
Community Notices 2/ 01/2022

January 5th, 2022

PROLOGUE:  The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge.  Stephen Hawking.

DEATHS:  Nora Mai Fitzpatrick nee Ward late of Abbeyfeale who died in Dublin, Joe Harnett of Lucan and late of Abbeyfeale, Nora Morrisroe, late of Killarney Road, Abbeyfeale who died on December 22.  Mary O’Connor, Caherhayes who died on December 27.
We extend our sympathies to their families. May they rest in peace.

JUGGING:  Bank ‘Jugging’ is a theft method where customers of financial institutions are watched by persons who wait for them to come out of the financial institution with a bank bag, coin box or bank envelope that looks like they may have a large amount of cash. The customer may then be followed with the thief looking for an opportunity to steal the cash, maybe by breaking into their car or a distraction theft from the victim directly.

An Garda Síochána have been targeting Criminal groups involved in this type of crime. In a recent operation, 3 males were arrested at the end of November 2021 and subsequently charged with multiple offences before the courts. These males are currently remanded in custody. During the course of that Garda operation, the contents of a number of Bank Accounts were frozen and €110,000 Cash was recovered.

If you are carrying out cash banking transactions please take the following general advice:

Be aware of your surroundings, especially if something seems strange as you enter the bank.

Conceal your bank deposit bags, coin boxes or envelopes as you enter and leave the bank.

Take your bank bag or envelope with you into your next destination. Don’t hide it in your vehicle.

Always vary your routes and times for cash drops and collections.

Consider using electronic funds transfer rather than depositing or withdrawing cash.

If you feel like you are being followed, call 999 and drive to a Garda station.

DUAGH LIVE CRIB: is open daily 11.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. thanks to Duagh Tidy Towns Committee.  You are asked to adhere to all protective public health guidelines that are in force at the moment. Donations are in aid of local charities.

SWIM: The annual “Connie Hartnett Memorial Swim” in aid of Milford Care Centre took place at the Ladies Beach Ballybunion on New Year’s Day. Donations to Contact Kathleen on 086 3151 447 for more information.

WRITE A SHORT STORY:  If you are a member of the ICA you might consider entering their competition to write a short story entitled “The Window” max 2,000 words, the closing date is January 28 for entries.

SUPPORT: Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday, January 11 at 7:20pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. Subject to change in accordance with government advice. For more information, see or call the Information Line on 01 4045378.

MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE: on June 15 – 22 flying Cork to Dubrovnik (morning flight) with Aer Lingus staying in Hotel Leone. Spiritual Director Fr. Ted Sheehan. COVID insurance cover included in cost. Contact Sean at 0862959380.

GLORACH BINGO:  Resumes Sunday January 9 at 1.30pm in Fr. Casey’s Carpark.

CITIZENS ADVICE:  They are available to deal with queries Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 4.15pm and can be contacted by phone on 0761 07 5780 or by email on [email protected]

BOOKS:    ”Mountcollins and its Vicinity, a 440 page book, by Larry Begley, is now on sale at Siopa Milseàn, Mosses (Killarney Rd.), Twohigs Supervalu, Pat Buckleys & Sheehans P.O. Templeglantine, Tournafulla & Brosna shops, and the Creamery Mountcollins. The book deals with the varied history of Mountcollins and its Vicinity including topics such as: Landlords, Placenames, Roads, Evictions, Moonlighters, Faction Fighting, Whiteboys, Rockites, Protestant Church in Fealesbridge, Pubs, Shops, Old trades and professions and many many more.
Please contact [email protected] for local orders, sales/delivery requests and other general queries.The book can also be bought online by visiting Delivery available Nationwide and to the UK, USA & Australia.”  Also on sale in the Siopa Milseán is a book by Timmy Woulfe from Athea entitled ‘As tough as tathfhéithleann’ – a rare and beautiful collection of Irish words and phrases.

CHURCH NEWS:  Thursday next is January 6, the celebration of
The Epiphany of the Lord, also known as Little Christmas and Nollaig na mBan.
The Vigil Mass for the feast will be celebrated at 7.00pm on Wednesday, January 5. Mass on the 6th will be celebrated at 10.00am and at 7.00pm.  All are welcome.    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133. To book a |Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 0668 51915.

COMMUNITY ALERT: Test your fire alarm once a week.  (Fire )

If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES: Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email:
[email protected] 01 210790.   If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on  0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected]
Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community Notices 21st Dec 2021

December 21st, 2021

DEATHS:  Sincere sympathy to the family of the late Christina Harnett Dromtrasna North and Tralee whose funeral was held in Abbeyfeale on Thursday last.  May she rest in peace.

CHRISTMAS GREETINGS:  Wishing all the readers of these pages a wonderful Christmas and all the best in 2022.  Maybe just watch one news bulletin a day and get out in the fresh air even if only for a short walk to keep your mental health healthy.   After my marathon trip through three states in the US in late November I can truly say that in my opinion we live in the best country in the world.  Between the heat in LA and the homeless people on every street and the smell of sewage in SF because they’ve had no rain in two years and more homelessness with camper vans parked up on the side streets around the ocean and the Golden Gate park as well as bothan’s  on Market St. the main shopping area.    Then on to NYC and it’s nothing but running and racing around, litter everwhere and again homelessness rampant even on the streets of Manhatten with opulence vying with the smell of marijuana.  New buildings going up everywhere with a 70 story building that my cousin worked on now being overlooked by one of 125 stories.  It’s a daunting process now travelling abroad between all the paperwork, wearing masks and the fear of catching covid in big crowds but I booked my flights with Noreen Lane of Travel Councillors who works out of Brosna and is the daughter of Moss and Kathleen Carroll, Creggane  and  I cannot give her enough credit for getting me there and back safely.  One of her suggestions was to buy a folder with clear pockets in it and print off all the documentation needed as in Esta,  covid certs, antigen test results, passenger locator forms, tickets, boarding passes and carry them along with your passport when checking in because even though you might have it all on your phone what happens if you run out of charge.  So I did and it was a genius idea and I saw plenty of more seasoned travellers carrying folders too.  I came back in the middle of Storm Barra and received a call from Noreen to make sure all was well and that I was back on Irish soil safely – all above and beyond the call of duty.  If I wasn’t so stiff after all the sitting I’d have gotten down and kissed the ground like Saint Pope John Paul 11 storm or no.

GLÓRACH NEWS:  In his final report for this year Lorcan Curtin writes: All looking forward to a well earned break after our final drive-in Bingo of the year, with a special mention to all who sponsored the hampers for the draw at the interval.  In what has undoubtedly been a difficult and testing year, it is important to reflect on some of the positives of 2021 for us at the Glórach Theatre.  One of the few advantages of being shut down was that we were able to carry out extensive renovations and as well as having an impressive new sound and light system, the Theatre has never been warmer.  Although there was, and still is, understandably, a reluctance amongst many to go back en masse to indoor gigs, we did hold two successful concerts in September and October and hopefully this will be replicated on a grander scale in the near future.  Our drive-in Bingo resumed at the GAA grounds this Summer, and it has been a great success, with a tremendously loyal following and a charmed relationship with the weather, leaving us to wonder if many of our patrons have been putting out the Infant of Prague on a weekly basis.  Whatever the weather, they have been safely guided to their parking spaces by the ADSAR, who will be joining us again in the new year when we resume on Sunday, 9th January.  Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout this year, and finally a massive acknowledgement to all of our volunteers for the dedicated roles they have played throughout 2021.  From all of us at the Glórach, nollaig shona agus athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir.

ABBEYFEALE WOMAN ON TG4:  Last Sunday Abbeyfeale musician Louise Mulcahy from the Killarney Road  headlined a programme on TG4 talking about women pipers in Ireland ‘Mná na bPíob’.

ABBEYFEALE MAN DISCOVERED THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NEWGRANGE:   Newgrange is a Stone Age (Neolithic) monument located in the Boyne Valley, Co. Meath. It is classified as a passage tomb, as are nearby Knowth, Dowth, and their satellite tombs. This network of monuments is located in an area of Co. Meath known as Brú na Bóinne, which translates to the Bend in the Boyne. This is an area of incredibly fertile soil and it is equally rich in archaeological monuments. It is located between Slane and Drogheda.  Constructed about 5,200 years ago (3,200 B.C.) Newgrange is older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Giza, and it is rightfully seen as the jewel in the crown of Ireland’s Ancient East.  The monument itself consists of a mound, roughly circular in shape and measuring 85 metres in diameter. It is surrounded by kerbstones, some of which bear carved decorations, with the most highly decorated being the entrance stone, and kerbstone 52. The entrance stone, as the name suggests, marks the entrance to the passage. The passage is about 24 metres long and ends in three chambers in a cruciform shape. The chambers contained human remains. Kerbstone 52 is located at the opposite side of the monument, and there are many who believe that there may be a matching passage on that side.  Newgrange was excavated over the course of 14 years by UCC’s Prof. Michael J. O’Kelly and his wife Claire. Their incredibly detailed excavations pushed the accepted date of construction back by a thousand years. Their work has helped to inform our understanding of Neolithic Ireland, with the discovery of the roof box in particular highlighting that the people of prehistoric Ireland had a deep understanding of the movements of the stars and the alignment of the planets. It was the work of the O’Kellys and their team which has provided the information which is now displayed in the incredibly enlightening and interactive Brú na Bóinne visitor centre. Without their dedicated research, our knowledge of Stone Age Ireland would be nowhere near as informed as it is now.  Professor Michael J. O’Kelly was born in Abbeyfeale, County Limerick in 1915. Although he was Christened as Michael, his family called him Brian. He was one of Ireland’s most prominent archaeologists, having studied at University College Cork. His legacy is long-standing and his body of work is incredibly well respected in the field of archaeological academia. Shortly after graduating with his MA, he was appointed to the role of curator at the Cork Public Museum, a position which he retained for over 20 years. He also replaced his great mentor Seán O’Ríordáin as head of the archaeology department at his alma mater, UCC.  Newgrange is largely regarded as his life’s work, his magnum opus as it were. His name has become synonymous with the monument. The most remarkable feature of Newgrange is undoubtedly the roof box. This is a gap above the entrance which allows the dawn light to enter the tomb, lighting up the entire passage and chamber on the morning of the Winter Solstice (December 21st). Local tradition had long held a rumour that there was a day in the calendar when this would occur, though nobody could say for certain when it was. In 1967, Prof. O’Kelly decided that based on the orientation of the roof box, the most likely date would be the Winter Solstice. It is incredible to think that as he sat in the tomb in the predawn darkness with his daughter, he was about to become the first person in thousands of years to witness the phenomenon.A visit to Newgrange today involves a trip to the Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre. There you can purchase your tickets to enter the monument and get a bus to the site. However the visitor centre itself is not to be overlooked. The exhibition is incredibly detailed and takes you through the timeline of Newgrange from construction to rediscovery. There you can learn about life, death, and burial in Neolithic Ireland, as well as read reports from the years spent excavating the site. It is also at the visitor centre that you can enter the lottery for attendance at the Solstice (this was suspended for 2021). This is the only way to gain entry to the tomb on that auspicious morning, however in recent years a live stream has allowed people all over the world to experience this magical feat of prehistoric astronomical engineering. (Taken from Ireland xo Reaching Out).

CHRISTMAS MASSES:  Unfortunately, again this year it is not possible to accommodate all who wish to attend Christmas Mass. According to the public health rules for the hosting of
indoor events, the capacity of a venue is reduced to 50%. Two metres socially
distancing of people is still required. While this enables us to accommodate more
people than attended Mass last Christmas, we still have only 50% capacity. Each
individual person who comes into the church, must be counted individually.
In other words, a family cannot be counted as one, each member of the family must
be counted separately. This situation needs to be managed to ensure the safety of
all who wish to attend. So again, this year we will operate a ticket system. This
year Mass will be celebrated on Christmas Eve at 5.00pm and 7.30pm. Mass on
Christmas day will be at 8.00am, 10.00am and 12noon. This year
St Stephen’s Day falls on Sunday and there will be the usual two
Masses on Sunday 26 at 10.00am and 12noon.
You may decide to attend Mass for Christmas on St. Stephen’s Day.

CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA:  “Mountcollins and its Vicinity, a 440 page book, by Larry Begley, is now on sale at Siopa Milseàn, Mosses (Killarney Rd.), Twohigs Supervalu, Pat Buckleys & Sheehans P.O. Templeglantine, Tournafulla & Brosna shops, and the Creamery Mountcollins. The book deals with the varied history of Mountcollins and its Vicinity including topics such as: Landlords, Placenames, Roads, Evictions, Moonlighters, Faction Fighting, Whiteboys, Rockites, Protestant Church in Fealesbridge, Pubs, Shops, Old trades and professions and many many more.
Please contact [email protected] for local orders, sales/delivery requests and other general queries.The book can also be bought online by visiting Delivery available Nationwide and to the UK, USA & Australia.”  Also on sale in the Siopa Milseán is a book by Timmy Woulfe about the sayings in Athea,

NOONAN’S CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Why not take a run out to Meenaline to visit the winter wonderland that is Noonan’s Christmas lights before the rain and the storm comes for Christmas.

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:  Padre Pio December Devotions in Castleisland on Tuesday, December 21 at 7.30pm. Witness by:Joan Hussey, Tralee, “She will share her story about the heartbreak felt by the loss of her little andboy”.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration in the main church every Friday, after the 10.00am Mass – 6.00pm. Entrance through the front door of the church. Please note that when there is a Wedding Mass celebrated on a Friday, adoration will be from 4 to 6.00pm. Pope Paul VI: “Eucharistic adoration extends its influence far beyond the individual adorers, touching their homes and families and reaching out to the parish community and beyond”

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call everyesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133. To book a |Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 0668 51915. Masses this week:  Wednesday 10am, Thursday 10am, Christmas Eve 5pm and 7.30pm, Christmas Day 8am, 10am and 12 noon.  St. Stephen’s Day Masses at 10am and 12 noon – Bridie Haughton, Collins Park.  Noreen O’Rourke, Clash 2nd Anniversary. Joan Ahern.  Jeremiah and Noreen Healy, Upper Knocknasna.  John Broderick and his daughter Kathleen Knocknasna and Adelaide.

Monday 27th. Noreen O’Rourke Clash 2nd Anniversary.`
Christmas Masses. You may decide to make one of these Masses your Christmas Mass. Christmas Dues
The Christmas Dues Collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend, on
Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day.
Fr Tony thanks you for your generosity and support during the past year.
Christmas Newsletter
A special Christmas Newsletter will be available on Christmas Eve and Christmas
Holy Communion Call
If any parishioner who has been unable to come to Mass for one reason or another
would like to receive Holy Communion for Christmas please contact the sacristy on
068 51915 any morning at 10.30am.
An Invitation to all Families in our parish
Due to the restrictions on Mass attendance it is not possible to accommodate all
who would like to attend Mass this Christmas, but we are inviting all families to
make a short visit to the Church on Christmas Eve, to visit and pray as a family at
the Crib. You are also encouraged to bring the baby Jesus from your own home
Nativity set to be blessed. On returning home the youngest member of the family
can place the baby Jesus in the family crib. The Church will be open on Christmas
Eve from 1.00pm to 4.00pm Fr Tony & Fr Dan will be there to greet you and to
give your family a Christmas blessing. Entrance through the front door of the

COLLECTION:The members of the Abbeyfeale St. Vincent de Paul group would like to thank everyone who contributed to the annual Christmas appeal last weekend.
Your generosity will be of enormous benefit to those in need in our community this
Christmas and in the New Year.

ABBEYFEALE  CHRISTMAS LIGHTS:  Abbeyfeale Christmas Lights Group would like to thank you all for helping andcontributing in any way towards making our town the brightest town around. We aresolely depending on your generosity. Donations can still be handed into
Marie McElligotts and Esthers shop. We wish you and yours a healthy and safe
Christmas and a bright new year for 2022

COMMUNITY ALERT: Test your fire alarm once a week.  Fire

How to avoid delivery scams; First, are you expecting a parcel?

There’s no need to enter sensitive information to receive one, and none of the major delivery companies will ask for this – if an app or message is asking for this, it should raise alarm bells.  Next, check with the company (not the delivery company) where you placed an order using your online account rather than an email. Again, don’t click on links from within the email.  If it’s asking for money or personal information, it could be a scam. Check the address of the email sender and if it looks suspicious, ignore it. Watch out for generic greetings and grammatical errors.  If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected]
Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community notices 17th Dec

December 18th, 2021

PROLOGUE:  Hail and Blessed be the hour and moment in which the son of God
was born of the pure Virgin Mary, at mid-night in a stable in
Bethlehem in the piercing cold. At the same hour vouch safe to hear my prayer and grant my petition. Advent prayer.

DEATH:  We offer our sincere sympathies to Yvonne Smith and her family on the death of her father Michael Mitchell formerly of Dromtrasna Collins and St. Ita’s Housing and late of Ballinasloe.  May he rest in peace.  Sincere sympathy too, to Gerard Galvin, Duagh on the death in Limerick of his sister, Sr. Mary May she rest in peace.  We also offer our sincere sympathies to Micheal, Noreen and Kathleen and the family of the late Brigid Forde nee Collins, Banard and late of Ballagh whose death was announced at the weekend.  May she rest in peace.  We were also sorry to hear of the death of Monsignor Liam Boyle aged 91, a native of Rathkeale, and later Knockaderry.  Jer Kennelly tells us that “He travelled as chaplain with the Irish soccer team to Rome in 1990 and arranged an audience with the Pope and team was blessed by the Holy Father in front of an 8,000 audience.”  May he rest in peace.

CHRISTMAS MASSES:  Unfortunately, again this year it is not possible to accommodate all who wish toattend Christmas Mass. According to the public health rules for the hosting of
indoor events, the capacity of a venue is reduced to 50%. Two metres socially
distancing of people is still required. While this enables us to accommodate more
people than attended Mass last Christmas, we still have only 50% capacity. Each
individual person who comes into the church, must be counted individually.
In other words, a family cannot be counted as one, each member of the family must
be counted separately. This situation needs to be managed to ensure the safety of
all who wish to attend. So again, this year we will operate a ticket system. This
year Mass will be celebrated on Christmas Eve at 5.00pm and 7.30pm. Mass on
Christmas day will be at 8.00am, 10.00am and 12noon. Tickets for all Masses will
be distributed in the church next Sunday,December 19 between 2.00 – 4.00
pm. Tickets will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. This year
St Stephen’s Day falls on Sunday and there will be the usual two
Masses on Sunday 26 at 10.00am and 12noon.
You may decide to attend Mass for Christmas on St. Stephen’s Day.

MARKET AT THE BARNAGH HUB: The final market will be on the weekend of Friday, December 18 -19 inclusive.

CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA:  “Mountcollins and its Vicinity, a 440 page book, by Larry Begley, is now on sale at Siopa Milseàn, Mosses (Killarney Rd.), Twohigs Supervalu, Pat Buckleys & Sheehans P.O. Templeglantine, Tournafulla & Brosna shops, and the Creamery Mountcollins. The book deals with the varied history of Mountcollins and its Vicinity including topics such as: Landlords, Placenames, Roads, Evictions, Moonlighters, Faction Fighting, Whiteboys, Rockites, Protestant Church in Fealesbridge, Pubs, Shops, Old trades and professions and many many more.
Please contact [email protected] for local orders, sales/delivery requests and other general queries.The book can also be bought online by visiting Delivery available Nationwide and to the UK, USA & Australia.”

BREAKING NEWS:  Cllr. Liam Galvin announced recently that Abbeyfeale is to receive €100,000 towards development of a Master / First Plan for Town Centre. Minister Heather Humphreys TD announced funding of €100,000 for each of the first 26 Towns to receive this funding. Abbeyfeale is the only Town in County Limerick to benefit from this.  This will focus on making Abbeyfeale Town Centre a more attractive place to live, work, socialise and run a business.  Abbeyfeale Community Council in conjunction with our local councillors will be working very closely with Limerick County and City Council on the development of this Master / First Plan.

NOONAN’S CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Why not take a run out to Meenaline to visit the winter wonderland that is Noonan’s Christmas lights.

GLÓRACH BINGO: PRO Lorcan Curtin writes “High winds blowing up from the Feale failed to deter us from holding our penultimate drive-in Bingo last Sunday, with a substantial part of the proceeds going to the Town Park.  We were delighted to do so, as two of our volunteers, Celine and Jimmy are actively involved with this wonderful facility that has provided a sanctuary of sanity to so many during the pandemic.  Glórach Christmas Vouchers were sold on the day, and for anyone looking for a nice stocking filler we will be selling them again this weekend.  This Sunday, December 19th at the GAA grounds will be our final Bingo of the year, and to acknowledge our loyal patrons, all who come on the day will be given tickets for a draw for Christmas Hampers.  Look forward to seeing you at the usual starting time of 1.30 pm.”

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:  Padre Pio December Devotions in Castleisland on Tuesday, December 21 at 7.30pm. Witness by:Joan Hussey, Tralee, “She will share her story about the heartbreak felt by the loss of her little boy”.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration in the main church every Friday, after the 10.00am Mass – 6.00pm. Entrance through the front door of the church. Please note that when there is a Wedding Mass celebrated on a Friday, adoration will be from 4 to 6.00pm. Pope Paul VI: “Eucharistic adoration extends its influence far beyond the individual adorers, touching their homes and families and reaching out to the parish community and beyond”

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  Fr Dan Lane will be on call every Wednesday. Fr Mullins will not be available on Wednesdays. Fr Lane can be contacted on 087-2533030 email [email protected] Church Sacristy 068 -51915 Parish Office 068 -31133. To book a |Mass intention contact the church before or after Mass on 0668 51915. Mass Intentions: Wednesday 10am Joe Hennessy Died last week. Saturday:No morning Mass.  6.30pm Edward & Kate Reilly and deceased family members. Philly & Donie Cusack, Cratloe.  Mary Enright, Caherlane. Rickie Loughane.  Geraldine Woulfe, Cratloe.
Sunday 10am Mick Scanlon Athea. John & Mary Collins and son John and daughter Margaret and deceased family members.  John Ruane 26 Cryle View Close 5th Anniversary.
12noon Jim O’Connell, 4 St Ita’s Road.  John Murphy, Ballaugh.  Mike Barry Caherlane.
Phyl O’Kelly, Killarney Road.  Eileen Cahill and Paddy Cahill, Hannah O’Neill
and Dano O’Neill and deceased family members.  Jim Lane, New Street.  Next Saturday  December 18 Fr Tony and Fr Dan willbe available to hear confessions from 11.00am to 1.00pm and again on Saturday afternoon from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
When we reflect on our lives we see the need to forgive others and to seek
forgiveness for ourselves. It’s an aspect of our lives that we find difficult to face.
Reconciliation is always a challenge for us. Yet it is something that we all desire,
to be at peace with God, to be at peace with the people we love and to be at peace
with our neighbours. We need God’s help in our lives to achieve this inner
contentment. The sacrament of confession will help us a long way towards the
peace we all desire.To maintain safety and to ensure safe distancing, confessions will be heard in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. A screen will be in place to give people anonymity or if people prefer, they can celebrate the sacrament face to face, while sitting on a
chair in front of the priest. People wishing to go to confession are asked to enter
the Blessed Sacrament Church through the main church and to wait in the side
aisle. We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday next to Confessions from
11.00am to 1.00pm and again on Saturday afternoon from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
Holy Communion Call
If any parishioner who has been unable to come to Mass for one reason or another
would like to receive Holy Communion for Christmas please contact the sacristy on
068 51915 any morning at 10.30am.

COMMUNITY ALERT: How to avoid delivery scams; First, are you expecting a parcel?

There’s no need to enter sensitive information to receive one, and none of the major delivery companies will ask for this – if an app or message is asking for this, it should raise alarm bells.  Next, check with the company (not the delivery company) where you placed an order using your online account rather than an email. Again, don’t click on links from within the email.  If it’s asking for money or personal information, it could be a scam. Check the address of the email sender and if it looks suspicious, ignore it. Watch out for generic greetings and grammatical errors.  Got the following message from AIB Internet Banking:  “Dear Customer, Criminals use text, email and phone calls to steal your money.We’re removing false websites designed to look like AIB Online Banking.We use text messages to communicate with our customers. Criminals can make their fake text messages look like they come from us.  We don’t put links into our text messages. We don’t ask you in a text message to log into Online Banking. If a text asks you to do this, it comes from a criminal. By clicking these links you will be giving them your personal details.Never click a link in a text message – even if it appears to be part of a conversation with us.Criminals call you pretending to be from us, the Gardai or a Government department. They can make phone numbers look legitimate. For our part, we will: Never call you to ask for an SMS or Card Reader code to cancel a transaction. Never give these codes to anyone. Never tell you not to log into Online Banking.  You should:  Never make payments from your account even if you have been pressurised to do so by any caller.  Never let your bank account to be used by criminals. Doing so is illegal.  If you believe you have received a false text message, email or phone call, please go to our website and search Security Centre for our contact details.For further information to protect yourself against fraud, visit the Security Centre on our website or refer to  If you are 65, you live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out or if you spend long periods of the day on your own then,  because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  There may be some confusion over the word free -  the equipment which costs in the region of €400 is provided free of charge by Pobal as is the first year of monitoring but after that you will be charged by the installing company for the monitoring.  I have not included the phone numbers of the committee in this notice but if you want to get a panic button then ring Abbeyfeale Garda Station on 068 30010 and they will contact one of us. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one with a deposit of 6 months payable on the day of installation.  Then, in year two you will also receive a bill for the monitoring fee so in year one the bill will be €90 and in year two and every other year after it will €162 approx. If you wish you can arrange a direct debit and pay this amount off monthly.    Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Chairman Seamus Stack, Secretary Mossie Gleeson, Assistant Treasurer Kathleen Collins, Assistant Secretary Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Catherine Daly, Maurice O’Connell, Assistant Treasurer Marian Harnett.

HELPLINES:  If you are experiencing domestic abuse, #CoerciveControl reach out and talk to someone you trust. Call or Text our support team on 0579351886/0860419154.  COVID-19 Support Line for Older People: The support line is open every day, 8am-8pm, by calling 081 822 2024.  Hospice Bereavement Line 1800807077 Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm. Jigsaw support line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). It will provide free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland.  Text 50808 to receive support from a volunteer.  A helpline for Men suffering domestic abuse operates 36 hours a week on 1800816588.    Men’s Aid (Amen) 01 5543811 Monday – Friday 9-5pm.   24 hour helplines for women suffering domestic abuse 1800 341900 or Adapt 1800 200504.  Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety 016617211.  National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247or text HELP to 51444.   Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people affected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222. ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling for couples, Individuals & family members during this time of unprecedented stress & pressure during these weeks of COVID-19. Call: 01 5313331.   Al-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560.  Counselling Appointment    061/314213. . Milford Care Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Tel: 061 485 800  Email: [email protected]
Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick. Tel: 061 224 627  Email info@childrensgriefcentre.

DO YOU HAVE NEWS:  If there is something you’d like covered in the Abbeyfeale notes please contact me on 087 6866450 or email me on [email protected]

Community notices 12th Dec 2021

December 10th, 2021

PROLOGUE: Hail and Blessed be the hour and moment in which the son of God was born of the pure Virgin Mary, at mid-night in a stable in Bethlehem in the piercing cold. At the same hour vouch safe O My God, hear my prayer and grant my petition.

DEATH:  We offer our sympathy to the family of Paddy Aherne, Convent Street/England whose funeral took place on Saturday. May he rest in peace.

LIVE CRIB:  Duagh Tidy Towns will open a special Crib and have it blessed on Saturday, December 18th at the Vigil Mass. All will be subject to public health guidelines and remain openthroughout Christmas period from 11.00am-9.00pm. All proceeds are in aid of local charities.

PADRE Pio December Devotions in Castleisland on Tuesday ,December 21 at 7.30pm. Witness by Joan Hussey, Tralee, “She will share her story about the heartbreak felt by the loss of her little boy”.

ADVENT: History and Meaning of the Advent Wreath:  The lights of the candles on the Advent Wreath break through the darkness, reminding us of the Light of Christ that we anticipate during this holy season of Advent. Like many of our Church traditions, the use of the Advent Wreath with its evergreens and its lighted candles finds its origins in pagan tradition and ritual. “Pre-Germanic peoples used wreaths with lit candles during the dark and cold of winter as signs of hope in the future warmth and lengthening sunlit days of spring. Similarly, Scandinavians lit candles which were placed around a wheel, and prayers were offered to the god of light to turn the wheel of the earth back toward the sun to lengthen the days and restore warmth.” In the middle ages, Germanic peoples began incorporating a lighted wreath into the Christian season of Advent. It didn’t gain widespread popularity until the 1800s.

The Advent Wreath is symbolic. The evergreens used for the wreath itself are reminders of life. Shaping them into a circle reinforces that meaning. The circle is also a sign of everlasting life as well as the eternity of God

The four candles used, three purple and one rose, mark the Sundays of Advent before Christmas. The purple candles are reminders that this should be a time of prayer and sacrifice to prepare us for the second coming of Christ. On the third Sunday, the rose candle is lit to announce Gaudete Sunday, (Gaudete means rejoice) a Sunday of rejoicing for Christ’s coming is near. With the lighting of that third candle, brightness is growing and the darkness is being overcome.

A fifth and larger white candle in the centre represents Christ. It is lit on Christmas Eve as a declaration that Christ has come into the world and the darkness is vanquished utterly.

The Advent Wreath serves as a powerful visual reminder of the holiness of the season. The light of the candles invites us to quiet ourselves during this busy time and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. It provides an invitation to wait and pray in hopeful anticipation for the coming of Christ. We are called to welcome the light of Christ into our lives.

MASS TIMES:  Wednesday 10am and 7pm Feast of the Immaculate Conception .  Saturday No Morning Mass.  6.30pm Bridget Healy, Lower Knocknasna and deceased family members Ramey Leahy, New Street .   Abbbeyfeale ICA Deceased members .Frank Foley, St Ita’s Road.. Hugh & Mary Masterson.  Sunday 10am Hannah Mai Scannell, Dromtrasna Collins . Paddy, Eily Mai & Michael Barry Caherlane .12noon Betty & Patie Lane, Kilconlea.  Mary Keating Fitzgerald Clash .

OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY 2022 -Fr. Dan O’Riordan will be the spiritual director for this pilgrimage.  It takes place from August 7-13 and will include category 1 Passion Play tickets.  Flights from Dublin direct to Munich.  For details contact Premier Travel on 021 4277700.

GLORACH BINGO:  Sunday at Fr. Casey’s 1.30pm

ST VINCENT DE PAUL ANNUAL CHRISTMAS APPEAL: will take place next weekend at all Masses on December11/12. Christmas is meant to be a time of togetherness and hope. But for many families, it will be filled with worry. In the winter, families around the country face impossible choices. They will struggle with the decision of heating the house or having a Christmas dinner. Should they put presents under the tree, or oil in the tank? Christmas is not the same for everyone, but with your help we can help alleviate the struggle of families facing these and many more impossible choices. Through our generosity we can help ensure everyone is safe and warm and can enjoy a little bit of the magic and love that comes with this season. Many families will face impossible choices at Christmas. Please support St. Vincent de Paul in helping these families this Christmas. The Society’s Annual Christmas collection will take place at all Masses next weekend.

Community notices 1st Dec 2021

December 1st, 2021

WEDDING BELLS: Congratulations to Julette O’Sullivan, daughter of Bridie and Gerry, Killarney Rd. and Niall Barrett who celebrated the sacrament of Marriage here in Abbeyfeale on Saturday last.   We wish them every happiness in their married life

PARTY: The Senior Citizens Christmas Party will take place on Sunday 5th Dec. at 1.00pm in the Listowel Arms Hotel. Please contact Noreen 068-49238 or Eileen 087-9313912.

ROSARY: A 9 Day Rosary Novena beginning Tuesday, November  30 and ending on Wednesday,  December  8. People all over Ireland will pray the Rosary together each evening at 9pm. On the final evening at 9pm on Radio Maria the Primate of All Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin will lead the final Rosary live.  If you are gathering to pray in groups, we encourage you to gather safely adhering to local Covid 19 regulations.

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS:   Castleisland on Tuesday, December 21 at 7.30pm. Witness by:

Joan Hussey, Tralee, “She will share her story about the heartbreak felt by the loss of her little boy”.  Church

CONGRATULATIONS to Norma McMahon from Coolaneelig, Duagh, who has been named Kerry Carer of the Year by Family Carers Ireland.

GREENWAY section from Abbeyfeale to Kerry Border was recently reopened.

CHU4CH NEWS: Mass Intentions: Thursday 10am Michael Collins Purt Harry O’Shea, Convent Road Month Mind Special Intention Acknowledgement for those who supported Bridie at this difficult time .  No Saturday Morning Mass.  6.30pmWilliam & Nora Flynn and deceased relatives Jackie & Ann Lyons & Noreen Lyons and members of Lyons and O’Donoghue families.  Sunday 10am James Mc Enery, Kilconlea Upper Month Mind 12noon Mary & Maurice O’Connell and deceased members of the O’Connell and O’Riordan families.

SICAP FAMILY SUPPORTS: For free support and guidance for parents and caregivers contact Mary O’Connor 087 938 2883 or email [email protected] (Abbeyfeale) and Stefanie Jaeger Liston (NCW/ Askeaton/ Rathkeale) 087 3982925 or email [email protected]

CHANGES TO THE MARKET AT THE BARNAGH HUB:   It will now be a morning/afternoon market from 10-2pm and will take place on Saturday, December 4,11,and 18 and Sunday, December 5,12 and 19.To book a free pitch contact Eileen from 9-2pm on 085 2552890.

OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY 2022 -Fr. Dan O’Riordan will be the spiritual director for this pilgrimage.  It takes place from August 7-13 and will include category 1 Passion Play tickets.  Flights from Dublin direct to Munich.  For details contact Premier Travel on 021 4277700 or email [email protected] .

LAST DATES FOR POSTING LETTERS AND CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS:  Rest of the World December 4, USA December 9 and Ireland December 21.

FIVE THINGS WE CAN ALL DO:  Five things to help “drive down” COVID-19 Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, has asked anyone who has plans to socialise in the next four weeks to do five specific things to help “drive down” Covid. Speaking on Thursday evening, he said: “Incidence of COVID-19 remains concerningly high, with 62,401 cases reported in the last 14 days. We need to continue to make every effort we can to drive down incidence of disease and break the chains of transmission. The best way we can stop COVID spreading to the people we meet is by meeting fewer people and avoiding crowds. Dr Holohan said, that “If you are socialising, think about the risk associated with the activities you have planned. Remember the simple steps you can take to keep both you and the people you meet with safe: 1. Wear a mask correctly, 2. Meet outside if possible, 3. Avoid poorly ventilated indoor spaces, 4.Practice good hand and respiratory hygiene, 5. Be mindful of your contacts in the days after socialising, and especially consider anyone you meet who may be immunocompromised or vulnerable to COVID 19.

SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION:   In the coming week parents of children in 6th class will be invited to register their son or daughter in the parish Confirmation preparation programme. These registration forms will be distributed through the parish schools. While no dates for Confirmation have been decided yet, the parish will shortly begin its preparation for the sacrament. It is planned to have a number of preparation meetings with the children and their parents. These meetings will be held online. We also intend to organise a number of Masses with the children and their families with a special focus on Confirmation and preparing for celebrating the Sacrament. GLORACH BINGO:   Sunday at the GAA grounds Abbeyfeale, starting time of 1.30 pm.

RETIREMENT: There will be a presentation to Doctor Kieran Murphy, Athea to mark his retirement in the Community Centre Carrigkerry on Sunday, December 5 at 3pm.  He has provided his services since 1984.  Dr. Murphy has patients too in the greater Abbeyfeale area who may wish to be associated with the above.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS:  The committee members say that they are deeply grateful to everyone who helped us out over the last month. Don’t forget our bag pack courtesy of Twohigs Supervalu on the 3/4 December 3/4. Regrettably, due to Covid restrictions we have had to cancel our pub quiz at O’Rourkes bar on December 10.

CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA:  Timmy Woulfe, writer, historian, dance master, footballer extraordinaire  has launched his book “As Tough as Tathfhéithleann”, a list of Irish words and phrases which were commonly used in the parish of Athea in the last century .  This would make a great Christmas surprise for our ex pats and if Mary Flynn is not stocking it you have only to ask her and no more than the late Ann Lyons RIP she’ll have it on the shelves in jig time.  By the way congratulations to all at An Siopa Milsean on winning Today FM’s  Cadbury’s Sound Town 2021.

MORE PHRASES BUT THIS TIME FROM UP NORTH:  The following was sent to me by Jer Keneally, Knockanure:  The Richness and humour of Ulster Norn (Northern) Ireland speech

Compiled by Sr Dympna O’Daly, as heard regularly in her neighbourhood.

“Here’s me” – This is what I said.

“Keep it lit” – A word of encouragement.

“Howl yer whist” – Be quiet!

“He’s a real melter!” – He does my head in.

“Call around for a yarn” – yarn = a chat.

“Bout ye?” – How are you?

“Wind yer neck in” – Stop talking.

“Gurning” – Complaining.

“Do you think I came down the Lagan in a bubble?” – Do you think I’m stupid?

“It’s a wee bun” – It’s very simple.

“I’m foundered” – I’m cold /freezing.

“I’m dying for a poke” – for an ice-cream.

“I’m sundered” – I’m embarrassed.

“Going for a dander”- Going for a stroll.

“Boggin” – Dirty, very unkempt.

“There’s more meat on a butcher’s apron” – A very skinny person.

“As thick as champ” – Not very intelligent.

COMMUNITY ALERT NEWS:  Human traffickers grounded in 29-country sweep of European airports and roads

Action days yield further arrests for money laundering, modern slavery, and other crimes

Between 8 and 12 November, Europol supported large-scale international action against trafficking in human beings. 29 countries*, led by Austria and Romania, took part in the action days, which were coordinated by Europol and Frontex. The activities saw more than 14 000 law enforcement officers target trafficking routes on roads and at airports. This resulted in 212 arrests and the identification of a further 89 trafficking suspects.

The action days aimed to combat human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation, forced criminality and forced begging. Europol coordinated the five action days from its 24-hour Operational Centre, which provided the participant countries with informational crosschecking, secure communication channels, and a range of analytical capabilities throughout the operation. The action days took place under the umbrella of the EMPACT security mechanism/framework.

Results from 8-12 November**

212 arrests, for offences including trafficking in human beings, money laundering, pimping and fraud

147 668 persons and 91 856 vehicles checked

327 additional investigations initiated

Casting the net wide in pursuit of traffickers

The action days sought to identify and arrest human trafficking suspects as they transited across Europe, as well as to identify and protect trafficking victims and prevent associated document fraud. Europol coordinated national police, passenger information units, border guards and national agencies that counter human trafficking. Together they created a tight net around trafficking routes, with national police and border agents performing roadside checks, while the passenger information units checked airline passengers.

This led to law enforcement identifying 593 adults and 57 minors as potential human trafficking victims, which included nationals from countries in four continents. Officers stations at EU airports were able to identify a large number of victims as vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. Those identified were either successfully referred to the UK’s National Referral Mechanism, or returned them to their home countries with welfare checks or police assistance put in place upon their return.

There were also seizures of goods such as false driver’s licenses, weapons, and hard drugs. The information gleaned from these action days has led to the opening of 327 new cases, along with the possible identification of further suspects and of human trafficking. This enhancement of cooperation between EU agencies, national law enforcement, and actors such as passenger information units, will inform similar future investigations into these serious criminal activities.

Law enforcement also targeted a wide range of possible locations for human traffickers, such as bars, brothels, nightclubs, nail bars, massage studios, and strip clubs. This diverse range of target areas was the result of intelligence showing that traffickers were deploying multiple methods for recruiting their victims, such as the ‘lover boy’ method and threats of violence against victims’ relatives.

*Countries involved: Austria (Action Leader), Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania (Action Co-Leader), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo***, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina

**Results are still to be collated from activities in Luxembourg and Malta.

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