

June 11th, 2015

LSSC COUNSELLING PROJECT: We offer counselling quietly and with respect for the depression, stress, bereavement and relationship difficulties that people faced and we aim to keep doing it. If you want more information or wish to enquire about our project, please contact our Centre on 061-314111.


June 11th, 2015

DRUG AND ALCOHOL PREVENTION SEMINAR:  Towards 2016 – A Drug and Alcohol Prevention Seminar.  SAVE THE DATE!  Wednesday June 17, 2015.  The Mid-West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Forum and the Western Region Drugs Task Force in partnership with the Diploma in Drug and Alcohol Studies at the University of Limerick want to hear your voice!  Join us for the big THINK IN…An interactive seminar to consider good practice and the future direction of prevention work in the drug and alcohol sector.  HAVE YOUR SAY.

The Ascension of the Lord.

May 15th, 2015


Eleven disciples on a mountain side with Jesus. Surely these followers of Jesus were a wonderful colourful description of our church down the centuries.  Some were confident, some scared. Some had sought power, others denied Jesus. Some wanted hard facts, others trusted more easily.  A bit like ourselves today, wasn’t it!

 If you were planning to offer the gift of the Holy Spirit to the whole world, these were not the people you and I might choose to lead that campaign, were they!  

 Thankfully Gods ways are not our ways. We are not chosen based on our ability but based on our openess to saying yes to God! Like Mary, and the disciples on the mountainside; we are called to stand before the mystery of God in wonder and awe, and to say yes Yes to the love of God  Yes to the joy of community  Yes to the call of service

 Those who fall in love cannot help but share that joy with the world – in smiles, in kindness, in joy and in peace. 

 We who know the love of God are called to share that love with the whole world – inviting those we meet into this muinteareas, this love, which includes the whole world in its grace.

West Limerick Resources,

May 14th, 2015

A Chara

West Limerick Resources, in cooperation with the Abbeyfeale Community Development Association (ACDA), would like to invite you to attend a public meeting in the Glorach Theatre Abbeyfeale on Thursday May 21st at 7.30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to consult with the Community on developing the most appropriate community structures in Abbeyfeale to assist with the implementation of the recently prepared Community Enhancement Plan. 

As you may be aware, this dedicated Community Enhancement Plan was recently launched for Abbeyfeale.  It was commissioned by the Abbeyfeale Community Development Association (ACDA) to provide a blue print as to the future development of Abbeyfeale as a Town and Community. This plan covered a range of issues including Infrastructure, Tourism, Enterprise and Tidy Towns.  It also included a recommendation on the development of an appropriate umbrella community structure that would act a coordinating body and focus efforts to develop the town.

Working in cooperation with the ACDA, West Limerick Resources has agreed to facilitate the development of this structure, examining what is currently in place in the town and helping assess and implement any changes required taking on board the recommendations made in Abbeyfeale’s Enhancement Plan.

It is hoped that this structure will assist with the implementation of the proposed actions identified in the Community Enhancement Plan by making the development of community projects more efficient, offering added value and make funding applications more appealing to funding organisations. The existing structures in Abbeyfeale will continue to operate independently but would work towards the same strategic aims to develop Abbeyfeale as an attractive place to live, work and visit.

The indicative representation on this structure, as contained in Abbeyfeale’s Enhancement Plan, is as follows:

1.            Tidy Towns

2.            Business Representatives

3.            Festivals Representative

4.            Cultural Representative

5.            Representative from the National School

6.            Representative from Secondary School

7.            Representative from Youth Group

8.            Representative from Active Retired Group

9.            Representative from GAA

10.         Representative from Rugby Club

11.         Representative from Soccer Club

12.         Min  3  Representative  from  Community Sector

13.         Representative   from West Limerick Resources*

14.         Representative from Gardai*

15.         Elected Limerick County Councillor(s)*

*The latter 3 representatives may only be able to sit on the Board in an advisory capacity.

This meeting is your opportunity to have an input into the final format of this structure and to play and active role in enhancing Abbeyfeale for the benefit of all

Look forward to meeting you. Please feel free to distribute this invitation to those you think may be interested

Kind regards

Shay Riordan


West Limerick Resources

St Marys Road

Newcastle West

County Limerick

Telephone:  069 62222

Fax:  069 61870

Email: [email protected]


Company Registration Number:  206973 CHY 11712

West Limerick Resources Established 1993. “Committed to the Community”





P Please consider the environment – do not print this e-mail unless absolutely necessary

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Seminar

May 11th, 2015

Towards 2016

A Drug and Alcohol Prevention Seminar


Wednesday June 17th 2015

The Mid-West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Forum and the Western Region Drugs Task Force in partnership with the Diploma in Drug and Alcohol Studies at the

University of Limerick want to hear your voice!

Join us for the big THINK IN…

An interactive seminar to consider good practice and the future direction of prevention work in the drug and alcohol sector


Should you have any queries please contact Sancha Power her details are below.

Mid-West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Forum | HSE

Corporate House | Mungret St. | Limerick City

(061) 469150 | (086) 467 8010

[email protected]

Many thanks,

Ann Marie Carey


Mid-West Regional Drugs & Alcohol Forum

P.O Box 486

Corporate House

Mungret Street



[email protected]

You can find a directory of services where people and family members can access support, on our website:

Or the Alcohol Action Ireland website:

Accessibility Statement
Tel : (068) 311 33 | Email : [email protected]
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