet for a while. “

PADRE Pio Prayer Meeting takes place in Lixnaw Church on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm.

EASTER MONDAY WALK:  Follow in the footsteps of the North Kerry writers  at 11am on Easter Monday, April 17 from The Seanchai Centre in Listowel Square along the River Feale. Included are some dramatized stories, poems and excerpts from the plays of Listowel writers, Bryan MacMahon, John B. Keane, Dan Keane, Maurice Walsh, Gabriel Fitzmaurice, Brendan Kennelly, Billy Keane and more.

CREATIVE WRITING COURSE FOR OLDER PEOPLE:  The Limerick Writers’ Centre presents a series of creative writing classes, featuring poetry and short story for older people – aged 55 plus – an age group that is often underrepresented in literature and writing activities. In conjunction with the Limerick Writers’ Centre and supported by Bealtaine 2017, the facilitator, award-winning poet Ron Carey, will give friendly and personal support to each participant. At the end of the course Limerick Writers’ Centre will give consideration to publishing a book featuring the work produced. The book would be published in May during Bealtaine Festival 2017.

The workshops will be held at the Limerick Writers’ Centre, 12 Barrington Street, Limerick on Saturday, April 22 and Saturday, May 20 from10.30am to 12.30pm.

Fees for the 5 week course are €80 (€70 concession).  Booking essential.   Details [email protected] or Tel 087 2996409.

PILGRIMAGES:  Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 2017 from June 21-26.  The Lourdes office is open in the Social Service Centre, Henry St.   All details concerning the Pilgrimage Tel 061/314111.

JIM LYONS’S RAMBLING HOUSE:  Held on the third Tuesday of the month in Knockaloucca.

MONAGAE RAMBLING HOUSE:  The monthly rambling house in Monagae Community Centre takes place on the 2nd Monday of the month.

ult help. The age profile of the volunteers is currently dominated by over 60s with a number of diligent workers in their 70s and 80s. There is extremely sparse representation of under 40s in the grouping and this will have to be improved upon as the older members of the group cannot go on indefinitely. Please consider lending a hand throughout the year. All help would be appreciated

Martin O’KEEFFE Knocknacrohy, Abbeyfeale, Limerick / Kerry RIP

April 12th, 2017
O’Keeffe (Knocknacrohy, Abbeyfeale)- April 12th. 2017, at University Hospital Kerry, following a brief illness, (peacefully), Martin, retired machinery contractor, beloved husband of Mary and loving father of Anthony and Garry, pre-deceased by his sister Kit Browne, brothers Tom, Con and Bill, deeply regretted by his daughters-in-law Carmel and Anne Marie, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, and a large circle of friends.


Reposing at Harnett’s Funeral Home, The Square, Abbeyfeale on Friday from 5.00 p.m. followed by removal at 8.00 p.m. to St. Brigid’s Church Duagh. Funeral Prayers on Saturday at 12.00 p.m. Funeral afterwards to Springmount Cemetery Duagh.

Date Published: Wednesday 12th April 2017

Date of Death: Wednesday 12th April 2017

Liam FLYNN Convent Road, Abbeyfeale, Limerick RIP

April 10th, 2017
Flynn (Convent Road, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick) April 8th 2017 (unexpectedly), Liam; deeply regretted by his loving partner Mary, mother Myra, brother Jim, sisters Helen and Úna, brother-in-law Patrick, sister-in-law Mary, aunts Yvonne, Mary Jo and Noreen, nephew Patrick, nieces Lucy and Heloise, relatives and friends.


Reposing at Harnett’s Funeral Home, The Square, Abbeyfeale on Tuesday 11th April from 6.00 p.m. followed by removal at 8.00 p.m. to Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale. Requiem Mass on Wednesday at 11.00 a.m. Funeral afterwards to Reilig Íde Naofa Abbeyfeale. Family flowers only please.

Date Published: Monday 10th April 2017
Date of Death: Saturday 8th April 2017

Community Notices 5th April 2017

April 4th, 2017

PROLOGUE:  “Dogs come when they’re called; cats take a message and get back to you later.”
Eloisa James

WELL DONE BRIDGET:  Congratulations to Bridget O’ Flaherty, Knocknasna and Abbey Tyres, Mountmahon  who won the Jackpot of €9,200 at Fr Casey’s GAA Weekly Spin & Win.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCING:  The Wednesday Club – a women’s group based in Abbeyfeale- are hosting an Afternoon Tea Dance in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse on Sunday, April 9 from 3- 6 pm with dancing to Paddy Qulligan.  All funds will go to the Air Ambulance service.  The Air Ambulance service is based at Cork Airport and can reach any part of Munster within 30 minutes or less.  It will cost €2,000,000 to run annually. Tickets are now on sale from committee members including Mary Mc Arthur and Madeline O’Connor 087 9707989.

CELEBRATE SPRING AT THE GLÓRACH:  Last Friday night saw us celebrate spring in style at the Glórach Theatre, with a concert that encompassed a wide variety of musical styles.   First up was acclaimed local group, Lost Souls, who got the night off to a good start with their beautiful harmonies complimented by backing on guitars and bass from Mick O’Donnell, Gary O’Keefe and D Dennison. Philip Enright followed up with three wonderful traditional songs, before Limerick based jazz duo The Mysterious Mr Valentine brought us to the interval with the mesmeric guitar playing of Rory Keane and the soulful vocals of Birgit Burhenne, with their interpretations of the songs ‘Under the Bridge’ and ‘Fifty ways to leave your lover’ being particular highlights. The genial Dinny Keogh opened up the second half with a medley of old favourites, before Stephen (Steo) Wall followed with a mixture of powerful and heartfelt songs. Bella Ciao gave us a rousing finish, with the trio of Batt O’Connor, Leo Hayes and Mick Lacey mixing trad, folk and country and delivering stirring renditions of ‘She moved through the Fair’ and the wonderful Shane McGowan composition, ‘Summer in Siam.’ A wonderful night, and what was extremely gratifying was the genuine warmth that all the musicians expressed towards the Glórach, and the desire to play there again in the future. A big thank you to everyone involved who made the night possible, to all the musicians who took part and finally to you, the public, who supported us last Friday and helped make the night such a special occasion.

DARKNESS INTO LIGHT:  This year’s walk/run takes place in Newcastle West on Saturday, May 6 at 4 am, starting at The Desmond Complex (new venue) Gortboy. Seniors, Students (aged 16 & upwards) and unwaged €15. Children under 16 can register free but if they want a T-shirt it will cost €3.50. Groups of 5 or more can avail of a 20% discount. You can also register online at Registration will take place at Feale fit Mountmahon (opposite Kostal)Tuesday, April 4 from 6pm -8pm, Saturday, April 15 from 12am – 2pm and on Saturday, April 29 from 12am – 2pm.  For further information contact Breda 087 7715734

TIDY TOWNS:  Abbeyfeale Tidy Towns will be taking part in the Limerick TLC Clean Up on Good Friday April 14 from 11am- 1 pm meeting in the square at 10.45am.   We are looking for volunteers and all help would be much appreciated.

EPILEPSY WORKSHOP AT TECH:  A workshop on Epilepsy will be held in the Further Education and Training Centre on Wednesday April 5 from 7 – 9pm. The workshop is free to those living and working with children in the West Limerick Area.  The workshop is suitable for Parents, Creche and Pre-school Staff, Healthcare workers Teachers and SNA’S & concerned family members.  Early booking is essential West Limerick Resources  068 31198.

ABBEY HERITAGE AT ST. ITA’S:  The local training initative based at St. Ita’s Hall offers second chance education to early school leavers  and this year their “Fresh Start” programme is offering three  Major Awards :QQI Level 4 Retail Skills QQI Level 4: Information and Communication Technology, and QQI Level 4 Pathway to Employment.  Contact Claire Monday-Friday on: 068 51790 /087 421 2459 for further information before Friday, April 7.

DUAGH GRAVEYARD:  We hope to begin working at the graveyard on Thursday night April 7 from 6pm onwards.

LAST CARD GAME IN MEENKILLY:  A very successful card season is now coming to a close, with the last card game being held on Tuesday next 11 April, commencing at 9.15pm sharp. Tea and treats will be provided and there will be loads of spot prizes.  The winners of last week’s card game, with 14 games were Marian Roche, Beth Collins and Dan Joe Casey. Two teams tied for second place: Sean O Connor, Paddy Sheehan, Gobnait Scannell and Mossie Gleeson, Tom Nelligan, Maurice Collins. Table Prize: Breda O Connell, Billy O Connell and Mary O Connell.  Door Prize: Dan Reidy and Jack O Sullivan.  Raffle Tickets: Dixie Quirke, Bridie Collins (x2) Danny O Connell, Liam O Connor, Gobnait Scannell

WEST LIMERICK HERITAGE NETWORK:  The next meeting of the network will be held on Wednesday, April 5 at 7.30pm in the West Limerick Resources boardroom.  It is important that all members attend as there are important decisions to be made as we plan ahead.

ABBEYFEALE’S ROSE OF TRALEE CONTESTANT:  Best of luck to trainee dentist, Abbeyfeale’s Nadine Smith who will be participating in the 2017 Limerick Rose competition. Nadine was crowned Queen of the Races 2016 at the Abbeyfeale Horse and Pony Races and as part of her prizes she was sponsored for the Limerick Rose. The event will be held at 7pm Saturday, April 15 in The Bunratty Castle Hotel. Tickets are €25 and should be purchased in advance due to high demand. We wish you all the luck in the world, Nadine who is a great community person here in Abbeyfeale.

FLEADH BY THE FEALE: Abbeyfeale is the place to be on the May Bank Holiday weekend where Traditional Musicians and Music Lovers are expected to converge on the town, some to participate in the various events and others to soak up the lively atmosphere at Fleadh by the Feale.  It is also a fantastic opportunity for musicians and singers who wish to improve their standard of playing and singing to avail of the Master Workshops which take place on Saturday, April 29 at the earlier time of 11.00am-2.00pm.  Some of Ireland’s finest tutors have been engaged to pass on their skills and techniques at this year’s workshops,

Tutors are:  Fiddle –Tara Breen/Niall Murphy; Flute – Gary Shannon;

Concertina – Paul Clesham; Accordion – Conor Moriarty; Banjo – Adrian McAuliffe;

Bodhrán – Eamon Rooney and Singing – Elle Marie O Dwyer.  The classes are open to all age groups for advanced and improvers categories only.  They are not suitable for beginners.  This will be followed by a Youth Trad Session which is a new event on the programme which takes place at Donal & Ann’s Bar, Main Street commencing from 2.00pm-4.00pm.

Tickets are now on sale for the Mighty Frankie Gavin and De Dannan Concert on Sunday, April 30 at 8.00pm from Slice of Life 068-32655; Abbey Tile 068-31661; Celine 087 7697672 and Mary 087 7419343.  A Concert not to be missed!

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:  First Tuesday of the month in Monagae Church at 7pm.  Blessing with 1st. class relic.

WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS: Next meeting Wednesday, April 5 in the Desmond Complex NCW.   Further information 087 7972855.

OPT IN: Keep up to date with training, courses, workshop opportunities as they happen in Limerick & Tipperary with Opt In. The range of programmes listed are being rolled out by West Limerick Resources particularly under the SICAP Programme but also the ETB, LEO, Skillnets & LIT to name a few.  Opt-In is a collection of courses and events aimed at helping rural dwellers find the means and skills necessary to increase their income generating options. Check it out –

WEST LIMERICK 102 FUNDRAISING CARBOOT SALES: Next sale Easter Sunday, April 16 at the Community Centre, NCW.  Further information 06966200.

SOCIAL FARMING: Calling interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming, Julette O’Flynn the new Social Farming Regional Development Worker with WLR can provide more information on 087 3663842 or by email to [email protected].

“LAST ONE FOR THE ROAD” the final collection of short stories and essays by Raymond Fennelly is again available at Ann Lyons Shop in The Square, Abbeyfeale.

ABBEYFEALE’S SINGING CLUB:  West Limerick singing club monthly singing session take place on the first Friday of every month in the Ramble Inn Bar, Abbeyfeale.

NEW TOASTMASTER CLUB IN LISTOWEL:  If you would like to gain self confidence, self esteem and improve your ability to speak in public then you should check out the newest public speaking club in North Kerry.  The next meeting will be held in the Listowel Arms Hotel on Thursday, April 6  from 8 -10pm.  Admission €5 which covers cost of refreshments and rent of the room.  Further information from Gerard Mannix on 087 2193670.

FOOD CLOUD INFORMATION EVENING: West Limerick Resources is delighted to announce that we are working to support the FoodCloud Initiative in the West Limerick Area. FoodCloud is a simple yet ingenious idea whereby working with local supermarkets for the aim of reducing food waste and restoring community spirit based on shared food. To enable the roll out of FoodCloud, West Limerick Resources has organised an Information Evening at our Offices at West Limerick Resources (next to Sean Hennessy’s) on Tuesday ,April 11 at 7.30pm in Newcastle West. We would like to hear from Community Groups or Charities in the area who would be in a position to support this initiative, by receiving the food donations for their own work or indeed for further distribution within the community. To find out more please contact Dearbhla at West Limerick Resources on 069 66293 or email [email protected]

DOMESTIC ABUSE:  If you ever feel afraid of someone in your own home or someone you are dating, if you ever feel humiliated or put down, unable to ‘be yourself’ in your relationship you may be experiencing domestic abuse.  Talking to someone can help you to decide what to do and help to keep yourself and your children safe.  A Support Worker from ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services will meet a woman on a one-to-one basis by appointment, in Newcastle West, Kilmallock or Limerick, just phone 061 412354, or the 24 Hour Freephone Helpline 1800 200 504 and ask for an Outreach appointment.  The location is private and the service is confidential.  Supports offered are: Emotional Support; Safety Planning; Advocacy in accessing services; Court accompaniment; Accommodation.  There is no charge for this service.  Support Groups meet weekly and many women find it helpful to meet and talk with others who are or have been in similar situations.  To find out more just ring Jess or Majellaon 061 412354.

ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT:  Text Alert forms available from any member of the  committee or at the Garda Station from community Garda Roger O’Donoghue. recommends parents to do the following if their child is being bullied.   Don’t Reply: Young people should never reply to messages that harass or annoy them. The bully wants to know they have upset their target. If they get a response it feeds into the problem and makes things worse.  Keep the Messages: By keeping nasty messages your child will be able to produce a record of the bullying, the dates and the times. This will be useful for any subsequent school or Garda investigation.  Block the Sender: No one needs to put up with someone harassing them. Whether its mobile phones, social networking or chat rooms, children can block contacts through service providers.  Report Problems: Ensure your child reports any instances of cyber-bullying to websites or service providers. Sites like Facebook have reporting tools. By using these, your child will be passing important information to people who can help eradicate cyber-bullying.

JUBILEE 2018:  In June 2018 the parish will celebrate  the 50th anniversary of the opening of our parish church.  A Golden Jubilee is a significant event in the life of any parish. The Pastoral Council are beginning to plan for the 50th celebrations. At this stage we are seeking any photographs of the construction phase of the building and any  articles or publications covering the opening Mass and  consecration ceremony.

CHURCH NOTES: Canon Anthony Mullins  087/2600414.  Fr Joseph  Foley CC Tel: Mobile : 087 – 2618412.  Parish Church 068/51915.  Parish Office:  Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133 Email: [email protected] Limerick Social Services:     061-314111.   A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203, 068/ 31262, 068/51984. Parish Support Worker 068/31019 St Vincent De Paul  087/1213560

Counselling Appointment    061/314213 . Accord NCW 069/61000. Samaritans: 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-814342551984 Console 061-306792.   Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Mass Tuesday – Saturday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass is 11am.  Mass on Saturday 11am.  Mass Intentions:  Wednesday 110am  William and Julia Madden.  Niamh and John James O’Donoghue.  Thursday 10am Micheal Ahern and parents.  Friday 7pm Mary D A O’Connor, 1st. Anniversary.  Saturday 7pm Sean Enright, Purt. Patrick Lane and deceased family members, Grogeen.  Larry Harnett and deceased family members.  Sunday 9.30am Patrick and Tom McCarthy, Caherhayes.  12 noon Dan Murphy, Abbey Tiles and Killarney Rd.

Novena prayers to St Anthony on Mondays during the 7pm Mass.  Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Fridays during the 10am Mass. As due to data protection laws, priests can no longer go to the reception desk in local hospitals and get a list of parishioners who are patients, you are requested to contact either Fr. Joe or Fr. Tony if you wish them to visit.

To see the daily readings you may log on to and click on daily reading on the home page.  Log onto for the church webcam.  You can now watch all services from home if you have access to a computer. You are asked to use car parking spaces in the Church car park before you start parking in the middle of the yard.

FUN RUN AND WALK:  Glengurt N.S. Tournafulla are holding a 5km fun run & walk on Saturday, April 8.  Registration will take place on Friday April 7 at Glengurt N.S. from 12.00-2.00 pm and on Saturday, April 8 from 9.30 to 11.00 at Halla Tadhg Gaelach, Tournafulla.  Race times: 5 K Runners: 11.30 and Walkers: 12 pm.  All proceeds in aid of the Glengurt N.S. school shelter. Runners: 11:30, walkers: 12pm. Entry fee: Adults €10. Child: €5. Family: €20. We hope that the proceeds from this day will raise the final funding necessary to cover the ball court in the school, providing shelter for the children and a venue for outdoor classes, PE, sports and assembly throughout the year. This will benefit our children and future generations for years to come and we would greatly appreciate your support of this event.

YOUTH 2000 KILLARNEY RETREAT:  Young people aged 16-35 are invited to a residential retreat at St. Brendan’s College next weekend.  Further information 0863066892.

CREATIVE WRITING COURSE FOR OLDER PEOPLE:  The Limerick Writers’ Centre presents a series of creative writing classes, featuring poetry and short story for older people – aged 55 plus – an age group that is often underrepresented in literature and writing activities. In conjunction with the Limerick Writers’ Centre and supported by Bealtaine 2017, the facilitator, award-winning poet Ron Carey, will give friendly and personal support to each participant. At the end of the course Limerick Writers’ Centre will give consideration to publishing a book featuring the work produced. The book would be published in May during Bealtaine Festival 2017.

The workshops will be held at the Limerick Writers’ Centre, 12 Barrington Street, Limerick on Saturday, April 22 and Saturday, May 20 from10.30am to 12.30pm.

Fees for the 5 week course are €80 (€70 concession).  Booking essential.   Details [email protected] or Tel 087 2996409.

PILGRIMAGES:  Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 2017 from June 21-26.  The Lourdes office is open in the Social Service Centre, Henry St.   All details concerning the Pilgrimage Tel 061/314111.

KNOCK SHRINE PREPARES FOR WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES:  Join us at Knock Shrine for a Family Day of Faith, Inspiration and Sharing on Saturday, April 8. Hear guest speakers Timothy Bartlett and Irish Times columnist Breda O’Brien discuss what to expect for the World Meeting of Families 2018. Listen to families sharing testimonies of personal journey and challenges of family life. Taking place in the Rest & Care Centre from 11am with Mass at 3pm celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. Activities and workshops will be provided for children (5 years and over) and young people attending. All are welcome.
T: (094) 93 88100   E: [email protected]

JIM LYONS’S RAMBLING HOUSE:  Held on the third Tuesday of the month in Knockaloucca.

ANAM CARA, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Tuesday,  April 11 from 7.30 – 9pm in Recovery Haven, 5 Haigs Terrace, Killerisk, Tralee, Co. Kerry. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.

TALKS SERIES: The Department of Theology & Religious Studies at Mary Immaculate College Limerick presents a series of lectures on: Catholic Education.?”.  Thursday, April 6 @ 19.30 Dr. Brendan O’Keeffe “Catholic Schools and Inclusion: Achievements and Challenges”.

MONAGAE RAMBLING HOUSE:  The monthly rambling house in Monagae Community Centre takes place on the 2nd Monday of the month.

ult help. The age profile of the volunteers is currently dominated by over 60s with a number of diligent workers in their 70s and 80s. There is extremely sparse representation of under 40s in the grouping and this will have to be improved upon as the older members of the group cannot go on indefinitely. Please consider lending a hand throughout the year. All help would be appreciated

Community Notes 29th March 2017

March 28th, 2017

PROLOGUE: “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”Arnold H. Glasow

DEATH:  Sincere sympathy is offered to Noreen and the extended O’Connell family on the death of Tom late of the Square and Killarney Rd.  May he rest in peace.

WEDDING BELLS; Congratulations to  Mairead McCoy, Knockbrack  and Eamonn Mullane who celebrated the Sacrament of Matrimony  in Abbeyfeale on Saturday, March 25. We wish them every happiness in their married life together.

GLÓRACH CONCERT: Celebrating the arrival of spring the concert at the Glórach next Friday night, March 31 will feature a mélange of different acts, including the harmonious singing of local group, The Lost Souls, the soulful jazz duo The Mysterious Mr Valentine and the sweet songs of Philip Enright.  Add in Bella Ciao with their powerful ballads, Dinny Keogh with his mix of songs and the radical compositions of Stephen Wall, and you can be guaranteed a brilliant night of entertainment.  Doors open 7 pm, curtains up at 8 pm.  Check out the window in the Square which local artist Evelyn Murphy has decorated for more information.  Tickets at €10 can be booked at 0871383940 and are going fast so book your seat asap.

SATURDAY CAR BOOT SALE AND INDOOR MARKET:  The new monthly sale in aid of West Limerick Community Radio takes place on Saturday, April 1 at the Community Centre, Newcastlewest.  Further information 069 66200 or check out our FB page.

ACC NEWS:  Abbeyfeale Community Council in association with Leens Hotel are very pleased to announce a very special Finale to this month’s Abbeyfeale Community Fundraiser Initiative which takes place this Friday  evening March 31.   Kickstarting at 8:15pm sharp there will be an exclusive Gin Tasting Demonstration with renowned Gin Taster expert Marti Nulty in Leens.   This is a ticket only event with limited places available. Tickets can be purchased at any time from now on for €10 each at the Main Bar but remember, its first come first served. This will be followed up by the unique sounds of a visiting Jazz Band to complete your evening’s entertainment.

EPILEPSY WORKSHOP AT TECH:  A workshop on Epilepsy will be held in the Further Education and Training Centre on Wednesday April 5 from 7 – 9pm. The workshop is free to those living and working with children in the West Limerick Area.  The workshop is suitable for Parents, Creche and Pre-school Staff, Healthcare workers Teachers and SNA’S & concerned family members.  Early booking is essential West Limerick Resources  068 31198.

COLLECTION FOR WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES:  Pope Francis has personally chosen Dublin to be the host diocese for the World Meeting of Families from 21-26 August 2018. Planning for this great national and international celebration of faith is well underway. Hosting this important event requires an enormous amount of planning and funding. In this regard a second national collection will be held next weekend April 1/2.  Your support for this collection would be greatly appreciated.

BEST WISHES FROM ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT: Congratulations to committee members Buddy  & Brenda Barry who celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary recently.  We wish them both continued blessings and many more years of wedded bliss.

ABBEY HERITAGE AT ST. ITA’S:  The local training initative based at St. Ita’s Hall offers second chance education to early school leavers  and this year their “Fresh Start” programme is offering three  Major Awards :QQI Level 4 Retail Skills QQI Level 4: Information and Communication Technology, and QQI Level 4 Pathway to Employment.  Contact Claire Monday-Friday on: 068 51790 /087 421 2459 for further information.

CHARITY CEILI:  The second annual charity ceili in aid of Down Syndrome  Limerick is due to take place in the Rathkeale House Hotel on Friday March 31with music by Mountain Road. It was a great night last year with a mix of sets, two hands and other dances, something for everyone. Admission €10.

MEENKILLY  CARD GAME:  Last week’s card game was in aid of the Men’s Shed, Abbeyfeale.  The winners on the night were Paddy Sheehan, Seán O Connor andGobnait Scannell.  Runners-up were Mossie Gleeson, Tom Nelligan and Maurice Collins.  Table Prize:  J.J. Lenihan, Betty Curtin and Ann Cahill.  Door Prizes:  Maureen Roche and Marian Quirke.  Raffle Tickets:  Kathleen Lenihan, Donal O Connor, Liam O Connor, Eileen Finnegan, Dixie Quirke, Marian Quirke.The card game comtinues for a few more Tuesday nights commencing at 9.15 sharp.

DOG WARDEN VISITS ABBEYFEALE:  Limerick City and County Council wishes to announce that its Dog Wardens are commencing a programme of inspections of dog licences throughout Athea, Abbeyfeale and Carrigkerry over the coming weeks. Dog owners will be required, on request, to produce a dog licence for their dog.

JOB OPPORTUNITY:  SVP Shop opening shortly. Staff required, must be in receipt of social welfare payment.  Must be punctual, dependable and have the ability to work on own initiative.  CV to SVP. Parish office. Abbeyfeale, employment through Tus and Ce schemes.

LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS. West Limerick Resources provides ongoing support to Local Community Groups in the West Limerick area. We are finalizing our training schedule for 2017; we do hope that we will be able to support you in 2017. Should you require any support or guidance as a Community Group or have ideas for training needs please call Stefanie at West Limerick Resources on 087 3290483 or Damien on 087 9042477.

RAMBLING HOUSE IN AID OF BUTTERFLY CLUB:  The Butterfly Club is a voluntary run social club for children and young adults with special needs. The aim of the club is to provide leisure activities in a safe fun filled environment whilst providing respite for parents/guardians. The Club originated in Rathkeale but in recent years we expanded, and a Saturday Club started up in Abbeyfeale.  The Abbeyfeale Club continues to grow and currently there is a list for children wishing to join. We really do need volunteers from the community to help us to eliminate children having to wait.  We are now looking forward to being able to move to our new headquarters, once all the renovation works are completed. This will be a unit in the ex-Anderson building in Rathkeale. It has given us the opportunity to realise a permanent ‘home’ for the club. We are all very excited about this project, and looking forward to the move.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the local and wider community for their support and continual fundraising efforts on our behalf. The generosity shown towards the club is enormous and we would not be able to run the club without the contributions and support given to us by everyone. Thank you to all our adult and student volunteers without whom there would be no Butterfly Club, and to the parents who trust us with their children and young adults care. Benny Thade’s next rambling house will take place on Monday, April 3 at Fr Caseys Club House Abbeyfeale with doors open at 8.30pm and show beginning at 9.  Story tellers, singers, musicians and dancers all welcome to attend – proceeds to the Butterfly Club.

GOOD FRIDAY CLEAN UP:  The clean-up, will take place again this year on Good Friday, April 14.  For further information, please email [email protected] or call 061496200.

FLEADH BY THE FEALE: This year Abbeyfeale will celebrate the twenty-third Fleadh by the Feale traditional music festival, which takes place on the May Bank Holiday Weekend from Thursday, April 27 – Monday, May 1.  We are delighted to announce that the headline act for this year’s “Celebrity Concert”, is one of Ireland’s finest traditional ambassadors, the maestro fiddle player “Frankie Gavin & De Dannan”.  This band has toured Ireland extensively and Countries world-wide exciting their audiences with their energetic style of playing.  This is a concert not to be missed.  It will take place on Sunday, April 30 commencing at 8 pm in Coláiste Íde agus Iosef, support will be provided by the talented music students attending the College.  Tickets will be on sale from Slice of Life 068-32655, Abbey Tiles 068-31661 and Celine McNally 087-7697672.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCING:  The Wednesday Club – a women’s group based in Abbeyfeale – are hosting an Afternoon Tea Dance in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse on Sunday, April 9 from 3- 6 pm with dancing to Paddy Qulligan.  All funds will go to the Air Ambulance service.  The Air Ambulance service is based at Cork Airport and can reach any part of Munster within 30 minutes or less.  It will cost €2,000,000 to run annually. Tickets are now on sale from committee members including Mary Mc Arthur and Madeline O’Connor 087 9707989.

FOODCLOUD: West Limerick Resources is delighted to announce that we are working to support the FoodCloud Initiative in the West Limerick Area.  FoodCloud is a simple yet ingenious idea whereby working with local supermarkets for the aim of reducing food waste and restoring community spirit based on shared food.   To enable the roll out of FoodCloud WLR would like to hear from Community Groups or Charities who would be in a position to support this initiative, by receiving the food donations for their own work or indeed for further distribution within the community. To find out more please contact Dearbhla at West Limerick Resources 069 66293 or email [email protected]

WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS:   It’s competition time at West Limerick Toastmasters and the meeting of March 29 will be the regional contest. The three local clubs Killarney, Tralee and Newcastle West will compete to go forward to the district finals next month.   Further information 087 7972855.   Every one welcome on this special night.

OPT IN: Keep up to date with training, courses, workshop opportunities as they happen in Limerick & Tipperary with Opt In. The range of programmes listed are being rolled out by West Limerick Resources particularly under the SICAP Programme but also the ETB, LEO, Skillnets & LIT to name a few.  Opt-In is a collection of courses and events aimed at helping rural dwellers find the means and skills necessary to increase their income generating options. Check it out –

WEST LIMERICK 102 FUNDRAISING CARBOOT SALES:  The April sales will take place on Saturday, April 1 and on Easter Sunday, April 16 at the Community Centre, NCW.  Further information  06966200.

OVER 50’S DANCE PROJECT:  We at Dance Limerick – a non-profit arts organisation, funded by the Arts Council and Limerick City and County Council – are setting up a new dance project for people aged over 50, the project is called “Choral Moves”. It begins with a free dance taster session on Thursday, March 30 at 2pm at Dance Limerick, and then runs for six weeks from April 6 – May 14.  Choral Moves follows the great success of a similar project we ran last year called “Here’s Looking at You, Kid”.
Here’s a link to short film about this project, so you can get a sense of what we’re about:

ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT NOTES: 98% of young people in Ireland use the Internet.  Get information on how to protect them on An Garda Síochána has launched a dedicated phone line for the reporting of child sexual abuse. The phone line number is 1800 555 222.   Text Alert forms available from any member of the committee.  All persons aged 65 or over, living alone or with someone aged over 65 are entitled to a panic alarm system.

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:  First Tuesday of the month in Monagae Church at 7pm.  Blessing with 1st. class relic.

SOCIAL FARMING: Calling interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming, Julette O’Flynn the new Social Farming Regional Development Worker with WLR can provide more information on 087 3663842 or by email to [email protected].

“LAST ONE FOR THE ROAD” the final collection of short stories and essays by Raymond Fennelly is again available at Ann Lyons Shop in The Square, Abbeyfeale.

ABBEYFEALE’S SINGING CLUB:  West Limerick singing club monthly singing session take place on the first Friday of every month in the Ramble Inn Bar, Abbeyfeale.

NEW TOASTMASTER CLUB IN LISTOWEL:  If you would like to gain self confidence, self esteem and improve your ability to speak in public then you should check out the newest public speaking club in North Kerry.  The next meeting will be held in the Listowel Arms Hotel on Thursday, April 6  from 8 -10pm.  Admission €5 which covers cost of refreshments and rent of the room.  Further information from Gerard Mannix on 087 2193670.

BORD NA nOG :  If signing for the very first time with Fr Casey’s GAA, please bring along a copy of birth certificate. Fee is €25 for one player per family and €40 for two or more players per family. Girls going into the U12 age group will now be moving up the ranks and will need to contact Fr Casey’s Ladies Football. Remember that a fully completed Registration Form is required along with GAA approved Gum Shields before anyone is allowed to train or play.

JUBILEE 2018:  In June 2018 the parish will celebrate  the 50th anniversary of the opening of our parish church.  A Golden Jubilee is a significant event in the life of any parish. The Pastoral Council are beginning to plan for the 50th celebrations. At this stage we are seeking any photographs of the construction phase of the building and any  articles or publications covering the opening Mass and  consecration ceremony.

CHURCH NOTES: Canon Anthony Mullins  087/2600414.  Fr Joseph  Foley CC Tel: Mobile : 087 – 2618412.  Parish Church 068/51915.  Parish Office:  Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133 Email: [email protected]  Limerick Social Services:     061-314111.   A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203, 068/ 31262, 068/51984. Parish Support Worker 068/31019 St Vincent De Paul  087/1213560

Counselling Appointment    061/314213 . Accord NCW 069/61000. Samaritans: 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 Al-Anon 086-814342551984 Console 061-306792.   Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  Mass Tuesday – Saturday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass is 11am.  Mass on Saturday 11am.  Mass Intentions:  11am Saturday, April 1 Patrick(Sonny) O’Sullivan, The Hill.    Saturday 7pm   Phyllis Cotter, Purt.  Anne Romain  Clash.  Sunday 9.30am Hannah and John Donoghue, Knocknasna.   Billy and Joan Colbert, Killarney Rd.  12pm  Sean and Sheila Finnerty, The Hill, Joan Barrett and Sheila Finnerty.   Dr Michael Wall, Mountmahon.

Novena prayers to St Anthony on Mondays during the 7pm Mass.  Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Fridays during the 10am Mass.  As due to data protection laws, priests can no longer go to the reception desk in local hospitals and get a list of parishioners who are patients, you are requested to contact either Fr. Joe or Fr. Tony if you wish them to visit.

To see the daily readings you may log on to and click on daily reading on the home page.  Log onto for the church webcam.  You can now watch all services from home if you have access to a computer. You are asked to use car parking spaces in the Church car park before you start parking in the middle of the yard.

FUN RUN AND WALK:  Glengurt N.S. Tournafulla are holding a 5km fun run & walk on Saturday, April 8.  Registration will take place on Friday April 7 at Glengurt N.S. from 12.00-2.00 pm and on Saturday, April 8 from 9.30 to 11.00 at Halla Tadhg Gaelach, Tournafulla.  Race times: 5 K Runners: 11.30 and Walkers: 12 pm.  All proceeds in aid of the Glengurt N.S. school shelter. Runners: 11:30, walkers: 12pm. Entry fee: Adults €10. Child: €5. Family: €20. We hope that the proceeds from this day will raise the final funding necessary to cover the ball court in the school, providing shelter for the children and a venue for outdoor classes, PE, sports and assembly throughout the year. This will benefit our children and future generations for years to come and we would greatly appreciate your support of this event.

CREATIVE WRITING COURSE FOR OLDER PEOPLE:  The Limerick Writers’ Centre presents a series of creative writing classes, featuring poetry and short story for older people – aged 55 plus – an age group that is often underrepresented in literature and writing activities. In conjunction with the Limerick Writers’ Centre and supported by Bealtaine 2017, the facilitator, award-winning poet Ron Carey, will give friendly and personal support to each participant. At the end of the course Limerick Writers’ Centre will give consideration to publishing a book featuring the work produced. The book would be published in May during Bealtaine Festival 2017.

The workshops will be held at the Limerick Writers’ Centre, 12 Barrington Street, Limerick on Saturday, April 22 and Saturday, May 20 from10.30am to 12.30pm.

Fees for the 5 week course are €80 (€70 concession).  Booking essential.   Details [email protected] or Tel 087 2996409.

CONFERENCE:  Building Rural Communities: Lessons from the World of Sport, is an Evening Conference taking place in MIC, Thurles, on Wednesday, March 29, which will look at the issue of regenerating rural Ireland.  Speakers include Kerry football legend, Pat Spillane; Managing Director of the National Ploughing Championships, Anna May McHugh; Tipperary’s All Ireland winning manager Michael Ryan and rugby legend John Hayes.  The Conference begins at 7p.m. in MIC St Patrick’s Campus (formerly St Patrick’s College) and tickets, costing €10 must be pre-booked through the College at 0504-21201.

ARDFERT RETREAT CENTRE:   The Faith Prayed: Fr. Sean Sheehy, Wednesday, March 29 –at 7.00pm.

LECTURE:  A lecture on ‘The Brendan Voyage’ by explorer, historian & author Tim Severin will take place in the Seanchaí Centre, Listowel on Thursday, March 30 at 7.30 pm. For more information tel. (068) 22212.

RAMBLING HOUSE:  Listowel Rambling House will take place in the Seanchaí Centre, Listowel on Thursday March 30 from 9.30 pm. A great evening of traditional music, song, dance & storytelling is guaranteed and audience participation is welcome. Admission is free, tea/coffee served.

PILGRIMAGES:  Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 2017 from June 21-26.  The Lourdes office is open in the Social Service Centre, Henry St.   All details concerning the Pilgrimage Tel 061/314111.

VOCATIONS WEEKEND:  The Irish Augustinians are hosting a Vocation Weekend from Friday March 31 – Sunday April 2. This will be in their Drogheda Community and is open to any interested male over the age of 18. The Augustinians have been in Ireland close to 800 years and our charism is “community” as well as seeking God with a “restless heart”. For more information please contact Fr Colm O Mahonyosaon   086 88 45 747  or  [email protected]

JIM LYONS’S RAMBLING HOUSE:  Held on the third Tuesday of the month in Knockaloucca.

TALKS SERIES: The Department of Theology & Religious Studies at Mary Immaculate College Limerick presents a series of lectures on: Catholic Education.?”.  Thursday, April 6 @ 19.30 Dr. Brendan O’Keeffe “Catholic Schools and Inclusion: Achievements and Challenges”.

MONAGAE RAMBLING HOUSE:  The monthly rambling house in Monagae Community Centre takes place on the 2nd Monday of the month.

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Tel : (068) 311 33 | Email : [email protected]
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