
Rome Pilgrimage 2014

July 18th, 2014
The Diocese of Limerick Pilgrimage to Rome, to commemorate the visit by St. John Paul II to Limerick in 1979, will be led by Bishop Brendan Leahy, and will take place from 18th to 22nd October, 2014.   This visit will be in the year of the canonisation of Pope John Paul II and will include attendance at the beatification of Pope Paul VI.   The group will visit all of the principal sights of Rome, including the major basilicas and catacombs, as well as the tourist sites.   There will be a celebration of Mass at the tomb of St. John Paul.

Cost per person is €770.   Places are limited.   For information and booking forms please phone Kieran on 057-9355050.

Further information is now available on the diocesan website at www.limerickdiocese.


July 15th, 2014

“Until God opens the next door, praise him in the hallway”

Pictures Corpus Christi July 2014 Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale.

July 15th, 2014

Wedding Congratulations to Maria Collins, Dromtrasna and Conor O’Sullivan who were married on 27th June 2014!

July 15th, 2014

We wish them every happiness in their married life together.

Congratulations to Aiden Guinane and Emma Ward who were married on 5th July 2014 in the Church of the Assumption Abbeyfeale

July 15th, 2014

We wish them every happiness in their married life together.

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