
Community notices 16th May 2016

May 17th, 2016

PROLOGUE:  “F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.” Zig Ziglar

WELL DONE TO DROMTRASNA NS:  Delighted to announce that Dromtrasna N.S girls, who took part in the FAI schools 5 a side final in the Aviva last Wednesday, won the All Ireland.

TIDY TOWN WEED AND CLEAN:  Abbeyfeale Tidy Towns are having a weed and clean evening on Wednesday, May 18 from 7pm-8pm meeting in the Square. We are looking for volunteers & all help would be greatly appreciated.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:  Mike Condon will be providing the music on June 12 in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse, Abbeyfeale for an afternoon Tea Dance in aid of Recovery Haven.  Write it into the diary now and ye can be getting the gúnas sorted.

COFFEE MORNING:  A coffee morning to support MS Ireland, organised by the Wednesday club, will be held at the Ploughman Bar, The Square, Abbeyfeale on Friday, May 27 from 11-2pm.

REMEMBERING ZOE CYCLE CHALLENGE:  430 cyclists set off in perfect weather conditions from Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse last Sunday morning.  It was a massive exercise in logistics between registration, signposting, traffic management and feeding everyone and a huge well done to all the volunteers who made it possible.  All funds raised will go to supporting children’s charities and to the children’s playground in the Town Park.  Next event will be the family fun day on Sunday, July 3 next.

1916 MEMORIAL GARDEN:  Plans are currently in place for a permanent memorial, with the development of a commemorative garden in the Town Park to acknowledge the signatories of the proclamation and all involved in the 1916 rising.  Work has already begun on this momentous project and an account has been set up in the local Credit Union.  If you wish to make a donation, the account number is 6856, the BIC is ABRUIE21XXX and the IBAN is IE69ABRU99211897967050 if you wish to make a donation online.  All donations, no matter how small, are gratefully received, and with the excellent workers in the Park, we look forward to creating a truly fitting and beautiful garden to celebrate the sacrifice of all those involved in the 1916 rising.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION:  Takes place on Saturday, May 21 at 11am.  Church gates will be locked on Friday evening at 10pm to facilitate parking.  We wish all children and their parents a happy and holy day.

TABLE QUIZ TO AID SYRIAN REFUGEES: A table quiz to aid Syrian refugees will take place at Thomas T.J’s, New St. on Friday, May 20.  Quiz Master Lorcan Curtin.  A raffle for a mega hamper will also be held on the night.  All funds to the Red Cross who work in the refugee camps.  We hope that you will support us and even if you’re not into quizzes come along for a chance to take home the hamper.

CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP:  Abbeyfeale Bridge Club held its Club Championship over the past two Thursday’s and the winners were, Anne Eggleston and Gerardine Ward, 2nd Mary Moloney and Maureen Dillane, 3rd Fintan Quirke and Marian O’Connor, 1st session Noranne Dennison and Mary B Cronin, 2nd Session Brenda Hendy and Ron Beech. Our President Denis Collins would like to thank all who took part and Thomas and Carol Fitzgerald for the use of their bar and food on the night.

SILVER JUBILEE: Its 25 years ago since the Parish Priest at the time, Canon James Neville decided to build a chapel dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament at the side of the Parish Church here in Abbeyfeale.  It’s a well-used chapel with morning Mass at 8.15am most mornings, adoration all day Tuesday and Friday and evening adoration Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  It’s also used for small weddings as it seats up to 60 people comfortably and by families for Sunday Mass with prayer groups and reading groups based there too.  It’s an oasis of peace in a busy town where people can pop in for a moment of contemplation and peace.  After 25 years of continual use the parish council decided to re decorate it and commissioned some painting and upholstery and a beautiful new floor.   They have invited everyone to a blessing on Saturday, May 28 following Mass at 7pm which will in turn be followed by the Corpus Christi procession with the First Holy Communicants leading it and finally the blessing of the chapel.  There will be cup of tea afterwards in the Day Care Centre.

TOWN PARK NEWS:  Plans are now at an advanced stage for the Annual Town Park Dog Show on Sunday June 12.  .  Special guests on the day will include many of the participants in the highly successful Strictly Come Dancing event at The Devon Hotel. They will be available for selfies and autographs. Maybe Irene & Stretch and Jamie & Paul might give us a twirl or two. Full details of the event will be published soon.  The building of a new garden of remembrance to commemorate the Easter Rising will shortly commence in the park. The garden will incorporate a flagpole and tricolour, a copy of the proclamation engraved in stone and seven new trees in memory of the seven signatories. This will be located at the entrance to the park on the town side. The park committee would like to thank Lorcan Curtin and his group for bringing this project to the park and for their financial contribution to the project.  We would like to ask those who use the park to respect the amenities. Do not damage any property or destroy flowers or plants. The park is a very important ecological site and we need to protect it.

ARE YOU IN CRISIS:  There are several organizations who will help if you are under pressure and these include the newly formed West Limerick Crisis Intervention Team who can be reached on 085 1777631, the Mind Our Farm Families is a dedicated suicide and self-harm phone line 1890 130 022 between IFA and Pieta House.  The phone line for IFA members will put farmers and their families in direct contact with a Pieta House trained therapist.  Then there is the Samaritans on free call 116 123 or Console 1800 247247.

FEALE FIT NEWS:Well done to Dromtrasna N.S girls on winning the FAI schools 5 a side final in the Aviva.Well done to all Fealefit & St Ita’s Ac members that ran the Killarney Marathon as well as partaking in the Remembering Zoe cycle over the weekend.  Well done too to our little athletes that took part & did so well in the Community games last Wednesday night.   All Fealefit event training is free of charge and open to all levels of fitness…see for all details on training & Upcoming events or Contact Shane 087 2891015 Kadie 087 7771552.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  There were two cars taken from outside a house in NCW last Saturday night and an attempted break in to a business premises in Templeglantine during the week.  In the NCW robbery they were looking for the keys of the cars so when you come in at night do not leave the keys of your car on the hall table.  Any person aged 65 or over, living alone or with a person aged 65 or over is entitled to a monitored alarm system.  All committee members have a form that must be filled by the applicant and which is then returned by us to Pobal.  We apply for a grant to cover the cost of the monitor and its installation.  The monitoring company charge €80 per annum to the applicant for monitoring the system.  Chairman Seamus Stack, Caher, Hon. Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Kilconlea, Joint Treasurers Kathleen Collins, Convent St, Marian Harnett, Knockbrack.  Committee members:  MaryJo O’Connell Knocknasna, John O’Sullivan Meenkilly, Buddy and Brenda Barry Cahir, James Joy The Grove, Denis Collins Knockbrack, Neily Lyons Dromtrasna, Sean Broderick New St., Micheal O’Kelly Killarney Rd., Garda Roger O’Donoghue Garda Station, Mary McArthur Cahir.

WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS:  The last club meeting of the season takes place at the Desmond Complex next Wednesday, May 18 from 8pm.  Why not go along and see what you think and if you find it might be for you then you have the summer free to think about it before you need to commit.

ROSARY IN KILLENAGH:  There will be a rosary every Friday evening during May at 8pm at the Holy Well in Dromtrasna.  The rosary is also recited in the Blessed Sacrament chapel at 7.30pm each evening.

LEGION OF MARY PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK:  The annual pilgrimage takes place on Sunday, June 12.

BORD NA NÓG NEWS:  Child Protection Regulations:  We continue to respectfully remind all Parents / Guardians that due to increasingly strict Child Protection and Insurance Policies, that all registration and membership fees must be fully completed and paid for in advance by a responsible Parent or Guardian before any child is allowed to train or play. Also, be aware that all children who are training or playing must wear GAA approved Gum Shields; which can be purchased in most Sport Shops.

Féile Peil na nOg:

Behind the scenes preparations are on-going for what the GAA terms the largest Youth Sport Event in Europe this year. The National Finals of the Féile Peil na nÓg take place in South West Munster with latest estimates that it will attract approx. 60,000 people to the region. Fr Casey’s Bord na nÓg and Fr Casey’s Ladies Football are delighted to see their respective U14 Boys and U14 Girls take part in these National Finals along with being a Host Club to two visiting teams and their Mentors in the last week of June.

Night at the Dogs:

Saturday, May 28 is the date that will see a well-known Sports Personality come to Abbeyfeale to officially launch the Night at the Dogs Fundraiser event which will take place in mid-August. This is expected to draw a large crowd at Fr Casey’s Clubhouse as young and old alike clamber for photos and selfies with this highly respected individual.

Social Media:

In order for us to try and stay in touch with all age groups and all generations, Fr Casey’s Bord na nOg have a number of Social Media accounts that anyone that follow.

Facebook:  frcaseys_bordnanog

Twitter:  frcaseys_bng

Instagram: frcaseys_bordnanog

CHILD PROTECTION TRAINING: West Limerick Resources is offering two workshops in relation to Child Protection for staff and volunteers of community run organisations this May.  Workshop 2 covers developing your organisations Child Protection Policy and takes place on Saturday May 28 from 10am-4.30pm in the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West.  To book contact Dearbhla on 069 62222 or email [email protected]. Funded under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2015-2017 which is funded by the Irish Government and co-funded by the European Social Fund and includes a special allocation under the Youth Employment Initiative

INVASIVE SPECIES FIELDTRIP: West Limerick Resources will be running a half day fieldtrip to see first-hand the impact of invasive species in West Limerick on Tuesday May 31.  This will include training on identification but will look in more depth at the practical steps involved in appropriately maintaining areas affected by invasive species including site inspection, risk assessment, monitoring and correct removal techniques where appropriate.  Open to members of local tidy towns groups, CE schemes or others involved in environmental enhancement work including trails management.  Passengers can be collected from Newcastle West and Abbeyfeale.  Free of charge but limited places available.  To book contact Michelle on 069 61540 or email [email protected]. Supported under Local Agenda 21.

RELIG IDE NAOFA GRAVEYARD CLEAN UP:  The clean-up has started and will take place every Tuesday evening from 7-8pm.  Every family with a grave is asked to give just one hour a week to keep the graveyard pristine.

SUE RYDER; Here at Sue Ryder Abbeyfeale, we are happy to offer a fantastic selection of summer clothing and footwear which we are constantly updating thanks to all of your generous donations.   We have just added a €1 rail to the shop that’s definitely worth visiting the shop for.  Selected children’s clothing, skirts and summer trousers on this rail are all priced at just €1! Also if you are looking for that perfect summer read,  get 4 books for just €3 here. Thank you again for all your generous donations. Unfortunately we can only recycle clothing, shoes and bags.  We regret we are unable to accept electrical items, duvets, pillows, torn/worn books, broken toys, chipped crockery/glass or incomplete board games/puzzles. As we cannot sell these items in our shop, the charity has to pay to dispose of them.  Thank you for your continued support.

VIKING BOXING CLUB:  Training on Tuesday and Thursday nights in the old Flamingos with entrance next door to the back entrance of The Coffee Pot on Colbert Tce.  Contact Noel 087 4360339.  All age groups welcome.

INVITATION TO PILGRIMAGE:  Bishop Brendan has issued an invitation to the people of the diocese to visit St. John’s Cathedral and walk through the Holy Door during this year of Mercy.  The cathedral is open between 9am and 6.30pm each day and directions as to the prayers to be said to gain an indulgence can be found beside the Door which has a banner over it.

TELEPHONE SUPPORT:  TeenLine is open 8pm-11pm every night. If you’ve had a bad day or need to talk to someone who will listen FreePhone 1800833634 or text Teen to 50015.  Samaritans can be reached 24 hours a day, every day on 1850 609090.

LIMERICK SOCIAL SERVICES:  A reminder that Limerick Social Service Council has an office in Abbeyfeale. There is a parent support worker available to any parent/family member or School who would like any support or guidance on any issue they may be having difficulty with. Information and details of supports available can also be accessed.  This service is free and confidential to all in the County Limerick area.  Any questions you can contact : Mary on 068-31019 / 0863514700  or call into the Parish office.

ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: parent and toddler group meets every Tuesday and Thursday in St. Ita’s Hall form 11 – 12.30pm. New Mum’s, Dad’s and toddlers are always welcome.

RURAL EMPLOYMENT & EDUCATION SERVICE:  Are you looking for some support and guidance to help you get back into training or back to work? The Rural Employment Service is a free, confidential service based in Newcastle West providing career guidance supports, CV and interview preparation supports and advice on training and education courses.  Contact Finn (087 759 1951), Ivana (087 653 5156), Adrienne (087 277 3294), or like us on Facebook WLR Rural Employment Service for the latest updates on job vacancies and training courses.

AA:  Narcotics Anonymous meet on Monday evenings in the parish office.  AL Anon meet there every Tuesday evening and AA meet there on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm, Friday evenings at 8pm and Sunday mornings at 10am.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH NOTES: Parish office 11-1pm Tuesday-Friday 068 31133. +Parish Support Worker 068/31019. Counselling Appointment 061/314213.Church 068/51915, Canon John O’Shea P.P.:  Tel: 068 – 31157 : 087 – 9708282, Fr Joe Foley CC:  Tel: 087 – 2618412.   Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  . Mass Tuesday – Saturday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass is 11am. Mass on Saturday 11am.  Mass Intentions:  Wednesday 8.15 am Kitty Daven RIP. 10am Lizzie Morris, Birthday Remembrance.  Thursday 8.15am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 10am Exam Mass.   Saturday 11am First Holy Communion.  7pm  Jack Scannell, St. Ita’s Terrace.  Bridget, Patsy, Danjoe and Jeremiah Murphy Banard.  Sunday 9.30am Denis Barry, Clash Road.  Tom, Maureen and Patrick McCarthy.  12 noon Sean and Sheila Finnerty and Joan Barrett The Hill.  Nora Moloney Knocknasna.

Church Webcam is now officially on and broadcasting live.   Almost anyone in the world can now view live broadcasts of events in Abbeyfeale parish church by logging onto  A direct link from the parish website has been set up.  You are asked to use car parking spaces in the Church car park before you start parking in the middle of the yard.

IRISH CHURCH MUSIC ASSOCIATION SUMMER SCHOOL:  Wednesday, July 6 – Saturday July 9 in St Patrick’s College Maynooth, with this year’s theme being ‘God, Full of Mercy’. For more contact Mary (086) 8128266.

THE IRISH CANCER SOCIETY’S VOLUNTEER DRIVER SERVICE:  The service is currently seeking volunteer drivers to drive local patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in Tralee General Hospital, Cork, University Hospital & the Mercy University Hospital, Cork. We are looking for volunteers to pick local patients up at their homes, drive them to the door of the hospital, and pick them up again when they are finished their treatment and bring them home. Driver expenses are paid.  Telephone Rebecca on 01 2316 642 or email transport@irishcanc

WOMEN OF THE WELL:  Rejuvenate your spirit with a weekend retreat for women.  Call Knock Shrine on 094 9388100.

MUNSTER PARKINSON’S DISEASE CONFERENCE:  There will be a conference in the Radisson Hotel, Ennis on Sunday, May 29 from 10.30am -4pm.  To book a place ring 1800359359 before May 23.

DOMESTIC ABUSE GROUP FOR MEN WHO ARE BATTERED: AMEN is based in Navan at St. Anne’s Resource Centre, Railway St. and provides a helpline on 046 9023 718, Email: [email protected]

ADAPT:   Support is available in Newcastle West each week and there is a new survivors group called ‘Let’s Talk’ which is open to women.  A 24 Hour Freephone Helpline is available 365 days a year at 1800 200 504.  Court accompaniment and many other services available.

RAMBLING HOUSES:  Jim Lyons’s Rambling House in Knockalucka is held on the third Tuesday of each month.  Ita Mc Quinn has a Rambling House on the second Monday of the month in Monagea.

MAUREEN IS OFF AGAIN: -  Sunday, June 19, we are heading to Salthill in Galway over looking Galway Bay.   Leaving Newcastle West at 8.30am sharp.  We are going to visit Circle of Life Garden Quincentenial Park.  For more information and booking contact Maureen 087 9845102.

RAMBLING HOUSE IN AID OF WEST LIMERICK 102FM:  West Limerick 102Fm are delighted to announce that we are holding our first ever Rambling House In aid of WLCR in the Community Hall,  Monagea,  on Monday  June 13 at 8.30pm .  Special Guests include Emily Clarke – William Reidy – Elle Marie O Dwyer- The Harty Brothers-   Billy O Brien- The Nightingales- Big Maggie – Donie Walsh – Nora Kennedy and more.   There will be a raffle on the night. Tea and Coffees and Light Refreshments will be served.  We’d be delighted to welcome other musicians, dancers, storytellers and singers.  Admission €5 with all proceeds going to the community radio.   For More Details Contact Benny on 879918546 /069 66200.

CONFERENCE ON   “THE JOY OF LOVE” Pope Francis’ recent statement on Family Life. The Rose Hotel, Tralee Saturday May 28.    Registration from 9.30am .  Fee €15. Welcome by Bishop Ray Browne. Speakers include John Waters, Sr. Consilio and Professor Ray Kinsella. Phone 087 3459455 .

MINDFUL PARENTING WORKSHOP:  Ardfert Retreat Centre, Wednesday, May 25 ~  7.00pm to 8.30pm ~ Would you like to learn more or be reminded about Self-Care and  Mindful Parenting? Spaces Limited so please contact 066 7134276 mailto:[email protected] or Harriet Mc Guigan 086 268591.

UPDATE FROM FR. PAT MOORE|:  May 12.   “When I went for my six month check-up a biopsy showed the presence of cancer. It’s disappointing but not unexpected. After meeting the oncologist it’s manageable and treatable. Because I responded so well to treatment the last time, that it is caught early and in the one place, there are a number of treatments I can get. I start next Thursday and am in good form. I appreciate your prayerful support and we will continue to pray for each other because God

Rhona DANAHER (née Griffin) Abbeyfeale, Limerick / Thurles, Tipperary RIP

May 16th, 2016
Danaher (nee Griffin) (Shanbally, Abbeyfeale, and formerly of Danaher’s Shop, Church Street, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick and Thurles)- May 14th. 2016, (peacefully), Rhona, wife of the late Dick, sadly missed by her children Mairéad, Philip, Roseann, Richard and Freda, brother Tommy, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, sister-in-law, grandchildren, relatives and friends.


Reposing at Harnett’s Funeral Home, The Square, Abbeyfeale on Monday from 6.00 p.m. followed by removal at 8.00 p.m. to Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale. Requiem Mass on Tuesday at 11.00 a.m. Funeral afterwards to Reilig Íde Naofa Abbeyfeale.

Date Published: Sunday 15th May 2016

Date of Death: Saturday 14th May 2016


May 10th, 2016

Christ heals what is sick, strengthens what is bruised. Where a faint flame of goodness still burns, he revives it with the breath of his love. He forcefully proclaims justice and  heals wounds with the balm of mercy   Homily at regina Coeli Prison July 9th 2000

Community notes May 11th 2016

May 10th, 2016

PROLOGUE: Nobody cares if you can’t dance well, just get up and dance.  Dave Barry.

BEST OF LUCK TO DROMTRASNA NS:  Delighted to wish Dromtrasna N.S girls, taking part in the FAI schools 5 a side final in the Aviva this Wednesday, the very best of luck.

CAR BOOT SALE AND INDOOR MARKET:  The monthly car boot sale and indoor market in aid of local community radio station WL102fm will take place at the Community Centre, NCW on Sunday next May 15 with gates opening at 7.30am.  Take the chance to do a clear out and exchange unwanted goods or gifts for cash.  A stall at the market costs either €7/€10 and you don’t need to book, just turn up on the day.

ROSARY AT KILLENAGH:  The Holy Rosary will be recited at Killenagh Well every Friday during 8pm.  It’s also recited in the Church at 7.30pm.

ST. ITA’S READING GROUP:  |Meet in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Wednesday, May 11 at 2pm.

1916 MEMORIAL GARDEN:  A plethora of commemorative projects have taken place all over the country celebrating the events of Easter 1916, and Abbeyfeale has been no exception to this trend, with commemorative events in many of the schools and the Community Education Centre, as well as a group from the town replicating the footsteps of their ancestors in the recent march to Glenquin Castle.

Plans are currently in place for a permanent memorial, with the development of a commemorative garden in the Town Park to acknowledge the signatories of the proclamation and all involved in the 1916 rising.  Work has already begun on this momentous project and an account has been set up in the local Credit Union.  If you wish to make a donation, the account number is 6856, the BIC is ABRUIE21XXX and the IBAN is IE69ABRU99211897967050 if you wish to make a donation online.

All donations, no matter how small, are gratefully received, and with the excellent workers in the Park, we look forward to creating a truly fitting and beautiful garden to celebrate the sacrifice of all those involved in the 1916 rising.

STRICTLY COME DANCING:  The first ever Fealeside Strictly Come Dancing took place at the Devon Inn on Sunday night last to raise funds for the Town Park, Tidy Towns and the Christmas Lights appeal.  The function room which was transformed into an old style ballroom was packed to capacity by the audience who came from all over West Limerick, North Kerry and indeed North Cork.  Great excitement was generated by the arrival of Chief Judge Independent TD Micheal Healy Rae who was preceded to the judges table by a lone piper, where in a display of political unity, he joined Fine Gael Lord Mayor Liam Galvin to adjudicate on the 13 couples who took the floor.  MC Richard Lynch of I Love Limerick had the crowd in stitches with his risqué humour and dancing moves and he got the show underway with a display of footwork that was a first for the dance floor in the Devon Inn.  In a tribute to the new political reality, Josie Foley sister of local Fine Fail councillor Francis and Fine Gael parliamentary assistant Mickey O’Connor were the first couple on the floor.  They were followed, in turn, by 12 more couples, all of whom, produced dazzling performances to ecstatic applause from the audience and in some cases standing ovations.  Worthy joint winners were Irene Harnett and Mike Stretch Scannell who performed a sultry tango and the youngest couple of the night Jamie Lee and Paul Noonan whose dance was a stunning display of athleticism and rhythm.  A special congratulations to young Caomihe Scannell who stood in at very short notice for Nora Reidy who got injured earlier at the dress rehearsal.  Caomihe produced a flawless performance with Nora’s partner Daniel Woods and received high acclaim from the panel of judges. All the dancers were exceptional from Richie and Helen , Jodie and John, Bridget and Tiny, Noel and Karen, Katie and Man of the Match Pa, Esther and Timmy Joe, Ciara and Freddie, Carmel and Matthew and Thomas and Eileen and all credit must go to their dedication over the last two months.  We cannot forget Debbie O’Driscoll, the dance coach from Kerry Dance and Fitness who did trojan work to enable all the dancers to provide such a display of twinkling toes and gyrating hips while all the while keeping time to the music!

The night concluded with a disco which had the crowd up on the floor and dancing until the wee hours.  A huge thank you must go to the hard working committee – Betty O’Donoghue, Kelly, Bridget Lee, Joan Collins, Marie McElligott, Angela O’Rourke, Esther McElligott and Jim O’Shea whose brain child Fealeside Strictly Come Dancing was and who brought it all together in the Devon Inn last Sunday.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION:  Takes place on Saturday, May 21 at 11am.  Church gates will be locked on Friday evening at 10pm to facilitate parking.

TABLE QUIZ TO AID SYRIAN REFUGEES: A table quiz to aid Syrian refugees will take place at Thomas T.J’s, New St. on Friday, May 20.  Quiz Master Lorcan Curtin.  A raffle for a mega hamper will also be held on the night.  All funds to the Red Cross who work in the refugee camps.  We hope that you will support us and even if you’re not into quizzes come along for a chance to take home the hamper.

SILVER JUBILEE: It’s 25 years ago since the Parish Priest at the time, Canon James Neville decided to build a chapel dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament at the side of the Parish Church here in Abbeyfeale.  It’s a well-used chapel with morning Mass at 8.15am most mornings, adoration all day Tuesday and Friday and evening adoration Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  It’s also used for small weddings as it seats up to 60 people comfortably and by families for Sunday Mass with prayer groups and reading groups based there too.  It’s an oasis of peace in a busy town where people can pop in for a moment of contemplation and peace.  After 25 years of continual use the parish council decided to re decorate it and commissioned some painting and upholstery and a beautiful new floor.   They have invited everyone to a blessing on Saturday, May 28 following Mass at 7pm which will in turn be followed by the Corpus Christi procession with the First Holy Communicants leading it and finally the blessing of the chapel.  There will be cup of tea afterwards in the Day Care Centre.

TOWN PARK NEWS:  Plans are now at an advanced stage for the Annual Town Park Dog Show on Sunday June 12.  .  The amount of people out walking their dogs and teaching tricks to them is quite noticeable as the day draws closer. Special guests on the day will include many of the participants in the highly successful Strictly Come Dancing event at The Devon Hotel. They will be available for selfies and autographs. Maybe Irene & Stretch and Jamie & Paul might give us a twirl or two. Full details of the event will be published soon.  The building of a new garden of remembrance to commemorate the Easter Rising will shortly commence in the park. The garden will incorporate a flagpole and tricolour, a copy of the proclamation engraved in stone and seven new trees in memory of the seven signatories. This will be located at the entrance to the park on the town side. The park committee would like to thank Lorcan Curtin and his group for bringing this project to the park and for their financial contribution to the project.  We would like to ask those who use the park to respect the amenities. Do not damage any property or destroy flowers or plants. The park is a very important ecological site and we need to protect it.

ARE YOU IN CRISIS:  There are several organizations who will help if you are under pressure and these include the newly formed West Limerick Crisis Intervention Team who can be reached on 085 1777631, the Mind Our Farm Families is a dedicated suicide and self-harm phone line 1890 130 022 between IFA and Pieta House.  The phone line for IFA members will put farmers and their families in direct contact with a Pieta House trained therapist.  Then there is the Samaritans  on free call 116 123 or Console 1800 247247.

ST. MARY’S BOYS N.S.:  A hearty congratulations to all involved in the St. Mary’s Boys National school concert that took place on Thursday night last at Coláiste Iosaif agus Íde.  Amongst the many highlights were line dancing, synchronised swimming, the exploits of the Irish football team in various international tournaments, a wonderful exploration of 1916 through ballad and of course the sketch that made it to the Abbey Theatre, before a grand finish with a message of inclusion and a rousing version of Amhrán na bhFiann.
For many of us who attended St. Mary’s, memories of concerts at the old convent hall linger fondly, as they will in the future for all the excellent performers who took to the stage last night.  All the talk at the Farmers’ Market on Friday was how Tristian Murphy aged 5 played a tour de force as controversial soccer pundit Eamon Dumphy.

BORD NA NÓG NEWS:  Child Protection Regulations:  We continue to respectfully remind all Parents / Guardians that due to increasingly strict Child Protection and Insurance Policies, that all registration and membership fees must be fully completed and paid for in advance by a responsible Parent or Guardian before any child is allowed to train or play. Also, be aware that all children who are training or playing must wear GAA approved Gum Shields; which can be purchased in most Sport Shops.

Féile Peil na nOg:

Behind the scenes preparations are on-going for what the GAA terms the largest Youth Sport Event in Europe this year. The National Finals of the Féile Peil na nÓg take place in South West Munster with latest estimates that it will attract approx. 60,000 people to the region. Fr Casey’s Bord na nÓg and Fr Casey’s Ladies Football are delighted to see their respective U14 Boys and U14 Girls take part in these National Finals along with being a Host Club to two visiting teams and their Mentors in the last week of June.

Night at the Dogs:

Saturday, May 28 is the date that will see a well-known Sports Personality come to Abbeyfeale to officially launch the Night at the Dogs Fundraiser event which will take place in mid-August. This is expected to draw a large crowd at Fr Casey’s Clubhouse as young and old alike clamber for photos and selfies with this highly respected individual.

Social Media:

In order for us to try and stay in touch with all age groups and all generations, Fr Casey’s Bord na nOg have a number of Social Media accounts that anyone that follow.

Facebook:  frcaseys_bordnanog

Twitter:  frcaseys_bng

Instagram: frcaseys_bordnanog

FEALE FIT:  Best of luck to Dromtrasna N.S girls taking part in the FAI schools 5 a side final in the Aviva this Wednesday May 11. Fealefit along with Abbey United were delighted to sponsor their kitbags.  Well done to our Fealefit members that took part in the Strictly come dancing event Sunday night, they were all excellent and did themselves proud.  Well done to all Fealefit & St Ita’s Ac members that ran the Darkness into light 5k  over the weekend & best of luck to our little athletes taking part in the Community games this Wednesday night.  All Fealefit event training is free of charge and open to all levels of fitness…see for all details on training & Upcoming events or Contact Shane 087 2891015 Kadie 087 7771552.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  A huge thank you to all who contributed to our annual church gate collection.  The sum raised was €675.  Any person aged 65 or over, living alone or with a person aged 65 or over is entitled to a monitored alarm system.  All committee members have a form that must be filled by the applicant and which is then returned by us to Pobal.  We apply for a grant to cover the cost of the monitor and its installation.  The monitoring company charge €80 per annum to the applicant for monitoring the system.   Chairman Seamus Stack, Caher, Hon. Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Kilconlea, Joint Treasurers Kathleen Collins, Convent St, Marian Harnett, Knockbrack.  Committee members:  MaryJo O’Connell Knocknasna, John O’Sullivan Meenkilly, Buddy and Brenda Barry Cahir, James Joy The Grove, Denis Collins Knockbrack, Neily Lyons Dromtrasna, Sean Broderick New St., Micheal O’Kelly Killarney Rd., Garda Roger O’Donoghue Garda Station, Mary McArthur Cahir.

WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS:  The last club meeting of the season takes place at the Desmond Complex next Wednesday, May 18 from 8pm.  Why not go along and see what you think and if you find it might be for you then you have the summer free to think about it before you need to commit.

GET WALKING, GET TALKING: Come along to one of five forest walks organised around the country by IFA in association with See Change, Coillte and Mental Health Ireland this May.  The Let’s Talk and Walk events encourage people to take time out of their busy lives, go for a walk and support the campaign to change minds about mental health – one conversation at a time.  The walks are part of a month-long national Green Ribbon Campaign organised by See Change to get people talking openly about mental health problems and to break the stigma of silence associated with mental health.  The most local of these walks will take place next Sunday, May 15 at 3pm at the Forest Park in Doneraile.

CHILD PROTECTION TRAINING: West Limerick Resources is offering two workshops in relation to Child Protection for staff and volunteers of community run organisations this May.  Workshop 1 will provide an introduction to Child Protection and takes place on Saturday May 14.   Workshop 2 covers developing your organisations Child Protection Policy and takes place on Saturday May 28.  Both workshops will run from 10am-4.30pm in the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West.  To book contact Dearbhla on 069 62222 or email [email protected]. Funded under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2015-2017 which is funded by the Irish Government and co-funded by the European Social Fund and includes a special allocation under the Youth Employment Initiative

CO. LIMERICK BEEKEEPERS MEET:  Co.  Limerick Beekeepers Association will hold its next meeting on Thursday, May 12 at 8pm in Mungret GAA. Guest speaker on the night is Michael Maunsell and the topic will be ‘Diseases and Record Keeping’.   Michael Maunsell is a retired mathematics and physics teacher. He began beekeeping in the early 1970s when he was approached by a local farmer to rescue bees from a dangerous hollow tree that overhung the road between his house and his neighbours land. There followed a short intense period of study of beekeeping and carpentry to make a suitable home for his new tenants. Naively, he assumed that the bees would be delivered to him but unfortunately he had to cut down the tree and remove the bees himself.With a background in science, he set about experimenting with his new charges. He learned a great deal of his beekeeping from his involvement with the Galtee Bee Breeding Group. His beekeeping philosophy is quite simple – start with your own local bees, use natural selection (survival of the fittest, this has brought them to where they are) then progress with artificial selection, using comprehensive colony records. Michael now operates 25+ colonies so he must be doing something right!  Paul O’ Sullivan from Bee Supplies will be in the car-park from 6.30pm, if anybody wishes to purchase any equipment before the lecture.

ALZHEIMERS TEA DAY:  Wednesday, May 11 from 11-2pm at the Adult Education Centre, Mountmahon.  Every one welcome and do take the opportunity too to find out about all the groups who meet there weekly ie The Wednesday Club, ICA, Active Retirement and the Men’s Shed.  There are also a range of classes available in everything from furniture restoration to computers to business at the Adult Education centre and now is a good time to be planning for autumn.

REMEMBERING Zoë CYCLE CHALLENGE 2016:  The annual “Remembering Zoë” cycle challenge in memory of 8 year old Zoë Scannell from Abbeyfeale who died tragically in June 2014 takes place on Sunday, May 15 next.   The Cycle event will raise much needed funds for child focussed charities and facilities for children. This year’s beneficiaries are Make a Wish foundation, Community Games, Hope Foundation and Abbeyfeale Town Park Playground. This year’s challenge consists of 3 cycle routes, 110Km, 75Km and 40Km. Routes and distances to suit all cyclists from beginners to advanced. All participants will receive a special edition Finishers Medal. Catering facilities before and after at Abbeyfeale GAA clubhouse, food stop/refreshments on all routes, parking onsite/close by and shower facilities available. Registration for the three routes   110km, 75km and 40km will take place at Fr. Casey’s Friday May 13 from 6-9pm and on Sunday, May 15 from 7.30am.  Further information from John 087 2258808 or Tom 087 6820506.  The remembering Zoe Family Fun Day will be held on Sunday, July 3 next and then on the August Bank Holiday weekend runners are sought for a once in a lifetime experience when The Remembering Zoë Relay run to Dublin for Make a Wish Foundation will take place.

NEW BUSINESS IN CHURCH ST:  Mary Nuala Healy tells me that her daughter Brid Ann has opened a shop selling cosmetics, not a salon applying them, as I suggested in last week’s notes.  It’s in Church St., (opposite the Boys N.S.) and stocks a wide variety of makeup brands which include Loreal, MaybellIne, NYC, and the very popular Sleek.  Be sure to pop in for excellent quality at a great price, oh, and tell them I sent you!

INVASIVE SPECIES FIELDTRIP: West Limerick Resources will be running a half day fieldtrip to see first-hand the impact of invasive species in West Limerick on Tuesday May 31.  This will include training on identification but will look in more depth at the practical steps involved in appropriately maintaining areas affected by invasive species including site inspection, risk assessment, monitoring and correct removal techniques where appropriate.  Open to members of local tidy towns groups, CE schemes or others involved in environmental enhancement work including trails management.  Passengers can be collected from Newcastle West and Abbeyfeale.  Free of charge but limited places available.  To book contact Michelle on 069 61540 or email [email protected]. Supported under Local Agenda 21.

RELIG IDE NAOFA GRAVEYARD CLEAN UP:  The clean-up starts shortly.  Every family with a grave is asked to give just one hour a week to keep the graveyard pristine.

ABBEYFEALE HORSE AND PONY COMMITTEE:  An invitation to new members has been issued by the committee.  If you would like to get involved please contact Toddy 087 2029395.

SUE RYDER; Here at Sue Ryder Abbeyfeale, we are happy to offer a fantastic selection of summer clothing and footwear which we are constantly updating thanks to all of your generous donations.   We have just added a €1 rail to the shop that’s definitely worth visiting the shop for.  Selected children’s clothing, skirts and summer trousers on this rail are all priced at just €1! Also if you are looking for that perfect summer read,  get 4 books for just €3 here. Thank you again for all your generous donations. Unfortunately we can only recycle clothing, shoes and bags.  We regret we are unable to accept electrical items, duvets, pillows, torn/worn books, broken toys, chipped crockery/glass or incomplete board games/puzzles. As we cannot sell these items in our shop, the charity has to pay to dispose of them.  Thank you for your continued support.

VIKING BOXING CLUB:  Training on Tuesday and Thursday nights in the old Flamingos with entrance next door to the back entrance of The Coffee Pot on Colbert Tce.  Contact Noel 087 4360339.  All age groups welcome.

INVITATION TO PILGRIMAGE:  Bishop Brendan has issued an invitation to the people of the diocese to visit St. John’s Cathedral and walk through the Holy Door during this year of Mercy.  The cathedral is open between 9am and 6.30pm each day and directions as to the prayers to be said to gain an indulgence can be found beside the Door which has a banner over it.

TELEPHONE SUPPORT:  TeenLine is open 8pm-11pm every night. If you’ve had a bad day or need to talk to someone who will listen FreePhone 1800833634 or text Teen to 50015.  Samaritans can be reached 24 hours a day, every day on 1850 609090.

LIMERICK SOCIAL SERVICES:  A reminder that Limerick Social Service Council has an office in Abbeyfeale. There is a parent support worker available to any parent/family member or School who would like any support or guidance on any issue they may be having difficulty with. Information and details of supports available can also be accessed.  This service is free and confidential to all in the County Limerick area.  Any questions you can contact : Mary on 068-31019 / 0863514700  or call into the Parish office.

ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: parent and toddler group meets every Tuesday and Thursday in St. Ita’s Hall form 11 – 12.30pm. New Mum’s, Dad’s and toddlers are always welcome.

RURAL EMPLOYMENT & EDUCATION SERVICE:  Are you looking for some support and guidance to help you get back into training or back to work? The Rural Employment Service is a free, confidential service based in Newcastle West providing career guidance supports, CV and interview preparation supports and advice on training and education courses.  Contact Finn (087 759 1951), Ivana (087 653 5156), Adrienne (087 277 3294), or like us on Facebook WLR Rural Employment Service for the latest updates on job vacancies and training courses.

AA:  Narcotics Anonymous meet on Monday evenings in the parish office.  AL Anon meet there every Tuesday evening and AA meet there on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm, Friday evenings at 8pm and Sunday mornings at 10am.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH NOTES: Parish office 11-1pm Tuesday-Friday 068 31133. +Parish Support Worker 068/31019. Counselling Appointment 061/314213.Church 068/51915, Canon John O’Shea P.P.:  Tel: 068 – 31157087 – 9708282, Fr Joe Foley CC:  Tel:  087 – 2618412.   Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm.  . Mass Tuesday – Saturday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass is 11am. Mass on Saturday 11am.  Mass Intentions:  Wednesday 8.15 am  Mary Ita O’Connor RIP.  Friday 10am James Keane Kilmahahan.  Saturday 11am Francis Healy, Dromtrasna.  7pm Mary Jo and John E O’Connell, Fealeview Rd.  Henry McGill, Springmount.  Margaret and Joan Broderick.  Sunday 9.30am Louis McEnery Dromtrasna Collins.  Bill Stemp 33 Cedarville 1st. Anniversary. 12 noon  James Collins, Dromtrasna Harnett.  Margaret Kelliher, Ballaugh.  Parish Clerks Collection takes place at all Masses on May 15/16.

Church Webcam is now officially on and broadcasting live.   Almost anyone in the world can now view live broadcasts of events in Abbeyfeale parish church by logging onto  A direct link from the parish website has been set up.  You are asked to use car parking spaces in the Church car park before you start parking in the middle of the yard.

HISTORY LECTURE:  A lecture entitled ‘Thomas MacGreevy & Irish Revolution’ by Dr. Declan Downey will take place in the Seanchaí Centre, Listowel on Thursday May 12 at 8 pm.  For more information visit


6 – Saturday July 9 in St Patrick’s College Maynooth, with this year’s theme being ‘God, Full of Mercy’. For more contact Mary (086) 8128266.

THE IRISH CANCER SOCIETY’S VOLUNTEER DRIVER SERVICE:  The service is currently seeking volunteer drivers to drive local patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in Tralee General Hospital, Cork, University Hospital & the Mercy University Hospital, Cork. We are looking for volunteers to pick local patients up at their homes, drive them to the door of the hospital, and pick them up again when they are finished their treatment and bring them home. Driver expenses are paid.  Telephone Rebecca on 01 2316 642 or email transport@irishcanc

CHORAL CONCERTS IN KNOCK; On Saturday, May 14 three separate choirs with 120 members in total, leading operatic soloists and the RTE Concert Orchestra will come together in the newly renovated Basilica in Knock.  The concert under the baton of  David Brophy  will include ‘The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace’ written by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins as well as a special piece for 1916 written by Patrick Cassidy, a Mayo man now based in Hollywood.  Tickets 094 9388100 or see

WOMEN OF THE WELL:  Rejuvenate your spirit with a weekend retreat for women.  Call Knock Shrine on 094 9388100.

MAUREEN’S OFF TO CLONAKILTY:  Make a note in your diary……Sunday, May 22. Clonakilty Model Railway Village.  When you walk into this model village you are stepping back in time and will see life as it was in 1940′s.  See the old West Cork Railway line portrayed in delightful miniature serving towns.  The models and figures are handmade.  Depicting busy market days this is a joyful discovery for both young and not so young alike.  Relax in the unique tea room set on one of the authentic train carriages with a view of Clonakilty.  We will have our usual breakfast and choice of dinner menu in Mallow.  We have a number of names already as this is a very popular day trip.  For more information and booking contact Maureen  087 9845102.

MUNSTER PARKINSON’S DISEASE CONFERENCE:  There will be a conference in the Radisson Hotel, Ennis on Sunday, May 29 from 10.30am -4pm.  To book a place ring 1800359359 before May 23.

VOLUNTEER IN AFRICA:   Humanitarian Volunteers are looking for volunteers to travel to Kenya on June 26, 2016, for two weeks. No experience required and no age restrictions. Supervision provided. Volunteers will also visit the resting place of the Venerable Edel Quinn. Volunteers will pay their own costs. If you can assist teaching English, or assist with sports, games, arts, crafts or more, then you can make a real impact on the lives of the poorest. Contact Denis 086 8520271.

LIMERICK WOODTURNERS SEMINAR:  Limerick and District Chapter of The Irish Woodturning Guild celebrates the 25th anniversary of its founding in 1991.  A seminar will be held in the Kilmurry Lodge Hotel on Saturday, May 14.  Three leading exponents of the craft will give demonstrations on the day.  Our own Liam Flynn from Abbeyfeale will showcase his unique sculptural Hollow Forms, his work can be found in Museums both here and abroad.  Donal Ryan from Borrisoleigh will demonstrate functional and decorative gallery pieces and Christien Van Bussel – a potter and woodturner from Holland who now lives and teaches in Wicklow will demonstrate decorative techniques, carving and the application of vibrant colours.    If you wish to attend contact Brendan on 0879181435 or email

DOMESTIC ABUSE GROUP FOR MEN WHO ARE BATTERED: AMEN is based in Navan at St. Anne’s Resource Centre, Railway St. and provides a helpline on 046 9023 718, Email: [email protected]

ADAPT:   Support is available in Newcastle West each week and there is a new survivors group called ‘Let’s Talk’ which is open to women.  A 24 Hour Freephone Helpline is available 365 days a year at 1800 200 504.  Court accompaniment and many other services available.

KNOCK RE DEDICATION:  A national rededication ceremony has been announced for Saturday, July 16 following the extensive refurbishment of the Basilica of Our Lady, Queen of Ireland, at Ireland’s National Marian Shrine, Knock, Co Mayo.  The Basilica was officially opened on July 18, 1976, and has since become one of the most visited landmarks in Ireland, providing shelter to millions of pilgrims to Knock Shrine over its 40 year history. Over the last two years, the Basilica has been completely modernised as part of a major, renewal project at Knock Shrine, called Witness to Hope. One of Europe’s largest single flat pieces of mosaic has also been installed in the Basilica as part of the refurbishment.  Cardinal Séan O’Malley, the Archbishop of Boston, will perform the official rededication ceremony at 3pm on Saturday, July 16.  Cardinal O’Malley is leading a historic first-ever chartered pilgrimage from Boston to Knock for the rededication ceremony.  Fr Richard Gibbons, PP, Rector of Knock Shrine, said everyone is welcome to the ceremony

CAMP VERITAS:  Camp Veritas is a summer camp run for youth aged from 12 to 18 years old.  It is about fun, faith and fellowship.  There are lots of fun and sports activities planned over the week, but the main focus of the week is to bring the young people to the living presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament and to deepen or awaken their faith. It is being run from June 26 -July 1 at Maynooth University, Co. Kildare, Ireland. The cost is €450 if paid online or cheque mailed to USA, Euro equivalent if cash or cheque in Ireland. More details – click ‘read more’ or see the groups Facebook page at

PILGRIMAGE TO HOLY LAND:  Archbishop Eamon Martin will lead a Christian solidarity pilgrimage to the Holy Land from September 9 – 17 next on a direct flight from Dublin.  It will be an opportunity to visit holy sites and walk in the footsteps of Jesus in Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee and Jerusalem.  It will also be an opportunity to visit the tiny Christian community in the region known as ‘The Living Stones’.  Price approx. €1,168 per person sharing.  Call 01 8783111 for further details.

Mary D.A. O’CONNOR (née O’Connor) Kilconlea Lower, Abbeyfeale, Limerick RIP

April 7th, 2016
O’Connor (nee O’Connor) (Kilconlea Lower, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick and formerly of Grogeen, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick)- April 6th. 2016, at home, (peacefully), Mary D.A., wife of the late Denny Ann; deeply regretted by her loving family, son D.P., daughters Ann, Noreen, Eileen, Kate and Vita, sister Noreen Murphy (Ballaugh), sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephew, nieces, relatives, neighbours and friends.


Reposing at her home, Kilconlea Lower, on Thursday from 3.30 p.m. followed by removal at 7.30 p.m. to Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale. Requiem Mass on Friday at 11.00 a.m. Funeral afterwards to Reilig Íde Naofa Abbeyfeale.

Date Published: Wednesday 6th April 2016

Date of Death: Wednesday 6th April 2016

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