

January 5th, 2015

Take a moment to view some beautiful pictures of Christmas celebrated in Abbeyfeale Church 2014. Wishing everyone at home and away a lovely , peaceful and faith filled Christmas from all in Abbeyfeale . For those who couldn’t make it home this year know that you are in our prayers . We hope where ever you are Abbeyfeale has a special place in your heart.

Year to each of you.

Ara Na Feile Christmas 2014

December 23rd, 2014
Ara Na Feile Active Retirement Group
We would like to wish all our members a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and Best Wishes and Good Health for 2015.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 14th January 2015 @ 2pm at the Adult Educational Centre and we look forward to meeting up after the Christmas break.

Annual Christmas Cycle / Walk 2014

December 23rd, 2014

Come along for our annual Christmas cycle/walk on 27 December 2014 @ 14:30

Starting @ the Railway bar trailhead Abbeyfeale Co.Limerick where ample parking is available.

Cyclist will do a return cycle to Templeglantine (20km) and walkers a return trip to Kilmorna (6km) with a return time for both groups estimated @ 16:15.

Also refreshments and festive treats will be served in the railway bar so see you there!!!!!

Contact Jim @ 086 8134061 or Liam @ 087 6471956 for further details.

Mission Prayer

October 31st, 2014

Mission Prayer

Loving Father we ask your blessing on us during our Parish Mission.
Slow us down and make us thoughtful.
Open our hearts through the Holy Spirit to your word and grace.
May this week be for us a week of Blessing and thanksgiving, of reconciliation and renewal
of healing and of peace.
May your love grow among us,
to live as your witness
with hope and with love.
Mary our Mother Pray for us,
Pray for our Parish Community
and pray for every home in it,
that all may feel welcome to our Mission.


Community notes 27th Oct 2014

October 31st, 2014

PROLOGUE:  “If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.” Lord Chesterfield.

RAMBLING HOUSE; Listowel Rambling House will take place in the Seanchaí Literary Centre on Thursday October 30 from 9.15 pm.  Admission free, tea/coffee served.

NIGHTMARE IN THE PARK:  On Halloween night Friday October 31 Abbeyfeale Town Park will be taken over by ghouls, ghosties, the undead and all those who wander the underworld seeking to scare the living daylights out of the rest of us.  Make your way there as dusk falls (6.30ish) and be afraid, be very afraid.

PREPARING FOR THE MISSION:  The Mission will run from Saturday, November 1 to Friday, November 7 with Masses Monday to Friday 7am and 10am and Evening Devotions Sunday to Friday at 7.30pm.  There will also be a Special Noon Mass on Wednesday with anointing of the Sick and Elderly.  Themes for the week include Living the Gospel, Reconciliation/God’s Mercy, Commemorating the Departed and Comforting the Bereaved.  Joanne O’Riordan from Millstreet will speak on Friday on the theme ‘A church for the future’.  All are welcome.  We hope to have a social aspect to the Mission as well so every morning after 10am Mass and every evening at 7.30pm there will be a cup of tea at the Day Care centre.  Volunteers are currently travelling through the parish issuing an invitation to all residents to attend.

HALLOWEEN NIGHT:  The Rambling House, Knockfierna in the heart of Co. Limerick which has been entertaining crowds for the past 30 years has a magnificent line-up of top class entertainers for this Friday night, October 31 commencing at 7pm in honour of the visit of Donacha O’Dhuling of RTE fame.  Among those entertaining on the night are Ella Marie O’Dwyer, Willie Relihan, Christy Kelly, Tom O’ Donoghue, Philip Enright plus many more, too numerous to mention.  This is also an opportunity to get a copy of Donacha’s new book signed by him on the night. Admission free.

YOUTH CLUB:  Abbey legends have no club on Friday night. Teens Together are in St.Itas on Saturday night from 7.45 – 9.15pm.  The Yolo club are going to Laser Tag in Limerick on Saturday- leaving from the church at 11.30 sharp and back 5pm approx.

All three clubs would like to thank everyone for their support in giving them their blue tokens in Tesco and ask for continued support over the coming weeks.

CAR BOOT SALE AND INDOOR MARKET:  There will be a fundraising car boot sale at the Community Centre, NCW on Sunday next November 2 in aid of West Limerick 102fm.  Gates open 7.30am.  Sale 8-1pm.  Further enquiries 069 66200.

MILFORD HOSPICE COLLECTION: The annual collection in aid of Milford Hospice will be held at all Masses next weekend Saturday, November 1 and Sunday, November 2.

GATHER BY THE FEALE AGM: The reconvened AGM will take place on Monday Nov 3 at 8.30pm in Leens Hotel.  We are hoping to expand our committee and that more people will become involved.  Suggestions about a theme for next year would be very welcome.  If you don’t want to come to the AGM then call to Olive in Leens or Bridget in Dan G’s with any ideas you may have on improving the festival.

FEALESBRIDGE SOCIAL:  The 45th Annual Social takes place on Friday, December 5 at the Devon Inn, Templeglantine.  Dinner will be served at 8.30pm sharp and will be followed by dancing to Heart and Soul. Tickets at €25 are available from both Fealesbridge and Headley’s Bridge Creameries.  This is always a great social occasion and is looked forward to eagerly from year to year.

CONGRATULATIONS:  St. Ita’s Voluntary Housing Association in Abbeyfeale won the ‘Community/Supported Residential’ category in the Limerick in Bloom competition, ahead of Glin Homes for the Elderly (2nd) and Kilteely/Dromkeen Housing Association (3rd).Each participant received a framed certificate of participation and the prize winners received a certificate, engraved plaque and a voucher. The overall winner received a voucher, framed certificate and the Limerick in Bloom Perpetual Trophy. For the second year running, Athea has been named the overall winner of the Limerick In Bloom competition.

MEENKILLY N.S.CARD GAME:  Winners with 13 games Breda O’ Connell, Billy O’ Connell. Mary O’ Connell.  Julia Murphy, Pat Curtin, Catherine Collins.  Door prize. Dan Reidy, Liam O’ Connor. Table prizes; Con Lane, Liam Lane, Johnny Stack.  Raffle Tickets: Mary McCarty. Sheila Breen. Billy Broderick, Noreen O’ Callaghan, Maureen Fitzgerald, Dan Joe Casey.  Cards every Tuesday night at 9 pm. All welcome.  Also a big thank you to all for attending the Milford hospice coffee afternoon. Amount collected a fantastic €710. Also a special word of thanks to Murphys Bakery and Twohig’s Supervalu for their kind sponsorship.

KNOCKANURE RAMBLING HOUSE:  Recently started, the next Rambling house will take place in the Community Centre at 9pm on Thursday, November 6.  Further information Ann 086 3090948.

MOTIVATING TEENAGERS PARENTING WORKSHOP:  Joan Barrett, Life and Parent Coach, will deliver parenting workshops for motivating teenagers and empowering parents this November in the Abbeyfeale Community Education Centre (Old Tech).  Joan has 40 years’ experience as a parent and 27 years’ experience as a parent practitioner. Evening sessions will take place on Tuesdays November 4 & 11 from 7.30-9pm and morning sessions will take place on Tuesdays November 18 & 25 from 10.30am-12 noon.  If you are interested in either the evening or morning sessions it is essential to book a place. Please contact Mary on 087 9382883 or Nora on 068 31198.

LIMERICK VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE: Limerick Volunteer Centre will host a conference entitled Rising to the Challenge: The Community & Voluntary Sector in a Changing Ireland on Friday November 14 from 9am-2pm in the South Court Hotel, Limerick.  The charity sector in Ireland is changing rapidly and it is vital to become acquainted with the changes and understand exactly how they will affect your organisation. This conference will be of key importance to any group in a community, voluntary, sports or charity setting in the region. It is very likely that the content will have legal ramifications for your organisation. Topics to be covered include: 1) Code of Governance for Community and Voluntary Organisations, 2) National Vetting Bureau Act 2014 and 3) Best Use of Social Media.  Cost €10 (plus booking fee) Lunch included. For further information see or call 087 7387481

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: To bring joy, laughter and fun to your marriage. Lake Hotel, Killarney, November 14-16.  Enquires 064 6644319/086 8334382.

PUBLIC MEETING:  Over 100 people attended the public meeting called to discuss the possible closure of the Adult Education centre in Abbeyfeale last Thursday night. Deputies Niall Collins and Patrick O’Donovan along with Cllrs Seamus Brown, Francis Foley, Liam Galvin and John Sheehan were also present.   Emer Brophy, Adult Education Officer with the newly formed Limerick Clare Education Training Board (LCETB) attended and reassured those present that there are no immediate plans to close the building. She told the audience that “A review of all programmes and Centres was taking place as part of the process of amalgamating the three former VECs (Co Clare, Limerick City, Co Limerick) into the new Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board.   But she continued” There is no Capital Expenditure Fund available to maintain the Building and in my 20 years in Adult Education there has never been such a fund.”  She went on to explain that such funding is available for national and secondary school buildings but funding for further education for adults just covers classes and programmes and not the actual building where the programme is delivered. She also said that philanthropic sources are not available to the LCETB but that community groups could tap into such a stream of funding. Suggestions from the floor included having the Men’s Shed group help with the maintenance and upkeep of the building and grounds, use a part of the building as an Innovation Centre, and that all those using the facilities would contribute a minimal sum towards the upkeep of the building. It was decided to hold a further meeting in the next month to form a committee which would prepare a submission for Jan O’Sullivan, Minister for Education and Skills and Ms. Brophy offered her help with the preparation of same.  The committee would also try and tap into Leader funding if it were available to help with the insulation of the building and the reduction of energy bills.

ANTI-RACISM WORKSHOPS AT THE GLORACH:  A busy day for us last Thursday with no fewer than four anti-racism workshops being held at the venue.  Run by youth drama facilitator Fiona Quinn, these workshops stressed the importance of integration through discussion and role play.  A big thanks to all the students from Coláiste Íde agus Iosaif who participated, as well as members of the Glórach Youth Theatre group.  A big shout out also to the teachers, the organisers and of course Fiona Quinn as well.

SUE RYDER:  We are increasing our selection of winter clothing and footwear on a daily basis, all at great prices.

GUITAR LESSONS:  Daniel Hannon Barry Guitar lessons every Saturday.  Contact 0879978609.

COME DANCING: Dancing classes every Friday evening with Marian from 8.30 – 10.30pm.  Learn to fox trot, waltz, jive or quick step, slosh and more.  New dancers welcome.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH NOTES: Parish office 11-1pm Tuesday-Friday 068 31133. Parish Support Worker 068/31019. Counselling Appointment 061/314213.Church 068/51915, Canon John O’Shea P.P.:  Tel: 068 – 31157087 – 9708282, Fr Joe Foley CC:  Tel:  087 – 2618412.   Mass Tuesday – Saturday at 10am except in the event of a funeral when Mass is 11am. Mass Monday at 7pm, Mass on Saturday 11am followed by Confessions, Vigil Mass 7pm, Sunday 9.30am and 12 noon.  October is the month of the Rosary. The rosary is recited every morning before 10am Mass, in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel every evening at 7.30pm and before the Vigil Mass every Saturday.  St Anthony Novena takes place each Monday at the 7pm evening Mass.   Adoration on Tuesday and Friday from 10am – 10pm and on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6-8pm. It is now the responsibility of family members and relatives, if they require a visit, to let the priest know when people are in hospital.

CEILI CLASSES:  Social Dance Wednesday 8-9pm. Ceili classes in the GAA Club Abbeyfeale on Wednesday @ 9pm.  Beginner’s Top of the town Athea Monday 8.30pm.   Learn how to dance in Athea.  If you already dance come to Abbeyfeale.

LESSONS:  Lessons on concertina and fiddle from beginners to advanced with Lisa.  Contact 087 3182574.

BINGO BUSSES: Eoin 087 2522402 leaves for Castleisland from outside Tuohig’s Supervalue at 7.40 pm every Tuesday and Dinjoe goes to Shanagolden.

BADMINTON:  Every Thursday night at the Sports Centre from 8-9 PM. Beginners welcome. Barbara 087 7403277.

BRIDGE:  Abbeyfeale Bridge Club has commenced every Thursday at 7:30 pm at the Railway Bar. Visitors welcome.  Anybody interested in Bridge Lessons contact 087 3344909.

BUS SERVICE:  Cork Colleges Bus Service: Fitzpatricks of Listowel & Abbey Coaches. A bus will serve Abbeyfeale (5.20pm), Newcastlewest (5.40pm), Dromcollogher (6pm) each Sunday evening and will return on Fridays at 1.30pm and 6pm. €10 per seat, Call 087 3966399.


West Limerick Resources will be offering this two session programme this November.  Session 1 will focus on identifying the needs within a community and planning to develop projects, services and actions to meet these needs. The key elements of project management and evaluation will be addressed including funding opportunities and identifying partners.  Session 2 will provide training on policies and good practice in relation to health & safety and working with young and/or vulnerable people. To register contact Suzanne on 069 79114 or email [email protected]

ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: The Abbeyfeale Parent and Toddler Group meets every Tuesday in St. Ita’s Hall, Abbeyfeale from 11am to 12.30pm. This is a social and enjoyable outing involving nursery rhymes and table top activities helping to promote the importance of play and communication.  Also an opportunity to meet, chat and have a cup of tea.  New Mum’s, Dad’s and Toddlers are welcome.  No booking required.  Contact Mary, West Limerick Resources on 087 9382883.

ADAPT: There is a support worker in Abbeyfeale each week to meet women one to one by appointment.  The worker can listen to women and support them in keeping themselves and their children safe.  Ring Sheila on 061 412354 for more information or to make an appointment.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  The nights have got longer now that it’s back to old time so please check in on your elderly neighbours every week.  It’s a long night from it gets dark until bedtime and an hour of your time would mean the world to an older person.  Remember that old age is not long creeping up and we’ll be glad of the company too one day – what goes around comes around.

DANCING IN BALLYHAHILL:  Seamus O’Sullivan has started set dancing classes in Ballyhahill on Monday nights from 8.30pm – 10.30pm.

ENGLISH CLASSES FOR MIGRANTS:  English Conversation Classes for Migrants Newcastle West Family and Community Hub which is located in the Community Centre.  The classes will run for 10 weeks, Wednesday evenings from 7:30- 9pm. Text Irene at 087 2298204 if interested.

BUSINESS MENTORING:  Are you thinking of starting your own business? Have you an idea that you would like to discuss with someone or are you an existing small business who would like advice on new product development or new direction for your company?  Are you a new or existing business in need of advice and guidance? West Limerick Resources is offering a free and confidential one to one business mentoring service to businesses based in the West Limerick area.  Contact Eleanor on 069 66299 or Joan on 069 66294.

WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS:   Afraid you’ll freeze, choke or faint during a speech?  Toastmasters is the best place to learn, to build your confidence, and to push yourself outside your comfort zone. It’s a safe place where there is no penalty for failure! If you would like to learn more then why not come along to the next Toastmasters meeting at the Desmond Complex on Wednesday, October 29 at 8.30pm. Further information from Bill on 087 9079223.

SEAN NOS DANCE CLASSES: Sean Nos dancing class in the Top of the town Athea Thursday evening with the Mc Cormack Kelly School of Dancing . There is a step dancing class at 6.30pm for children followed by the children’s Sean nos Class at 8.00pm. Adult Sean Nos Class at 9.00pm.

THANKSGIVING FOR GOOD WEATHER: All – powerful and ever-living God, we find security in your care and love for us.  Give us the fine weather we pray for and need.  May the harvest be secured and the hard work and efforts of so many of our people come to fruition.  We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

ABUSE OF STIMUNANTS:  For support around drug and alcohol use the HSE Drugs & Alcohol Helpline is available Monday to Friday, 9.30am and 5.30pm. This confidential service has both a freephone Helpline (1800 459 459) and an email support service ([email protected]).

GARDA YOUTH AWARDS:  Limerick Garda Division are pleased to announce that they are organising the inaugural Limerick Garda Youth Awards for 2014.

We are inviting nominations from individuals, community and voluntary groups, schools and youth clubs or other organisations and we will be asking them to nominate a young person whom they feel has made a contribution to their local area.  Nomination forms are available from all Garda stations throughout the city and county. They can be downloaded from the Garda Website at – scroll down recent news to Limerick Garda Awards and find link to the referral form. They have been distributed to all secondary schools within the Limerick division.  Referrals to be returned to Pat Minehan, Garda Juvenile Liaison Officer, Mayorstone Garda Station, Limerick by October 31.

FURNITURE WANTED:  Unwanted furniture is needed for the West Limerick Resources run Back 2 New community based Upcycling Project in Newcastle West. The Back 2 New furniture upcycling project provides work placements for long term unemployed individuals and re-designs/ upcycles furniture that is unwanted or being thrown out by local households.  Unfortunately sofas, beds or woodworm cannot be taken by the project. Contact the project at 069 66298 or 087 2727742 and if suitable, we can collect!

AUCTION:  O’Donovan & Associates, Newcastlewest are holding a major auction on Saturday November 1st. with over 600 lots with 90% without reserve.  Includes the contents of a Limerick city Parochial House & the contents of a Glin residence whose owner has emigrated.  The contents include a large quantity of antique & household furniture.  Included in this auction is a private collection of Waterford glass which includes a magnificent 5 branch Waterford chandelier with each piece stamped.  Also a set of 6 Waterford ruby red hock wine glasses etched plus bowls, vases etc.  A large collection of Mason, Jack Donovan paintings.  Viewing highly recommended of this most attractive auction.

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